13 resultados para Vasa Previa

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Immunohistochemistry was applied to identify the nature of the nucleated cells that accumulate in the vasa rectae of the corticomedullary junction in acute tubular necrosis. In all 6 cases studied, there were intravascular cells that reacted with monoclonal antibodies to erythroblast, macrophages, myeloid cells, T and B lymphocytes and rave megakaryocytes. The findings are consistent with the occurrence of intravascular haematopoiesis in the renal medulla in acute tubular necrosis.


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Immunohistochemistry was applied to identify the nature of the nucleated cells that accumulate in the vasa rectae of the corticomedullary junction in acute tubular necrosis. In all 6 cases studied, there were intravascular cells that reacted with monoclonal antibodies to erythroblast, macrophages, myeloid cells, T and B lymphocytes and rare megakaryocytes. The findings are consistent with the occurrence of intravascular haematopoiesis in the renal medulia in acute tubular necrosis.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A ansiedade pré-operatória na criança é caracterizada por tensão, apreensão, nervosismo e preocupação e pode ser expressa de diversas formas. Alterações de comportamento no pós-operatório como enurese noturna, distúrbios alimentares, apatia, insônia, pesadelos e sono agitado podem ser resultado desta ansiedade. em algumas crianças, estas alterações persistem por até um ano. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar os aspectos envolvidos com a ansiedade que afeta a criança e os pais durante o período que antecede a cirurgia, bem como as intervenções, farmacológicas ou não, para reduzi-la. CONTEÚDO: O artigo aborda a ligação entre a ansiedade pré-operatória em crianças e as alterações de comportamento que podem ocorrer no período pós-operatório, bem como a influência de variáveis como idade, temperamento, experiência hospitalar prévia e dor. Medidas para reduzir a ansiedade pré-operatória na criança como a presença dos pais durante a indução da anestesia ou programas de informação e a utilização de medicação pré-anestésica também são revisadas. CONCLUSÕES: O período que antecede a cirurgia acompanha-se de grande carga emocional para toda família, sobretudo para a criança. Um pré-operatório turbulento significa, para muitas crianças, alterações de comportamento que se manifestam de forma variada e por períodos prolongados em algumas vezes. A presença dos pais durante a indução da anestesia e programas de preparação pré-operatórios para a criança e para os pais podem ser úteis para casos selecionados, levando em conta a idade, temperamento e experiência hospitalar prévia. A medicação pré-anestésica com benzodiazepínicos, em especial o midazolam, é claramente o método mais eficaz para redução da ansiedade pré-operatória em crianças e das alterações de comportamento por ela induzidas.


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Frozen-thawed epididymal spermatozoa have already been successfully used in artificial insemination in the domestic cat, proving to be a valuable resource for the reproduction of felid species, which are threatened with extinction. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of freezing and thawing on domestic cat semen collected by electroejaculation (EL) and from the epididymides (EP) and vasa deferentia. Ten adult cats were anesthetized, electroejaculated and immediately thereafter, orchiectomized. Epididymal spermatozoa were collected through the compression of caudae epididymidis and vasa deferentia. Spermatozoa were frozen-thawed following a single protocol. Sperm motility, sperm progressive status (0-5), plasma membrane integrity and morphology (light and transmission electron microscope) were assessed on two occasions, immediately after collection and after freezing and thawing. There were no significant differences between the electroejaculated and epididymal fresh or frozen-thawed spermatozoa for any of the variables. However, the incidence of acrosome defects after freezing and thawing increased by 19% based on light microscopy, whereas ultrastructural images revealed acrosome damages in most sperm cells. Since these acrosomal changes are known to affect sperm fertilising capacity, further studies are needed to optimize cryopreservation techniques for epididymal as well as electroejaculated domestic cat spermatozoa. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The contractions of the rat vas deferens in response to noradrenaline are mediated through alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors. We observed participation of alpha(1B)-adrenoceptors in these contractions after castration. We now investigated the time course of this plasticity and the effects of testosterone by determining the actions of competitive antagonists on noradrenaline-induced contractions after 7, 14, 21 and 30 days of castration. BMY 7378 (8-[2-[4-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethyl]-8-azaspiro[4.5]decane-7,9-dione dihydrochloride) antagonised noradrenaline-induced contractions in control and castrated rats with low pA(2) values (congruent to 6.8). In control vas deferens, WB 4101 (2-(2,6-dimethoxyphenoxyethyl)aminomethyl-1,4-benzodioxane hydrochloride) had a slope in the Schild plot no different from 1.0, while slopes lower than 1.0 ( approximate to 0.6) were observed for vas deferens from castrated rats. Chloroethylclonidine was ineffective in the control vas while it inhibited noradrenaline-induced contractions in vasa from castrated rats and converted the complex antagonism by WB 4101 into simple competitive antagonism. Treatment of castrated rats with testosterone prevented the effects of castration. The results suggest that alpha(1B)-adrenoceptors are detectable in vas deferens from at least the 7th through the 30th day after castration and that testosterone prevents this plasticity. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the importance of androgen on responses to alpha and beta (norepinephrine) and alpha(1) (phenylephrine and methoxamine) agonists in vasa deferentia isolated from adult, immature, cryptorchid, and castrated rats submitted to swimming-induced acute stress. The participation of adrenergic nervous terminals was also investigated. Acute stress was shown to induce a significant subsensitivity to norepinephrine only in vas deferens from adult rats with normal levels of androgens. In addition, sympathetic denervation of the vas deferens prevented the appearance of subsensitivity. Subsensitivity was not seen when the experiments were carried out using phenylephrine and methoxamine. This shows that subsensitivity to norepinephrine in this acute stress situation may depend on other factors such as neuronal uptake, but not on alpha(1)-adrenoceptor response. Thus, when animals are exposed to acute stressogenic situations, this subsensitivity requires physiological levels of androgens to establish, and may also be involved in body homeostasis. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O problema que motivou a realização do presente trabalho foi a dificuldade em se acolher o sofrimento psíquico nas unidades de atenção básica. Neste trabalho, investigamos se esta dificuldade se deve à inadequação epistemológica do paradigma hegemônico. Realizamos uma revisão de literatura e analisamos a utilização do termo paradigma na produção científica brasileira recente. Após busca pelas palavras-chave paradigma e medicina e seleção prévia, foram escolhidos 17 textos. A análise foi feita em duas etapas: análise linguística e levantamento da temática emergente. Levantamos as cinquenta palavras mais frequentes e as agrupamos em comunidades de coocorrência, utilizando o algoritmo de Clauset. Os textos discutiam as ideias de Kuhn e trouxeram tanto experiências inovadoras já implantadas em unidades de saúde quanto exemplos de mudanças curriculares nos cursos de medicina. A promoção da saúde aparece como um novo e promissor paradigma para a saúde.


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Among the decapods, the caridean Exhippolysmata oplophoroides has been described as a simultaneous protandric hermaphrodite, seeing that it presents a male initial stage followed by a hermaphrodite one in which it can function as male and as female. This work had the aims of characterizing the microscopical morphology of the male portion of the ovotestes gonads from E. oplophoroides, at the different development stages, identifying each cell from the germ lines during spermatogenesis, as well as describing the ultramorphology of spermatozoans in the terminal region of the vasa deferentia. Shrimps were collected in Ubatuba, north coast of São Paulo, and their male gonads and the ampoule were removed, fixed and processed according to histological routine and for scanning electron microscopy. The testicular portion is divided in lobes, inside which cells at the same stage of the spermatogenic cycle are observed, with prevalence of spermatogonia and spermatocytes at stages I, II and V of gonad development, whereas spermatids and spermatozoans are found at stages III and IV, respectively. Ultramorphology of the terminal portion of the vasa deferentia exhibits mature aflagellated spike-shaped spermatozoans, encased in secretion and between membrane foldings that will constitute the spermatophores. Despite presenting reproductive characteristics common to other decapods. E. oplophoroides shows spermatozoans as well as spermatophore with typical morphology, which is important for its identification and taxonomy. Further, this species showed polysaccharide secretions where the spermatozoa are immerse as far as the testicular portion, which could have a roe in their transport and nutrition as well as spermatophore constitution and/or fixation; differently, other caridean species begin spermatophore formation during the passage of the gametes through the vasa deferentia. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Investigou-se a angioarquitetura venosa da genitália de fêmeas bovinas não prenhes, para avaliar a presença de possíveis anastomoses dos vasos provenientes da região da vulva e da vagina com a veia útero-ovariana, usando-se cinco peças obtidas em abatedouros. No laboratório, um ramo da veia vaginal caudal, infundido com contraste radiográfico intravascular, foi submetido à radiografia. Observou-se que a veia vaginal forma intensa rede de anastomoses na superfície ventral do útero, entre os antímeros direito e esquerdo. As genitálias apresentaram anastomoses dos vasos vulvares e vaginais com vasos da cérvice, corpo e cornos uterinos, sugerindo que parte de um agente luteolítico administrado via intravulvosubmucosa pode ser transportado diretamente aos ovários por uma rota local, sem atingir a circulação sistêmica.


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Em 1974 a Prefeitura Municipal de Jahu interessada na urbanização do vale do Rio Jahu no trecho urbano propôs a abertura de avenidas marginais, conforme previa o plano diretor. Os autores preocupados com as potencialidades de uso do vale, sugeriram que se afastasse as avenidas do rio e se desse a oportunidade da criação de um parque às margens do rio. Esse parque teria a função de integrar o rio à paisagem urbana, compatibilizando, ao mesmo tempo, os interesses sociais da população com as necessidades da conservação da natureza.