28 resultados para Type of business enterprise

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) causes an economically important seedborne and aphid-transmitted disease of lettuce and ornamental crops worldwide. The genetic diversity among 73 LMV isolates was examined based on a 216-nucleotide sequence at the variable region encoding the NIb-coat protein junction, Three clusters of LMV isolates were distinguished: LMV-Yar, LMV-Greck, and LMV-RoW. In the latter cluster, two subgroups of isolates, LMV-Common and LMV-Most, accounted for a large proportion of the LMV isolates analyzed. These two subgroups included the seedborne isolates, consistent with this property contributing a selective advantage and resulting in widespread distribution. In addition to being seedborne, LMV-Most isolates overcome the two resistance genes commonly used in lettuce, mol(1) and mol(2), and thus represent a potential threat to lettuce cultivation. The complete sequence of an LMV-Most isolate (LMV-AF199) was determined, allowing a better definition of the genetic relationships among LMV-Most, LMV-Common, and an additional isolate of the LMV-RoW cluster.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of the present study was to determine the influence of the type of trauma on the pulp vitality and the time elapsed until seeking dental care in children aged 0-3 years seen at the Baby Clinic of the Aracatuba Dental School, UNESP. A total of 1813 records were analyzed. Two hundred and three patients, corresponding to 302 traumatized teeth, were assessed clinically and radiographically. Hard-tissue injuries were the most frequent (52%), with a predominance of enamel crown fractures (41.4%), followed by concussions (12.6%) and intrusions (11.6%). Clinical and radiographic examination revealed that 72% of the traumatized teeth maintained pulp vitality. In the case of supporting-tissue lesions, 51.1% of the patients sought care within 1-15 days after injury, while in the case of hard-tissue injuries, 52.7% sought care only after 16 days. The results showed that supporting-tissue injuries had a significant influence on the faster seeking of dental care.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the type of vehicle (distilled water or propyleneglycol) on the response of apical tissues of dogs' teeth after root canal filling with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) at two different limits. Forty roots of incisors and premolars of two adult dogs were used. After pulpectomy, the root canals were prepared biomechanically, and the roots had the apical cemental barrier penetrated with a #15 K-file and widened to a #25 K-file. The root canals were assigned to four groups according to the vehicle used for MTA (ProRoot-MTA; Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK) preparation and the limit of root canal filling: group 1, filling with MTA/distilled water to the limit of the cemental canal; group 2, overfilling with MTA/distilled water, group 3, filling with MTA/propyleneglycol to the limit of the cemental canal; and group 4, overfilling with MTAlpropyleneglycol. The animals were killed by anesthetic overdose 90 days after endodontic treatment and the anatomic pieces were prepared for histomorphological analysis. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Brown and Brenn techniques. The results showed that MTA pastes prepared with either distilled water or propyleneglycol as vehicles had similar biological behavior (p > 0.05); root fillings placed at the cemental canal limit showed better results than the overfillings (p = 0.01), and MTA/propyleneglycol paste was more easily placed into the root canals than MTA/distilled water paste.


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The sternal glands of the abdomen of Oxaea flavescens consist of class ill glandular cells, with the excretory canaliculus linking to the lateral intersegmental membrane of segments ill, TV and V. The intersegmental membrane is augmented and folded into several lobes forming a reservoir covered by secretory cells. The intersegmental membrane is then transformed into an intima that lines a reservoir space containing secretions of a type of mucus which is periodic acid-Schiff positive. The storage of a great amount of secretion suggests that it is not used continuously. These glands are absent from males, indicating that their products must have a specific function linked to the female sex.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Sowing is a critical time in the cycle of a crop and the seeds are frequently exposed to adverse conditions that may compromise the establishment of seedlings in the field. on this basis, the objective of the present study was to determine the effect of types of environmental stress on the emergence of sunflower, maize and soybean seeds with different levels of vigor. High vigor seeds were artificially aged in order to obtain medium and low vigor seeds and then they were sown in clay soil in plastic boxes and submitted to the following types of environmental stress during the germination process : 1) high temperature (35degreesC), 2) low temperature (15 or 18degreesC), 3) water excess (Psi > -0.0001 MPa), 4) water deficiency (Psi approximately equal to -1.1; -1.2 and -0.6 MPa for sunflower, maize and soybean, respectively), 5) sowing at a depth of 7 cm and 6) pathogenic infection of sunflower seeds with Alternaria helianthi, of maize seeds with Fusarium moniliforme and of soybean seeds with Colletotrichum dematium, var. truncata. The results were compared to those obtained with controls sown under optimal condition. It was concluded that: 1) the effect of seed vigor on emergence depends on the type of enviromental stress to which the seeds are exposed, 2) the stress to which the the seeds demonstrated highest sensitivity varied with species and 3) high temperature stress was the one that most impaired the emergence of the three species.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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During spermiogenesis, the spermatids of the pimelodid species Pimelodus maculatus and Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum show a central flagellum development, no rotation of the nucleus, and no nuclear fossa formation, in contrast to all previously described spermatids of Teleostei. These characteristics are interpreted as belonging to a new type of spermiogenesis, named here type III, which is peculiar to the family Pimelodidae. In P. maculatus and P. fasciatum, spermatozoa possess a spherical head and no acrosome; their nucleus contains highly condensed, homogeneous chromatin with small electron-lucent areas; and a nuclear fossa is not present. The centriolar complex lies close to the nucleus. The midpiece is small, has no true cytoplasmic channel, and contains many elongate and interconnected vesicles. Several spherical to oblong mitochondria are located around the centriolar complex. The flagellum displays the classical axoneme (9 + 2) and no lateral fins. Only minor differences were observed among the pimelodid species and genera. Otherwise, spermiogenesis and spermatozoa in the two species of Pimelodidae studied exhibit many characteristics that are not found in other siluriform families, mainly the type III spermiogenesis. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of type of cuttings (apical, intermediate and basal) and different concentrations of IBA (indole-3-butyric acid) on rooting of Red success rose (Rosa sp.) leafy cuttings, during two season of cuttings collection (summer and winter). The investigation was carried out in the farm Irmaos Van Schaik in Holambra-SP, Brazil, from February to April and August to October/1993. The experimental design was a randomized block in a factorial arrangement. It consisted of 12 treatments (3 types of cuttings combined with IBA powder in 4 different concentrations - 0, 1000, 2000 and 4000 ppm) with 3 replicates during 2 seasons. The investigation permitted the following conclusions: the apical and intermediate cuttings showed better results in general when compared to the basal ones in both seasons; the average rooting at the transplanting time were 76%, 70% and 47% (summer) and 80%, 69% and 33% (winter) for apical, intermediate and basal cuttings, respectively; the utilization of IBA did not stimulate rooting. The average rooting for the control cuttings reached 85% (summer) and 78% (winter), regardless the type of cuttings.


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The objective was to analyze and report field data focusing on the effect of type of progesterone-releasing vaginal insert and dose of pLH on embryo production, following a superstimulatory protocol involving fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) in Nelore cattle (Bos taurus indicus). Donor heifers and cows (n = 68; 136 superstimulations over 2 years) received an intravaginal, progesterone-releasing insert (CIDR® or DIB®, with 1.9 or 1.0 g progesterone, respectively) and 3-4 mg of estradiol benzoate (EB) i.m. at random stages of the estrous cycle. Five days later (designated Day 0), cattle were superstimulated with a total of 120-200 mg of pFSH (Folltropin-V®), given twice daily in decreasing doses from Days 0 to 3. All cattle received two luteolytic doses of PGF2α at 08:00 and 20:00 h on Day 2 and progesterone inserts were removed at 20:00 h on Day 3 (36 h after the first PGF2α injection). Ovulation was induced with pLH (Lutropin-V®, 12.5 or 25 mg, i.m.) at 08:00 h on Day 4 with FTAI 12, 24 and in several cases, 36 h later. Embryos were recovered on Days 11 or 12, graded and transferred to synchronous recipients. Overall, the mean (±S.E.M.) number of total ova/embryos (13.3 ± 0.8) and viable embryos (9.4 ± 0.6) and pregnancy rate (43.5%; 528/1213) did not differ among groups, but embryo viability rate (overall, 70.8%) was higher in donors with a DIB (72.3%) than a CIDR (68.3%, P = 0.007). In conclusion, the administration of pLH 12 h after progesterone removal in a progestin-based superstimulatory protocol facilitated fixed-time AI in Nelore donors, with embryo production, embryo viability and pregnancy rates after embryo transfer, comparable to published results where estrus detection and AI was done. Results suggested a possible alternative, which would eliminate the need for estrus detection in donors. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper by R. E. Catai, E. C. Bianchi, P. R de Águia and M. C. Alves reports on the results of an analysis made of roundness errors, residual stresses, and SEM micrographs of VC131 steel. The analysis involved workpieces ground with two types of cutting fluid: synthetic cutting fluid and emulsive oil. In this study, the cutting parameters were kept constant while the type of cutting fluid was varied. The amount of cutting fluid injected in the process was also varied, aiming to identify the ideal amount required to obtain good results without causing structural damage to the workpiece. The SEM analyses of roundness errors and residual stresses revealed that, of the two cutting fluids, emulsive oil provided better tensions due to its greater lubricating power.