9 resultados para efficience

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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A eficiência na absorção de nutrientes pelos frutos pode sofrer interferências em função da estrutura morfológica presente. Assim, frente à importância do conhecimento da morfologia dos frutos para um manejo mais adequado dos pomares em termos de adubação foliar, ou de tratamentos pós-colheita para ampliar a vida útil dos mesmos, desenvolveu-se o presente estudo, cujo objetivo foi descrever a morfologia do pericarpo dos frutos de goiabeira. Para isto, amostras do pericarpo de goiabas (cv. Paluma) foram observadas ao microscópio ótico e eletrônico de varredura. Algumas das características observadas, como a presença de cutícula espessa, cêra epicuticular, três camadas subepidérmicas de células compactas e grande quantidade de esclereídeos, bem como a presença esporádica e dispersa de estômatos, podem constituir-se em barreiras para a absorção e movimentação de nutrientes e substâncias aplicadas aos frutos de goiabeira.


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O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de se estudar 3 doses de N e 3 doses de K2O, combinadas entre si e aplicadas em cobertura aos 15, 30 e 45 dias após a emergência das plântulas, na eficiência do uso da água e na qualidade de frutos de melão. Utilizou-se um Podzólico Vermelho Escuro, eutrófíco, textura média/argilosa, do município de Ilha Solteira(SP). O experimento foi implantado no ano de 1991 fazendo-se uso dos cultivares Valenciano Amarelo e Eldorado 300, em espaçamento de 2,0m entre linhas e 0,75m entre covas. A cultura foi conduzida sem capação e desbrota e os tratamentos fítossanitários procedidos de acordo com a necessidade. Pelos resultados obtidos verificou-se que o N ou o K2O influenciaram alguns parâmetros no cultivar Eldorado 300: peso da casca, peso de sementes com mucilagem e acidez titulável, além do rendimento de polpa no cultivar Valenciano Amarelo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The experiment was conducted to investigate the viability of the production of the edible fungus Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) Singer in substrates in which main source of carbon was the cotton textille mill waste. Two substrates compositions were tested: C1 (cotton textille mill waste, wheat bran, plaster and limestone) and C2 (cotton textille mill waste, wheat bran, bean straw, plaster and limestone). A DIC experimental design was used, with nine repetitions for treatment and the production data and biological efficiency were analyzed being used the procedure ANOVAG of the statistical package SAEG. The cotton textille mill waste improvement, as the main ingredient of the substrate, was shown efficient for the production of the mushroom P. sajor-caju, presenting satisfactory values of productivity (0,56 and 0,5 kg/kg substratum) and biological efficiency (55,76 and 55,39%), respectively for C1 and C2. These results showed us that cotton textille mill waste, could be recommended as less onerous alternative of commercial substrate for the species Pleurotus sajor-caju.


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In this work, a fibrous cellulose obtained from the sugar cane bagasse was analysed about its binder/disintegrating action and about its interference degree in the dissolution rate ('in vitro') of active principles, when incorporated in a compact system that has a water-soluble drug. It was used as reference drug the Lithium Carbonate, considering its solubility in water and it difficulties in the compressibility and flow rate. That cellulose was evaluated in a comparative study, involving another fibrous cellulose generally used in the tablet obtainment (Microcel 3E-200). After the experiment in methodologies of dry granulation and wet granulation, it was concluded that the analysed celluloses presents adequate binder/disintegrating efficience and they are equivalents in these aspect.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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One of the reasons that influences the efficience of a port terminal that is especialized in movement of containers is in the process of their loading and unloading. The fundamental idea is to determine a plan, to each port in order to decrease the number of total movement of loading and unloading that are necessary during the ship route to every port so that they save time and consequently reduce costs. The goal of this research was to present improvement in the program, written in language C, used to solve to problem of loading and unloading of ships, a NP-complete problem, through the meta-heuristics Simulated Annealing. With the improvement made, an average of 50% reduction of necessary time was gotten to solve the problem in 45 analised instances and in a specific group of these instances the average reduction reached 77 and in 10 instances there was even an improvement in the solution