25 resultados para Tropidurus montanus

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The chromosomes of 173 specimens representing eleven species of the Tropidurus torquatus group, from 33 localities in Brazil, were analysed after Giemsa staining, C-banding, NORs, and replication banding techniques. A karyotype with 2n = 36, including 12 macrochromosomes and 24 microchromosomes (12 M + 24 m), and sex determination of the XY:XX type were found in Tropidurus cocorobensis, T. erythrocephalus, T. etheridgei, T. hispidus, T. hygomi, T. montanus, T. mucujensis, T. oreadicus, and T. torquatus. The two other species, T. itambere and T. psammonastes, presented 2n = 36 (12 M + 23 m) karyotype only in females while males had 2n = 35 (12 M + 23 m), due to the sex determination of the X(1)X(2)Y:X(1)X(1)X(2)X(2) type. Other interspecific differences as well as some intraspecific variation regarding the NORs and C-banding patterns have been observed, mainly in the microchromosome set. on the contrary, the macrochromosomes were highly conservative. Although consistent karyotypic diversity occurred in the torquatus group, the cytogenetic data obtained up to now did not allow us to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of the species. Nevertheless, the geographical distribution of the distinct cytotypes in T. hispidus and T. torquatus suggested that more than one species might be involved in each case.


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Tropidurid lizards have colonized a variety of Brazilian open environments without remarkable morphological variation, despite ecological and structural differences among habitats used. This study focuses on two Tropidurus sister-species that, despite systematic proximity and similar morphology, exhibit great ecological divergence and a third ecologically generalist congeneric species providing an outgroup comparison. We quantified jumping capacity and sprint speed of each species on sand and rock to test whether ecological divergence was also accompanied by differences in locomotor performance. Relevant physiological traits possibly associated with locomotor performance metabolic scopes and fiber type composition, power output and activity of the enzymes citrate synthase, pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydrogenase of the iliofibularis muscle - were also compared among the three Tropidurus species. We found that the two sister-species exhibited remarkable differences in jumping performance, while Tropidurus oreadicus, the more distantly related species, exhibited intermediate values. Tropidurus psamonastes, a species endemic to sand dunes, exhibited high absolute sprint speeds on sand, jumped rarely and possessed a high proportion of glycolytic fibers and low activity of citrate synthase. The sister-species Tropidurus itambere, endemic to rocky outcrops, performed a large number of jumps and achieved lower absolute sprint speed than T. psamonastes. This study provides evidence of rapid divergence of locomotor parameters between sister-species that use different substrates, which is only partially explained by variation in physiological parameters of the iliofibularis muscle.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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No presente trabalho descreve-se a ocorrência de Oswaldofilaria petersi Bain & Sulahian 1974 (Nematoda, Onchocercidae) em Tropidurus hispidus Spix 1825 (Sauria, Tropiduridae). Um macho e uma fêmea de O. petersi foram coletados no músculo ileofibularis direito desse lagarto. Este é o primeiro relato deste hospedeiro para Oswaldofilaria spp. e também a descrição de um novo hospedeiro para O. petersi.


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Reproductive strategy is the set of adaptations that promote the most efficient way that the species will survive under the particular conditions of a determined environment. Understanding these adaptations is important and can help pinpoint populations indicator of environmental changes. Spermatogenesis is a measurable biological process of these adaptations in spatial and temporal scales. We analyzed the morphology of the testes and oviducts of the lizard species that comprise the genus Tropidurus, taking into account the geographical distribution and sympatric relations. For the analysis and the testes were removed from the middle part of the oviducts from Tropidurus etheridge, T oreadicus, T itambere, T spinulosus and T Guarani species, collected in different places in the Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The reproductive period is synchronous for males and females and occurs in September, October and November. Reproductive males were characterized. In the testes are seminiferous tubules with germ cells at different stages of spermatogenesis, with a high epithelium, at present light, free spermatozoa in the lumen and reduction of interstitial tissue. For females, the reproduction peak occurs when the oviduct epithelium is high with secretions and basal nucleus. These months are characterized in the sampled areas over a period of heavy rain and high temperatures. The decline of reproductive period was observed in both sexes, between April and August. Low reproduction in males is characterized by ample light, absence of sperm, only germ cells in the early stages of spermatogenesis are observed (a few spermatogonia and spermatocytes) and interstitial tissue wide. In females, the period of reproductive decline is marked by the absence of unicellular glands in the oviduct epithelium, with higher affinity with the dye. This period corresponds to low rainfall periods and lower temperatures. We propose an analysis of zoological samples; this is a proposal to facilitate the work of many researchers through access to the species, especially rare species.


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In the course of an investigation on lizard spermiogenesis, the authors have observed events connected with the differentiation of the acrosome and middle-piece of the spermatozoa. Some differences from other reptilians were found as well as: the presence of a subacrosomal space, the absence of the fibrous sheath in the middle-piece, and a very short neck in the mature spermatozoa.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O desempenho locomotor de um indivíduo pode ser considerado produto de interações multivariadas em torno de sua morfo-fisiologia, sendo particularmente determinado pela maneira como seus músculos se contraem. Essa maneira como a contração ocorre é influenciada tanto por parâmetros energéticos (atividade enzimática e proporção de fibras de contração rápida); quanto estruturais (comprimento de fibras e tendões). Para quantificar a proporção de fibras musculares, foram obtidos cortes histológicos em criostato, de seis grupamentos musculares congelados de oito individuos de Tropidurus psammonastes e um grupamento muscular, o iliofibularis, de quatro individuos de Tropidurus semitaeniatus. Os cortes foram corados por meio de técnicas histoquímicas e as fibras contadas. O perfil metabólico foi contrastado entre os músculos de um mesmo indivíduo e essa comparação serviu de base também para interpretação em relação à informações semelhantes obtidas em estudos com ileofibularis em outras sete espécies de lagartos da família Tropiduridae. O resultado mostrou algumas variações entre os músculos de um mesmo indivíduo e entre os mesmos músculos em indivíduos diferentes


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Pathogens in seeds imply quarantine constraints for exportation. This research aimed to quantify nematodes and fungus populations in seed samples of forage grasses from the main Brazilian producing states, and to multiply the nematodes in vitro, as well to study the taxonomy of the nematodes detected. Seed samples of 237 lots of different forage grasses from São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Bahia, and Goias States were collected and shipped for analyses in the Nematology and Plant Pathology Laboratories at FCAV[long dash]UNESP [long dash] Jaboticabal( SP) by Comercio e Industria Matsuda Imp., Exp. Ltd. Nematodes were extracted from 10 g of seeds. To detect the fungus, the Blotter-test was applied. The identifications were done by using a photonic microscope and a stereomicroscope. For the study of in vitro multiplication of the nematodes, the following parthenogenetic species were selected: Aphelenchoides sexlineatus, Aphelenchus sp. and Ditylenchus montanus. Cultures of the fungi Fusarium sp. and Didymella brioniae were used as substrate to multiply the nematodes in Petri dishes. Each plate was inoculated with 10 mature females, then incubated in B.O.D. at 25 [plus or minus]1 [degree]C, in the dark. Thirty days after inoculation, the nematodes were extracted. The populations obtained in the suspensions were estimated in the microscope using Peters counting chamber, and the reproduction factor estimated. For the taxonomic study of the nematodes, morphological characters of specimens were recorded under the light and scanning electron microscopes. The results indicated a large distribution of nematodes and fungus in seeds of forage grasses in Brazil. The nematodes identified in the present study were: Aphelenchoides besseyi, A. bicaudatus, A. fragariae, A. sexlineatus, Ditylenchus myceliophagus, D. dipsaci, D. montanus, and Aphelenchus sp. In addition, species of the fungi Fusarium, Helminthosporium and Phoma were recovered.