29 resultados para conjoined twins
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A separação de gêmeos unidos causa grande interesse devido à complexidade da anestesia e cirurgia, à raridade da patologia e às poucas chances de sobrevida. O objetivo desta descrição é o de contribuir para a literatura existente, relatando os desafios encontrados por nossa equipe no atendimento à cirurgia-anestesia de separação de gêmeos isquiópagos. RELATO do CASO: Pacientes gêmeos, nascidos a termo, de parto cesariano, pesando juntos 5.100 g, classificados como isquiópagus tetrapus. Duas equipes anestésico-cirúrgicas estavam presentes, sendo o procedimento anestésico esquematizado com aparelho de anestesia, cardioscópio, capnógrafo, oxímetro de pulso, termômetro elétrico, estetoscópio esofágico, todos em dobro. Realizou-se indução anestésica com halotano e fentanil, com os gêmeos em posição lateral e com rotação da cabeça em 45º para facilitar a intubação traqueal. Os recém-nascidos foram mantidos em ventilação controlada manualmente, utilizando o sistema de Rees-Baraka. A anestesia foi mantida com halotano, oxigênio e fentanil. Durante o per-operatório, foram encontrados órgãos abdominais duplos, com exceção do cólon, que era único. As bexigas e os ísquios estavam ligados. Ao final da cirurgia as duas crianças apresentavam-se com sinais vitais estáveis. Os gêmeos permaneceram na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) Neonatal por quatro semanas e receberam alta em bom estado geral. CONCLUSÕES: Ressalta-se a importância do entrosamento da equipe, do estudo retrospectivo multidisciplinar, da monitorização adequada e acurada observação clínica; todos esses fatores contribuíram para a boa evolução e alta dos gêmeos.
Dicephalus dipus dibrachius twins are a rare form of conjoined twins. An autopsy of conjoined dicephalus twins is reported. The diagnosis was performed during the pregnancy and the family received a judicial authorization for termination of pregnancy. The preterm newborn progressed to cardiac arrest and died following a court order to terminate the pregnancy. The conceptus presented two arms, two legs, a trunk, two heads, and a single umbilical cord. The two spinal columns presented vertebral fusion in the sacral region. The heart exhibited complex malformations. The external genitalia were female; and cytogenetic analysis confirmed female sex (46, XX). This analysis also corroborated the etiopathogenic hypotheses described for this abnormality, which proposes failures in embryonic formation rather than specific chromosomal alterations. Current identification of cases by ultrasound permits medical management and multidisciplinary action with the family, enabling the legal termination of pregnancy.
Nonsyndromic clefts of the lip and/or palate are common birth defects with a strong genetic component. Based on unequal gender ratios for clefting phenotypes, evidence for linkage to the X chromosome and the occurrence of several X-linked clefting syndromes, we investigated the role of skewed X chromosome inactivation (XCI) in orofacial clefts. Our samples consisted of female monozygotic (MZ) twins (n = 8) and sister pairs (n = 152) discordant for nonsyndromic clefting. We measured the XCI pattern in peripheral blood lymphocyte DNA using a methylation based androgen receptor gene assay. Skewing of XCI was defined as the deviation in inactivation pattern from a 50:50 ratio. Our analysis revealed no significant difference in the degree of skewing between twin pairs (P = 0.3). However, borderline significant differences were observed in the sister pairs (P = 0.02), with the cleft lip with cleft palate group showing the most significant result (P=0.01). We did not find evidence for involvement of skewed XCI in the discordance for clefting in our sample of female MZ twins. However, results from the paired sister study suggest the potential contribution of skewed XCI to orofacial clefting, particularly cleft lip and palate. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Phenotypically discordant monozygotic twins offer the possibility of gene discovery through delineation of molecular abnormalities in one member of the twin pair. One proposed mechanism of discordance is postzygotically occurring genomic alterations resulting from mitotic recombination and other somatic changes. Detection of altered genomic fragments can reveal candidate gene loci that can be verified through additional analyses. We investigated this hypothesis using array comparative genomic hybridization; the 50K and 250K Affymetrix GeneChip (R) SNP arrays and an Illumina custom array consisting of 1,536 SNPs, to scan for genomic alterations in a sample of monozygotic twin pairs with discordant cleft lip and/or palate phenotypes. Paired analysis for deletions, amplifications and loss of heterozygosity, along with sequence verification of SNPs with discordant genotype calls did not reveal any genomic discordance between twin pairs in lymphocyte DNA samples. Our results demonstrate that postzygotic genomic alterations are not a common cause of monozygotic twin discordance for isolated cleft lip and/or palate. However, rare or balanced genomic alterations, tissue-specific events and small aberrations beyond the detection level of our experimental approach cannot be ruled out. The stability of genomes we observed in our study samples also suggests that detection of discordant events in other monozygotic twin pairs would be remarkable and of potential disease significance.
Case Description-3 sets of monozygotic twins resulting from transfers of single embryos to recipient mares were examined. Clinical Findings-In all 3 recipient mares with twin pregnancies, only 1 embryonic vesicle was detected before day 25 of gestation. In 1 recipient mare, 2 apparent adjacent vesicles, each containing an embryo with a heartbeat, were visualized on ultrasonographic examination on day 37 of gestation. The other 2 recipient mares underwent ultrasonographic examination on day 30 of gestation, at which time only 1 vesicle and embryo was identified. In these latter 2 recipient mares, however, a thorough ultrasonographic examination for a second conceptus on day 30 had not been performed, as only 1 embryo had been transferred and visualized on early ultrasonographic examination. Treatment and Outcome-All twin pregnancies resulted in death of both fetuses. Genetic analysis confirmed that each set of monozygotic twins originated from the transferred embryo. Clinical Relevance-Monozygotic twin pregnancy may occur after embryo transfer; thus recipient mares should be examined thoroughly for multiple conceptuses, especially between 25 and 30 days of gestation. At this time, the allantoides of monozygotic twins should be visible ultrasonographically and effective management may still be possible.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Molar-incisor hypomineralisation is a qualitative defect of dental tissue of systemic origin affecting one or more permanent first molars and sometimes the permanent incisors as well. There are still no conclusive data on the aetiology of this hypomineralisation, however, systemic factors such as respiratory diseases and prenatal and perinatal complications are regarded as possible causes. The objective is to present three clinical cases of twins, one Monozygotic and two Dizygotic Twins with molar-incisor hypomineralisation, showing evidence of its manifestation as well as clinical the characteristics and aetiological factors involved. The clinical findings involving twins suggest that ameloblasts are specifically affected in their developmental phase, which includes a number of factors. Although prenatal and perinatal complications are not decisive in the development of molar-incisor hypomineralization, it is suggested a possible genetic susceptibility to the disease. Prospective observational studies using a population sample containing data on the last three months of gestation to the eruption of permanent teeth are needed to confirm the causeeffect relationships.
Transmissibility of dental and jaw characteristics is strongly influenced by environmental factors during the years of extra uterine life when odontogenesis occurs. Through biochemical factors, such as enzymes, proteins, hormones and other mediators, genes are activated or silenced to suit the cell or organism to its environment. These changes are not transmitted to our descendants, because of that, these factors are called epigenetic. Among the most cited epigenetic factors are food, pollution, drugs and exercise. The objective of this study was to assess the transmissibility of dental characteristics in two pairs of twins. In one case, 13-year-old boys had the same basic dental and jaw characteristics with prolonged retention of the second upper deciduous molars and the presence of permanent successors. In the other case, 14-year-old boys had prolonged retention of lower deciduous second molars and absence of permanent successors, but only one of them had the germs of third lower molars. The phenotypic difference in the dentition of twins from clinical case 2 could be due to epigenetic factors, showing the absence of genetic determinism in the transmissibility of dental characteristics.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objetivo: estudar as influências da diferença de pesos entre gêmeos, no nascimento, sobre o resultado perinatal. Métodos: analisaram-se, retrospectivamente, as informações referentes aos partos gemelares ocorridos na Maternidade do Hospital Regional de Clínicas de Sorocaba, SP, de julho de 1997 a junho de 1998. A amostragem foi composta de 89 mães e seus gêmeos, divididos em três classes de diferença de pesos ao nascer: com concordância (diferença <15%), discordância leve (de 15 a 25%) e discordância grave (>25%). As variáveis independentes analisadas foram essas três classes e as dependentes foram: baixo peso ao nascer, índice de Apgar menor que 7 no primeiro e quinto minuto, nascimentos pré-termo, tempo médio de internação do recém-nascido no berçário e coeficiente de mortalidade perinatal I. Para análise estatística utilizaram-se o teste de Kruskal-Wallis, complementado pelo teste de Hollander, e o teste de Blackwell. Resultados: a incidência de discordância de pesos entre pares de gêmeos foi de 30,3%, sendo 19,1% de discordância leve e 11,2% de discordância grave. Observamos nas classes, respectivamente, os números de gestações (62, 17 e 10) e de nascimentos pré-termo (32, 9 e 7). Para o primeiro e o segundo gêmeo, observamos: baixo peso ao nascer (39/41, 13/12 e 8/9), Apgar <7 no primeiro minuto (16/13, 3/7 e 2/3), Apgar menor que 7 no quinto minuto (4/4, 0/2 e 1/2), tempo médio (dias) de internação no berçário (3,7/3,7, 4,6/6,0 e 7,3/8,7) e coeficiente de mortalidade perinatal I (22,4/16,8, 0/16,8 e 5,6/5,6). Conclusões: o baixo peso ao nascer e nascimentos pré-termo foram mais freqüentes nos gêmeos da classe com discordância grave. Houve tendência ao agravamento progressivo do resultado perinatal, respectivamente, nas classes com concordância, discordância leve e discordância grave.
Interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) belongs to a family of nine transcription factors that share a highly conserved helix-turn-helix DNA-binding domain and a less conserved protein-binding domain. Most IRFs regulate the expression of interferon-alpha and -beta after viral infection(1), but the function of IRF6 is unknown. The gene encoding IRF6 is located in the critical region for the Van der Woude syndrome (VWS; OMIM 119300) locus at chromosome 1q32-q41 (refs 2,3). The disorder is an autosomal dominant form of cleft lip and palate with lip pits(4), and is the most common syndromic form of cleft lip or palate. Popliteal pterygium syndrome (PPS; OMIM 119500) is a disorder with a similar orofacial phenotype that also includes skin and genital anomalies(5). Phenotypic overlap(6) and linkage data(7) suggest that these two disorders are allelic. We found a nonsense mutation in IRF6 in the affected twin of a pair of monozygotic twins who were discordant for VWS. Subsequently, we identified mutations in IRF6 in 45 additional unrelated families affected with VWS and distinct mutations in 13 families affected with PPS. Expression analyses showed high levels of Irf6 mRNA along the medial edge of the fusing palate, tooth buds, hair follicles, genitalia and skin. Our observations demonstrate that haploinsufficiency of IRF6 disrupts orofacial development and are consistent with dominant-negative mutations disturbing development of the skin and genitalia.
Despite recent advances, patients with malignant brain tumors still have a poor prognosis. Glioblastoma (WHO grade 4 astrocytoma), the most malignant brain tumor, represents 50% of all astrocytomas, with a median survival rate of <1 year. It is, therefore, extremely important to search for new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for patients with glioblastoma. This study describes the application of superparamagnetic nano-particles of iron oxide, as well as monoclonal antibodies, of immunophenotypic significance, conjoined to quantum dots for the ultrastructural assessment of glioblastoma cells. For this proposal, an immunophenotypic study by flow cytometry was carried out, followed by transmission electron microscopy analysis. The process of tumor cell labeling using nanoparticles can successfully contribute to the identification of tumorigenic cells and consequently for better understanding of glioblastoma genesis and recurrence. In addition, this method may help further studies in tumor imaging, diagnosis, and prognostic markers detection.
OBJETIVO: Verificar se as concentrações de glicose e insulina em jejum são reguladas pela aptidão cardiorrespiratória (VO2máx), independentemente dos efeitos genéticos. MÉTODOS: Dados de 38 pares de gêmeos monozigóticos (11 a 18 anos) foram analisados transversalmente. Os participantes foram submetidos a um teste de esforço máximo com ergoespirometria aberta (MedGraphics VO2000® - Medical Graphics Corp., St. Paul, MN) e à coleta de sangue para estimar a concentração de glicose e insulina em jejum. A zigosidade foi determinada por intermédio da investigação de concordância dos gêmeos em relação a 15 marcadores genéticos polimórficos. Nove pares demonstraram diferença média intrapar para o consumo máximo de oxigênio ≥10mL.kg-1.min-1 e foram divididos em dois grupos, de alta e baixa aptidão. Os grupos foram comparados a partir do teste pareado de Wilcoxon, tendo em vista a assimetria dos dados. RESULTADOS: em média, os gêmeos do grupo de alta aptidão apresentaram consumo máximo de oxigênio 17% superior (13,5±3,7mL.kg-1.min-1) a seus irmãos menos aptos. Não houve diferença entre os grupos para as concentrações de insulina (36,5±34,6 versus 25,3±13,7mg/dL; p<0,813), porém, os gêmeos mais aptos demonstraram menor concentração de glicose do que seus contrapares menos aptos (82,9±7,3 versus 86,7±7,6mg/dL; p<0,010). CONCLUSÕES: Neste estudo, caracterizado como caso-controle (gêmeos monozigóticos discordantes), o irmão com menor aptidão cardiorrespiratória apresentou maior concentração de glicose em jejum, sugerindo que a baixa aptidão cardiorrespiratória está associada a distúrbios no metabolismo de glicose.
A sensitive and affordable approach is described for the in-situ measurement of ambient formaldehyde. Air is sampled around a 100 microliter aqueous drop containing 3-methyl-2-benzothiazoline hydrazone. After a desired period of sampling (typ. 5 min) and a waiting period of 10 min for the reaction to be completed, a second reagent (FeCl3) is added to the drop by means of a conjoined conduit. A blue product is formed and is read after an additional 10 min of reaction by a fiber-optic/light emitting diode based photodetector. A fresh drop is then formed and the process begins anew. As demonstrated here, the limit of detection is similar to 6.25 mu g m(-3) HCHO but can be significantly improved by using longer sampling times and a sampling rate higher than 100 mi min(-1) used in most of this work. This is the first example of a chromogenic drop sensor that utilizes sequential reagent addition.