93 resultados para WATER BODY

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Macrófitas são importantes produtoras primárias do ecossistema aquático, e o desequilíbrio do ambiente pode ocasionar seu crescimento acelerado. Portanto, levantamentos de dados relacionados a macrófitas submersas são importantes para contribuir na gestão de corpos de água. Contudo, a amostragem dessa vegetação requer um enorme esforço físico. Nesse sentido, a técnica hidroacústica é apropriada para o estudo de macrófitas submersas. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar os tipos de dados gerados pelo ecobatímetro e analisar como esses dados caracterizam a vegetação. Utilizou-se o ecobatímetro BioSonics DT-X acoplado a um GPS. A área de estudo é um trecho do Rio Uberaba, MG. A amostragem foi feita por meio de transectos, navegando de uma margem à outra. Depois de processar os dados, obteve-se informação a respeito de ocorrência de macrófitas submersas, profundidade, altura média das plantas, porcentagem da cobertura vegetal e posição. A partir desse conjunto de dados, foi possível extrair outras duas métricas: biovolume e altura efetiva do dossel. Os dados foram importados de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica e geraram-se mapas ilustrativos das variáveis estudadas. Além disso, quatro perfis foram selecionados para analisar a diferença entre as grandezas de representação de macrófitas. O ecobatímetro mostrou-se uma ferramenta eficaz no mapeamento de macrófitas submersas. Cada uma das medidas - altura do dossel, ECH ou biovolume - caracteriza de forma diferente a vegetação submersa. Dessa forma, a escolha do tipo de representação depende da aplicação desejada.


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The current accessibility to hyperspectral images of Hyperion/EO1 orbital sensor has brought new perspectives for studies of aquatic environments for allowing the remote estimative of several optically active constituents (OACs) in water body. The changes in the composition and concentration of OACs cause different patterns of absorption and scattering of electromagnetic radiation, likely to be detected using hyperspectral data. Therefore, an investigation was conducted taking into account the spectral characterization of water of a reservoir intended for public supply (Itupararanga Reservoir), from Hyperion/EO1 images and derivative analysis technique applied to spectral curves generated. Simultaneously to the acquisition of a Hyperion/EO1 image, a field campaign was carried out to collect limnological data in situ in georeferenced points. After radiometric correction of the image, reflectance curves of pixels were extracted for each station and the curves obtained were subjected to the technique of derivative analysis, which revealed features of absorption and scattering mainly associated to the presence of algal pigments. The results obtained show the presence of phytoplankton and algal activity, matching the field observation.


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A presença de algumas substâncias na água, como pigmentos fotossintetizantes, particulados, etc., afeta sua cor, provocando mudanças na radiância da água registrada por sensores orbitais. Nesse sentido, o sensoriamento remoto pode se constituir em uma fonte complementar de dados para o monitoramento da qualidade da água em grandes reservatórios (Novo et al., 1994). No contexto de um projeto de pesquisa realizado na AES Tietê S.A., com o objetivo de desenvolver técnicas para a avaliação da área com infestação de plantas aquáticas, imagens orbitais multiespectrais foram usadas tanto para mapear a dispersão espacial e estimar a área de ocorrência de macrófitas aquáticas, em duas épocas distintas, quanto para orientar a definição de pontos de amostragem in loco, visando a coleta e posterior análise da água e de sedimentos nos reservatórios. Este trabalho apresenta uma descrição do procedimento metodológico adotado na análise das imagens multiespectrais, bem como os resultados obtidos na caracterização dos reservatórios de Barra Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga, Promissão e Nova Avanhandava, em termos de seu dimensionamento, variabilidade espectral da água e presença de macrófitas emersas, nas duas épocas do ano consideradas.


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Streptozotocin-diabetic rats were treated for 17 days with a decoction of Eugenia jambolana (Myrtaceae) leaves (15%, w/v) as a substitute for water. Body weight, food and fluid intake, urine volume, glycemia, urinary glucose and urea were evaluated every 5 days. The animals were sacrificed by decapitation and blood samples collected for the determination of glycemia, serum cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and angiotensin-converting enzyme. The weight of adipose and muscle tissues was also determined. There were no statistically significant differences between treated and untreated rats for any of the biochemical or physiological parameters. We conclude that, at least in this experimental model, Eugenia jambolana leaf decoction has no antidiabetic activity.


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Most methods employed to estimate the height of waves generated by the wind require the surface length over which the wind blows. The choice of method depends on the nature of the water body, being applicable to ocean areas or interior water bodies, such as bays, lakes and reservoirs. One of the usual solutions has been the direct usage of the method validated in ocean waters for interior waters, therefore, not taking into consideration the effect of the restriction imposed by the shores. Nevertheless, the excessive quantity of operations of the method applied to interior water bodies (where the shore is a restraint condition) may not assure a satisfactory precision degree, unless an accurate enough graphic base of the shore with the addition of the operator's subjectivity is used. Thus, this scientific community brings this discussion to light, proposing a classic solution based on the application of the adequate method to interior waters (Saville et al., 1954) via automatized processing. Therefore, a program in AutoLISP, a computational language, has been developed. The application of the program has determined the maximum wind fetches in Ilha Solteira, state of São Paulo, reservoir as being between 9.5 and 12.5 km, in contrast with a previous study which has predicted far longer fetches (factor of three).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to characterize the LenYois Maranhenses ponds (Maranhao State, Brazil) with respect to morphometry and physical and chemical aspects of the water body, in particular, the planktonic community. LenYois Maranhenses is a tropical coastal region with sand dunes and numerous interdunal ponds, most of them temporary. Ten ponds were studied, and a nictemeral variation was carried out. They have similar physical and chemical characteristics (high temperature - 27.5 to 32.0 [degree]C, acid pH - 4.9 to 6.2, low values of dissolved nutrients, chloride - 0.75 to 1.00 mg.L[long dash]1, and electric conductivity - 18.8 to 33.2 [mu]S.cm[long dash]1, and light penetration up to the sediment). With respect to the plankton, it is likely that the different histories of colonization, the formation of the ponds, and the initial organisms, affect the species richness, density and dominance observed. The lakes were classified as polymitic and oligotrophic.


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In this research it was studied a system composed by the anaerobic filter combined with a sand filter for the wastewater treatment. For this, three anaerobic filters were operated with hydraulic detention time of nine hours which had the effluent disposed over four sand filters in different frequencies of application. on the first sand filter, 50 L.m(-2) were applied once a day. on the second, the third and the fourth filters, the same load was disposed in twice, three and four times a day, distributed between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. The system presented a final effluent suitable for the COD and BOD legislation maximum limit to be discharged into water body (Decreto Paulista no 8,468/1976), showing the viability of dispose a higher quantity of effluent then the one suggested by NBR 13969/1997, which guides the constructive aspects for this kind of treatment.


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We intended to verify if structural and physiognomical characteristics of water bodies influence on the degree of overlap among calling sites of 23 anurans species, if anuran species use different calling sites in different water bodies, and if there is some relationship between the degree of advertisement call (based on seven call features) and calling site differentiation. Then, we determined calling sites (based in four variables) and recorded the advertisement call for anuran species that occurred in 10 water bodies of northwestern São Paulo State. We also determined the environmental heterogeneity (based in four environmental descriptors) for each water body. Males of most species used similar calling sites in each water body, probably because of the high uniformity of the environment, as a consequence of agricultural impacts on edge vegetation of the studied ponds. Most species (18 out of 19 species) called from different sites in the ponds where they occurred, which can be associated with differences in horizontal and vertical distribution of vegetation in the studied ponds. From the 19 species analyzed, only males of Pseudopaludicola aff. saltica called in sites with the same characteristics in different ponds. Advertisement call of Hylidae species was more similar to each other than were Leiuperidae and Leptodactylidae among themselves. The aquatic/terrestrial anurans (Bufonidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae and Microhylidae) occupied similar calling sites but presented quite distinct advertisement calls, while Hylidae species presented an inverse pattern: a high similarity on advertisement call features but used different calling sites, which indicates a niche complementarity between physical (calling site use) and acoustic (advertisement call) space use.


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The genetic and morphological variability among 15 Brazilian strains of Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Kütz. collected from four locations was examined and compared with several reference strains of M. aeruginosa, M. viridis (A. Br.) Lemm. and M. wesenbergii (Kom.) Kom. in Kondr. Brazilian strains were classified by morphological features and by comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the cpcBA intergenic spacer and flanking regions. Our results indicate that Brazilian strains classified as M. aeruginosa are phylogenetically diverse compared with reference strains of M. aeruginosa and that the current taxonomy underestimates genetic diversity within M. aeruginosa. The data also demonstrate that morphological criteria alone are inadequate to characterize Microcystis species. Although colonial characters were shown to vary considerably in culture, some genetic lineages demonstrated consistent cellular diameter ranges, indicating that cell size has value as a taxonomic character. The detection of six M. aeruginosa genotypes in a single water body indicates that morphological approaches can also seriously underestimate the diversity of Microcystis bloom populations.


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The Rio Claro Formation mainly occurs in the county of Rio Claro (SP) lying unconformably on Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks. Its thickness is 30-40 m. It shows fine to coarse, regular to poor sorted, Triable sandstones and conglomerates with quartzite and quartz clasts in the base. Thin layers of mudstone occur interbeded. Stratigraphic maps had been elaborated in recent analyses allowing to improve the knowledge about the formation. The biggest thicknesses occur on the east part of the studied area. The coarse/fine clastic ratio map demonstrates that fine sediments are concentrated in the east side, and suggests the existence of barriers which conditioned perennial water body (or bodies) where decantation took place (east, south and southeast sides). The structural contour map of the Rio Claro Formation base indicates a NW/SE trough which was the main depositional axis. The integrated analysis demonstrates that the formation is formed by lacustrine, fluvial and debris flows deposits whose source area was located on NW side, with coalescent alluvial fans from where braided to psamitic meandering fluvial channels came. The location of the source area suggests no link with the Corumbataf River paleo-terraces.


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Habitat heterogeneity and use of physical and acoustic space in anuran communities in Southeastern Brazil. We intended to verify if structural and physiognomical characteristics of water bodies influence on the degree of overlap among calling sites of 23 anurans species, if anuran species use different calling sites in different water bodies, and if there is some relationship between the degree of advertisement call (based on seven call features) and calling site differentiation. Then, we determined calling sites (based in four variables) and recorded the advertisement call for anuran species that occurred in 10 water bodies of northwestern São Paulo State. We also determined the environmental heterogeneity (based in four environmental descriptors) for each water body. Males of most species used similar calling sites in each water body, probably because of the high uniformity of the environment, as a consequence of agricultural impacts on edge vegetation of the studied ponds. Most species (18 out of 19 species) called from different sites in the ponds where they occurred, which can be associated with differences in horizontal and vertical distribution of vegetation in the studied ponds. From the 19 species analyzed, only males of Pseudopaludicola aff. saltica called in sites with the same characteristics in different ponds. Advertisement call of Hylidae species was more similar to each other than were Leiuperidae and Leptodactylidae among themselves. The aquatic/terrestrial anurans (Bufonidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae and Microhylidae) occupied similar calling sites but presented quite distinct advertisement calls, while Hylidae species presented an inverse pattern: a high similarity on advertisement call features but used different calling sites, which indicates a niche complementarity between physical (calling site use) and acoustic (advertisement call) space use. © 2008 Departamento de Ciências Biológicas.


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Aim: Current analysis characterizes the effluent from bullfrog-rearing ponds during the grow-out phase; Methods: Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, electric conductivity, turbidity, total phosphorus, N-NH3, N-NO3, BOD5 and COD and the number of thermotolerant coliforms (Escherichia coli) of the inlet and outlet water of the ponds were analyzed twice a week. Assay consisted of a completely randomized experimental design with two treatments (inlet and outlet water) and six repetitions in a split-plot, coupled to collection over time as subplot; Results: All variables were significantly different (p < 0.05) between treatments and over time (p < 0.05). Average rates of temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen levels of the supply water were higher when compared to those of the effluent. The other variables such as conductivity, turbidity, total phosphorus, ammonia, nitrate, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand and E. coli were higher in the effluent when compared to rates in the supply water; Conclusions: The management during grow-out phase caused the deterioration of the water quality, with increasing levels of dissolved nutrients and the number of thermotolerant coliform. Ammonia and phosphorus levels in the effluent, caused by waste food, skin and feces, accelerate the eutrophication process of the receiving water body. Further studies on effluent treatment are required.