27 resultados para diastema

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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OBJETIVO: A associação de mesiodens com hábito de sucção digital como fatores etiológicos de diastemas medianos é uma situação clínica incomum e, quando presente, provoca um comprometimento estético e funcional. O objetivo desse trabalho é descrever o caso clínico de um paciente, aos 9 anos de idade, com mordida aberta anterior e um diastema mediano de 9 mm. DESCRIÇÃO do CASO: Após o diagnóstico ortodôntico, a conduta terapêutica foi a exodontia do mesiodens e instalação de uma grade palatina fixa para controle do hábito de sucção digital. em seguida, bráquetes ortodônticos foram colados nos incisivos centrais superiores e o diastema foi fechado possibilitando a irrupção espontânea dos incisivos laterais. Quando adequados níveis de trespasse vertical e horizontal entre os incisivos foi alcançado e o hábito removido, o tratamento foi finalizado. CONCLUSÃO: É importante ressaltar que com o objetivo de alcançar resultados estéticos e funcionais satisfatórios, minimizando sequelas ao desenvolvimento da oclusão deve-se realizar o diagnóstico precoce e intervenção imediata dos diastemas medianos patológicos.


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Several aspects beyond the restorative phase itself such as orthodontic movement and periodontal treatment must be considered in cases of closure of diastemas. In such cases, a multidisciplinary approach is essential. As patients during orthodontic treatment may show high risk of developing dental caries and periodontal disease, inflammation of the gingival tissue is a common finding. For this reason, a preliminary basic periodontal treatment is critical to the success of restorative procedure. In addition, postoperative care and instruction in phonetics, oral hygiene and periodic control must be considered by professionals and patients. Thus, this paper demonstrates through a case report, pre and postoperative issues that should be considered during the closure of diastemas using a layering technique with resin composites


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The following is a clinical case report of a patient whose main complaint was the presence of a generalized spacing in the anterior maxillary segment. After meticulous clinical analysis and discussions of the clinical procedures to be adopted, a labial frenectomy was our first choice, so that we could reduce the diastemas directly using composite resin. It was observed that the association of clinical and restorative procedures was capable of giving back shape, function and dental aesthetics, allowing to the young patient the satisfaction of smiling without any fear.


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Pathologic tooth migration related to periodontal disease is a common chief complaint of periodontal patients. This paper describes the treatment of a case of severe periodontal disease and disfiguring pathologic migration of maxillary central incisors, which required a multidisciplinary approach. After conventional pert. odontal treatment was performed, the anterior diastema was closed using a combination of orthodontic therapy and restorative treatment. A 6-month follow-up examination of this case revealed resolution of the anterior pathologic migration, with gains in clinical attachment levels and a successful esthetic and functional final result.


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Objectives: To evaluate the attractiveness of a smile according to variations from esthetic norms, photographic framing, and the order of the presentation of photographs.Materials and Methods: A photograph of an individual was selected and digitally manipulated to create the following smiles: an ideal control smile (I), a smile with diastema (D1), a smile with midline deviation (LM3), a smile with deviation from the long axes of the lateral incisors (10D), and a smile with an inverted smile arc (LSRV). The manipulated photographs were developed in framings of the face and of the mouth and evaluated by 20 laypeople. For half the evaluators, the presentation started with facial photographs and, for the other half, the presentation began with the mouth shots. Evaluators were asked to rank the photographs from the least to the most attractive; then, each photograph was awarded a mark (scale of 0.0 to 10.0).Results: In both presentations, the smiles I, LM3, 10D, and LSRV received favorable ratings, whereas the D1 smile got poor ratings. The photographic framings used (face vs mouth) and the order of presentation of the photographs did not influence the rankings.Conclusion: The absence of variations from beauty norms of a smile has a positive impact on its esthetic perception, but variations from the norms do not necessarily result in reduced attractiveness. (Angle Orthod. 2009;79:634-639.)


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OBJETIVOS: avaliar e mensurar a sutura palatina mediana por meio de radiografias oclusais totais de maxila digitalizadas, antes e depois da sua disjunção. MÉTODOS: a amostra constou de 17 pacientes, com idades entre 7 e 22 anos. Radiografias oclusais totais da maxila foram executadas antes e depois da abertura da sutura palatina mediana, e digitalizadas em scanner HP Scanjet 6110 C com adaptador de transparências HPC 6261 6100 C, utilizando-se o programa Deskscan II. Para a avaliação e medição, foi utilizado o programa Radioimp® (Radiomemory, MG/Brasil). Na análise estatística, foram utilizados a média, o desvio-padrão, o coeficiente de variação e os testes t e ANOVA. CONCLUSÕES: após os resultados, foi possível concluir que (1) na região dos incisivos, houve uma abertura palatina mediana estatisticamente significativa; (2) houve abertura de diastema entre os incisivos centrais superiores em torno de 69,37% dos casos; (3) houve uma maior abertura da sutura palatina mediana na região a 10mm a partir da crista para posterior, em comparação com a região a 3mm para posterior do parafuso expansor; (4) na região a 3mm para posterior do parafuso expansor houve uma abertura de 35,97%, e na região a 10mm para posterior da crista uma abertura de 69,37%.


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Two newborn males, two adult males 9 and 72 months old, one newborn female and two adult females of 30 and 54 months old pacas were used. Animals were radiographed on lateral recumbency, teeth were extracted and the vestibulolingual and mesiodistal lengths were achieved at the occlusal surface, besides the longitudinal length. The lower incisors presented greater length in relation to the other ones and sinuous shape; the upper incisors, relatively smaller, are practically straight. There is no canine tooth, and after a great diastema there is one premolar and three molars in each hemiarcade. In adult pacas, the enamel of incisors presents yellowish colour, mainly in the labial surface; in the premolars and molars, the enamel is present as internal sheets disposed nearly in a parallel way and in vestibulolingual direction, through practically all the dental length, which provides several joined teeth aspect.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the periodontal conditions of anterior teeth that presented pathologic migration in patients with chronic periodontitis and to compare periodontal destruction in migrated versus non-migrated teeth. The sample included 32 patients of both sexes (mean age: 46.0 +/- 11.6 years) diagnosed with generalized chronic periodontitis and selected on the basis of the presence of pathologic migration in one or more anterior teeth. This migration was classified according to the following categories: facial flaring, diastema, proximal tilting, rotation or extrusion. The periodontal parameters recorded were clinical attachment loss (CAL) and percentage of radiographic bone loss (BL). Mean CAL of 5.50 +/- 2.20 mm and mean BL of 41.90 +/- 15.40% were found in 115 teeth assessed. The most frequent type of migration was facial flaring (34.80%), followed by diastema (27.00%). Extrusion was hardly observed in the sample (4.30%). However, greater severity of BL and CAL were observed in teeth with this type of migration (59.44% and 8.42 mm, respectively), and in teeth with facial flaring (45.17% of BL and 6.07 mm of CAL). Kruskal-Wallis test indicated that BL presented by teeth with extrusion or facial flaring was greater than that observed in rotated or tilted teeth (p < 0.05), while there was no difference between groups regarding CAL (p = 0.11). It was observed that anterior teeth with pathologic migration presented greater CAL and BL (5.1 mm and 40%) than non-migrated teeth (4.1 and 31%). The study indicated that the most prevalent kind of pathologic migration is facial flaring, which was associated to higher level of bone loss.


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The following is a clinical case report of a patient whose chief complaint was the presence of generalized spacing in the maxillary anterior segment following orthodontic treatment. After meticulous clinical analyses and discussions of the clinical procedures to be adopted, dental bleaching was performed in both arches with 10% hydrogen peroxide (Opalescence Trèswhite Supreme 10% Hydrogen Peroxide - Ultradent Products, Inc., South Jordan, USA) after the conclusion and stabilization of orthodontic treatment. Then, the orthodontic appliance was removed and the diastemas in the maxillary anterior teeth were closed with Amelogen Plus (Ultradent Products, Inc., South Jordan, USA) resin composite. It was observed that the association of orthodontic, bleaching, and restorative procedures was capable of restoring dental shape, function, and esthetics, allowing the patient to smile without hesitation.


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Aim: The present case report described the use of contact lens of thin porcelain veneers as a restorative therapy to solve anterior teeth disharmony. Background: Fragments of thin veneers are minimally invasive restorations with little or no dental preparation and present thickness ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. They are used in case of diastema closure, small changes of teeth, color and restoration of teeth with small fractures. Case report: A 25-year-old man was admitted at a dental clinic complaining about the diastema presence on the upper anterior teeth. Patient was referred to an orthodontic treatment in order to provide better distribution of the diastemas and harmonious proportion of the teeth. Afterwards, contact lens of thin porcelain veneers were fabricated on the six upper anterior teeth. Conclusion: Based on the outcomes of this clinical report, we considered the use of fragments of thin veneers as a successful treatment option after 3 years of follow-up. Clinical significance: The fragments of thin veneers have been established to be an interesting alternative to esthetically restore the anterior teeth with minimal invasiveness. However, since it is a new treatment modality, longitudinal studies are necessary to understand the material's behavior.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)