25 resultados para cancer of cervix

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Study Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal ultrasound and office hysteroscopy in the differentiation between endometrial polyps and endometrial adenocarcinoma. Design: This is a prospective 100 women longitudinal study, 24 to 80 years, submitted to hysteroscopic polypectomy (n = 80) or surgery due to endometrial adenocarcinoma (n = 20), from january 2010 to December 2011. Clinical, ultrasonographic and hysteroscopic parameters were analyzed and compared with histopathologic find. Statistical analysis were performed utilizing the Tukey, Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn and Mann-Whitney test, with a confidence interval of 95% and p\0, 05 statiscally significant. Setting: Botucatu Medical School. Intervention: Prospective analysis of clinical, ultrasonographic and hysteroscopic parameters in patients with diagnosis suspected of endometrial polyps and adenocarcinoma of endometrium were performed. According to the diagnosis, hysteroscopic polypectomy or pan hysterectomy with lymph node sampling was realized. After the surgery and histopathological study, statistical analysis of parameters was performed and the results were compared between groups. It was Research Ethics Committee approved. Measurements and Main Results: There were no differences between age, BMI, menopause, TH use and associated diseases among groups. The main symptom of endometrial cancer was the postmenopausal bleeding, affecting 84,2% of women against 34,8% of polypectomy group. The majority of women with endometrial polyps were asymptomatic. Transvaginal ultrasonography showed no ability to differentiate cases of endometrial cancer compared with the cases of endometrial polyps, considering the presence of endometrial thickness and blood flow on color Doppler. Office hysteroscopy showed significant changes in 75% of the adenocarcinoma cases, especially the presence of diffuse hypervascularity with atypical vessels. Conclusion: Still remains an inability to establish clinical parameters and reliable ultrasound imaging to differentiate endometrial polyps and cancer of endometrium. Attention should be given to hysteroscopic exams presenting diffuse endometrial hypervascularization with architectural distortion of the vessels. The recommendation of our service remains the systematic removal of all endometrial polyps.


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Diarrhea caused by Cryptosporidium sp is frequent in patients with AIDS, but involvement of other organs of the digestive tract is uncommon. We report a case of Cryptosporidium-associated obstruction of the biliary tract mimicking cancer of the head of the pancreas in a 43-year-old woman with AIDS.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The cancer of the uterine cervix remains a serious public health problem in developing countries with low social-economic conditions. Papanicolaou smear has been used to screen women for cervical cancer since 1940, and it is widely recognized as an effective method for preventing cervical cancer. In Brazil, conventional Papanicolaou is the most common method used in diagnosis cytopathological routine, involving the morphological cell analysis by microscopic examination of cervical samples smeared on glass slides. On the other hand, the liquid cytology is an advantageous method whose specimen collected is put into a fluid alcohol based to guarantee the potential use of residual cellular material in cytobrush. Moreover, this method permits additional diagnostic studies, preserving the morphological cell features as the conventional one does. The aim of the present study was report the historical evolution of different cervical cytologic tests, emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages between conventional Papanicolaou method and new technologies in liquid based cytology.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: The possibility to acquire sexually transmitted diseases generates bio-psycho-social conflicts affecting daily life of women. Objective: To investigate the knowledge of women on the concept of being infected by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and to understand the significance they attributed to their condition as HPV carriers. Material and method: It is a qualitative study in which ten women were interviewed, after the result of a cytopathological exam suggesting HPV. Data were collected at the Center of Health School of the Universidade Estadual Paulista -UNESP-Brazil. Results: The significant items were: deception and preoccupation about the cure, since they indicate that it is very deceptive to be infected with an incurable disease by a person whom they trust; the method of having sexual relations and being infected again; the necessity of care and of being optimistic to face the disease and the threat of cervix cancer originating anxiety. Discussion: Orientations made by health professionals were efficacious to clarify the relationship with cancer development. It is possible to understand the necessity of assistance orientations and the opportunity to hear them, offering individualized quality care. This study also offers important elements to reinforce the educational role of health professionals, principally those referring to sexually transmitted infection and cancer, seeking prevention and early treatment with the offered information. However, there is no desire of finishing the subject regarding perception, thus there is much to discover about diseases related to human papilloma virus. Key words: women carriers of HPV, feelings attributed by women.


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OBJETIVO: analisar qual das características propostas pelo BIRADS-US tem maior impacto na diferenciação das lesões benignas das malignas. MÉTODOS: estudamos as características ultra-sonográficas do BIRADS em 384 nódulos submetidos à biópsia percutânea no período de fevereiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2006. Utilizou-se, para o exame, o aparelho Logic 5, com transdutor linear multifreqüencial de 7,5-12 MHz. A análise ultra-sonográfica do nódulo foi baseada no BIRADS-US levando em conta: forma, orientação, margem, limites da lesão, ecogenicidade, características acústicas posteriores, o tecido circunjacente e a presença de calcificações. Estes dados foram submetidos à análise estatística com modelo de regressão logística. Para o estudo de associação entre estas variáveis utilizamos o teste do c² e também calculamos a sensibilidade e a especificidade das variáveis tecido ao redor, calcificações, efeito posterior, limite da lesão e orientação. RESULTADOS: as lesões benignas representaram 42,4% e as malignas, 57,6%. A análise por regressão logística encontrou odds ratio (OR) aumentado para câncer de 7,7 vezes quando o tecido ao redor esteve alterado, de 6,2 vezes quando houve presença das microcalcificações no interior das lesões, de 1,9 quando o efeito acústico foi sombra, de 25,0 vezes quando houve o halo ecogênico e de 7,1 vezes quando a orientação foi não paralela. CONCLUSÕES: dentre as características estudadas, o limite da lesão, representado pela presença ou não do halo ecogênico, é o mais importante diferenciador das massas benignas das malignas.


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Durante três anos, vacas Gir leiteiro da Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, em Uberaba-MG, foram examinadas, pela palpação retal, para verificação da involução uterina. em 111 parições de 104 vacas, a involução dos cornos uterinos teve duração média de 29,7± 9,6 dias e, na maioria das vezes, a involução da porção cervical demorou mais do que 43 dias. O tempo de involução foi mais longo em vacas com maior número de partos. Na primeira semana, o útero permaneceu na cavidade abdominal (95,0%), na segunda teve início o retorno do órgão à pelve (8,2%), na terceira aconteceram os primeiros casos de involução completa dos cornos uterinos (20,6%) e na sexta semana, a maior parte das vacas apresentavam involução completa (82,9%). Foram constatados seis casos de permanência do útero em involução na cavidade abdominal e oito casos de localização pélvico/abdominal na quinta semana após o parto, detectados somente em vacas pluríparas. Observaram-se 19 casos de retrocesso na seqüência natural das fases de involução. O retrocesso do útero para a cavidade abdominal só ocorreu em vacas com problemas sanitários. em sete vacas com metrite, verificou-se prolongamento do tempo médio de involução dos cornos uterinos e aumento do diâmetro cervical em relação às demais vacas do rebanho.


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Investigou-se a angioarquitetura venosa da genitália de fêmeas bovinas não prenhes, para avaliar a presença de possíveis anastomoses dos vasos provenientes da região da vulva e da vagina com a veia útero-ovariana, usando-se cinco peças obtidas em abatedouros. No laboratório, um ramo da veia vaginal caudal, infundido com contraste radiográfico intravascular, foi submetido à radiografia. Observou-se que a veia vaginal forma intensa rede de anastomoses na superfície ventral do útero, entre os antímeros direito e esquerdo. As genitálias apresentaram anastomoses dos vasos vulvares e vaginais com vasos da cérvice, corpo e cornos uterinos, sugerindo que parte de um agente luteolítico administrado via intravulvosubmucosa pode ser transportado diretamente aos ovários por uma rota local, sem atingir a circulação sistêmica.


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PURPOSE: to describe hysteroscopy findings in infertile patients. METHODS: this was a retrospective series of 953 patients with diagnosis of infertility evaluated by hysteroscopy. A total of 957 patients investigated for infertility were subjected to hysteroscopy, preferentially during the first phase of the menstrual cycle. When necessary, directed biopsies (under direct visualization during the exam) or guided biopsies were obtained using a Novak curette after defining the site to be biopsied during the hysteroscopic examination. Outcome frequencies were determined as percentages, and the χ2 test was used for the correlations. The statistical software EpiInfo 2000 (CDC) was used for data analysis. RESULTS: a normal uterine cavity was detected in 436 cases (45.8%). This was the most frequent diagnosis for women with primary infertility and for women with one or no abortion (p<0.05). Abnormal findings were obtained in 517 of 953 cases (54.2%), including intrauterine synechiae in 185 patients (19.4%), endometrial polyps in 115 (12.1%), endocervical polyps in 66 (6.0%), submucosal myomas in 47 (4.9%), endometrial hyperplasia in 39 (4.1%), adenomyosis in five (0.5%), endometritis (with histopathological confirmation) in four (0.4%), endometrial bone metaplasia in two (0.4%), and cancer of the endometrium in one case (0.1%). Morphological and functional changes of the uterus were detected in 5.6% of the cases, including uterine malformations in 32 (3.4%) and isthmus-cervical incompetence in 21 (2.2%). CONCLUSIONS: intrauterine synechiae were the most frequent abnormal findings in patients evaluated for infertility. Patients with a history of abortion and infertility should be submitted to hysteroscopy in order to rule out intrauterine synechiae as a possible cause of infertility.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)