27 resultados para Tonus myogénique

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Phyllorhiza punctata (P. punctata) is a jellyfish native to the southwestern Pacific. Herewith we present the biochemical and pharmacological characterization of an extract of the tentacles of P. punctata. The tentacles were subjected to three freezethaw cycles, homogenized, ultrafiltered, precipitated, centrifuged and lyophilized to obtain a crude extract (PHY-N). Paralytic shellfish poisoning compounds such as saxitoxin, gonyautoxin-4, tetrodotoxin and brevetoxin-2, as well as several secretory phospholipase A2 were identified. PHY-N was tested on autonomic and somatic neuromuscular preparations. In mouse vas deferens, PHY-N induced phasic contractions that reached a peak of 234 +/- 34.7% of control twitch height, which were blocked with either 100 mu m of phentolamine or 1m m of lidocaine. In mouse corpora cavernosa, PHY-N evoked a relaxation response, which was blocked with either L-NG-Nitroarginine methyl ester (0.5 m m) or 1m m of lidocaine. PHY-N (1, 3 and 10 mu g ml(-1)) induced an increase in tonus of the biventercervicis neuromuscular preparation that was blocked with pre-treatment of galamine (10 mu m). Administration of 6 mg kg(-1) PHY-N intramuscularly produced death in broilers by spastic paralysis. In conclusion, PHY-N induces nerve depolarization and nonspecifically increases neurotransmitter release. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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O estudo objetivou verificar a influência da temperatura corporal nos parâmetros fisiológicos e nos períodos de indução e recuperação anestésicos de cascavéis (Crotalus durissus) anestesiadas com cetamina. Os animais foram previamente submetidos à hipotermia (HIPO) (<22°C) e normotermia (30°C) (NORMO) e anestesiados com 80mg/kg IM de cetamina. Foram avaliados os períodos de latência e recuperação da anestesia por meio do tônus de cabeça, tônus muscular e reflexo de endireitamento. Mensurou-se a frequência cardíaca (FC), tempo de apnéia e temperatura corporal em 0 min e 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 min e análise dos gases sanguíneos em 0 min, 30 e 60 min. Não houve diferença em relação ao período de latência entre os grupos. A recuperação dos animais em HIPO foi mais prolongada (5,5 horas) que em NORMO (3,5 horas). Obteve-se FC no grupo NORMO superior que no grupo HIPO. O tempo de apnéia manteve o mesmo padrão em ambos os grupos. em relação ao basal, tanto em HIPO quanto em NORMO o tempo de apnéia diminuiu acentuadamente entre 5 e 30 min. Observou-se acidose respiratória no grupo NORMO apenas em 0 min. O SvO2 elevou-se significativamente após 30 min, o mesmo ocorrendo com a PvO2. A PvCO2 diminuiu em ambos os grupos após 30 min. Evidenciou-se que a temperatura corporal influencia intrinsecamente o período de recuperação de cascavéis anestesiadas com cetamina.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Physical exercise promotes beneficial health effects by preventing or reducing the deleterious effects of pathological conditions, such as arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer disease. Human movement studies are becoming an emerging science in the epidemiological area and public health. A great number of studies have shown that exercise training, in general, reduces sympathetic activity and/or increases parasympathetic tonus either in human or laboratory animals. Alterations in autonomic nervous system have been correlated with reduction in heart rate (resting bradycardia) and blood pressure, either in normotensive or hypertensive subjects. However, the underlying mechanisms by which physical exercise produce bradycardia and reduces blood pressure has not been fully understood. Pharmacological studies have particularly contributed to the comprehension of the role of receptor and transduction signaling pathways on the heart and blood vessels in response to exercise training. This review summarizes and examines the data from studies using animal models and human to determine the effect of exercise training on the cardiovascular system. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reptiles, particularly snakes, exhibit large and quantitatively similar increments in metabolic rate during muscular exercise and following a meal, when they are apparently inactive. The cardiovascular responses are similar during these two states, but the underlying autonomic control of the heart remains unknown. We describe both adrenergic and cholinergic tonus on the heart during rest, during enforced activity and during digestion (24-36h after ingestion of 30% of their body mass) in the snake Boa constrictor. The snakes were equipped with an arterial catheter for measurements of blood pressure and heart rate, and autonomic tonus was determined following infusion of the beta -adrenergic antagonist propranolol (3mg kg(-1)) and the muscarinic cholinoceptor antagonist atropine (3 mg kg-1).The mean heart rate of fasting animals at rest was 26.4 +/- 1.4 min(-1), and this increased to 36.1 +/- 1.4 min(-1) (means +/- S.E.M.; N=8) following double autonomic block (atropine and propranolol). The calculated cholinergic and adrenergic tones were 60.1 +/- 0.3% and 19.8 +/- 2.2%, respectively. Heart rate increased to 61.4 +/- 1.5 min(-1) during enforced activity, and this response was significantly reduced by propranolol (maximum values of 35.8 +/-1.6 min(-1)), but unaffected by atropine. The cholinergic and adrenergic tones were 2.6 +/- 2.2 and 41.3 +/- 1.9 % during activity, respectively. Double autonomic block virtually abolished tachycardia associated with enforced activity (heart rate increased significantly from 36.1 +/- 1.4 to 37.6 +/- 1.3 min(-1)), indicating that non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic effectors are not involved in regulating heart rate during activity. Blood pressure also increased during activity.Digestion was accompanied by an increase in heart rate from 25.6 +/- 1.3 to 47.7 +/- 2.2 min(-1) (N=8). In these animals, heart rate decreased to 44.2 +/- 2.7 min-1 following propranolol infusion and increased to 53.9 +/- 1.8 min-1 after infusion of atropine, resulting in small cholinergic and adrenergic tones (6.0 +/- 3.5 and 11.1 +/- 1.1 %, respectively). The heart rate of digesting snakes was 47.0 +/- 1.0 min(-1) after double autonomic blockade, which is significantly higher than the value of 36.1 1.4 min-1 in double-blocked fasting animals at rest. Therefore, it appears that some other factor exerts a positive chronotropic effect during digestion, and we propose that this factor may be a circulating regulatory peptide, possibly liberated from the gastrointestinal system in response to the presence of food.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi mostrar a contribuição da monitorização vídeo-EEG prolongada (MVEP) no diagnóstico de crises não epilépticas (CNE) e estimar sua prevalência em um centro terciário de atendimento à Epilepsia (EP). Foram observados 47 pacientes com diagnóstico de CNE com crises espontâneas ou provocadas. Foram instituídos protocolos direcionados à história clínica e à semiologia das crises. A análise estatística baseou-se no teste de Fisher e na análise de cluster. Os resultados evidenciaram prevalência de 10% de CNE. Houve predominância do sexo feminino (63,8%); em 57% dos pacientes as crises foram espontâneas. A média de idade foi 32,5 ± 11anos. O sinal semiológico mais freqüente foi o sono aparente (87,2%). em 9% dos pacientes observaram-se tanto EP como CNE. Três agrupamentos resultaram da análise de cluster: CNE hipermotora das extremidades com alteração de tônus; CNE com automatismos e CNE axial com movimentos oculares. em conclusão, o estudo da semiologia clínica das CNE durante a MVEP contribui para o diagnóstico desta entidade nosológica e para o diagnóstico diferencial com EP; o teste provocativo auxilia na obtenção das crises.


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Surtos de botulismo causados pelos tipos C e D da toxina botulínica são freqüentes no país, estando originalmente associados à osteofagia e à ingestão de alimentos e água contaminados. No presente trabalho são descritos os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínico-patológicos e laboratoriais de sete surtos da intoxicação em bovinos de corte e leite alimentados com cama de frango, ocorridos nos estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais entre 1989 e 2000. Cinco surtos ocorreram em rebanhos de corte confinados ou criados extensivamente e suplementados com o subproduto, e dois em propriedades leiteiras. de um total de 1.535 animais alimentados regularmente com a cama de frango, 455 (29,64%) morreram em um período que variou de 2 a 4 semanas. A morbidade nos sete surtos estudados variou de 3,47 a 100%, da mesma forma que a mortalidade. em uma das propriedades a letalidade foi de 60,52%, e em todos os outros surtos ela foi acima de 88,43%; em três propriedades o coeficiente foi de 100%. Os sinais clínicos de paralisia progressiva, dificuldade na locomoção, decúbito e estado mental aparentemente normal, diminuição do tônus da musculatura da língua e cauda, sialorréia e dificuldade respiratória caracterizaram o quadro clínico. À necropsia de 30 animais não foi observada qualquer alteração macroscópica digna de nota. A presença de esporos de Clostridium botulinum foi detectada em amostras de cama de frango colhidas nas sete propriedades. Nas amostras de fígado, líquido ruminal e intestinal, provenientes dos 30 animais necropsiados, foi possível detectar toxinas botulínicas tipos C (5) ou D (9), ou classificada como pertencente ao complexo CD (1), em pelos menos um dos materiais provenientes de 15 animais, confirmando assim o diagnóstico clínico-patológico e epidemiológico de botulismo.


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Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar as possíveis alterações eletrocardiográficas de cães submetidos a duas condutas anestésicas, indicando aquela que produz menores alterações no eletrocardiograma (ECG). Foram utilizados 40 cães com idade igual ou superior a cinco anos, 24 machos e 16 fêmeas, com peso entre 5 e 42kg, oriundos de clínicas particulares da cidade de São Paulo e do canil da Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo, sem sintomas cardiovasculares e triados para tartarectomia. Todos os cães foram submetidos a dois ECG: um antes da anestesia e outro imediatamente antes de se iniciar o procedimento cirúrgico. As características eletrocardiográficas avaliadas foram: ritmo, duração da onda P, do complexo QRS e dos intervalos PR e QT, amplitude das ondas P e R e alterações do segmento ST e da onda T; avaliou-se também o índice de tono vagal (ITV). Os cães foram divididos em: grupo 1, que recebeu atropina, levomepromazina, tiopental e halotano (ALTH) e grupo 2, que recebeu atropina, tiletamina e zolazepam (ATZ). Os resultados mostraram que a associação ALTH produziu algumas alterações discretas no ECG dos cães avaliados, caracterizadas por modificações qualitativas no segmento ST, na onda T e no ritmo cardíaco, reduzindo significativamente o ITV, com tendência à bradicardia e hipóxia. Já a associação ATZ, além das alterações já citadas, produziu diminuição da duração dos intervalos PR e QT, bem como aumentou a freqüência cardíaca, com tendência à taquicardia e hipóxia.


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OBJETIVO: Quantificar a dor em cães sob anestesia dissociativa através de estímulo térmico e pressórico e o período hábil de dois analgésicos opióides. MÉTODOS: Empregaram-se 30 cães alocados em três grupos (n=10), onde os animais de GI receberam levomepromazina e midazolam associado na mesma seringa à quetamina. Os animais de GII receberam o mesmo tratamento de GI porém associado ao butorfanol e por fim os animais de GIII receberam o mesmo tratamento de GI associando-se a buprenorfina. Procedeu se a avaliação paramétrica rotineira, empregando-se, entretanto, a termoalgimetria mensurada em °C em média de 52°C e a pressoalgimetria em kg. RESULTADOS: Na termoalgimetria houve diferença significativa em GI nos momentos M0 e M1,e em M4 e M5. em GII houve diferença em M0, M1, M5 e M6. em GIII houve diferença entre momentos M0 e M1. Na pressoalgimetria houveram diferenças em GI em diferentes momentos: M0, M2 e M3. em GII observaram-se diferenças em todos os momentos. em GIII observaram-se diferenças em M0 e M9. Ocorreram diferenças entre os grupos, sendo o M2 de GII menor que GI e GIII. Já em M4 e M5 de GIII demonstrou-se maior que GI e GII. E na avaliação dos períodos observou-se um período de latência significativamente maior em GI, porém com período hábil e de recuperação menor em relação à GII e GIII. Já a recuperação do tônus postural foi maior em GIII seguido de GII e finalmente de GI. CONCLUSÃO: O método empregado para mensuração do estímulo álgico foi eficiente, observando-se um período hábil analgésico de 3 horas para o butorfanol e de 6 horas para a buprenorfina.


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The effect of intraperitoneal injection of clonidine (9-72 mu g/kg) on need-free 1.5% NaCl intake and on performance (defined as percent of a complete trial) in the rotarod test, was studied in normovolemic adult male rats. Clonidine (18 and 36 mu g/kg) inhibited the 1.5% NaCl intake in a 2-h test at doses that did not alter the performance in the rotarod test. The dose of 36 mu g/kg did not inhibit 10% sucrose intake. Only the highest dose (72 mu g/kg) of clonidine inhibited the 1.5% NaCl intake and the performance in the rotarod test, and produced signs of sedation. Sedation was determined either by change in posture (immobility or lack of postural tonus) of the animals during the ingestive test or by their performance in the rotarod test. The results suggest that sedation is not a determinant effect on the inhibition of 1.5% NaCl intake induced by clonidine. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V.


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Autonomic control of heart rate variability and the central location of vagal preganglionic neurones (VPN) were examined in the rattlesnake ( Crotalus durissus terrificus), in order to determine whether respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) occurred in a similar manner to that described for mammals. Resting ECG signals were recorded in undisturbed snakes using miniature datalogging devices, and the presence of oscillations in heart rate (f(H)) was assessed by power spectral analysis (PSA). This mathematical technique provides a graphical output that enables the estimation of cardiac autonomic control by measuring periodic changes in the heart beat interval. At fH above 19 min(-1) spectra were mainly characterised by low frequency components, reflecting mainly adrenergic tonus on the heart. By contrast, at f(H) below 19 min(-1) spectra typically contained high frequency components, demonstrated to be cholinergic in origin. Snakes with a f(H) > 19 min(-1) may therefore have insufficient cholinergic tonus and/or too high an adrenergic tonus acting upon the heart for respiratory sinus arrhythmia ( RSA) to develop. A parallel study monitored f(Hd) simultaneously with the intraperitoneal pressures associated with lung inflation. Snakes with a fH < 19 min(-1) exhibited a high frequency (HF) peak in the power spectrum, which correlated with ventilation rate (f(V)). Adrenergic blockade by propranolol infusion increased the variability of the ventilation cycle, and the oscillatory component of the f(H) spectrum broadened accordingly. Infusion of atropine to effect cholinergic blockade abolished this HF component, confirming a role for vagal control of the heart in matching f(H) and f(V) in the rattlesnake. A neuroanatomical study of the brainstem revealed two locations for vagal preganglionic neurones (VPN). This is consistent with the suggestion that generation of ventilatory components in the heart rate variability (HRV) signal are dependent on spatially distinct loci for cardiac VPN. Therefore, this study has demonstrated the presence of RSA in the HRV signal and a dual location for VPN in the rattlesnake. We suggest there to be a causal relationship between these two observations.


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We have used a pharmacological approach to study the mechanisms underlying the rat lung injury and the airway reactivity changes induced by inhalation of formaldehyde (FA) (1% formalin solution, 90 min once a day, 4 days). The reactivity of isolated tracheae and intrapulmonary bronchi were assessed in dose-response curves to methacholine (MCh). Local and systemic inflammatory phenomena were evaluated in terms of leukocyte countings in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, blood, bone marrow lavage and spleen. Whereas the tracheal reactivity to MCh did not change, a significant bronchial hyporesponsiveness (BHR) was found after FA inhalation as compared with naive rats. Also, FA exposure significantly increased the total cell numbers in BAL, in peripheral blood and in the spleen, but did not modify the counts in bone marrow. Capsaicin hindered the increase of leukocyte number recovered in BAL fluid after FA exposure. Both compound 48/80 and indomethacin were able to prevent the lung neutrophil influx after FA, but indomethacin had no effect on that of mononuclear cells. Following FA inhalation, the treatment with sodium cromoglycate (SCG), but not with the nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor L-NAME, significantly reduced the total cell number in BAL. Compound 48/80, L-NAME and SCG significantly prevented BHR to MCh after FA inhalation, whereas capsaicin was inactive in this regard. on the other hand, indomethacin exacerbated BHR. These data suggest that after FA inhalation, the resulting lung leukocyte influx and BHR may involve nitric oxide, airway sensory fibers and mast cell-derived mediators. The effect of NO seemed to be largely restricted to the bronchial tonus, whereas neuropeptides appeared to be linked to the inflammatory response, therefore indicating that the mechanisms responsible for the changes of airway responsiveness caused by FA may be separate from those underlying its inflammatory lung effects. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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1. 1. The mechanisms behind cardiac control were investigated in the South American lungfish, Lepidosiren paradoxa, using fish with chronically implanted cannulae and electromagnetic flow probes. In addition, a preliminary study was made of the cardiovascular events associated with air breathing. 2. 2. The study suggests that the heart of Lepidosiren is controlled by cholinergic vagal fibres which, in some animals, exert a tonic influence in the resting fish. Cyclic changes in heart rate in association with air breaths is due to modulation of this cholinergic tonus. 3. 3. In addition to the variable cholinergic tonus, there appears to be a relatively stable adrenergic tonus on the heart, which causes an elevated heart rate. The adrenergic tonus is likely to be due to local release of catecholamines from endogenous chromaffin cells within the atrium. 4. 4. Preliminary results suggest that pulmonary arterial flow increases by about 50% immediately following an air breath. The mechanism behind this increase probably involves both an elevation of the heart rate and a redistribution of blood flow into the pulmonary circuit. © 1989.