67 resultados para discoveries

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Se os cronistas espanhóis inventaram paulatinamente o que viria a ser a América, como O' Gorman propôs, os cronistas portugueses da primeira metade do século XVI foram bem mais cautelosos na construção de uma identidade para os territórios do ultramar visitados por Colombo e por Cabral. Esses cronistas quinhentistas, com os olhos na Ásia, só tardiamente deixaram de pensar esse quase um outro mundo como lugar de passagem para pensá-lo como lugar de parada. Embora distanciando-se do tom de espanto que marca cartas e relatos utilizados como fontes e revelando uma preocupação em atribuir um lugar específico para a viagem de Cabral na construção da história portuguesa, as peripécias dos navegadores sobressaem às peculiaridades das terras e gentes que viriam futuramente a merecer dos seus congêneres uma atenção especial. Neste ensaio, o alvo visado é o lugar, na cronística portuguesa quinhentista, conferido a esses territórios de pouco prestígio, melhor, o lugar que lhe é concedido na memória portuguesa desses primeiros tempos.


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O princípio da precaução (PP) é uma diretriz em saúde que vem ganhando relevo nos últimos 20 anos. Seu propósito é orientar medidas nas situações em que o conhecimento científico está ainda incompleto, denotando a incerteza. As condições de economia de mercado estimulam o uso de produtos e processos inovadores, dependentes do desenvolvimento científico e das novas descobertas em curso. Suas implicações para a saúde nem sempre estão inteiramente avaliadas, expondo a população trabalhadora às incertezas. O exame da literatura mostra que o uso do PP, embora sob consenso dos órgãos reguladores em diferentes países, ainda é objeto de intenso debate na comunidade científica. em coerência com os propósitos básicos, a proteção do meio ambiente conta com milhares de citações do seu emprego, em contraste com as poucas recomendações de uso para as exposições ocupacionais. Entre estas, o PP vem sendo entendido como pouco adequado ao âmbito dos especialistas e mais indicado à proteção de populações vulneráveis. Investigações históricas mostram que a noção de precaução foi quase sempre usada em sentido inverso, fazendo-se uso da dúvida para conter as possíveis melhorias de proteção no trabalho. Conclui-se que o uso do PP depende do pressuposto da incerteza científica, caracterizada pela noção de risco, em detrimento do determinismo da causa, condição ainda não superada nas relações de trabalho.


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Chicken is one of the most important sources of animal protein for human consumption, and breeding programmes have been responsible for constant improvements in production efficiency and product quality. Furthermore, chicken has largely contributed to fundamental discoveries in biology for the last 100 years. In this article we review recent developments in poultry genomics and their contribution to adding functional information to the already existing structural genomics, including the availability of the complete genome sequence, a comprehensive collection of mRNA sequences ( ESTs), microarray platforms, and their use to complement QTL mapping strategies in the identification of genes that underlie complex traits. Efforts of the Brazilian Poultry Genomics Programme in this area resulted in generation of a resource population, which was used for identification of Quantitative Trait Loci ( QTL) regions, generation of ESTs and candidate gene studies that contributed to furthering our understanding of the complex biological processes involved in growth and muscular development in chicken.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Prostate differentiation during embryogenesis and its further homeostatic state maintenance during adult life depend on androgens. Abundant biological data suggest that androgens play an important role in the development of the prostate cancer and other prostatic diseases. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the testosterone supplementation in gerbil (a new experimental model) at different ages. Tissues from experimental animals were studied by histological and histochemistry procedures, androgen receptor immunohistochemistry assay, morphometric-stereological analysis, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). After the treatment were observed increase of prostate weight and epithelium height in all ages studied. In some adult and aged treated animals, hyperplasic and displasic process were observed, including prostatic intraepithelial neoplasias and adenocarcinomas. Increase of the thickness of the smooth muscle cell (SMC) layer was observed in pubescent and adult animals and TEM revealed apparent SMC hypertrophy. An apparent increase in the frequency of blood vessels distributed by the subepithelial stroma in the treated animals was noticed. Reversion of the natural effects of aging on the prostate was observed in the aged treated animals in some acini of the gland. These data demonstrate that the gerbil prostate is susceptible to androgenic action at the studied ages and it can serve, for example, as experimental model to studies of prostate neoplasic process induction and hormonal therapy in aged animals.


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In this study, we characterized the gerbil's ventral prostate histology ultrastructurally and quantitatively throughout three phases of postnatal development (young, adult, and old) in order to comprehend its biological behavior and propensity to developing spontaneous lesions with aging. The gerbil prostate is composed of alveoli and ducts immersed in a stroma composed of smooth muscle, fibroblasts, collagen and elastic fibers and vessels. The prostate tissue components present morphological and quantitative aspects that vary according to age. Young animals have an immature gland with modest secretory activity. Synthetic activity remained stable in adult and old gerbil. However, prostatic morphology was altered in the aging, showing an increased epithelium and stromal fibrosis. The nuclei of the secretory cells increased with aging, whereas nucleoli presented few alterations during postnatal development. The epithelial proliferation and stromal remodeling noted in this study indicate that the gerbil prostate may respond to the androgen declines typical of senescence through epithelial proliferation and stromal remodeling.


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Morphological and stereological analyses were used to characterize the growth kinetics of the Wistar rat ventral prostate (VP). Volume density and absolute volume of the epithelium, lumen, smooth muscle cells (SMCs), and nonmuscular stroma were determined by stereology and paired with plasma testosterone levels and different morphometric measurements. The VP shows an initial growth within the first 3 weeks, a resting phase, and the puberal growth. The puberal growth was coincident with the raise in plasma testosterone. Lumen formation occurred within the 3 postnatal weeks. After an expected increase during puberty, the lumen showed a further increase at the 12th week. The volume density of the nonmuscular stroma and of the SMCs decreased slowly postnatally. Absolute volume of the luminal compartment showed three phases of growth (weeks 1-3, 6-9, and 11-12). on the other hand, the increase in the absolute volume of the epithelium was steady up to the 8th week and then showed a marked increase up the 10th week. The increase in epithelial volume was characterized morphologically by the presence of epithelial infoldings and sprouts. The growth of the epithelium showed a 2-week delay as compared to the lumen and occurred only until the 10th week. The epithelial height was variable but could be related to the synthetic activity of the epithelium. In conclusion, the postnatal growth of the VP results from a combination of epithelial proliferation/differentiation and synthesis/accumulation of the secretory products in the lumen.


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Há uma filosofia da história implícita na obra de Thomas Mann. Este artigo pretende fornecer elementos para compreender esta filosofia que tem raízes em Schopenhauer e Nietzsche, mas que também deve muito às descobertas da psicanálise e ao aprofundado conhecimento de mitologia do escritor alemão.


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Programas de melhoramento são atividades que se desenvolvem durante anos e, por isso, devem ser flexíveis ao ajuste às novas situações criadas por mudanças nas tendências de mercado, na situação econômica e aquelas causadas por aumento do volume e qualidade dos dados e, também, por novas técnicas propostas pela comunidade científica. O ajuste a essas últimas deve ser feito, principalmente, por meio da substituição e escolha do modelo mais adequado para a descrição do fenômeno, em um determinado cenário. Os dados de ganho de peso médio diário, de um programa de melhoramento de suínos, envolvendo as raças Duroc, Landrace e Large White, foram analisados por meio da teoria bayesiana, por meio de dois modelos candidatos. Foram simulados três níveis de informação à priori: informativa, pouco informativa e não informativa. O comportamento das curvas das distribuições à posteriori e as respectivas estimativas associadas a cada nível de informação à priori foram analisadas e comparadas. Os resultados indicam que no modelo mais simples, as amostras das três raças são suficientes para produzir estimativas que não são alteradas pela informação à priori. Com relação ao mais parametrizado, as estimativas, para a raça Duroc, são alteradas pelo conhecimento prévio e, nesse caso, deve se buscar a melhor representação possível da distribuição à priori para obtenção de estimativas que são mais adequadas, dado o estado de conhecimento atual do melhorista.


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As relações que Wittgenstein mantém com o pensamento de Freud, como atestaram vários estudiosos, são marcadamente ambíguas: existe, por um lado, uma crítica acerba do caráter pseudocientífico com que a psicanálise apresenta supostas “descobertas empíricas”, e do fascínio exercido por este modo de proceder; mas há, por outro lado, evidências da sua admiração pelo efeito dissolvente do uso de metáforas e interpretações, chegando mesmo Wittgenstein a incorporar essa estratégia ao seu próprio método de investigação lógica dos conceitos filosóficos. Neste trabalho pretendo retirar de uma reflexão acerca do método incorporado às Investigações Filosóficas, comparável em muitos aspectos à clínica de uma psicanálise lingüística dessubstancializada, alguns pontos positivos que se poderiam acrescentar à crítica da concepção de linguagem de Lacan.


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Diabetes mellitus can lead to reproductive disorders that in turn result in weakened fertility brought about by morphofunctional changes in the testes and accessory sex glands. However, doubts persist concerning the basic biology of the secretory epithelial cells and the stroma of the coagulating gland of diabetic mice. Thus, the objective of the present study was to analyze the histological and ultrastructural changes associated with stereology of the coagulating gland of mice with alloxan-induced diabetes, and of spontaneously diabetic mice. Sixteen mice of the C57BL/6J strain, and eight non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice were used. The animals were divided into three groups: 1) control (C), 2) alloxan diabetic (AD), and 3) NOD. Thirty days after the detection of diabetic status in group 2, all of the animals were killed and then perfused with Karnovsky's solution through the left cardiac ventricle. The coagulating gland was then removed and processed for morphometric study by light microscopy and electron microscopy. The results showed thickening of the stroma, atrophy of secretory epithelial cells, and disorganization of the organelles involved in the secretory process in both NOD and alloxan-induced mice. Thus, it may be concluded that the coagulating gland suffered drastic morphological changes, and consequently impaired glandular function, in the presence of diabetes mellitus type I in both NOD and AD mice. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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During bone formation, as in other tissues and organs, intense cellular proliferation and differentiation are usually observed. It has been described that programmed cell death, i.e., apoptosis, takes place in the control of the cellular population by removing of the excessive and damaged cells. Although it is generally accepted that apoptotic bodies are engulfed by professional phagocytes, the neighboring cells can also take part in the removal of apoptotic bodies. In the present study, regions of initial alveolar bone formation of rat molars were examined with the aim to verify whether osteoblasts are capable of engulfing apoptotic bodies, such as professional phagocytes. Rats aged 11-19 days were sacrificed and the maxillary fragments containing the first molar were removed and immersed in the fixative solution. The specimens fixed in glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde were processed for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. For the detection of apoptosis, the specimens were fixed in formaldehyde, embedded in paraffin, and submitted to the TUNEL method. The results revealed round/ovoid structures containing dense bodies on the bone surface in close contact to osteoblasts and in conspicuous osteoblast vacuoles. These round/ovoid structures showed also positivity to the TUNEL method, indicating that bone cells on the bone surface are undergoing apoptosis. Ultrathin sections showed images of apoptotic bodies being engulfed by osteoblasts. Occasionally, the osteoblasts exhibited large vacuoles containing blocks of condensed chromatin and remnants of organelles. Thus, these images suggest that osteoblasts are able to engulf and degrade apoptotic bodies. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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This paper reflects on the conceptions of adventure and risk, revealed in activities in nature. The presented speeches are contained in a research, whose boarding works with a universe of reasons, aspirations, values, beliefs and attitudes, corresponding to a deeper space of the processes, relations and phenomena. It was possible to perceive that the adventure activities in nature are carrying of innumerable meanings, related with new discoveries, new challenges, search for the stranger, uncertainty, cooperation, friendship, among others. Such activities understand diverse forms of experimentation, pointing besides to physical risk, the symbolic and imaginary risk.


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The plants, since the antiquity, have been a resource within reach of the human being. Along millenniums, the man empirically deepened its knowledge for the improvement in the alimentation and cure conditions of its illnesses, demonstrating a narrow relation between plant use and its own evolution. A lot of people described the herbs utilization like medication form in their records and manuscripts, but many centuries have been passed until the true power of the plants was recognized. The great discoveries of the active plants principles only were possible after technological advances for the isolation and structural elucidation. Several active substances with pharmacological activity, many times indicated by the popular use, were going proved scientifically. Nowadays, the man still seeks solutions for several diseases and health problems and maybe the plants can contribute of more significant way for resolve them.