7 resultados para Woodpeckers
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Associations among feeding habit, beak type, and food source in birds have been widely studied and are well known to exist. The relationship between feeding habit and jaw apparatus in birds has not attracted attention from ornithologists, perhaps because of the complexity of the skeletal morphology of the feeding system of birds. The goal of this study was to compare the jaw apparatus and foraging strategies of various Oriental species of the Picidae (Meiglyptini and Picini tribes) using a morphofunctional analysis of the skeletal structure of the jaw apparatus. This study showed that there are at least three types of jaw apparatus in these woodpeckers, as follows: 1) robust, developed, and complex; 2) complexity and development intermediate, as observed in Meiglyptes tristis and Dinopium spp., whose main foraging method involves gleaning, probing, and tapping; and 3) poorly developed, as observed in Picus miniaceus and Hemicircus concretus. The success of woodpeckers as a natural group is due not only to their feeding diversity, but also their ability to explore a wide range of different resources, as appropriate to their jaw apparatus.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Little of Brazil's remaining Atlantic forest is protected, so it is important to assess how well the region's wildlife can persist in areas/habitats outside reserves. We studied bird diversity and abundance during 546 point counts in the Sooretama/Linhares reserve, 200 point counts in 31 forest fragments (10-150 h), and 50 point counts in < 30-year-old Eucalyptus plantations, within 7 km of the reserve. Only eight bird species were recorded in Eucalyptus, and this impoverishment, as compared to some Eucalyptus plantations elsewhere in Brazil may be a result of intensive clearance of understory vegetation. Species diversity in forest fragments was significantly lower than in the reserve. Twelve, mostly non-forest or edge species, were significantly commoner in the fragments, but nineteen species were frequent in the reserve but rare or absent in forest fragments. These included two Pyrrhura parakeets, a Brotogeris parakeet, a trogon Trogon, a jacamar Galbula, woodpeckers Piculus and Campephilus, Myrmotherula antwrens, and Hemithraupus and Tachyphonus tanagers. Bird species richness at points in forest fragments did not decline with fragment size, distance from the reserve, or forest quality. However, forest in fragments was more heavily degraded than forest within the reserve and poor forest quality may be the cause of declines in some species. Whilst protection of forest within reserves is a priority, management of forest fragments may aid conservation of some threatened species.
In southern Brazil, I recorded 14 species of hummingbirds, one woodpecker, three Psittacidae, four Tyrannidae, one mockingbird, and 31 tanagers and relatives at eucalyptus flowers. Others have registered 3 different hummingbirds, another parrotlet, four more tyrannids, a peppershrike, a thrush, and 5 tanagers and related birds, for a total of 69 species. However, commercial plantations rarely flower, so use is local or undependable. Understory Phaethorninae are not recorded at eucalyptus, rarely at other tall and hence multiflowered trees. Bromelias and other flowers are noted in various studies, which add 89 species of flower feeders, including 14 Psittacidae, 17 Trochilidae, and 37 tanagers and relatives. Isolated low flowers and epiphytes are mostly visited by hummingbirds (some by Coereba), but some tall trees (Chorisia) also. As two times as many tanager species visit flowers as hummingbirds, researchers will have to get up early and patiently study treetop and nonpatchy habitats. However, tree plantations can attract artificially, like feeders. Bunch-flowering extrafloral nectar (Mabea, Combretum) is preferred by wandering mixed-flock treetop or edge tanagers and relatives, which often crawl over bunched flowers like parrots or woodpeckers (or marsupials and other mammals) rather than hover at separate flowers like nonflocking Trochilidae or peck from nearby like Nectariniidae and Coereba. Clamberers and petal-pullers, even nectar robbers, can cause evolution of umbels and other bunched flowers, for the bird, mammal or insect receives pollen from nearby flowers. Psittacidae, saltators and others mostly eat flowers, but can pollinate if they touch nearby flowers. Multiflowered trees can also attract hawks, causing waves of tanagers, parrots and others that move on to pollinate trees via fear and nectarivory. Certain groups, notably thrushes and tyrannids, seem to use nectar little, the latter often catching insects.
The Meiglyptini comprise eight species of woodpeckers grouped into three genera, two of which contain three species ( Meiglyptes and Mulleripicus), while one genus includes two species ( Hemicircus). The purpose of this study is to describe the mandibular apparatus found in six species of Meiglyptini and to compare them with each other and with other woodpecker species. The results reveal a number of structures that are worth mentioning: (i) the components of the external mandibular adductor system of Hemicircus concretus, particularly the M. adductor mandibulae externus caudalis medialis, are underdeveloped compared with the other investigated species; (ii) the muscles of the internal mandibular system are structurally different among Meiglyptes species and are less developed, both in size and in structure, in H. concretus; (iii) the M protractor quadrati is vestigial in Meiglyptes species; (iv) the muscles of the protractor system of the quadrate are relatively undeveloped in H. concretus; (v) most of the muscles of the pterygoideus system are structurally differentiated in Meiglyptes species. It appears that the complexity of the mandibular apparatus is associated with the type of food consumed, as the apparatus of the frugivorous species H. concretus is markedly different from that of the insectivorous species. © 2012 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
The Picini is composed of 26 species of woodpeckers from the old world that are grouped into seven genera. Given the absence of detailed studies on the cranial osteology of the Picini, the purpose of this study is to describe the cranial osteology of 14 species of Picini from six genera and to compare these species with each other, with other species of woodpeckers and with other bird groups. The results of the analysis of the bone structures of the skull of the Picini indicate that there are seven outstanding characteristic of bones involved in the functional mechanistics of the jaw apparatus. In the ossa cranii, these include the frontal overhang, the postorbital process, the extension of the parietal versus the frontal region and the temporal fossa. In the ossa faciei, these include the rostral expansion of the pterygoid, the ventral palatine fossa and the orbital process of the quadrate bone. For all of the structures associated with the cranial osteology of the investigated species, there is a clear distinction between the species of the genus Picus and the other species studied. Blythipicus rubiginosus, Chrysocolaptes lucidus, Reinwardtipicus validus, Gecinulus viridis and the species of the genus Dinopium exhibit additional particularities. © 2012 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
The Meiglyptini comprise eight species grouped into three genera: Meiglyptes and Mulleripicus, with three species each, and Hemicircus, with two species. The aim of the present study was to describe the cranial osteology of six species and three genera of Meiglyptini and to compare them to each other, as well as with other species of woodpeckers and other bird groups. The cranial osteology varied among the investigated species, but the most markedly distinct characteristics were: (1) a frontal overhang is only observed in the middle portion of the frontale of H. concretus; (2) the Proc. zygomaticus and suprameaticus are thick and long in species of the genus Mulleripicus, but short in other species; (3) the Pes pterygoidei is relatively larger in species of the genus Mulleripicus, while it is narrow, thin and relatively smaller in species of the genus Meiglyptes and indistinct in H. concretus; (4) the bony projection of the ectethmoidale is relatively short and thin in species of Mulleripicus and more developed in H. concretus. It appears that the greatest structural complexity of the cranial osteology is associated with the birds' diet, with the frugivorous H. concretus being markedly different from the insectivorous species.