12 resultados para desagregação da chuva de 24 h
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de conhecer a influência que algumas variáveis meteorológicas exercem na razão entre sólidos solúveis totais e acidez total titulável (ratio) e no índice tecnológico dos frutos da primeira florada das laranjeiras-'Natal' e 'Valência', na região de Bebedouro-SP, mediante a utilização de métodos estatísticos de regressão. Foram utilizados dados de amostragens de rotina para o processamento industrial durante 4 anos, os quais permitiram desenvolver equações de regressão linear e quadrática, com a soma térmica (graus-dia) como variável independente, e de regressão múltipla, utilizando graus-dia e chuva como variáveis independentes. A equação de melhor ajuste para o índice tecnológico foi a quadrática, enquanto para o ratio a equação linear apresentou o melhor ajuste. A temperatura do ar, representada por graus-dia, foi a variável que exerceu maior influência nos indicadores de qualidade dos frutos.
This study aimed to evaluate the imazamox control efficiency on aquatic plants under different intervals of simulated rain after its spraying. The experiment was carried out in completely random design with four replications. The imazamox at 290.4 g ha(-1) was tested on three aquatic weed species, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Pistia stratiotes L. and Salvinia adnata Desv and, under eight different rain-free periods (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 hours). Rainfall was simulated using a sprinkler irrigation system (20mm). There was a good control of Eichhornia crassipes, regardless of periods without rain after herbicide spraying. However, Pistia stratiotes took a rain-free period of at least eight hours to obtain an effective control. In Salvinia adnata, whole rain-free periods affected the control provided by the herbicide.
Os restos vegetais deixados na superfície do solo em sistemas de semeadura direta, além de proteger o solo da erosão, constituem considerável reserva de nutrientes que podem ser disponibilizados para a cultura principal, subseqüente. Avaliou-se a lixiviação de K da palha de seis espécies vegetais com potencial de uso como plantas para cobertura do solo de acordo com a quantidade de chuva recebida após o manejo. Milheto (Pennisetum americanum, var. BN-2), sorgo de guiné (Sorghum vulgare), aveia preta (Avena strigosa), triticale (Triticum secale), crotalária juncea (Crotalaria juncea) e braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens) foram cultivados em vasos com terra, em casa de vegetação, em Botucatu (SP). Aos 45 dias da emergência, as plantas foram cortadas na altura do colo, secas em estufa e submetidas a chuvas simuladas de 4,4, 8,7, 17,4, 34,9 e 69,8 mm, considerando uma quantidade de palha equivalente a 8,0 t ha-1. A máxima retenção de água pela palha corresponde a uma lâmina de até 3,0 mm, independentemente da espécie, praticamente não ocorrendo lixiviação do potássio com chuvas da ordem de 5 mm. A máxima liberação de K por unidade de chuva ocorre com lâminas de até 20 mm, decrescendo a partir deste ponto. A quantidade de K liberado da palha logo após o manejo depende da espécie vegetal, não ultrapassando, no entanto, 24 kg ha-1 com chuvas da ordem de 70 mm, apresentando correlação positiva com a concentração do nutriente no tecido vegetal. O triticale e a aveia são mais eficientes na ciclagem do potássio.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different periods of rainfall that occurred after the application of the imazapyr herbicide on the control efficiency of Pistia stratiotes and Eichhornia crassipes. We studied 10 mm rainfall, applied for 5' at different time periods (0h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h, 24h, not simulated rainfall) after the application of imazapyr formulation Arsenal NA, 250 g ai ha -1 (1.0 L cp ha -1). The experiment had completely randomized design with four replications. Plants were evaluated at 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after application (DAA), and the results submitted to analysis of variance by F test and treatment means compared by Tukey's test (p <0. 05). The occurrence of rainfall up to 6 hours after herbicide application, plants of P. stratiotes, negatively affected its efficiency and control; rainfall intervals over 8 hours had no effect in control. The occurrence of rainfall at all time intervals did not affect the control of E. crassipes plants.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the control in pre-emergence of the weeds brachiaria grass (Brachiaria decumbens) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) in different depths in the ground, for the oxyfluorfen and isoxaflutole herbicides, applied in pre-emergence condition and submitted of different rain blades. The experimental design was entirely at random, with four repetitions. Each set was consisted of plastic vases with substratum capacity of 4L, filled with arenaceous ground, increased of brachiaria grass and goosegrass seeds in the depths: 0,5; 1,0; 3,0; 6,0 and 9,0 cm. Doses of 37,5 g a.i. ha -1 of isoxaflutole and 720 g a.i. ha -1 of oxyfluorfen were used. The rain blades was 5, 10 and 20 mm applied with a stationary rain simulator, beyond a treatment without rain. Visual evaluations of control at 7 and 14 days had been carried through after application of the herbicides, counting of germinated plants and dry biomass of plants without application. The development of both weeds was inhibited by herbicides, reaching 100% of control, in all depth levels. The different rain blades had not influenced the control of the weeds. In the biggest depth of sowing (9,0 cm), the emergence was above 45% to B. decumbens and 36% to E. indica in treatments without herbicides application.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The knowledge of the dynamics of soil seed bank and seed rain is fundamental to understand the forest succession process, as well as for its conservation and restoration. This paper aimed at studying the role of the soil seed bank and seed rain in the dynamics of a riparian tropical seasonal forest fragment located on the hinterland of São Paulo State. The seed rain was studied by 30 litter traps installed at 50 cm from the floor, with an area of 50 cm x 50 cm. Between November of 2008 and October of 2009, 11364 seeds of 82 species belonging to 33 different families were collected. The deposition density of seeds was 126.27 individuals.m². With the data obtained from this research, the two seasons couldn’t be differed from each other hence 2009 was an atypical year considering the precipitation, which was constantly elevated. For the soil seed bank, fifty superficial soil samples will be taken at the end of both the rainy and dry seasons. The germination method was applied for the data analysis. It was observed a predominance of herbaceous habit species, with an average of 71% of the germinations in both seasons. The Sφrensen similarity index between the seasons was low (0,27). The density and species diversity were higher after the rainy season, unlike other published researches
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective was to evaluate the influence of intervals without rain after the application of mixtures of carfentrazone-ethyl and glyphosate in the effectiveness of control on Commelina benghalensis. The experimental design was completely randomized with 11 treatments, with two rates of the mixture carfentrazone + glyphosate, 30 + 960 (with sequential application at 21 DAA of the mixture 20 + 960 g ha-1) and 50 + 960 g ha-1 of a.i. and five intervals of precipitation 0, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours after application (HAA), with four repetitions, being an absolute check. The mixture was applied in post-emergence, then was carried out simulations of rain in the predetermined intervals. Were assessed the effectiveness of visual control (0 to 100 %) at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 DAA. The results were compared by t test, with 10 % level of probability. It was observed that the application of the herbicides carfentrazone + glyphosate in the evaluated rates and even in the sequential application did not have control of C. benghalensis. The results with the second application are greater than the single application, and the best absorption of the mixture carfentrazone + glyphosate by C. benghalensis when there is a bigger interval between application and rainfall occurrence, and is necessary a minimum interval of 6 HAA for intermediate control of C. benghalensis.