74 resultados para ambient water temperatures

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The study was conducted at the Research Laboratory of Hydraulic and Irrigation Group in the Rural Engineering Department, Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid), Madrid, Spain. Water temperatures of 20, 30, 40 degrees C and system pressures often encountered in irrigation practices of 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190 and 200 k Pa were applied to determine the effects of different water temperatures and pressures on emitter discharge. Non-pressure compensating in-line emitter which has turbulent flow regime with a long-path (labyrinth), emitter discharge was 4 L h(-1) at system pressure of 100 kPa according to the manufacturer recommended, was used. Emitters were spaced 20 cm along the drip laterals with 16 mm diameter. Discharge equations and coefficients of variation related to temperatures of 20, 30 and 40 degrees C were obtained as q = 0.375H(0.51), q = 0.358H(0.52), q = 0.346H(0.53) and 2.68, 2.09, 3.65, respectively. Discharge of the emitter was affected by different system pressures and increased as potentially (R = 0993-0996). In general. the emitter discharge increased with increasing temperature. However, especially in the common system pressures of 90-120 k Pa, differences of obtained emitter discharges between the different water temperatures were not significant (1%).


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The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding whole linseed on the laying performance and egg characteristics in laying hens kept at high ambient environmental temperatures (average 34 degrees C; the diurnal temperature range 26 degrees C to 41 degrees C). Two hundred and forty 38-wk-old white Leghorn laying hens were fed diets containing 0, 5, 10 or 15% whole linseed (as a source of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) for a period of 12 weeks. Egg production was recorded daily, while feed intake and egg characteristics were monitored on weekly basis. The results of the study demonstrated that egg production and feed intake decreased, while feed conversion ratio (FCR) per dozen of eggs increased (p <= 0.05) with increasing dietary linseed levels. Egg weight, yolk weight, albumen height, eggshell weight, and eggshell thickness were not influenced (p > 0.05) by linseed levels in the diets offered to the laying hens. The results of the present trial suggest that feeding linseed to the laying hens in hot climates has no detrimental effects on egg characteristics, but has suppressive effects on egg production, feed intake and feed efficiency of laying hens.


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Objetivou-se com a execução deste trabalho avaliar, em nível de campo, o desempenho zootécnico de girinos de rã-touro (Rana catesbeiana) criados em ranários comerciais que utilizam o sistema anfigranja, e simultaneamente estimar os valores de consumo diário de ração para compor uma tabela de referência para a alimentação dos animais. Os resultados encontrados nas unidades de observações monitoradas (aproximadamente 249 mil animais) atingiram os seguintes índices médios: a mortalidade (em %) variou de: 0,7 a 35,2 (média 5,9%); o ganho de peso (g. p/dia): de 0,03 a 0,22 (média 0,11 g/dia); e a conversão alimentar: de 0,92 a 2,75 : 1; (média 1,50 : 1). Comparados com dados preliminares, tais resultados indicam uma significativa otimização dos índices zootécnicos, demonstrando que houve um relativo ganho de produtividade com o aperfeiçoamento das técnicas de manejo implementadas. A redução do valor médio da conversão alimentar aparente foi provocada principalmente pelo adequado uso da tabela de referência, cujos valores foram ratificados durante o trabalho de monitoramento das unidades. Tal tabela possibilita o cálculo da quantidade de alimento a ser oferecido diariamente, baseado nos peso médio dos girinos e na estimativa do percentual de consumo, para temperatura da água entre 18 a 29 graus centígrados, (girinos de 0,1 a 26 gramas de peso médio).


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Este trabalho visou a relacionar variáveis ambientais em instalação para criação de rãs, com cobertura de polietileno e baias construídas usando material alternativo, com o desempenho de rãs-touro (Rana catesbeiana). No interior das baias, foram medidas as temperaturas do piso, do ar ambiente (bulbo seco), de bulbo úmido, globo negro e da água do reservatório. Foram utilizados 60 animais por baia e três baias por galpão. As variáveis de desempenho estudadas foram peso vivo, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar. Nas condições experimentais, quando a temperatura do ar atingiu valores abaixo de 10 ºC ou superiores a 40 ºC, houve diminuição no consumo de ração pelos animais. Concluiu-se que o estresse predominante, neste tipo de estrutura, para as condições climáticas do período experimental, foi devido, principalmente, às baixas temperaturas. Concluiu-se, ainda, que o uso do Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (THI), na estimativa de variáveis de desempenho, melhorou a precisão da estimativa em relação ao uso exclusivo da temperatura do ar, embora valores desse índice, considerados estressantes para animais superiores, não o tenham sido para as rãs.


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A transferência de energia térmica da superfície corporal para a água é provavelmente o aspecto mais importante do equilíbrio térmico em mamíferos marinhos, mas os respectivos cálculos dependem do conhecimento da temperatura da superfície, T S, cuja medição direta em animais em liberdade constitui um problema difícil de resolver. Um método iterativo é proposto para a predição de T S de cetáceos em liberdade, a partir da temperatura corporal profunda, da velocidade de deslocamento e da temperatura e propriedades termodinâmicas da água.


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A produção de peixes em tanques-rede no Brasil tem aumentado nas últimas décadas. O baixo investimento inicial e o potencial hídrico representado pela enorme quantidade de água represada em nosso País têm atraído o interesse de empresários para essa atividade. O objetivo desse trabalho foi gerar informações sobre o efeito da densidade de estocagem no crescimento e produtividade da tilápia vermelha da Flórida criadas em tanques-rede. Foram instalados doze tanques-rede de 5 m3, numa represa de 1 ha, e estocados com 25, 50, 75 e 100 tilápias vermelhas da Flórida revertidas por m3. Os peixes foram alimentados com rações extrusadas comerciais contendo 32 e 28% PB por 253 dias. As temperaturas máxima, mínima e média da água foram 32,2, 16,0 e 23,9 C, respectivamente. Também foram monitorados a condutividade (58 mS/cm2), alcalinidade total (28 mg/L), amônia não ionizada (0,26 mg/L), nitrito (0,02 mg/L), oxigênio dissolvido (4,1 mg/L) e transparência da água (37 cm). Foram determinados o peso médio final (279,54g), comprimento padrão médio final (18,72cm), fator de condição (4,12), conversão alimentar aparente (3,15), taxa de sobrevivência (96,9%), ganho de peso diário (0,92g), taxa de crescimento específico (0,70%) e coeficientes de variação do peso (0,357%), do comprimento padrão (0,136%) e do fator de condição (0,136%). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (P>0,05) entre as densidades de estocagem testadas nesses parâmetros. A densidade de estocagem de 100 peixes/m3 proporcionou a maior biomassa por m3 (P<0,001).


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To properly describe the interactions between the ocean and atmosphere, it is necessary to assess a variety of time and spatial scales phenomena. Here, high resolution oceanographic and meteorological data collected during an observational campaign carried out aboard a ship in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, on May 15-24, 2002, is used to describe the radiation balance at the ocean interface. Data collected by two PIRATA buoys, along the equator at 23°W and 35°W and satellite and climate data are compared with the data obtained during the observational campaign. Comparison indicates remarkable similarity for daily and hourly values of radiation fluxes components as consequence of the temporal and spatial consistence presented by the air and water temperatures measured in situ and estimated from large scale information. The discrepancy, mainly in the Sao Pedro and Sao Paulo Archipelago area, seems to be associated to the local upwelling of cold water, which is not detected in all other estimates investigated here. More in situ data are necessary to clarify whether this upwelling flow has a larger scale effect and what are the meteorological and oceanographic implications of the local upwelling area on the tropical waters at the Brazilian coast.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Tahiti lime appears very susceptible to attack by post-harvest diseases, primarily by the fungi Penicillium and Phomopsis, and also because of its high sensitivity to storage at low temperatures. In order to reduce such damage, the present study aimed to verify the efficiency of heat treatment and disinfection of pathogens in the prevention of post-harvest chilling injury of this cultivar and to compare this treatment with other products using the conventional fungicides. The heat treatments were studied with hot-water temperatures ranging between 48 and 56° C. Water at room temperature was used as a control treatment. After treatment, the fruits were kept under cold temperature at 10° C and RH 90% for about 45 days. For comparison, three other treatments were carried out simultaneously, one using imazalil, one with baking soda, and a third with sodium carbonate, these three products being applied by baths in cold water. Two groups of fruit were evaluated, one treated by immersion considering pathogens coming from the field and another by inoculation with spores of the previously isolated pathogens. For the evaluation of physical and chemical parameters of fruits, determinations were made of the skin color, texture, weight loss, size, juice yield, soluble solids, total acidity and vitamin C content. The determination of the sensitivity of the fruit to cold was made by their exposure at temperatures inducing cold damage. The design was a randomized block design with nine treatments, analyzed by the Statgraphics statistical package. Heat treatments, especially at 52° C, were shown to be more promising in the control of pathogenic fungi and cold damage, surpassing the conventional fungicides. No changes were found in the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters in relation to the application of the different treatments.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A central question in evolutionary biology is how interactions between organisms and the environment shape genetic differentiation. The pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) has caused variable population declines in the lowland leopard frog (Lithobates yavapaiensis); thus, disease has potentially shaped, or been shaped by, host genetic diversity. Environmental factors can also influence both amphibian immunity and Bd virulence, confounding our ability to assess the genetic effects on disease dynamics. Here, we used genetics, pathogen dynamics, and environmental data to characterize L.yavapaiensis populations, estimate migration, and determine relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors in predicting Bd dynamics. We found that the two uninfected populations belonged to a single genetic deme, whereas each infected population was genetically unique. We detected an outlier locus that deviated from neutral expectations and was significantly correlated with mortality within populations. Across populations, only environmental variables predicted infection intensity, whereas environment and genetics predicted infection prevalence, and genetic diversity alone predicted mortality. At one locality with geothermally elevated water temperatures, migration estimates revealed source-sink dynamics that have likely prevented local adaptation. We conclude that integrating genetic and environmental variation among populations provides a better understanding of Bd spatial epidemiology, generating more effective conservation management strategies for mitigating amphibian declines.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)