7 resultados para anticonvulsivantes

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Este trabalho apresenta estudo retrospectivo de 14 pacientes com mononeuropatia de nervo intercostal (MNI), obtidos dentre 5.560 exames eletromiográficos, realizados de janeiro de 1991 até junho de 2004, em nosso Hospital Universitário. MNI foi encontrada em 14 pacientes, tendo como causas prováveis intervenções cirúrgicas torácicas em 6 (43%), neuropatia por herpes-zoster em 4 (28%), provável neurite de nervo intercostal em 2 (14%), neoplasia pulmonar em 1 (7%) e radiculopatia em 1 (7%). As principais causas de MNI de nosso Serviço são similares às da literatura. Os antidepressivos tricíclicos e anticonvulsivantes foram os fármacos mais utilizados no controle da dor.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The present study evaluated the liver with homogeneous parenchyma in dogs, with diffuse reduced echogenicity (G1), increased echogenicity (G2) and normal echogenicity (G3) by ultrasound examination associating the findings on animal profile, liver size and hematology and biochemistry results. Blood samples obtained by cephalic or jugular venipunture were submitted for hemogram and ALT, ALP, total proteins, albumin, globulin, urea and creatinine analysis. Among the 30 dogs in G1, 30 (100%) presented portal venous and gall bladder wall clarity, 23 (76.67%) presented normal liver size and edges, 15 (50%) were from 1 to 6 years old and 8 (26.67%) belonged to the lhasa apso breed. No predispositions were found according to gender, as well as no significant alterations in biochemical and hematological exams were observed in G1. The most prevalent disease found in this group was gastroenteritis (43.33%). Among the 30 dogs in G2, 27 (90%) presented hepatomegaly and rounded hepatic edges, 18 (60%) were over 9 years old, 16 (53.33%) were female and 9 (30%) belonged to the poodle breed. The laboratorial findings related to this group were increased ALT and ALP serum activity, decreased levels of total protein, albumin, globulin, erythrocytes and hematocrit, as well as leukocytosis with neutrophilia and a left shift, eosinopenia, lymphopenia and monocytosis. The most prevalent diseases found in this group were metabolic disorders (54%), such as diabetes mellitus and hyperadrenocorticism, and chronic hepatopathies (17%) due to prolonged and continuous use of corticoid and anticonvulsive drugs. Among the 30 dogs in the control group (G3), normal liver size and edges were presented in 22 (73.33%). In this group, no alterations were seen in laboratorial exams.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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A epilepsia é a doença neurológica maiscomum em seres humanos e cães, possui diversas etiologias e é classificada em epilepsia primária, idiopática ou hereditária e epilepsia secundária ou adquirida. A maioria dos cães epiléticos é tratada com fármacos antiepiléticos padrões, fenobarbital e/ou brometo de potássio, com os quais obtém-se sucesso; porém, cerca de 20-30% dos cães tratados necessitam de terapia adicional, pois não respondem a terapia padrão. Os medicamentos utilizados como anticonvulsivantes levam a efeitos de toxicidade e menos de 50% dos cães com epilepsia permanecem livres de convulsões sem efeitos secundários das medicações. Novas alternativas terapêuticas têm sido utilizadas. Dentre elas, a Gabapentina que é um medicamento análogo ao GABA e possui diferentes mecanismos de ação, tem efeito dose-dependente, absorção saturada, não tem ligação às proteínas plasmáticas e, ao contrário da maioria das medicações anticonvulsivas, possui eliminação renal. Quando sua eficácia é comprovada em associação às drogas anticonvulsivas padrões, é possível a redução da dose das mesmas evitando ou minimizando assim os desagradáveis efeitos secundários destas medicações. Por esses motivos, o objetivo desse trabalho é averiguar a eficácia da Gabapentina quando associada aos fármacos padrões utilizados na terapia antiepilética. Para tanto, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico em cinco bases de dados eletrônicos. Foram obtidos 13 artigos, os quais, após serem analisados, permitiram concluir que a Gabapentina apresenta resultados significativamente satisfatórios no tratamento da epilepsia idiopática em cães refratários ao tratamento padrão; porém, mais estudos em cães não devem ser descartados de modo a melhor elucidar esses efeitos


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The status epilepticus (SE) is characterized by a series of crises which occur without recovery of consciousness or a single seizure lasting more than 30 minutes and can damage the central nervous system and systemic. The duration and frequency of attacks are directly related to patient prognosis. Whether seizures occur often and are longer, increase the risk of neurological and systemic complications. Child population has a higher frequency of seizures and it is associated with a lower threshold of immature brain to trigger these episodes. Aim: To determine the safest drugs prescribed for children in SE, their doses and schedules. A bibliographic survey was performed in electronic databases. Methods: The scientific health descriptors used for search was: “status epilecticus” and “anticonvulsivants” and “child”. Results: This strategy identified 396 manuscripts, of whom four were considered eligible for the study, after the assessment by floating reading and criteria. Of these, two were randomized trials and two descriptive. The studies address the use of oral midazolam, rectal diazepam and intravenous lorazepam. Conclusions: All investigated drugs were effective in treat in status epilepticus. Lorazepam is highlight, since it has fewer secondary effects and, as an alternative to the intravenous, oral midazolam. However, there is a need for further studies to demonstrate the efficacy and safety in the use of drugs in children.


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Lissencephaly is a condition characterized by a lack of cerebral convolutions and sulci, which results from defective migration of nervous cells precursors in the telencephalus. The cause is presumably genetic. Lhasa-Apso dogs are most frequently affected, even though it may also occur in association with cerebellar hypoplasia in the Irish Setter, Wire-Haired Terrier and Samoieda breeds. This association was also reported in a cat. Clinical signs consist of dementia, aggressiveness, seizures, visual and olfactive dysfunctions, slow postural reactions and reduced menace response. Definitive diagnosis requires exams such as magnetic resonance imaging, cerebral biopsy or necropsy. There is no specific therapy for this disease, and seizures must be treated with anticonvulsants. The aim of this study is to review the literature regarding lissencephaly.