12 resultados para Voluntarios

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A constante de equilíbrio entre o plasma e o sítio efetor (ke0) é utilizada pelos modelos farmacocinéticos para prever a concentração do fármaco em seu local de ação (Ce). Seria interessante que a Ce de propofol fosse semelhante na perda e na recuperação da consciência. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho clínico de duas diferentes ke0 (rápida = 1,21 min-1 e lenta = 0,26 min-1) com relação à Ce durante a perda e a recuperação da consciência, usando o modelo farmacocinético de Marsh. MÉTODO: Participaram deste estudo 20 voluntários adultos sadios do sexo masculino. em todos os voluntários, administrou-se propofol em regime de infusão alvo-controlada, modelo farmacocinético de Marsh ke0 rápida e, em outra oportunidade, usou-se o mesmo modelo farmacocinético com a ke0 lenta. Inicialmente, o propofol foi infundido em concentração-alvo plasmática de 3,0µg.mL-1. A perda de consciência e a recuperação de consciência basearam-se na resposta ao estímulo verbal. A Ce foi anotada no momento da perda e da recuperação da consciência. RESULTADOS: Na perda e na recuperação da consciência a Ce pela ke0 rápida foi diferente (3,64 ± 0,78 e 1,47 ± 0,29µg.mL-1, respectivamente, p < 0,0001), enquanto com a ke0 lenta a Ce foi semelhante (2,20 ± 0,70 e 2,13 ± 0,43µg.mL-1, respectivamente, p = 0,5425). CONCLUSÕES: do ponto de vista clínico, a ke0 lenta (0,26 min-1) incorporada ao modelo farmacocinético de Marsh apresentou melhor desempenho que a ke0 rápida (1,21 min-1), uma vez que a concentração de propofol prevista em seu local de ação na perda e recuperação da consciência foi semelhante.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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INTRODUÇÃO:Muitos trabalhos têm estudado o comportamento hormonal nos exercício resistido, entretanto poucos relacionam os hormônios cortisol, GH e insulina.OBJETIVO:Estudar os ajustes das concentrações plasmáticas dos hormônios cortisol, GH e insulina em exercícios resistidos de mesma intensidade com relação à massas musculares distintas.MÉTODOS:Dez voluntários, com 20,3 ± 4,2 anos, 74,1 ± 10,2 kg de peso, 177,2 ± 4,6 cm de estatura e 23,8 ± 3,2 kg/m2 de IMC, realizaram uma sessão de leg press (LP) e supino reto (SR) com quatro séries com 10 repetições a 70% 1 RM com três minutos de intervalo. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue para dosagem das concentrações plasmáticas de cortisol, GH e insulina em repouso (Pré) e em 0' (Rec. 0'), 30' (Rec. 30') e 90' (Rec. 90') de recuperação.RESULTADOS:As concentrações plasmáticas de cortisol foram significativamente reduzidas ao final da recuperação em LP (2,20±0,37 ng/dl para 1,33±0,38ng/dl) em relação à pré-dosagem. As concentrações de GH e insulina elevaram-se significativamente durante a recuperação. GH em LP foi significativamente maior em Rec. 0' (2,75±3,29 ng/ml para 9,60±5,32 ng/dl) do que em pré. A insulina elevou-se significativamente em Rec. 30' em LP (14,70±7,92 ulU/ml para 21,66 ± 8,61 ulU/ml) e em SR (6,17 ± 2,99 ulU/ml para 19,70 ± 13,8 ulU/ml) em relação à pré. As concentrações plasmáticas de insulina pré em LP foram significativamente superiores a SR (14,70 ulU/ml e 6,17 ± 2,99 ulU/ml).CONCLUSÃO:O exercício resistido promoveu diferentes ajustes nas concentrações hormonais de cortisol, GH e insulina durante o período de recuperação.


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INTRODUÇÃO:Testes incrementais de corrida permitem a determinação de limiares metabólicos e neuromusculares. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar índices eletromiográficos e metabólicos entre dois protocolos incrementais de corrida com diferentes intervalos entre cada estágio de velocidade.MÉTODOS:Participaram do estudo 14 voluntários do sexo masculino. Os protocolos incrementais de corrida em esteira iniciaram em 8 km.h-1, com incremento de 1 km.h-1 a cada três minutos até a exaustão voluntária. Os dois protocolos diferiram quanto aos intervalos entre cada estágio de velocidade: 30 segundos (protocolo 1) e 120 segundos (protocolo 2). O limiar de fadiga eletromiográfico (LFEMG) foi determinado para os músculos reto femoral, bíceps femoral, tibial anterior e gastrocnêmio lateral. Para tanto, o comportamento do valor RMS foi correlacionado em função do tempo de corrida, sendo realizada regressão linear para determinação dos coeficientes de inclinação. O limiar de lactato foi identificado por meio do ponto de inflexão na curva lactato-intensidade e o limiar anaeróbio foi determinado por meio de interpolação linear. Foi aplicado um teste t de Student para dados pareados (p<0,05).RESULTADOS:Foi verificado que o protocolo 2 apresentou velocidade de LFEMG maior do que o protocolo 1, apenas para o músculo BF (p=0,023), o que caracteriza uma resposta específica deste músculo em protocolos incrementais de corrida.CONCLUSÃO:Protocolos de corrida com intervalos de até dois minutos entre os estágios incrementais apresentaram resultados semelhantes para determinação do LFEMG da maioria dos músculos estudados e dos limiares metabólicos.


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This study aimed to compare the effect of three stretching techniques (ballistic, static and contract-relax) on instant gain muscle flexibility on the hamstring muscle. We evaluated 23 subjects of both gender [means (SD) age 21.17 (1.4) years]. All volunteers performed static, ballistic and contract-relax stretching. Each technique was performed in a single session with an interval of seven days between sessions. To assess the immediate effects of the different techniques were performed two tests of flexibility, Sit and Reach Test and the Popliteal Angle Test. In comparison with the baseline there were significant increase in muscle flexibility in the Popliteal Angle Test after application ballistic (6.26%) and contract-relax technique (6.5%) respectively (p<0.05). When comparing the three techniques regarding the change score significant difference was found in the the Popliteal Angle Test for ballistic and contract-relax stretching, but Sit and Reach Test showed no significance difference. These data suggest that the ballistic and contract-relax were better than the technique of static stretching and both are equally effective. The ballistic contract-relax stretching techniques improved gain of muscle flexibility on the hamstring muscle.


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In Brazil, smoking incidence varies between 9.5% and 21.2% and it is more common among men. In college students incidence can reach 14% depending on the region, which is quite disturbing. Joining college is a crucial period for the commencement or maintenance of smoking. The Knowledge among college students about tobacco use is critical to devise strategies for intervention in this population. The objectives were to establish the occurrence of smoking and risk factors, nicotine dependence in college students and college goers. We interviewed students, teachers and administrative personnel from the Philosophy and Science School at UNESP at Marilia, from both sexes, regardless their age, which visited the First Week Against Tobacco event. The sociodemographic data, smoking status, time as a smoker, cigarettes smoked, date when they started smoking, history of smoking in the family, friends or associates were questioned. We also assessed the degree of motivation to quit smoking and the degree of nicotine dependence. Data were presented using descriptive statistics. Comparisons between categorical variables were made using the chi-square test (p <0.05). A total of 432 people, 180 men and 252 women, average aged 22.6 ± 6.9 years were researched. From the volunteers studied, 267 (61.8) had tried cigarettes and 171 of them (64%) reported that they were offered by friends. As a whole, 79 (18.3%) of these people were smokers, 52 (65.8%) reported intending to quit smoking and in 37 of them (46.8%), the degree of nicotine dependence was very low. Of all the smokers, 63 had smokers in the family and all of them had friends who smoked. 28.9% of all men were smokers and 10.7%of all women. The occurrence of smoking was 18.3% and the risk factor associated to smoking habit is related to friendship and family, and very low nicotine dependence.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation of color change on bleaching tooth through delta E (ΔE) by the spectrophotometer Spectroshade (SS) and digital program Scanwhite (SW). Methods: 25 patient volunteers were recruited from Operative Dentistry at Universidad de Chile Dental School, between 18 to 30 years, with good oral hygiene. Exclusion criteria: Previous experienced tooth bleaching, anterior restorations, cervical lesions, pain dental, pregnant patient, stained teeth, malposition of the teeth and periodontal pathology. The bleaching was made in two sessions with three different bleaching systems which were randomly. The assessment of color change through ΔE was made on the two upper central incisors (N=50) by the SS and SW. The color in the same teeth were measured before (T0) and after (T1) of the bleaching treatment. Data were analyzed using test Spearman correlation coefficient (Rho) with a significant level of 95%. Results: The results showed a positive and significant correlation (0.676), with a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). Conclusion: There is correlation in the measurement of color change on bleaching tooth by SS and SW.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Health indicators tend to be altered due to the participation of people in social networks. Objective: To find out ideas of individuals belonging to Portuguese speaking communities in Toronto, Canada, about the possibility of creating a social support network for women experiencing breast cancer. Method: Nineteen participants of the present ethnographic and critical study answered to questions, providing their opinions regarding to the social support network and its positive and negative aspects. Also, the participants suggested other possible individuals who could participate and help in the creation of such network. Discussions were transcribed, analysed and coded using qualitative software called Atlas ti 6.0. Results: The main components for the creation of the social support network were: the demystification of breast cancer and its prevention, emphasis in health education, dissemination of the need of volunteers and a direct social support to those women. The positive aspects were the participation of oldest women as social leaders and the utilization of schools and religious institutions for publicity. Negative aspects that were perceived as barriers are: the belief that breast cancer is a disease lived by women, the lack of knowledge about its cure and rehabilitation, as well as a collective sensitiveness to it. Also, about the participation of community leaders, the suggestions were: diplomats, priests and pastors, schools directors and communication entrepreneurs. Conclusion: The creation of the social support network should consider the cultural sensitiveness and the inner diversity of the consulted Portuguese speaking communities. Due to the insufficient number of Angolan participants to sustain a major analysis, a special recommendation was that Angolan social leaders and professionals should be invited to design the structure of such network according to their specific cultural traits.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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The aim of this study is to investigate the spontaneous use of medicinal plants by volunteer patients in the treatment of hypertension and to determine the most used plants in this situation. Data were collected through a questionnaire and a semi-structured guided interview applied to patients from a health center in the Midwest region of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Quantitative analysis identified a high number of hypertensive patients spontaneously using herbal treatment. The referred plants were identified by the Herbarium Botu and researched in the literature as to their therapeutic actions. The biggest mistake was observed in the misuse of the Bilberry for the treatment of hypertension, which reveals that health professionals and the community in general should be more careful. As a result we have published an informative booklet, with emphasis on hypertension concepts and on the use of medicinal plants as an alternative therapy method for this disease in order to provide scientific knowledge and scientific research evidence to this practice.