26 resultados para constituent ordering
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Based on Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008)’s Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG), this article aims to analyze the natural and marked orderings of argument constituents in declarative sentences of Brazilian Portuguese taken in IBORUNA corpora. In this way, we conclude that the two natural orderings, proposed by Pezatti (1992), are determined by semantic factor, especially by semantic functions, while the marked ordering ir determined by pragmatic factor, especially by the attribution of pragmatic functions.
The presence of interstitial elements in metals cause strong changes in their physical, chemical or mechanical properties. These interstitial impurities interact with the metallic matrix atoms by a relaxation process known as stress induced ordering. Relaxation processes give rise to a peak in the internal friction spectrum, known as Snock effect. The presence of substitutional solutes has a strong influence on Snoek effect, particularly if the substitutional solute element is the one, which interacts with the interstitial element. Anelastic spectroscopy measurements provide information of the behavior of these impurities in the metallic matrix. In this paper, polycrystalline samples of Nb-4.7 at.%Ta alloy have been analyzed in the as-received condition. Measurements of anelastic spectroscopy were carried out using an inverted torsion pendulum, operating with frequency of 2.0-30.0 Hz and in a temperature range between 300 and 700 K. It was observed the presence of a relaxation structure that have been attributed to stress induced ordering due to interstitial atoms around atoms of the metallic matrix. The relaxation structure have been decomposed in its constituent peaks, what it allowed to identify the following relaxation processes: Ta-O, Nb-O and Nb-N. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The mechanical properties of metals with bcc structure, such as niobium and its alloys, have changed significantly with the introduction of heavy interstitial elements. These interstitial elements (nitrogen, for example), present in the alloy, occupy octahedral sites and constitute an elastic dipole of tetragonal symmetry and might produce anelastic relaxation. This article presents the effect of nitrogen on the anelastic properties of Nb-1.0 wt% Zr alloys, measured by means of mechanical spectroscopy using a torsion pendulum. The results showed complex anelastic relaxation structures, which were resolved into their constituent peaks, representing each relaxation process. These processes are due to stress-induced ordering of the interstitial elements around the niobium and zirconium of the alloy.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this work we reexamine quantum electrodynamics of atomic electrons in the Coulomb gauge in the dipole approximation and calculate the shift of atomic energy levels in the context of Dalibard, Dupont-Roc and Cohen-Tannoudji formalism by considering the variation rates of physical observable. We then analyze the physical interpretation of the ordering of operators in the dipole approximation interaction Hamiltonian in terms of field fluctuations and self-reaction of atomic electrons, discussing the arbitrariness in the statistical functions in second-order bound-state perturbation theory. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Nonlinear effects on the early stage of phase ordering are studied using Adomian's decomposition method for the Ginzburg-Landau equation for a nonconserved order parameter. While the long-time regime and the linear behavior at short times of the theory are well understood, the onset of nonlinearities at short times and the breaking of the linear theory at different length scales are less understood. In the Adomians decomposition method, the solution is systematically calculated in the form of a polynomial expansion for the order parameter, with a time dependence given as a series expansion. The method is very accurate for short times, which allows to incorporate the short-time dynamics of the nonlinear terms in a analytical and controllable way. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A ordenação de constituintes oracionais nas variedades portuguesas é aqui tratada considerando-se três moldes de conteúdo, Tético, Apresentativo e Categorial. A linearização das estruturas oracionais refletem decisões assumidas na formulação do Nível Interpessoal e configuram predominantemente Molde de Conteúdo Categorial Tópico-orientado, com o constituinte Tópico ocupando a posição P I, a palavra verbal, a posição P M, e os outros constituintes, as posições à direita e à esquerda de P M. em Construções Téticas, a oração toda, por ser focal, ocupa o domínio de P F, já em Construções Apresentativas a cópula vazia assume a posição absoluta P M, e o sintagma nominal Tópico/Foco posiciona-se em P F.
It is well known that the interstitial elements present in solid solution in metals interact with the matrix by a relaxation process known as stress induced ordering. Traditionally this relaxation process is observed in the internal friction measurements. It is a common practice that researchers present the results of the frequency together with internal friction without giving any analysis. In this work we apply an expression which relates the variation of frequency with temperature and analyse the experimental results cited in the literature of the relaxation process due to the stress induced ordering of oxygen and nitrogen present in niobium and tantalum.
Herein we report the synthesis and properties of Fe55Pt45 nanoparticles, both monodisperse and self-assembled into hexagonal close-packed and cubic arrays of 4.0 +/- 0.2 nm size in an L1(0) structure, obtained by a modified polyol process. The new synthetic route improved the control over the particle composition, thereby reducing the temperature required to convert from face-centered cubic (fcc) to face-centered tetragonal (fct) phase by some 30-50 degrees C without additives. Annealing at 550 degrees C for 30 min converts the self-assembled nanoparticles into ferromagnetic nanocrystals with large coercivity, H-C = 11.1 kOe. Reducing the fcc-to-fct (L1(0)) ordering temperature avoided particle coalescence and decreased the loss in particle positional order without compromising the magnetic properties, as is generally observed when additives are used.
In this work we show that the ordering ambiguity on quantization depends on the representation choice. This property is then used to solve unambiguously some particular systems. Finally, we speculate on the consequences for more involved cases.
The main properties of realistic models for manganites are studied using analytic mean-field approximations and computational numerical methods, focusing on the two-orbital model with electrons interacting through Jahn-Teller (JT) phonons and/or Coulombic repulsions. Analyzing the model including both interactions by the combination of the mean-field approximation and the exact diagonalization method, it is argued that the spin-charge-orbital structure in the insulating phase of the purely JT-phononic model with a large Hund couphng J(H) is not qualitatively changed by the inclusion of the Coulomb interactions. As an important application of the present mean-held approximation, the CE-type antiferromagnetic state, the charge-stacked structure along the z axis, and (3x(2) - r(2))/(3y(2) - r(2))-type orbital ordering are successfully reproduced based on the JT-phononic model with large JH for the half-doped manganite, in agreement with recent Monte Carlo simulation results. Topological arguments and the relevance of the Heisenberg exchange among localized t(2g) spins explains why the inclusion of the nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction does not destroy the charge stacking structure. It is also verified that the phase-separation tendency is observed both in purely JT-phononic (large JH) and purely Coulombic models in the vicinity of the hole undoped region, as long as realistic hopping matrices are used. This highlights the qualitative similarities of both approaches and the relevance of mixed-phase tendencies in the context of manganites. In addition, the rich and complex phase diagram of the two-orbital Coulombic model in one dimension is presented. Our results provide robust evidence that Coulombic and JT-phononic approaches to manganites are not qualitatively different ways to carry out theoretical calculations, but they share a variety of common features.
Internal friction and frequency measurements as a function of temperature have been carried out in Nb and Nb-Zr policrystalline samples, using a torsion pendulum in the temperature range between 300K and 700K the heating rate was 1K/min and the pressure was kept better than 5x10(-3) mbar. Metals with bce lattice containing solute atoms dissolved interstitially often show anelastic behaviour due to a process know as stress-induced ordering responsible for the appearance of Snoek peaks. In the Nb sample it has been identified two constituent peaks corresponding to the interstitial-matrix interactions (Nb-O and Nb-N), but for the Nb-Zr samples with interstitial solute concentrations very close to those measured for the unalloyed Nb, it was not observed any mechanical relaxation peaks due to the presence of oxygen and nitrogen in solid solution.
The mechanical properties of metals with bee structure, such as niobium and their alloys, are changed of a significant way by the introduction of heavy interstitial elements. These interstitial elements (oxygen, for example) present in the metallic matrix occupy octahedral sites and constitute an elastic dipole of tetragonal symmetry and might produce anelastic relaxation. Polycrystalline samples of Nb-0.3 wt.% Ti (Nb-Ti) alloy with oxygen in solid solution were analysed. The anelastic spectroscopy measurements had been made in a torsion pendulum, with frequencies in the Hz range, in a temperature range between 300 and 700 K. The results showed thermally activated relaxation structures were identified four relaxation process attributed to stress-induced ordering of single oxygen, nitrogen and carbon atoms around niobium and stress-induced ordering of single oxygen atoms around titanium atoms. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.