8 resultados para amaranth

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a interferência causada pelo caruru-demancha (Amaranthus viridis) e amendoim-bravo (Euphorbia heterophylla), em função das densidades e distâncias, no feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivar Pérola. Como recipientes, foram utilizadas caixas de cimento-amianto, com capacidade para 50 litros, preenchidas com LatossoloVermelho-Escuro. As mudas foram formadas em bandejas de 128 células preenchidas com substrato hortícola; quando as plântulas atingiram o estádio V2, foram transplantadas para as caixas, sendo as de feijoeiro numa linha central, reproduzindo a semeadura em campo, e as das plantas daninhas nas densidades de 8, 16 e 32 plantas m-2, distanciadas de 0, 12 e 24 cm das plantas de feijão e igualmente entre si. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com os tratamentos dispostos em esquema fatorial 3x3+2T, com quatro repetições, constituindo as parcelas experimentais. Foram avaliadas características de crescimento e de produtividade da cultura e das plantas daninhas. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F, e as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Observou-se que as plantas daninhas obtiveram maior desenvolvimento quando em maior distância da cultura. O caruru-de-mancha causou reduções no número de vagens e na produtividade estimada do feijoeiro. Para o caruru-de-mancha, o aumento da densidade só causou redução na produtividade da cultura quando as plantas estavam distanciadas em pelo menos 12 cm. A 0 cm, o feijoeiro tornou-se mais competitivo e não sofreu interferência das plantas daninhas, independentemente da densidade destas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The mutagenic activity of garbage originating from a household wax industry was determined by the Salmonella/microsome assay, using the bacterial strains TA100, TA98 and YG1024. The garbage was obtained by sweeping the floor of the factory at the end of the work shift. Organic compounds were extracted by ultrasound for 30 min in dichloromethane or 70% ethanol. After evaporation of solvent, these extracts (HFS: household-wax factory sweepings) were dissolved in DMSO, and were tested for the mutagenic activity at varying concentrations (HFS-ET: 0.08-0.68 mg/plate, HFS-DCM: 0.60-7.31 mg/plate). The colouring agents (pigments) used in the production of the wax were also dissolved in DMSO and tested with the assay. The concentrations tested for each pigment were: Amaranth: 0.46-3.65 mg/plate, Auramine: 0.15-1.2 mg/plate, Tartrazine: 0.46-3.65 mg/plate and Rhodamine B: 0.22-1.82 mg/plate. Both ET and DCM organic extracts had mutagenic activity, especially in the YG1024 strain. The pigments behaved in a similar way, demonstrating that YG1024 was the most sensitive strain for the detection of mutagenicity, and that metabolization increased the activity. Human exposure (occupational and non-occupational) to industrial residues generated during the household-wax manufacturing and packaging process should be monitored, since this type of garbage is normally deposited in the environment without any control. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Eleven organic synthetic dyes, currently or formerly used as food colours in Brazil, were tested to determine their effect on mitochondrial respiration in mitochondria isolated from rat liver and kidney. The compounds tested were: Erythrosine, Ponceau 4R, Allura Red, Sunset yellow, Tartrazine, Amaranth, Brilliant Blue, Indigotine Blue, Fast Red E, Orange GGN and Scarlet GN. All food colours tested inhibited mitochondrial respiration (State III respiration, uncoupled) supported either by α-ketoglutarate or succinate. this inhibition varied largely, e.g. from 100% to 16% for Erythrosine and Tartrazine respectively, at a concentration of 0.1 mg food colour per mitochondrial protein. Both rat liver and kidney mitochondria showed similar patterns of inhibition among the food colours tested. This effect was dose related and the concentration to give 50% inhibition was determined for some of the dyes. The xanthene dye Erythrosine, which showed the strongest effect, was selected for further investigation on mitochondria in vivo.


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Floating multiparticles for oral administration with different compositions were studied from a matricial polymeric system to obtain sustained release. The polymers used in the multiparticles constitution were methylceullose (MC) and hydroxypropylmethylcelullose phthalate (HPMCP) in several proportions. Spherical and isolated structures were obtained using HPMCP/MC in the range from 1:3 to 1: 13. The diameters of the floating multiparticles were in the range from 3 to 3.25 mm, while the non-floating particles were between 1.75 and 2.1 mm. The morphological analysis by confocal microscopy showed that the probable mechanism of drug release was the diffusion from the inner of particles to external media. The encapsulation of hydrophilic model substances (tartrazin and bordeaux S), showed that the maximum incorporation was about 38%, while for the lipophilic model substances (rifampicin) was 45%. The in vitro release of rifampicin in acid medium was dependent on the ratio HPMCP/MC. In alkaline medium the release followed a two-step profile, with slow release in the initial times and subsequent increase in the higher times The initial drug delivery profile was not dependent on the MC/HPMCP ratio and can be related with the release of the antibiotic from multiparticle inner caused by the swelling of polymers by the presence of water in the system. However, afterwards the release proceeds with typical profile of process involving hydrogels systems.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)