27 resultados para cation transport protein

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The putative translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is a highly abundant and conserved protein in all eukaryotes and archaebacteria. This factor is essential for cell viability and is the only cellular protein known to contain the unusual amino acid residue hypusine. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF5A is expressed in aerobic conditions by the gene TIF51A. Although eIF5A has been known for almost 30 years, the biological role of this protein is still obscure. This article reviews the research on the function of eIF5A, discussing the evidence for its involvement in various steps of mRNA metabolism, including translation initiation, nucleocytoplasmic transport and mRNA decay. Moreover, it indicates other studies that have associated eIF5A with cell proliferation and cell cycle progression. Finally, this review presents recent results obtained in our laboratory that reemphasize the role of eIF5A in the translation scenario. Further experiments will be necessary to define the role played by eIF5A in the translational machinery.


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The putative eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is an essential protein for cell viability and the only cellular protein known to contain the unusual amino acid residue hypusine. eIF5A has been implicated in translation initiation, cell proliferation, nucleocytoplasmic transport, mRNA decay, and actin polarization, but the precise biological function of this protein is not clear. However, eIF5A was recently shown to be directly involved with the translational machinery. A screen for synthetic lethal mutations was carried out with one of the temperature-sensitive alleles of TIF51A (tif51A-3) to identify factors that functionally interact with eIF5A and revealed the essential gene YPT1. This gene encodes a small GTPase, a member of the rab family involved with secretion, acting in the vesicular trafficking between endoplasmatic reticulum and the Golgi. Thus, the synthetic lethality between TIF51A and YPT1 may reveal the connection between translation and the polarized distribution of membrane components, suggesting that these proteins work together in the cell to guarantee proper protein synthesis and secretion necessary for correct bud formation during G1/ S transition. Future studies will investigate the functional interaction between eIF5A and Ypt1 in order to clarify this involvement of eIF5A with vesicular trafficking. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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Background: The fungus Paracoccidioides spp is the agent of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), a pulmonary mycosis acquired by the inhalation of fungal propagules. Paracoccidioides malate synthase (PbMLS) is important in the infectious process of Paracoccidioides spp because the transcript is up-regulated during the transition from mycelium to yeast and in yeast cells during phagocytosis by murine macrophages. In addition, PbMLS acts as an adhesin in Paracoccidioides spp. The evidence for the multifunctionality of PbMLS indicates that it could interact with other proteins from the fungus and host. The objective of this study was to identify and analyze proteins that possibly bind to PbMLS (PbMLS-interacting proteins) because protein interactions are intrinsic to cell processes, and it might be possible to infer the function of a protein through the identification of its ligands. Results: The search for interactions was performed using an in vivo assay with a two-hybrid library constructed in S. cerevisiae; the transcripts were sequenced and identified. In addition, an in vitro assay using pull-down GST methodology with different protein extracts (yeast, mycelium, yeast-secreted proteins and macrophage) was performed, and the resulting interactions were identified by mass spectrometry (MS). Some of the protein interactions were confirmed by Far-Western blotting using specific antibodies, and the interaction of PbMLS with macrophages was validated by indirect immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. In silico analysis using molecular modeling, dynamics and docking identified the amino acids that were involved in the interactions between PbMLS and PbMLS-interacting proteins. Finally, the interactions were visualized graphically using Osprey software. Conclusion: These observations indicate that PbMLS interacts with proteins that are in different functional categories, such as cellular transport, protein biosynthesis, modification and degradation of proteins and signal transduction. These data suggest that PbMLS could play different roles in the fungal cell. © 2013 de Oliveira et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Aims: Hypochlorous (HOCl) and hypobromous (HOBr) acids are among the most powerful oxidants produced by the innate immune cells. Albumin is the predominant protein in most body fluids and is considered the most important antioxidant of blood plasma. Study Design: Oxidation of bovine albumin (BSA) and study of its structural and functional alterations. Place and Duration of Study: Faculty of Science and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, University of the State of Sao Paulo UNESP, between June and December 2012. Methodology: BSA was oxidized with excess of HOCl or HOBr and its structural and functional alterations were analyzed by spectroscopic techniques as UV-Vis absorption, intrinsic and synchronous fluorescence, fluorescence quenching, Rayleigh scattering and circular dichroism. Results: Both oxidants were able to deplete the intrinsic fluorescence of BSA, but HOBr was more effective than HOCl. The alterations in the synchronous fluorescence, UV-Vis absorption, and the appearance of a fluorescence band centered at 450 nm confirmed the difference between the oxidants. The oxidation did not induce aggregation of BSA as measured by Rayleigh scattering. The far-UV circular dichroism spectra showed a loss in the helical content and the near-UV-circular dichroism showed an alteration in the tertiary structure; HOBr was the more effective of the oxidants in this case. However, the oxidations did not induce significant alterations in the binding capacity of BSA, which was evaluated using hydrophobic (norfloxacin) and hydrophilic (ascorbic acid) drugs. Conclusion: These results suggest that, although highly susceptible to oxidation, the alterations did not inhibit BSA’s physiological function as a transport protein.


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Angus x Hereford steers (n = 42) and heifers (n = 21) were ranked by gender and BW on d 0 of the experiment and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: 1) no transport and full access to feed and water (CON); 2) continuous road transport for 1,290 km (TRANS), or 3) road transport for 1,290 km, with rest stops every 430 km (STOP; total of 2 rest stops). Treatments were applied from d 0 to 1 of the experiment. Cattle from TRANS and STOP treatments were transported in separate commercial livestock trailers, within a single 2.1 x 7.2 m compartment, but through the exact same route. During each rest stop, STOP cattle were unloaded and offered mixed alfalfa-grass hay and water for ad libitum consumption for 2 h. Upon arrival of STOP and TRANS on d 1, cattle were ranked by sex and BW within each treatment and assigned to 21 feedlot pens (7 pens/treatment; 2 steers and 1 heifer/pen). Full BW was recorded before (d -1 and 0) treatment application and at the end of experiment (d 28 and 29). Total DMI was evaluated daily from d 1 to 28. Blood samples were collected on d 0 (before loading of TRANS and STOP cattle), 1 (immediately after unloading of TRANS and STOP cattle), 4, 7, 10, 14, 21, and 28. Body weight shrink from d 0 to d 1 was reduced (P < 0.01) in CON compared to TRANS and STOP, and reduced in STOP compared to TRANS. Mean ADG was greater (P < 0.05) in CON compared to TRANS and STOP, but similar (P = 0.68) between TRANS and STOP. No treatment effects were detected (P >= 0.18) on hay, concentrate, and total DMI. Mean G: F was greater (P = 0.05) in CON compared to STOP, tended to be greater (P = 0.08) in CON compared to TRANS, and similar (P = 0.85) between TRANS and STOP. Plasma cortisol concentrations were greater (P <= 0.04) in TRANS compared to CON and STOP on d 1, and greater (P = 0.04) in TRANS compared to CON on d 4. Serum NEFA concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) in TRANS compared to CON and STOP on d 1, and greater (P <= 0.05) in TRANS compared to CON on d 4 and 7. Mean plasma ceruloplasmin concentrations were similar (P = 0.19) among treatments. Plasma haptoglobin concentrations were greater (P <= 0.04) in TRANS compared to CON and STOP on d 1, and in STOP compared to CON on d 1. In conclusion, inclusion of rest stops during a 1,290-km transport prevented the increase in circulating cortisol and alleviated the NEFA and haptoglobin response elicited by transport, but did not improve feedlot receiving performance of transported cattle.


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A adição de sal à água tem sido utilizada para a mitigação de estresse e aumento da taxa de sobrevivência em peixes. O presente estudo avaliou o efeito do cloreto de sódio (0,0; 1,0; 3,0 e 6.0 g/l) nas concentrações de cortisol plasmático, glicemia, triglicerídios, proteínas total plasmática, hematócrito, hemoglobina, número de eritrócitos, glicogênio e lipídio hepáticos, e lipídio muscular em matrinxã Brycon amazonicum adultos após quatro horas de transporte e durante período de recuperação de 96 h. Amostras foram coletadas antes e depois do transporte, bem como 24 e 96 h após a chegada. O nível de cortisol plasmático estava mais elevado logo após o transporte quando comparado à condição inicial (pré-transporte), exceto para os peixes transportados com sal nas concentrações 3,0 e 6,0 g/l. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para a glicemia, porém os peixes dos tratamentos 0,0, 1,0 e 3,0 g/l necessitaram de período superior a 24 h para recuperar a condição inicial. Foram registrados níveis mais baixos de glicogênio hepático em peixes do tratamento controle (0,0 g/l). Os parâmetros hemoglobina, número de eritrócitos, proteína plasmática total e lipídio hepático não apresentaram alterações durante o período experimental. Os valores de hematócrito diminuíram logo após o transporte em todos os tratamentos, retornando aos níveis iniciais após 24 h. Todos os tratamentos apresentaram redução nos níveis de lipídio muscular e triglicerídios durante o período de recuperação. Os resultados sugerem que a adição de 6,0 g/l de sal na água de transporte reduz as alterações fisiológicas de estresse e que é necessário período de 96 h após o transporte para a recuperação da condição inicial de matrinxãs transportados sem a adição de sal.


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The objective of this study was to compare the effects of 24-h road transport or 24-h feed and water deprivation on acute-phase and performance responses of feeder cattle. Angus x Hereford steers (n = 30) and heifers (n = 15) were ranked by gender and BW (217 +/- 3 kg initial BW; 185 +/- 2 d initial age) and randomly assigned to 15 pens on d -12 of the experiment (3 animals/pen; 2 steers and 1 heifer). Cattle were fed alfalfa-grass hay ad libitum and 2.3 kg/animal daily (DM basis) of a corn-based concentrate throughout the experiment (d -12 to 28). on d 0, pens were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: 1) transport for 24 h in a livestock trailer for 1,200 km (TRANS), 2) no transport but feed and water deprivation for 24 h (REST), or 3) no transport and full access to feed and water (CON). Treatments were concurrently applied from d 0 to d 1. Total DMI was evaluated daily from d -12 to d 28. Full BW was recorded before treatment application (d -1 and 0) and at the end of experiment (d 28 and 29). Blood samples were collected on d 0, 1, 4, 7, 10, 14, 21, and 28. Mean ADG was greater (P < 0.01) in CON vs. TRANS and REST cattle but similar (P = 0.46) between TRANS and REST cattle (1.27, 0.91, and 0.97 kg/d, respectively; SEM = 0.05). No treatment effects were detected for DMI (P >= 0.25), but CON had greater G: F vs. TRANS (P < 0.01) and REST cattle (P = 0.08) whereas G: F was similar (P = 0.21) between TRANS and REST cattle. Plasma cortisol concentrations were greater (P <= 0.05) in REST vs. CON and TRANS cattle on d 1, 7, 14, and 28 and also greater (P = 0.02) in TRANS vs. CON cattle on d 1. Serum NEFA concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) in REST and TRANS vs. CON cattle on d 1 and greater (P < 0.01) in REST vs. TRANS cattle on d 1. Plasma ceruloplasmin concentrations were greater (P = 0.04) in TRANS vs. CON cattle on d 1, greater (P = 0.05) in REST vs. CON on d 4, and greater (P <= 0.05) in REST vs. TRANS and CON on d 14. Plasma haptoglobin concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) in TRANS vs. CON and REST cattle on d 1 and greater (P <= 0.05) for REST vs. TRANS and CON cattle on d 7. In conclusion, 24-h transport and 24-h nutrient deprivation elicited acute-phase protein reactions and similarly reduced feedlot receiving performance of feeder cattle. These results suggest that feed and water deprivation are major contributors to the acute-phase response and reduced feedlot receiving performance detected in feeder cattle transported for long distances.


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In this study, point mutations were introduced in plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein AtUCP1, a typical member of the plant uncoupling protein (UCP) gene subfamily, in amino acid residues Lys147, Arg155 and Tyr269, located inside the so-called UCP-signatures, and in two more residues, Cys28 and His83, specific for plant UCPs. The effects of amino acid replacements on AtUCP1 biochemical properties were examined using reconstituted proteoliposomes. Residue Arg155 appears to be crucial for AtUCP1 affinity to linoleic acid (LA) whereas His83 plays an important role in AtUCP1 transport activity. Residues Cys28, Lys147, and also Tyr269 are probably essential for correct protein function, as their substitutions affected either the AtUCP1 affinity to LA and its transport activity, or sensitivity to inhibitors (purine nucleotides). Interestingly, Cys28 substitution reduced ATP inhibitory effect on AtUCP1, while Tyr269Phe mutant exhibited 2.8-fold increase in sensitivity to ATP, in accordance with the reverse mutation Phe267Tyr of mammalian UCP1. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The PKC1 gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes protein kinase C that is known to control a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade consisting of Bck1, Mkk1 and Mkk2, and Mpk1. This cascade affects the cell wall integrity but the phenotype of Pkc1 mutants suggests additional targets which have not yet been identified. We show that a pkc1Δ mutant, as opposed to mutants in the MAP kinase cascade, displays two major defects in the control of carbon metabolism. It shows a delay in the initiation of fermentation upon addition of glucose and a defect in derepression of SUC2 gene after exhaustion of glucose from the medium. After addition of glucose the production of both ethanol and glycerol started very slowly. The V max of glucose transport dropped considerably and Northern blot analysis showed that induction of the HXT1, HXT2 and HXT4 genes was strongly reduced. Growth of the pkc1Δ mutant was absent on glycerol and poor on galactose and raffinose. Oxygen uptake was barely present. Derepression of invertase activity and SUC2 transcription upon transfer of cells from glucose to raffinose was deficient in the pkc1Δ mutant as opposed to the wild-type. Our results suggest an involvement of Pkc1p in the control of carbon metabolism which is not shared by the downstream MAP kinase cascade. © 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present work, we examined the effects of feeding a low protein diet during pregnancy on glucose-induced insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis in rats. Young (60 days), pregnant (P) or non-pregnant (NP) rats were fed during pregnancy or for 21 days (the NP) a normal (17%) or a low (6%) protein diet. Serum glucose and insulin levels and pancreas insulin content in the fed state; total area under serum glucose curve (AG) after a glucose load and serum glucose disappearance rate (Kitt) after insulin administration; as well as 86Rb outflow, 45Ca uptake and insulin secretion by isolated pancreatic islets in response to glucose were evaluated. Serum glucose was lower in 17%-P (12%) and 6%-P (27%) than in corresponding NP-rats. Serum insulin was higher in 17%- P (153%) and 6%-P (77%) compared to the corresponding NP-rats. Pancreatic insulin was higher in 6%-rats (55%) than in 17%-rats. No differences were found in AG among the groups whereas Kitt was lower in 6%-NP and higher in 6%-P than in the equivalent 17% rats. Increasing glucose concentration from 2.8 to 16.7 mmol/l, reduced 86Rb outflow from isolated islets from all groups. Increasing glucose concentration from 2.8 to 16.7 mmol/l elevated 45Ca uptake by 17%-NP (47%), 17%-P (40%) and 6%-P (214%) islets but not by 6%-NP ones. The increase in 45Ca uptake was followed by an increase in insulin release by the 17%-NP (2767%), 17%-P (2850%) and 6%-P (1200%) islets. In conclusion, 6%-P rats show impaired glucose induced insulin secretion related to reduced calcium uptake by pancreatic islets. However, the poor insulin secretion did not fully compensate the high peripheral sensitivity to the hormone, resulting in hypoglycemia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)