88 resultados para Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531.

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The Conularia beds of the Ponta Grossa Formation (Devonian) of the Paraná Basin, southern Brazil, yield well-preserved specimens of Conularia quichua Ulrich and Paraconularia africana Sharpe. Many of these are preserved in life orientation. Also, one of the C. quichua specimens has five faces instead of four, providing additional evidence of a cnidarian affinity for conulariids. Conulariids occur in the Jaguariaíva Member (or Sequence B, transgressive system tract) containing several obrution deposits beneath marine flooding surfaces. Taphonomic data obtained from these beds show conclusively that both C. quichua and P. africana were epibenthic, sessile invertebrates originally oriented with their long axis perpendicular to the bottom and with their aperture opening upward. Of the 136 C. quichua specimens examined here, 125 occur isolated. Eleven of the C. quichua specimens collectively occur in five discrete clusters consisting of two or three specimens. All of the clustered specimens are fully inflated (exhibiting a rectangular transverse cross section) or slightly compressed longitudinally. In all of these specimens the apex is missing, and thus the problem of whether the clusters were clonal colonies or formed through preferential larval settlement cannot be resolved conclusively. However, in the single cluster consisting of three specimens, the specimens are oriented perpendicular to bedding, and thus they do not converge adapically. The three specimens are in contact with each other along the upper portion of their median region. These and the lack of any evidence of a sheet of budding stolons, suggest that this cluster was formed by preferential larval settlement. © Asociación Paleontológica Argentina.


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This thesis attempts to comprehend, through the work of Georg Simmel and Ulrich Beck, two distinct phases of modernity through the concept of individualism and individualization processes arising therefrom. A substantial formulation of the concept that remits to the conceptual transposition unscathed from one reality to another is not the main focus of this study. This is about, in advance, two distinct realities, conceptual and comparative examination that aims to weave the points pertaining to echoes - internalized and modified according to the complexity of the historical premises - the thought of Simmel in theoretical perspective of Beck. The forms can be characterized as individualism according to the socio-philosophical mores of Simmel in the intention to understand the forms assumed by individualism in modern history, as well as the derived individualization processes sustained by individual law. Therewith, is intended to transpose the optical analysis of contemporary Ulrich Beck and reap, through conceptual analysis, the points that refer to the influence and continuity of thought of Georg Simmel


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Acompanhou-se o desenvolvimento dos processos da salga em salmoura saturada (salga úmida) e salga seca de filés de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) e avaliaram-se algumas características indicativas de qualidade do produto durante a estocagem. Os processos foram acompanhados por 156 horas na salga úmida e por 96 horas na salga seca, e os filés salgados foram estocados, respectivamente, por 60 e 45 dias à temperatura ambiente. Os teores máximos de cloreto nos filés (14%) foram atingidos com 72 horas na salga úmida e com 36 horas na salga seca. Os filés de tilápia salgados em salmoura mantiveram as características próprias do produto por um período de 45 dias, e os submetidos à salga seca apresentaram baixo teor de umidade (6%) e alta concentração de extrato etéreo (4,6%). Recomenda-se somente o processo de salga em salmoura saturada como forma de conservação dos filés de tilápia-do-nilo.


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O conhecimento da área foliar de plantas daninhas pode auxiliar o estudo das relações de interferência entre elas e as culturas agrícolas. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar uma equação matemática que estime a área foliar de Merremia cissoides, a partir da relação entre as dimensões lineares dos limbos foliares. Folhas da espécie foram coletadas de diferentes locais na Universidade Estadual Paulista, Jaboticabal, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, medindo-se o comprimento (C), a largura máxima (L) e a área foliar de três tipos de folíolos. Foram estimadas equações lineares Y = a x (X) para cada tipo de folíolo. Houve sobreposição dos intervalos de confiança das equações dos folíolos primário e secundário, por isso considerou-se uma única equação da média desses folíolos, além da equação do folíolo principal, para caracterização da área foliar de M. cissoides. Assim, a área foliar dessa espécie pode ser estimada pelo somatório das áreas dos limbos foliares dos folíolos principal e primário + secundário, por meio da equação AFnest = 0,501 x (X) + 2,181 x (Z), em que X indica C x L do folíolo principal e Z indica C x L médios dos folíolos primário + secundário, respectivamente.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar novos marcadores microssatélites, ligados ao gene Rpp5 de resistência à ferrugem-da-soja, e validar os marcadores previamente mapeados, para que possam ser utilizados em programas de seleção assistida por marcadores moleculares (SAM). Para tanto, uma população F2 com 100 indivíduos, derivada do cruzamento entre a PI 200526 e a cultivar Coodetec 208, suscetível à ferrugem, foi artificialmente infectada e avaliada quanto à sua reação de resistência à ferrugem. Marcadores microssatélites foram testados nos genitores e em dois bulks contrastantes, para a identificação de marcadores ligados. Dois novos marcadores, potencialmente associados à resistência, foram testados em plantas individuais, e se constatou que eles estão ligados ao gene Rpp5 e estão presentes no grupo de ligação N da soja. A eficiência de seleção foi determinada em relação a todos os marcadores ligados ao gene Rpp5, e a combinação entre os marcadores Sat_275+Sat_280 foi de 100%.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente total (DAT) e parcial dos nutrientes das silagens de cana-de-açúcar (SCnPc), de raspa (SRpPc) e de casca de mandioca (SCcPc) ensiladas com polpa cítrica peletizada (PCP). A dieta basal foi constituída de silagem de milho com farelo de soja, participando com 60% da matéria seca (MS) dos tratamentos com SRpPc e SCcPc. Foram utilizados novilhos mestiços, fistulados no rúmen e duodeno, num delineamento experimental em quadrado latino (4x4). A determinação do coeficiente de digestibilidade total e parcial dos nutrientes, a produção fecal e o fluxo duodenal de MS foram estimados a partir da fibra detergente ácido indigestível. Os consumos de MS e proteína bruta (PB) (% PV) foram superiores para a SMi (2,47 e 0,33), SCcPc (2,12 e 0,30) e SRpPc (1,88 e 0,27) em relação à SCnPc (1,38 e 0,19), respectivamente. As DAT da matéria seca (65,0%), matéria orgânica (66,9%) e energia bruta (64,3%) para a SRpPc foram superiores em relação às demais dietas, menos para a FDN (39,4%). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade ruminal (CDR) e intestinal (CDI) da MS, MO e PB não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre as dietas, somente o CDR da FDN (% ingerido) apresentou valores superiores para SMi (43,5), SRpPc (39,3) e SCnPc (37,0), sobre a SCcPc (20,0). A utilização da silagem de raspa de mandioca adicionada da PCP mostrou-se uma alternativa de boa qualidade na alimentação de bovinos.


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Recent results from our laboratory have shown that 30-bites social conflict in mice produces a high-intensity, short-term analgesia which is attenuated by systemically injected 5-HT1A receptor agonists, such as BAY R 1531 (6-methoxy-4-(di-n-propylamino)-1,3,4,5-tetrahydrobenz(c,d)indole hydrochloride) and gepirone. The present study investigated the effects of these drugs, as well as the 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY 100135 (N-tert-butyl-3-(4-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine-1-yl)-2-phenylpropanamide) injected into the midbrain periaqueductal gray matter of mice on 30-bites analgesia. Four to five days after guide-cannula implantation, each mouse received microinjection of gepirone (30 nmol/0.2 mu l), BAY R 1531 (10 nmol/0.2 mu l), WAY 100135 (10 nmol/0.2 mu l), saline (0.9% NaCl) or vehicle (saline + 4% Tween 80) 5 min before either an aggressive (30 bites) or a non-aggressive interaction. Nociception was assessed by the tail-flick test made before as well as 1, 5, 10 and 20 min after social interaction. The full 5-HT1A receptor agonist BAY R 1531 blocked, whereas, WAY 100135 and gepirone intensified 30-bites analgesia, Neither non-aggressive interaction, per se, nor the three compounds given after this type of social interaction significantly changed nociception. These results indicate that 5-HT1A receptors in the periaqueductal gray inhibit analgesia induced by social conflict in mice. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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The search for better performance in the structural systems has been taken to more refined models, involving the analysis of a growing number of details, which should be correctly formulated aiming at defining a representative model of the real system. Representative models demand a great detailing of the project and search for new techniques of evaluation and analysis. Model updating is one of this technologies, it can be used to improve the predictive capabilities of computer-based models. This paper presents a FRF-based finite element model updating procedure whose the updating variables are physical parameters of the model. It includes the damping effects in the updating procedure assuming proportional and none proportional damping mechanism. The updating parameters are defined at an element level or macro regions of the model. So, the parameters are adjusted locally, facilitating the physical interpretation of the adjusting of the model. Different tests for simulated and experimental data are discussed aiming at defining the characteristics and potentialities of the methodology.


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This article aims to analyze the impact of domestic politics and international changes that influence Brazilian positions regarding regional integration processes in South America, particularly the Southern Common Market, Mercosur. The dynamics of the international system and their impact on the evolution of the elite's perception of the role the country should play in the world are important variables for understanding these positions. The state's postures in relation to integration were and are based on a real interest, but this interest is also linked with the objective of ensuring better conditions for participation in other international arenas. Starting with the hypothesis that transformations in the international setting have strongly influenced Brazil's positioning, the elements of continuity and change in the country's behavior toward Mercosur are identified, with domestic politics as the main explanation.


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This work presents a bibliometric profile of Bioethics Journal according to the following journal databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, The Philosopher' s Index, Ulrich's, SciELO and Qualis classification system (Brazil). We found that: from 38 titles indexed in MEDLINE, 25 (66%) still exist; the country with the highest number is the U. S. A (36%); most Bioethics journals appeared in the 1990's (47%), and 36% have less than 10 years of existence. From those that disappeared (34%), the average survival time was about 4 years. There are only 12 countries with indexed journals. In Brazil, from 3 Bioethics journals, only one is (partially) indexed. English is the preponderant language (45%). Only 3% of journals are monthly. LILACS has two additional publications (Acta Bioethica, Chile, and Revista Latino Americana, Colombia). SciELO has only Acta Bioethica. In Ulrich's database, there are eight additional publications. In "Qualis" classification system there are four journals.


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Metronidazole is a nitronidazolic antibiotic used in veterinary medicine to the treatment of a variety of diseases. The cause of metronidazole neurotoxicity has not been determined. We report the case of a dog, female, Teckel, five-year-old, with a history of dorsiflexion of the tail, ataxia, muscle stiffness, recumbency, vertical nystagmus, apathy and anorexia, which was being medicated for seven days with metronidazole in a dose higher than the maximum recommended, and the neurological signs began after this period. Neurological signs were consistent with central vestibular dysfunction caused by metronidazole, such as ataxia and vertical nystagmus. In addition to the neurological changes, the clinical signs of anorexia and apathy are consistent with the administration of excessive doses of the medicine. The diagnosis of metronidazole-induced toxicosis is based on the history of normal to increased doses, clinical signs and resolution after discontinuation of the drug. In general, the prognosis is good after drug withdrawal and early diagnosis. Some dogs may die and others may recover completely. The neurotoxicosis has disappeared after the suspension of the medicine and supportive treatment. Veterinarians must be aware of potential complications associated with the use of this medicine, as well as limit their chronic use or high doses for the most severe cases, and diagnose the problem as quickly as possible to institute an early treatment.


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The buffalo population in Brazil increased about 12.9% between 1998 and 2003, to 2.8 million head, evidencing the importance of this species for the country. The objective this work was evaluation of animal growth using multivariate analysis. The data were from 2,944 water buffalo from 10 herds raised in pasture conditions in Brazil. Principal components and genetic distances were estimated using proc PRINCOMP and proc CANDISC in SAS (SAS Inst. Inc. Cary, NC, USA). Variables analyzed were birth weight (BW), age at weaning (AW), weaning weight (WT), weight adjusted to 205 d (W205), total gain between BW and WT (TG), daily gain between BW and WT (DG), weight adjusted to 365 d (W365), total gain between WT and W365 (TG3), daily gain between WT and W365 (TGD3), weight adjusted to 550 d (W550) and weight adjusted to 730 d (W730). Means and standard deviations for each variable were 39.4 +/- 3.2 kg, 225.6 +/- 38.8 d, 209.4 +/- 39.4 kg, 195.4 +/- 30.2 kg, 157.4 +/- 32.0 kg, 0.77 +/- 0.16 kg/d, 282.0 +/- 43.5 kg, 73.9 +/- 33.9 kg, 0.53 +/- 0.21 kg/d, 406.8 +/- 67.9 kg, and 468.2 +/- 70.6 kg, respectively. The eigenvalues to four first principal components were 5.29, 2.54, 1.66, 1.01, and justify 48%, 23%, 15% and 9%, respectively, with a total cumulative 95%. We created an index using the first principal component which is Y. 0.0552 BW + 0.0438 AW + 0.3142 WT + 0.3549 W205 + 0.3426 TG + 0.3426 DG + 0.4070 W365- 0.1531 TG3 - 0.2059 TGD3 - 0.3833 W550 - 0.3966 W730. This index accounted for 48% the variation in the correlation matrix. This principal component emphasizes early growth of the animal. Estimates the pair-wise squared distances between herds, D2(i vertical bar j)= ((x) over bar (i)-(x) over bar (j))' cov(-1)((x) over bar (i)-(x) over bar (j)), using with basis the average of weight of animals, showed the largest distance between herds eight (Murrah: DF) and seven (Murrah: Amazon) and the closest distance between herds one (Mediterranean - RS) and five (Jafarabadi - SP).


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Foreign bodies, although they are often found throughout the body, to a lesser degree in the face, still constitute a diagnostic challenge for the trauma surgeon. Its removal means danger of damaging important facial anatomic structures, even if its exact position from the image data was known. So, the objective is to describe a clinical report of a patient (42 years of age, male sex) who experienced falling to the ground, attended by the Department of Surgery and Traumatology Bucco-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry of Aracatuba, São Paulo State University, and 2 days after the trauma, he reported difficulty in mouth opening and pain. After clinical evaluation, we observed the presence of injury in the left preauricular region already in the process of healing. During the intraoral physical examination, a limitation of the mouth opening was noted. Radiographic posteroanterior and profile of the face showed 2 radiopaque foreign bodies in the left side, lying apparently at the region of the mandibular condylar process. Under local anesthesia, foreign body removal was carried from there with access to it through the preexisting facial injury. Further clinical examinations showed an improvement in mouth opening, absence of pain complaints, and/or functional complaints.


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Migraine and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are highly prevalent conditions that frequently coexist in the same patient. The relationship between migraine and TMD is complex. Migraineurs often have pain in the TMD area; TMD sufferers, in turn, often experience headaches in addition to the pain in the jaw. Finally, migraine and TMD are comorbid, and the final phenotype of patients with the comorbidity may represent the aggregated contribution of both. Herein we briefly discuss the clinical commonalities of migraine and TMD, and the differential diagnosis of these conditions with other causes of facial pain. We close by presenting our experience in the treatment of patients with the comorbidity.