76 resultados para digital knowledge maps

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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This work aimed to apply geoprocessing techniques to identify and to quantify the types of vegetal coverings in part of the county Botucatu – SP, having been divided into three phases: acquisition of data; georeferencing based on the digital topographic maps in 1:50000 scale and finally the thematic maps were generated. The methodology used to the analogical aerial photographics georeferencing showed efficient, considering that it was based on scientific procedures of residues


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This work aimed to apply geoprocessing techniques to identify and to quantify the types of vegetal coverings in part of the county Botucatu – SP, having been divided into three phases: acquisition of data; georeferencing based on the digital topographic maps in 1:50000 scale and finally the thematic maps were generated. The methodology used to the analogical aerial photographics georeferencing showed efficient, considering that it was based on scientific procedures of residues analysis and the positioning central was classified as A, according to the Cartographic Precision Pattern.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article has the objective to describe the importance of management knowledge. And, for that, we have done a study upon a case, based on the mapping of the process of classes distribution in the Escolas Técnicas do Centro Paula Souza. The management of knowledge is a way to provide it to the people, considering that knowledge becomes a fundamental and necessary resource to the development of the privante or public organizations. The use of knowledge maps becomes a crucial factor in this process of transformation of tacit knowledge into explicit, because having a high knowledge level, and socialize it, is as essential and important as all the other resources that exist within the institutions.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Em um segmento de vertente com substrato de arenito em contato com basalto, regionalmente muito freqüente, pretendeu-se não só relacionar as superfícies geomórficas com os atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos Latossolos nelas encontrados, mas também testar métodos geoestatísticos para localização de limites dessas superfícies. Usando critérios geomorfológicos, três superfícies foram identificadas e topograficamente caracterizadas. Os solos foram amostrados, a intervalos regulares de 25 m, na profundidade de 0,6 a 0,8 m (topo do horizonte B), em uma transeção de 1.700 m perfazendo 109 pontos. Nas amostras, foram analisados: densidade de partículas, granulometria, CTC do solo, CTC da argila, Fe total da argila (ataque por H2SO4) e óxidos de Fe livres (por dissolução seletiva). A fração argila desferrificada foi analisada por difração de raios X. Com base na estratigrafia e variações do relevo local, foram identificadas e diferenciadas, no campo, três superfícies geomórficas. Analisaram-se também o perfil altimétrico e o modelo de elevação digital do terreno. Observou-se que as três diferentes superfícies estão bem relacionadas com os atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos seus respectivos solos. Na parte inferior desta vertente, superfície mais recente e sobre basalto, em Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico típico, foram encontradas as maiores variabilidades da declividade, da argila e de Fe. As variações da inclinação do terreno, quando analisadas sistematicamente pelo split moving windows dissimilarity analysis (análise estatística de dissimilaridade, em segmentos móveis), mostraram que este método estatístico pode ser usado para ajudar a localizar os limites entre superfícies geomórficas. As variações dos solos da transeção, e arredores, mostraram-se relacionadas com idade, inclinação do terreno e litologia. O trabalho geomórfico detalhado forneceu importantes informações para subsidiar os trabalhos de levantamento de solos e de pedogênese.


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One of needs of modern agriculture is the prediction of spatial variability of soil properties at more detailed scales for sustainable management and optimization of management practices. The mathematical model associated with knowledge of variability of soil attributes and mapping of relief forms has helped in agricultural planning. In this regard the aim of this study was to characterize the spatial variability of physical and chemical properties of Oxisols and Ultisols using numerical classification and the digital elevation model. Two distinct landforms: convex for the Oxisol (158 ha) and linear for the Ultisol (172 ha). 53 samples from the Oxisol and 57 samples from the Ultisol were taken. Multivariate analysis of clusters of attributes studied from their euclidean distances was performed. This analysis by dendograms along with digital elevation models for different soils characterized was more homogeneous in Ultisol groups, and less homogeneous for the Oxisol in convex landform. These quantitative methods showed that the landforms conditioned the spatial pattern of soil attributes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Investigates the relationship between Information Architecture in digital environments with Intellectual Property Rights. The work is justified by the need to better understand the emerging dynamics of Digital Information and Communication Law Technologies and Intellectual Property Rights. Three areas of knowledge are directly related to the study: Information Science, Law and Computer Science. The methodology used in the investigative process is aligned with the qualitative approach. With respect to the technical procedures the research is classified as bibliographic or secondary sources. The results showed that the current Brazilian legislation does not provide the adequate mechanisms necessary to protect the intellectual property rights associated to an Information Architecture project to its holders.


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Aim:To examine how much final-year undergraduate dental students know about postural dental ergonomic requirements, and how well they apply these requirements clinically.Background:Dentists are vulnerable to diverse mechanical (e.g. postural) and non-mechanical occupational risks.Materials and Methods:Eight postural requirements found in normalising documents were identified, reproduced, photographed, and analysed to develop a test of visual perception (TVP). Photographs of the 69 participating students were taken during their clinical care to ascertain ergonomics compliance, after which the students were administered the TVP. Pearson's test was used to correlate the level of knowledge (TVP) and its clinical application (photographic analysis) among the 552 observations made for each test (total of 1104 observations).Results:65.7% of the TVP questions were answered correctly and 35% of the photographic cases were in compliance with ergonomic requirements (+ 0.67, P < 0.0001).Conclusion:The knowledge of ergonomics postural requirements and their clinical application among the dental students surveyed were not satisfactory. The reasons for the learning difficulties encountered by the students should be identified to improve the learning process. The didactic use of digital images in this study may help in this endeavour.


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The analysis of large amounts of data is better performed by humans when represented in a graphical format. Therefore, a new research area called the Visual Data Mining is being developed endeavoring to use the number crunching power of computers to prepare data for visualization, allied to the ability of humans to interpret data presented graphically.This work presents the results of applying a visual data mining tool, called FastMapDB to detect the behavioral pattern exhibited by a dataset of clinical information about hemoglobinopathies known as thalassemia. FastMapDB is a visual data mining tool that get tabular data stored in a relational database such as dates, numbers and texts, and by considering them as points in a multidimensional space, maps them to a three-dimensional space. The intuitive three-dimensional representation of objects enables a data analyst to see the behavior of the characteristics from abnormal forms of hemoglobin, highlighting the differences when compared to data from a group without alteration.


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Oil spills cause great damage to coastal habitats, especially when rapid and suitable response measures are not taken. Establishing high priority areas is fundamental for the operation of response teams. Under this context and considering the need for keeping all geographical information up-to-date for emergencial use, the present study proposes employing a decision tree coupled with a knowledge-based approach using GIS to assign oil sensitivity indices to Brazilian coastal habitats. The modelled system works based on rules set by the official standards of Brazilian Federal Environment Organ. We tested it on one of the littoral regions of Brazil where transportation of petroleum is most intense: the coast of the municipalities of Sao Sebastiao and Caraguatatuba in the northern littoral of São Paulo state, Brazil. The system automatically ranked the littoral sensitivity index of the study area habitats according to geographical conditions during summer and winter; since index ranks of some habitats varied between these seasons because of sediment alterations. The obtained results illustrate the great potential of the proposed system in generating ESI maps and in aiding response teams during emergency operations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Reliable spectral analysis is only achieved if the spectrum is thoroughly investigated in regard to all hidden and overlapped peaks. This paper describes the steps undertaken to find and separate such peaks in the range of 3000 to 4000 cm(-1) in the case of three different infrared absorption spectra of the glass surface of hydrolyzed silica optical fibers. Peak finding was done by the analysis of the second and fourth derivatives of the digital data, coupled with the available knowledge of infrared spectroscopy of silica-water interaction in the investigated range. Peak separation was accomplished by curve fitting with four different models. The model with the best fit was described by a sum of pure Gaussian peaks. Shoulder limit and detection limit maps were used to validate the revealed spectral features.


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This paper presents the principal results of a detailed study about the use of the Meaningful Fractal Fuzzy Dimension measure in the problem in determining adequately the topological dimension of output space of a Self-Organizing Map. This fractal measure is conceived by combining the Fractals Theory and Fuzzy Approximate Reasoning. In this work this measure was applied on the dataset in order to obtain a priori knowledge, which is used to support the decision making about the SOM output space design. Several maps were designed with this approach and their evaluations are discussed here.


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The radiopacity of esthetic restorative materials has been established as an important requirement, improving the radiographic diagnosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of six restorative materials using a direct digital image system, comparing them to the dental tissues (enamel-dentin), expressed as equivalent thickness of aluminum (millimeters of aluminum). Five specimens of each material were made. Three 2-mm thick longitudinal sections were cut from an intact extracted permanent molar tooth (including enamel and dentin). An aluminum step wedge with 9 steps was used. The samples of different materials were placed on a phosphor plate together with a tooth section, aluminum step wedge and metal code letter, and were exposed using a dental x-ray unit. Five measurements of radiographic density were obtained from each image of each item assessed (restorative material, enamel, dentin, each step of the aluminum step wedge) and the mean of these values was calculated. Radiopacity values were subsequently calculated as equivalents of aluminum thickness. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated significant differences in radiopacity values among the materials (P<0.0001). The radiopacity values of the restorative materials evaluated were, in decreasing order: TPH, F2000, Synergy, Prisma Flow, Degufill, Luxat. Only Luxat had significantly lower radiopacity values than dentin. One material (Degufill) had similar radiopacity values to enamel and four (TPH, F2000, Synergy and Prisma Flow) had significantly higher radiopacity values than enamel. In conclusion, to assess the adequacy of posterior composite restorations it is important that the restorative material to be used has enough radiopacity, in order to be easily distinguished from the tooth structure in the radiographic image. Knowledge on the radiopacity of different materials helps professionals to select the most suitable material, along with other properties such as biocompatibility, adhesion and esthetic.