31 resultados para Uca vocator

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Crab fecundity is widely known to vary proportionally to female size, but the female's nutritional state also has an important effect on egg production. This study evaluates intraspecific variability of reproductive output by monthly sampling Uca vocator populations from the Itapanhau, Indaia, and Itamambuca mangroves on the southeastern coast of Brazil. The presence of ovigerous crabs, their carapace width (CW) and their number of eggs were recorded. Additionally, the productivity of the mangroves and the content of organic matter of the sediments were analysed in order to estimate food availability in each locality. Size-specific fecundity relationships were obtained for each population and compared among the three populations. Ovigerous females from Itamambuca are the largest and their fecundities are also the highest among the populations studied. These results probably are associated with the favourable environmental conditions in Itamambuca, as this is a young mangrove with a high productivity level.


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The population structure of U. vocator was investigated during a one-year period in three mangrove forests in southeast Brazil. The study specifically addressed comparisons on individual size juvenile recruitment and sex-ratio. The structure of the mangrove forests, i.e. density, basal area, and diameter, and the physical properties of sediments. i.e. texture and organic matter contents, were also examined. A catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) technique was used to sample the crab populations using 15-min sampling periods by two people. Males always outnumbered females, probably due to ecological and behavioural attributes of these crabs. The median size of fiddler crabs differed among the sampled populations. The mangroves at Indaiá and Itamambuca showed higher productivity than those at Itapanhaú, where oil spills impacting the shore were reported. Marked differences were found regarding individual size, either their size at the onset of sexual maturity or their asymptotic size, suggesting that food availability may be favouring growth in the studied populations.


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Morphological aspects of spermatozoa in marine animals have been used in recent decades as phylogenetic criteria (spermiotaxonomy). This paper presents ultrastructural descriptions of the spermatozoa from Uca maracoani, U. thayeri, and U. vocator. A small portion of the vas deferens of each species was examined under the transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The ultrastructural analysis showed that each spermatophore consists of a varying number of spermatozoa embedded in a dense fibrillar matrix surrounded by a membrane. The spermatozoa of U. maracoani, U. thayeri, and U. vocator are typical of brachyurans. The Voluminous acrosome is characterized by three different layers. The postero-lateral surface of the acrosome is cupped by the reduced cytoplasm, and the anterior surface is covered by the operculum. The perforatorium consists of coiled, helicoidal membranous tubules and is continuous with the cytoplasm. The nucleus is composed by uncondensed chromatin and presents several lateral arms distributed over the entire equatorial plane of the cell. The presence of the apical button is a well defined character among all species of the genus Uca, but in U. thayeri it was not observed. The accessory opercular ring can be found in the three studied species, but in distinct development degree-Two centrioles were detected in U. thayeri and U. vocator, but only one was found in U. maracoani. The presence of centrioles in the mature spermatozoa is the first account for the genus Uca upto-date. Considering the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of U. maracoani, U. thayeri, and U. vocator, we suggest that these three species partially follow the morphological patterns previously described in other Thoracotremata brachyurans. The absence of the apical button in U. thayeri spermatozoa may represent an evolutionary novelty in the genus Uca. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fiddler crabs are deposit feeders, and use the setae on their mouth appendages to manipulate sediment particles to extract food. The number of spoon-tipped setae on the second maxilliped is frequently related to the distribution of fiddler crabs on estuarine sediments, but no study has compared the morphological diversity of these setae among multiple fiddler crab species. Here, we describe and classify the setae of the second maxillipeds of the nine Uca spp. known from the Brazilian coast. The second maxilliped of each species was examined by scanning electron microscopy. Six types of setae (five papposerrate, and one pappose) were described on the meropodite of the second maxilliped. Among the papposerrate setae, one type had a spoon-like tip, and the morphology of this type, especially the degree of curvature, differed between species. Members of Uca leptodactylus, U. uruguayensis, and U. maracoani had highly concave spoon-tipped setae. In U. rapax and U. cumulanta, the setal tip was moderately curved, while in U. thayeri, U. burgersi, and U. mordax, this curvature was slight. At the other extreme, the meropodite of the second maxilliped of U. vocator lacked setae altogether. This is the first study that describes differences in the degree of curvature of spoon-tipped setae in fiddler crabs. This trait may be strongly related to the distribution of these fiddler crabs on different estuarine substrates. © 2012, The American Microscopical Society, Inc.


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Bioturbation of mangrove sediments by Uca uruguayensis (Nobili, 1901) and U. rapax (Smith, 1870) was compared based on the grain-size composition and organic content in surface sediment around the burrow and feeding pellets in two mangrove zones of the Sao Vicente Estuary, state of São Paulo, Brazil. For each species, 25 burrows with active crabs were selected. All pellets within a 15-cm radius of each burrow were carefully collected; samples of substrate were taken; and the crab occupant was excavated, sexed, and measured for carapace width (CW). The number of spoon-tipped setae on the second maxilliped of each species was estimated; U. uruguayensis showed more of these setae than U. rapax. For both species, the sediment post-processed by feeding activity (feeding pellets) showed a similar increase of coarser fractions and a smaller organic content. However. U. uruguayensis was more efficient in removing organic matter (88.1%) from the sediment than U. rapax (37.5%). These results suggest that different numbers of spoon-tipped setae on the second maxillipeds of the fiddler crabs do not affect the potential for grain-size selection, but result in differing abilities to remove organic matter from the sediment.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Population and reproductive biology were studied in three populations of the crab Uca burgersi Holthuis, 1967, in the Indaia, Cavalo and Ubatumirim mangrove forests (Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil). Crabs were collected during low tide (August 2001 through July 2002), by digging the sediment, with a standard capture effort (two persons for 30 min.). Carapace width was measured, and gonad developmental stage was recorded from all specimens. U. burgersi was most abundant in the Cavalo mangrove, where the largest mate was found. Juvenile crabs were found year-round at all three sites. However, the ratio of ovigerous females was very low, even null in the Cavalo mangrove. The gonad development rate indicated that U. burgersi was reproducing continuously, but more intensively during spring and summer, with recruitment occurring in winter. The synchrony between the populational and reproductive biology in the three areas showed that local features were not the limiting factors. It is suggested that this species is a habitat generalist.


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The population biology of Uca thayeri was studied in a subtropical mangrove in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Two sampling techniques were used: transect sampling and catch-per-unit-effort. Size frequency distribution, sex-ratio, and reproductive period were analysed. For juvenile crabs (CW < 4.6 mm), the transect procedure was most efficient, while ovigerous females were most collected during the capture effort. Males were most numerous in the transect technique, while in the catch-per-unit-effort there was no difference between sexes. The species showed a different size frequency distribution for each sampling procedure. The reproduction of U. thayeri is seasonal, being more pronounced in the warmer months of the year. However, juveniles occurred all over the year, although more numerous in the colder months. The success of the species in reproductive activity and the constant colonization of the area can be attributed to the availability of food resources and differential occupation of the habitat by ovigerous females.


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The allometric growth of Uca leptodacyla from two distinct subtropical estuaries on the Brazilian coast was evaluated concerning its growth pattern and size at onset of sexual maturity. Females attained maturity at similar sizes in both sites (4.1 mm of carapace length in Indaia and 4.2 mm in Ubatumirim), while males differed slightly. They reached the size at sexual maturity of 5.3 mm of carapace length in Indaia and 4.6 mm in Ubatumirim. Growth pattern is Usually similar among crabs from distinct Sites while size at sexual maturity is frequently different. However, in the case of U. leptodacyla it did not occur, probably due to the strong habitat similarity and intrinsic features of this species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The relative growth of the fiddler crab Uca cumulanta was studied, primarily to determine the size at the onset of sexual maturity for a mangrove population in the estuary of the Patitiba River, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The evaluation of the morphological sexual maturity of U. cumulanta was performed using the allometric technique. The relationships that most precisely indicated the size at onset of sexual maturity were carapace length (CL) vs propodus length for males and CL vs abdomen width for females. Males and females are mature at 5.25 and 4.75 mm CL, respectively. The remarkable ontogenetic changes observed in the allometric growth of the male major cheliped and the female abdomen, indicate that growth of these structures is closely connected to the timing of sexual maturity. The relative size at onset maturity obtained for this species was 0.68 and this index was compared to that seen in other species in the genus.