70 resultados para decompression sickness
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a benign intraosseous neoplasm of odontogenic origin with high recurrence rate. To date, various conservative or aggressive management strategies have been suggested as a method of treatment. Decompression is a conservative method that has been used in the treatment of large odontogenic cysts. The present paper reports a case of KCOT located in the mandible and discusses the importance of its management using conservative methods. The authors present a case of a 38-year-old patient with a KCOT located in the right mandibular angle and ascending ramus, which was treated by decompression followed by enucleation and curettage. The lesion did not recur during a follow-up period of 3 years after surgery. Preserving important structures of the bone and soft tissue decompression is a method with low morbidity. In addition, according to the literature, decompression has a success rate at least as high as the one of most aggressive treatments.
The purpose of this study was to observe and characterize colonic and lung lesions in horses subjected to experimental distension and decompression of the small colon. Sixteen healthy adult horses were divided into 2 groups: 9 horses that were subjected to distension of the small colon by means of a latex balloon surgically implanted in the lumen and inflated to a pressure of 40 mm Hg for 4 h, and 7 horses in which the balloon was implanted but not inflated. Colonic biopsy specimens were collected before balloon implantation, at the end of the period of obstruction, and 1.5 and 12 h after decompression and were examined for hemorrhage, edema, and neutrophil infiltration; myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and hemoglobin concentration were measured as well. At the end of the experiment, lung samples were also collected and examined for neutrophil accumulation and MPO activity. The mucosa was not affected by luminal distension; lesions were restricted to the seromuscular layer. Neutrophil accumulation and edema were observed in the samples from both groups of horses but were greater in those from the distension group, in which there was also hemorrhage, fibrin deposition, and increased MPO activity in the seromuscular layer. Similarly, there was greater accumulation of neutrophils in the lung samples from the distension group than in those from the sham-operated group, as determined by histologic evaluation and MPO assay. These findings provide new evidence of reperfusion injury and a systemic inflammatory response, followed by remote lesions, in horses with intestinal obstruction.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Ameloblastoma is a relatively uncommon benign odontogenic tumor, which is locally aggressive and has a high tendency to recur, despite its benign histopathologic features. This pathology can be classified into 4 groups: unicystic, solid or multicystic, peripheral, and malignant. There are 3 variants of unicystic ameloblastoma, as luminal, intraluminal, and mural. Therefore, in mural ameloblastoma, the fibrous wall of the cyst is infiltrated with tumor nodules, and for this reason it is considered the most aggressive variant of unicystic ameloblastomas. Various treatment techniques for ameloblastomas have been proposed, which include decompression, enucleation/curettage, sclerotizing solution, cryosurgery, marginal resection, and aggressive resection. Literature shows treatment of this lesion continues to be a subject of intense interest and some controversy. Thus, the authors aimed to describe a case of a mural unicystic ameloblastoma of follicular subtype in a 19-year-old subject who was successfully treated using conservative approaches, as decompression. The patient has been followed up for 3 years, and has remained clinically and radiographically disease-free.
Sickness behaviour, a syndrome characterized by a general reduction in animal activity, is part of the active-phase response to fight infection. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), an effective endotoxin to model sickness behaviour, reduces thirst and sodium excretion, and increases neurohypophysial secretion. Here we review the effects of LPS on thirst and sodium appetite. Altered renal function and hydromineral fluid intake in response to LPS occur in the context of behavioural reorganization, which manifests itself as part of the syndrome. Recent data show that, in addition to its classical effect on thirst, non-septic doses of LPS injected intraperitoneally produce a preferential inhibition of intracellular thirst versus extracellular thirst. Moreover, LPS also reduced hypertonic NaCl intake in sodium-depleted rats that entered a sodium appetite test. Antagonism of α2 -adrenoceptors abolished the effect of LPS on sodium appetite. LPS and cytokine transduction potentially recruit brain noradrenaline and α2 -adrenoceptors to control sodium appetite and sickness behaviour.
Avaliação histomorfométrica e ultra-estrutural da mucosa do cólon menor eqüino submetido a distensão
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar as alterações ultraestruturais nas vilosidades do jejuno de seis equinos submetidos à distensão intraluminal com solução salina. A pressão intraluminal foi mantida em 25cm de água durante duas horas. As amostras de mucosa intestinal colhidas às: zero hora; duas horas de distensão; e duas horas e 12h de descompressão foram analisadas por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Avaliaram-se a área e o perímetro das vilosidades e sua densidade, usando-se um programa computacional de análise de imagens (Image J). A distensão luminal promoveu aumentos da área e do perímetro das vilosidades intestinais. Essa alteração ultraestrutural ocorreu somente 12h após a descompressão e considerou-se que a provável causa seria o edema promovido por aumento da permeabilidade vascular decorrente de um processo de isquemia e reperfusão da mucosa intestinal. Concluiu-se que a distensão intraluminal do jejuno equino promoveu, tardiamente, aumento das dimensões das vilosidades intestinais.
Recently, World Health Organization ( WHO) and Medicins San Frontieres (MSF) proposed a classification of diseases as global, neglected and extremely neglected. Global diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular and mental (CNS) diseases represent the targets of the majority of the R&D efforts of pharmaceutical companies. Neglected diseases affect millions of people in the world yet existing drug therapy is limited and often inappropriate. Furthermore, extremely neglected diseases affect people living under miserable conditions who barely have access to the bare necessities for survival. Most of these diseases are excluded from the goals of the R&D programs in the pharmaceutical industry and therefore fall outside the pharmaceutical market. About 14 million people, mainly in developing countries, die each year from infectious diseases. From 1975 to 1999, 1393 new drugs were approved yet only 1% were for the treatment of neglected diseases [ 3]. These numbers have not changed until now, so in those countries there is an urgent need for the design and synthesis of new drugs and in this area the prodrug approach is a very interesting field. It provides, among other effects, activity improvements and toxicity decreases for current and new drugs, improving market availability. It is worth noting that it is essential in drug design to save time and money, and prodrug approaches can be considered of high interest in this respect. The present review covers 20 years of research on the design of prodrugs for the treatment of neglected and extremely neglected diseases such as Chagas' disease ( American trypanosomiasis), sleeping sickness ( African trypanosomiasis), malaria, sickle cell disease, tuberculosis, leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis.
A apoplexia pituitária é uma rara síndrome neuroendócrina causada, na maioria dos casos, pela hemorragia ou enfarte de um adenoma pituitário preexistente. O tratamento recomendado é variável; alguns autores defendem a descompressão cirúrgica do tumor em regime de urgência, enquanto outros sugerem que o tratamento conservador pode levar à recuperação da função neuroftalmológica. Descrevemos os casos de dois pacientes com apoplexia pituitária que apresentaram macroadenomas clinicamente não secretores e hipopituitarismo, incluindo hipogonadismo. Ambos foram submetidos ao tratamento conservador, sem cirurgia, e houve a remissão do tumor.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto da urticária crônica na qualidade de vida dos pacientes de ambulatório universitário a partir do questionário DLQI (Dermatology Life Quality Index). MÉTODOS: Inquérito sobre o impacto na qualidade de vida infligido pela urticária crônica a partir do questionário DLQI validado para a língua portuguesa. Pacientes foram entrevistados durante suas consultas em ambulatório especializado, entre maio de 2009 e maio de 2010, em serviço público brasileiro (Botucatu-SP). Os escores do DLQI foram analisados segundo subgrupos: idade, gênero, escolaridade, tempo de doença e presença de angioedema. RESULTADOS: Foram entrevistados 100 pacientes com urticária crônica. Predominou o gênero feminino (86%), a idade média foi de 41,8 anos, duração média da doença foi de seis anos e angioedema ocorreu em 82% dos pacientes. O escore médio do DLQI foi de 13,5, caracterizando grave impacto à qualidade de vida, superior a hanseníase, psoríase, eczema atópico e carcinoma basocelular. Presença de angioedema se associou a maiores escores: 14,5 x 9,9 (p < 0,01). Pacientes do gênero feminino referiram maior impacto quanto ao vestuário, já o gênero masculino referiu quanto ao tratamento, trabalho e estudo (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Urticária crônica inflige grave comprometimento da qualidade de vida nos pacientes avaliados em serviço universitário brasileiro, especialmente nos portadores de angioedema.
Canine trypanosomiasis, caused by protozoans of the genus Trypanosoma, is divided into two primary types: the American form (Chagas disease), due to Trypanosoma cruzi infection, and the African form (sleeping sickness or surra), provoked by Trypanosoma evansi. This disease was originally enzootic and affected only wild animals, including mammals and birds, which served as reservoirs. Later, it spread to domestic animals such as horses, cattle and dogs. The disease became a zoonosis when contact between rural inhabitants and natural Trypanosoma foci occurred, due to ecological imbalances and increasing migration. Dogs are significantly involved in this context, because they are the main domestic animals and participate in the transmission and maintenance cycles of these parasites. This article reports etiological, epidemiological and public health aspects of canine trypanosomiasis, and the most important peculiarities of this zoonosis in dogs.
Keratocystic odontogenic tumor is characterized by high recurrence rates. Conservative or aggressive management has been suggested as a method of treatment. Decompression is a conservative treatment that has been used in the treatment of large odontogenic cysts. The authors report a case of a 14-year-old patient with a keratocystic odontogenic tumor located in the right maxilla, which was treated by decompression followed by enucleation with curettage. The lesion did not recur on follow-up for 3 years after the enucleation surgery.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Procurou-se, neste trabalho, pensar o tempo no contexto das ciências da saúde, no qual se entrelaçam aspectos físicos, biológicos, psicológicos e sociológicos. Enquanto em nossa percepção do mundo e de nós mesmos o tempo se apresenta sob muitas facetas, na física clássica, conforme o modelo newtoniano, assumia-se a existência de um tempo absoluto, unilinear, homogêneo e independente do observador. Com a teoria da relatividade e o estudo dos sistemas complexos, um novo conceito de tempo apresenta-se na física: o tempo fractal, o qual possibilita maior compatibilidade com as abordagens psicológicas e sociológicas. Nesta perspectiva, a experiência de vida de uma pessoa, e seus respectivos processos de construção da saúde, envolveria uma multiplicidade de tempos, que coexistem e se organizam segundo um padrão coerente de auto-similaridade. Uma quebra desse padrão estaria correlacionada com a ocorrência da doença. Sugere-se que uma abordagem mais adequada do adoecimento deveria levar em conta, como referência para o profissional de saúde, o conceito de tempo fractal, possibilitando maior sintonia do paciente com a complexidade da natureza e, por conseguinte, consigo mesmo.