44 resultados para calorimetric

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The ultrasound stimulated and oxalic acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) was studied by means of a heat flux calorimetric method as a function of the initial water/TMOS molar ratio (r) ranging from 2 to 10. The method is based on the time recording of the hydrolysis exothermic heat peak. which takes place in acidulated heterogeneous water-TMOS mixtures under ultrasonic stimulation, accounting for the instantaneous hydrolysis rate. The hydrolysis rate increases from zero up to a maximum value during the heterogeneous step of the process and then diminishes naturally according to the reactant consumption. The total hydrolyzed quantity was found to be slightly increasing with r. The immiscibility gap of the TMOS- water system in the presence of the hydrolysis products has been inferred from the evaluation of the reacted quantity during the heterogeneous step of the reaction and it has been represented in a ternary diagram in the studied r-range.


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The kinetics of ultrasound-stimulated and HCl-catalyzed hydrolysis of solventless TEOS-water mixtures was studied as a function of temperature ranging from 10 degrees C up to 65 degrees C by means of flux calorimetry measurements. A specially designed device was utilized for this purpose. The exothermic peak arising few minutes after sonication began has been attributed mainly to the hydrolysis reaction. The overall hydrolysis process, which was measured through the irradiation time up to the hydrolysis peak, was found to be thermally activated, with an apparent activation energy Delta E = 36.4 kJ/mol. The alcohol produced at the early hydrolysis due to sonication seems to further enhance the reaction, via a parallel autocatalytic path, which is controlled by a faster pseudo second order rate constant (k'). Our modeling yielded k' = 6.3 x 10(-2) M(-1) min(-1) at 20 degrees C, which is in a reasonable agreement with the literature, and an activation energy Delta E = 40.4 kJ/mol for the specific process of hydrolysis in presence of alcohol.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The acid catalyzed and ultrasound stimulated hydrolysis of solventless tetraethoxysilane-water mixtures was studied at 39°C as a function of HCl added to the mixtures (log[HCl]-1 ranged from 0.8 to 2.0), The reaction was carried out in a specially designed device, in which a steady state heat flow is maintained, while sonication is taking place, if no reaction is expected to occur. The exothermal hydrolysis reaction causes an increasing temperature (ΔTt) as a function of the reaction time, t. The isothermal hydrolysis rate constant, k, has been evaluated from the experimental ΔTt versus t data, after corrections for the increasing temperature effects, by using a method resulting from our theoretical modeling based on a dissolution and reaction mechanism. The hydrolysis rate constant fits closely a k α [H+] law as expected for this kind of hydrogen-ion catalyzed reaction.


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A method for the attachment of 2-mercaptothiazoline (MTZ) to modified silica gel has been developed. In the first step, a new silylant agent was synthesized, named SiMTZ, by the reaction between MTZ molecule and chloropropyltrimethoxysilane (SiCl). SiMTZ and tetraethylortosilicate were co-condensed in the presence of n-dodecylamine, a neutral surfactant template, to produce a modified ordered hexagonal mesoporous silica named HMTZ. The modified material contained 0.89 +/- 0.03 mmol of 2-mercaptothiazoline per gram of silica. FT-IR, FT-Raman, Si-29- and C-13-NMR spectra were in agreement with the proposed structure of the modified mesoporous silica in the solid state. HMTZ material has been used for divalent mercury adsorption from aqueous solution at 298 I K. The series of adsorption isotherms were adjusted to a modified Langmuir equation. The maximum number of moles of mercury adsorbed gave 2.34 +/- 0.09 mmol/g of material. The same interaction was followed by calorimetric titration on an isoperibol calorimeter. The HMTZ presented a high capacity for the removal of the contaminant mercury from water. The Delta H and Delta G values for the interaction were determined to be -56.34 +/- 1.07 and -2.14 +/- 0.11 kJ mol(-1). This interaction process was accompanied by a decrease of entropy value (- 182 J mol(-1) K-1). Thus, the interaction between mercury and HMTZ resulted in a spontaneous thermodynamic system with a high favorable exothermic enthalpic effect. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Estudos termogravimétricos e calorimétricos diferenciais para ditiocarbamatos de NH4+, Na+, Zn2+, Cd2+ e Pb2+, derivados de aminas cíclicas contendo nitrogênio como heteroátomos, foram realizados em atmosferas de ar e nitrogênio, para avaliar a influência da tensão angular dos anéis na decomposição térmica destes compostos, em relação à formação de tiocianatos metálicos como via de decomposição. Os intemediários formados foram caracterizados por difração de raios-X, tendo sido encontrados oxissulfatos de Zn2+, Cd2+ e Pb2+, sob atmosfera de ar, o que sugere a decomposição térmica nestas condições como via sintética para estes compostos. Os produtos de decomposição final obtidos foram sulfetos metálicos sob nitrogênio e óxidos dos metais de transição e sulfato de sódio sob ar. Entalpias de fusão são também descritas, com base nos resultados de DSC.


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A simple calorimetric method was employed to study the kinetics of the hydrolysis of the solventless TMOS-water mixtures, under ultrasound stimulation, as a function of the concentration of oxalic acid. The reaction rates were obtained, in relative units, from the measured thermal peak of the reaction as a non-separated function of both the sonication time and the instantaneous temperature of the medium. For concentrations of oxalic acid below 0.01 M, polycondensation reaction starts before complete hydrolysis. For concentrations of oxalic acid above 0.01 M, hydrolysis is complete and, in addition, the inverse of the time, as measured from the starting of ultrasound action until the maximum hydrolysis heat release, was found to be a reasonable relative measure of the average hydrolysis rate constant. The average hydrolysis rate constant was found to be proportional to the square root of the molar concentration of the oxalic acid. This result is in agreement with the literature if we assume small dissociation degree for the catalyst in such a solventless alkoxyde-water medium.


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The effect of temperature on the oxalic acid catalyzed sono-hydrolysis of tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) was studied by means of a heat flux calorimetric method. The activation energy of the process was measured as (24.5 +/- 0.8) kJ/mol in the temperature range between 10 and 50 degreesC. The structural characteristics of the resulting sonogels, after long period of aging in saturated conditions, were studied by means of small angle X-ray scattering. The structure can be described as formed by similar to2.7 nm mean size mass fractal-like aggregates (clusters) of primary silica particles of similar to0.3 nm mean size, all imbibed in a liquid phase. The average mass fractal dimension of the clusters was found to be 2.58. The primary particle density was estimated as 2.23 g/cm(3), in good agreement with the value frequently quoted for fused silica. The volume fraction of the clusters, in the saturated sonogels was estimated as about 28%. The moment in which the meniscus of the liquid phase penetrates into the clusters under rapid evaporation process has been detected by an inflection in the first derivative of the curve of weight loss in a simple thermogravimetric test. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The acid hydrolysis under ultrasound stimulation of solventless tetraethoxysilane(TEOS)-water mixtures was studied at 40 degrees C, by means of a heat flux calorimetric method, as a function of the initial water/TEOS molar ratio (r) ranging from 2 to 10. The method is based on the time record of the exothermic heat peak of hydrolysis, arising after an induction time under ultrasound stimulation, which is a measure of the reaction rate. The hydrolysed quantity was found to be approximately independent of the water/TEOS molar ratio, even for r < 4. Polycondensation reaction takes place mainly for low water/TEOS molar ratio in order to supply water to allow almost complete hydrolysis. The overall process of dissolution and hydrolysis has reasonably been described by a previous modelling. The dissolution process of water in TEOS, under ultrasound stimulation and acid conditions, was found to be rather dependent of the alcohol produced in the hydrolysis reaction instead of the initial water quantity present in the mixture.


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A kinetic study of the ultrasound-stimulated and acid-catalyzed sonohydrolysis of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) in solventless TEOS-water heterogeneous mixtures was carried out by means of a calorimetric method as a function of the ultrasound power. The hydrolysis reaction starts in acidulated heterogeneous water-TEOS mixtures after an induction period under ultrasonic stimulation. The ultrasound power seems to play a role on the dynamical coupling of the system originating a continuum upward shifting of the base line during the induction period of sonication. The rate in which the base line is upward shifted diminishes with the power. The best coupling between the ultrasound and the reactant heterogeneous mixtures for this experimental setup was found to occur at 50 W, for which the gelation time was found to be a minimum. The kinetics of the heterogeneous TEOS sonohydrolysis was studied on the basis of a dissolution and reaction modeling. The heterogeneous reaction pathway as deduced from the kinetic study was drawn in a ternary diagram as a function of the ultrasound power. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the effects of growth hormone therapy on energy expenditure, lipid profile, oxidative stress and cardiac energy metabolism in aging and obesity conditions. Life expectancy is increasing in world population and with it, the incidence of public health problems such as obesity and cardiac alterations. Because growth hormone (GH) concentration is referred to be decreased in aging conditions, a question must be addressed: what is the effect of GH on aging related adverse changes? To investigate the effects of GH on cardiac energy metabolism and its association with calorimetric parameters, lipid profile and oxidative stress in aged and obese rats, initially 32 male Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups (n = 16), C: given standard-chow and water; H: given hypercaloric-chow and receiving 30 % sucrose in its drinking water. After 45 days, both C and H groups were divided into 2 subgroups (n = 8), C + PL: standard-chow, water, and receiving saline subcutaneously; C + GH: standard-chow, water, and receiving 2 mg/kg/day rhGH subcutaneously; H + PL: hypercaloric-chow, 30 % sucrose, receiving saline subcutaneously; H + GH: hypercaloric-chow, 30 % sucrose, receiving rhGH subcutaneously. After 30 days, C + GH and H + PL rats had higher body mass index, Lee-index, body fat content, percent-adiposity, serum triacylglycerol, cardiac lipid-hydroperoxide, and triacylglycerol than C + PL. Energy-expenditure (RMR)/body weight, oxygen consumption and fat-oxidation were higher in H + GH than in H + PL. LDL-cholesterol was highest in H + GH rats, whereas cardiac pyruvate-dehydrogenase and phosphofrutokinase were higher in H + GH and H + PL rats than in C + PL. In conclusion, the present study brought new insights on aging and obesity, demonstrating for the first time that GH therapy was harmful in aged and obesity conditions, impairing calorimetric parameters and lipid profile. GH was disadvantageous in control old rats, having undesirable effects on triacylglycerol accumulation and cardiac oxidative stress.


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The nature of the protective film formed by benzotriazole (BTAH) on the surface of the 90/10 CuNi alloy in deaerated 0.5 mol L-1 H2SO4 solution containing Fe(III) ions as oxidant was investigated by weight-loss, calorimetric measurements, and by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). The SERS measurements show that the protective film is composed by the [Cu(I)BTA](n), polymeric complex and that the BTAH molecules are also adsorbed on the electrode surface. A modification of the BET isotherm for adsorption of gases ill solids is proposed to describe the experimental results obtained from weight-loss experiments that suggest an adsorption in multilayers. Electrochemical studies of copper and nickel in 0.5 mol L-1 H2SO4 in presence and absence of BTAH have also been made as an aid to interpret the results. The calculated adsorption free energy of the cuprous benzotriazolate on the surface of the alloy is in accordance with the value for pure copper. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.