120 resultados para Vaccines.
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Although BCG is the only accepted vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), its protective ability is very limited. Therefore, many new vaccines are being evaluated. Our group has been working on DNAhsp65 - a genetic construction containing the hsp65 gene from Mycobacterium leprae. In previous experimental works, we demonstrated that both DNAhsp65 alone or associated with BCG, in a prime-boost regimen, were effective to control TB. A possible deleterious effect related to autoimmunity needed to be tested because hsp65 is highly homologous to the correspondent mammalian protein. In this investigation we tested the effect of a previous immunization with DNAhsp65 alone or associated with BCG in a rat model of multiple sclerosis. Female Lewis rats were immunized with three doses of DNAhsp65 or primed with BCG followed by two DNAhsp65 boosters. The animals were, then, immunized with myelin associated with complete Freund's adjuvant to develop experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The following parameters were evaluated: weight loss, clinical score, central nervous system (CNS) inflammation and anti-myelin immune response. No deleterious effect was associated with these immunizations schedules. Immunized animals equally lost weight, the clinical scores were similar and CNS inflammation did not increase. Interestingly, both procedures determined decreased inflammation in the brain and lumbar spinal cord. This was concurrent with a modulatory effect over cytokine production by peripheral lymphoid organs. Cell cultures from spleen and lymph nodes in vitro stimulated with myelin produced less IFN-gamma and IL-10, respectively. This phenomenon was more clear in rats immunized with the genetic vaccine alone than with the prime-boost strategy. Together the results suggest that these strategies for TB prophylaxis would not accelerate or aggravate multiple sclerosis, being therefore, safe in this aspect. In addition, they indicate that these vaccination regimens have a potential anti-inflammatory activity that could be better explored in the future.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A total of 99 pregnant cows were divided into eight groups submitted to the following treatments: group I (n = 29) consisted of unvaccinated cows whose calves did not receive a probiotic and was used as control. Group II (n = 10) consisted of vaccinated cows whose calves did not receive a probiotic. Groups III, IV and V (n = 10 neach) consisted of vaccinated cows whose calves received a probiotic for 5, 15 and 30 days, respectively. Groups VI, VII and VIII (n = 10 each) consisted of unvaccinated cows whose calves received a probiotic for 5, 15 and 30 days, respectively. Each animal in the vaccinated groups received two 5.0 ml vaccine doses containing pili K99 and A14 of Escherichia coli by the subcutaneous route. The probiotic containing Lactobacillus acidophilus at the dose of 2.0 x 10(8) live cells in 250 ml milk, was administered orally. All animals were observed clinically and bacteriologically and anti-K99 and anti-A14 antibody titers were determined in serum and colostrum. Mean calf weight was measured at birth and at 30 days of age. The results showed that a combination of the vaccine with the probiotic administered for 15 and 30 days was the most efficient treatment for the control of diarrhea.
The occurrence of injection site reactions following immunization is the most frequently reported toxicity manifestation of vaccines; however, the different types of local reactions and the different mechanisms involved are still unclear. Here, the current advances in adjuvants and the role that adjuvants play in local reactions are reviewed. The role of adjuvants in the formation of the loco-regional complex (LRC), which consists of the injection site, draining lymphatic vessels and regional lymph nodes, is also discussed. Finally, strategies and recommendations for the rational design of adjuvanted vaccines are discussed, with a particular interest in the reduction of local inflammation. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The vaccinal antibodies interference represents one of the problems in the leptospirosis diagnostic on serum. The present study aimed to determine the pattern of serum agglutinins anti-Leptospirae spp in vaccinated female buffaloes against leptospirosis using two types of commercial vaccines: bacterin and extern membrane. The temporal interference of vaccinal titers on serum diagnostic was evaluated. Three groups of 11 adult female buffaloes were established as follows: G1 control, non-vaccinated; G2: vaccinated with bacterin containing six serovars and G3 with extern membrane vaccine containing five serovars. A booster was administered at 30 days from the first vaccination (dfv) and two re- vaccinations were performed in each semester (days 210 and 390). Serum samples were collected on days 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 and every 30 days until 540 dfv, being submitted to Serum Agglutination Microscopy (SAM) against the serovars present in the vaccine. G1 remained always negative. Both vaccines induced serologic responses when assessed by SAM at 150 days post first vaccination against all serovars and they revealed maximum titers around days 45 and 60 after first vaccination. At the re-vaccination there was an increase on agglutinin levels, but of less intensity than the levels previously observed. After six months from the second revaccination (540 dfv), they were almost zero, which demonstrates the short duration of diagnostic interference. The serologic monitoring of the vaccinated herds can be an efficient method to evaluate the status of protection provided by the vaccine.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
No presente estudo, 100 fêmeas bovinas foram divididas em cinco grupos de 20 animais cada. Os grupos experimentais receberam quatro diferentes vacinas comerciais (B, C, D e E), e um grupo permaneceu como controle. Amostras foram colhidas no dia da aplicação da primeira dose e nos dias 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 120, 150 e 180 pós-vacinação (PV). A triagem dos animais foi feita pela análise sorológica com 6 antígenos de leptospiras, escolhendo-se os animais não reagentes. Os títulos de anticorpos foram monitorados pela soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) com os sorovares Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Hardjo, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona e Wolffi. Todas as vacinas induziram, aos 3 dias PV, títulos de anticorpos aglutinantes para os sorovares Hardjo e Wolffi, que persistiram até o 150º dia PV. Os sorovares Hardjo e Wolffi induziram os maiores títulos de anticorpos aglutinantes. A vacina D, apesar de não possuir o sorovar Wolffi em sua composição foi capaz de induzir anticorpos aglutinantes contra este sorovar. Somente foram detectados anticorpos contra o sorovar Canicola nos animais vacinados com a bacterina D. A vacina que induziu os maiores títulos médios de anticorpos, considerando todos os sorovares testados foi a D.
The thermostability (TS) and efficacy offered by live vaccines against Newcastle disease strains B 1, La Sota, VG-GA and Ulster, produced or imported by four Brazilian laboratories, were evaluated during their validity period. Kinetic profiles were obtained from samples conserved in refrigerators during 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 months after their manufacturing. The statistical analysis of the vaccine titre effect obtained by the fresh air (FA) method showed that the vaccine profiles were parallel and coincident, presenting a significant descending trend. The vaccine titres and efficiency proofs at the end of the validity period were above the level of legislation requirements and showed an average loss in titre of 0.40 and 0.66 log(10), within the first and second validity years, respectively. The titre obtained by TS, within the month after manufacturing, had no significant difference from the titre obtained by FA within 24 months after manufacturing, being their pairs of observations positively correlated (r = 0,49, p = 0.0003), showing that the TS method, which anticipates the vaccines' performance at the end of the validity period, can substitute the FA method 24 months after manufacturing. (C) 2009 The International Association for Biologicals. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The protective effect of various Salmonella vaccines regimens against an experimental Salmonella Gallinarum challenge (SGNalr strain at 12 wk of age) was evaluated in two experiments. In Experiment 1 commercial brown layers were vaccinated according to one of the following programs: (i) two doses of a SE bacterin (Layermune SE; group 1); (ii) a first dose of a live SG9R vaccine (Cevac SG9R) followed by a SE bacterin (Layermune SE; group 2); (iii) one dose of each of two different multivalent inactivated vaccines containing SE cells (Corymune 4 & Corymune 7; group 3) or (iv) not vaccinated (group 4). In Experiment 2, broiler breeders were given the same vaccination treatments except for the group vaccinated with the multivalent vaccines. Overall, in both experiments, all vaccination schemes were effective in reducing mortality after challenge with a SG field strain. Primary vaccination with an initial dose of a live SG9R vaccine followed some weeks later by a dose of an inactivated SE bacterin was the most effective (p<0.05) vaccination program against mortality induced by field SG experimental challenge in both experiments. In conclusion, Salmonella vaccination programs containing SE bacterins alone or in combination with a live SG9R vaccine are effective in preventing mortality induced by infection of field SG. Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize that any vaccination program against any Salmonella serotype will only be effective if it is part of a sound and comprehensive biosecurity program designed for Salmonella control in poultry farms.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Two experiments were performed to evaluate the protective effect of various vaccination combinations given at 5 and 9 weeks of age against experimental challenge with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis ( SE) phage type 4 at 12 weeks of age. In Experiment 1, groups of commercial layers were vaccinated by one of the following programmes: Group 1, two doses of a SE bacterin (Layermune SE); Group 2, one dose of a live Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum vaccine (Cevac SG9R) followed by one dose of the SE bacterin; Group 3, one dose of each of two different multivalent inactivated vaccines containing SE cells (Corymune 4K and Corymune 7K; and Group 4, unvaccinated, challenged controls. In Experiment 2, groups of broiler breeders were vaccinated by the same programmes as Groups 1 and 2 above while Group 3 was an unvaccinated, challenged control group. All vaccination programmes and the challenge induced significant (P<0.05) seroconversion as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Overall, in both experiments, all vaccination schemes were significantly effective in reducing organ (spleen, liver and caeca) colonization by the challenge strain as well as reducing faecal excretion for at least 3 weeks. Vaccinated layers in Groups 1 and 2 and broiler breeders in Group 2 showed the greatest reduction in organ colonization and the least faecal excretion. In Experiment 1, layers vaccinated with multivalent inactivated vaccines containing a SE component (Group 3) were only moderately protected, indicating that such a vaccination programme may be useful in farms with good husbandry and housing conditions and low environmental infectious pressure by Salmonella.
Na presente revisão, buscou-se apresentar os principais impactos ambientais causados pela pecuária, sobretudo, em relação às emissões de gases efeito estufa (GEE). Além disso, buscou-se apresentar possíveis formas de mitigar essas externalidades. A criação de bovinos, no Brasil, acontece de forma extensiva, muitas vezes em áreas com pastagem degradada e, portanto, de baixa produtividade. Isso possibilita à atividade uma oportunidade de redução do impacto causado ao meio ambiente, uma vez que ações tomadas, no sentido de melhorar o rendimento animal, devem resultar em um menor consumo de recursos naturais (terra e água) e maior eficiência do sistema digestivo animal. Os principais problemas apontados pelos pesquisadores, no que tange à pecuária extensiva, são o metano emitido pela fermentação entérica dos ruminantes, o óxido nitroso emitido pelos dejetos dos animais em pastejo e o dióxido de carbono trocado pelo solo e vegetação. Muitos fatores influenciam a produção de CH4 entérico dos ruminantes, inclusive o tipo de carboidrato fermentado, o sistema digestivo do animal, a quantidade e o tipo de alimentos consumidos. Diante do exposto, pesquisadores têm desenvolvido tecnologias para reduzir a emissão de metano, através da melhoria das práticas de manejo alimentar, manipulação ruminal, por meio de suplementação com monensina, lipídios, ácidos orgânicos e compostos de plantas. Outras estratégias de redução de metano que foram investigadas são: defaunação e vacinas, que buscam inibir micro-organismos metanogênicos e a metanogênese. Assim, a busca por sistemas de produção eficientes tem sido uma das perspectivas da pecuária mundial para reduzir a emissão de poluentes e intensificar a produção animal.