16 resultados para Theodore Prodromos

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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This article reports clinical procedures used to remove residual bonded resin and enamel stains following bracket debonding at the conclusion of orthodontic treatment. A water-cooled fine-tapered diamond bur was used for resin removal, followed by enamel surface finishing using a commercially available microabrasion paste. It was noted that residual tooth coloration remained yellowish because of enamel translucency; the yellow dentin shade showed through. Additional tooth shade lightening was achieved using carbamide peroxide dental bleaching solution in custom-formed trays. This report describes a safe and effective technique that optimizes tooth appearance at the conclusion of orthodontic therapy. Mechanical resin removal, enamel microabrasion, and tooth bleaching are employed.


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Purpose: To review of the current status of enamel microabrasion method and its results 18 years after the development and application of this method. Methods: A technique performing enamel microabrasion with hydrochloric acid mixed with pumice and other techniques employing a commercially available compound of hydrochloric acid and fine-grit silicon carbide particles in a water-soluble paste have been described. Much has been learned about the application of this esthetic technique, long-term treatment results and microscopic changes to the enamel surface that has significant clinical implications. The latest treatment protocol is presented and photographic case histories document the treatment results. Clinical observations made over 18 years are discussed. Results: According to our findings, the dental enamel microabrasion technique is a highly satisfactory, safe and effective procedure.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In a previous paper comparing 155 species of snakes, we showed that the position of the heart relative to the head is statistically related to both habitat usage and phylogenetic position ("Phylogeny, ecology, and heart position in snakes," Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83: 43-54). More specifically, we found that, on average, arboreal snakes in our study had hearts placed more posteriorly than terrestrial species (P<0.0001). In their response, Professors Lillywhite and Seymour express the concerns that readers " might be misled by this statement or conclude that gravity has no clear influence on heart position in snakes." We do not share these concerns, and we respond to all of the issues raised in their commentary. We look forward to new data on the positions of snake hearts and further analyses that seek to test adaptive hypotheses by rigorous phylogenetic approaches.


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Aside from the pervasive effects of body mass, much controversy exists as to what factors account for interspecific variation in basal metabolic rates (BMR) of mammals; however, both diet and phylogeny have been strongly implicated. We examined variation in BMR within the New World bat family Phyllostomidae, which shows the largest diversity of food habits among mammalian families, including frugivorous, nectarivorous, insectivorous, carnivorous and blood-eating species. For 27 species, diet was taken from the literature and BMR was either measured on animals captured in Brazil or extracted from the literature. Conventional (nonphylogenetic) analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), with body mass as the covariate, was first used to test the effects of diet on BMR. In this analysis, which assumes that all species evolved simultaneously from a single ancestor (i.e., a star phylogeny), diet exerted a strong effect on mass-in-dependent BMR: nectarivorous bats showed higher mass-independent BMR than other bats feeding on fruits, insects or blood. In phylogenetic ANCOVAs via Monte Carlo computer simulation, which assume that species are part of a branching hierarchical phylogeny, no statistically significant effect of diet on BMR was observed. Hence, results of the nonphylogenetic analysis were misleading because the critical values for testing the effect of diet were underestimated. However, in this sample of bats, diet is perfectly confounded with phylogeny, because the four dietary categories represent four separate subclades, which greatly reduces statistical power to detect a diet (= subclade) effect. But even if diet did appear to exert an influence on BMR in this sample of bats, it would not be logically possible to separate this effect from the possibility that the dietary categories differ for some other reason (i.e., another synapomorphy of one or more of the subclades). Examples such as this highlight the importance of considering phylogenetic relationships when designing new comparative studies, as well as when analyzing existing data sets. We also discuss some possible reasons why BMR may not coadapt with diet. © by Urban & Fischer Verlag.


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The purpose of this study was to employ photographic evaluation to observe the presence or absence of bubbles in pit and fissure sealants Concise and Prisma Shield, at 7 days, 18 months, 36 months and 11 years after accomplishment of treatment. Methods: A hematoxylin-based staining solution was applied to the occlusal surface at the study periods, which allowed assessment of the sealing material on the surface. All occlusal surfaces were photographed and the photographs corresponding to each period were subjected to photographic evaluation. Results: There was statistically significant difference only at 18 months, with a significantly higher number of specimens with bubbles for the Prisma Shield sealant compared to the Concise, whereas the groups were similar at all other study periods. On the other hand, separate analysis of subsequent periods of the sealants did not reveal any significant difference. Conclusions: According to the results of the present longitudinal investigation, it may be concluded that the sealing materials showed that bubbles came into and went out with time. However, this fact did not interfere with its clinical purpose, provided the remaining material covers the expected region of pits and fissures.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the penetration of an aggressive self-etching adhesive system at refrigerated and room temperatures into ground and unground enamel surfaces. Thirty extracted human teeth were used to measure adhesive penetration into enamel by light microscopy analysis (x400). The unground enamel surfaces were cleaned with pumice and water using a rotary dental brush. For each specimen, part of the unground enamel was manually ground and part was kept intact. A self-etch adhesive was evaluated for its ability to penetrate ground and unground enamel surfaces at room temperature (25 degrees C), at 30 minutes after removal from the refrigerator, and immediately after removal from the refrigerator (6 degrees C). Data were analyzed using variance and the Tukey test, which revealed significant differences in length of penetration of this material when applied on ground and unground enamel surfaces and between the different temperatures used (P > .05). The self-etching system used in this study had significantly lower penetration into unground enamel and at 6 degrees C (P < .05). No statistical difference was found between the interactions of these factors. It was concluded that the self-etching system produced the best penetration into ground enamel surface at room temperature (25 degrees C) and at 30 minutes after removing the specimens from the refrigerator.


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The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is important in regulating energy metabolism and in mediating responses to stressors, including increasing energy availability during physical exercise. In addition, glucocorticoids act directly on the central nervous system and influence behavior, including locomotor activity. To explore potential changes in the HPA axis as animals evolve higher voluntary activity levels, we characterized plasma corticosterone (CORT) concentrations and adrenal mass in four replicate lines of house mice that had been selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running (HR lines) for 34 generations and in four nonselected control (C) lines. We determined CORT concentrations under baseline conditions and immediately after exposure to a novel stressor (40 min of physical restraint) in mice that were housed without access to wheels. Resting daytime CORT concentrations were approximately twice as high in HR as in C mice for both sexes. Physical restraint increased CORT to similar concentrations in HR and C mice; consequently, the proportional response to restraint was smaller in HR than in C animals. Adrenal mass did not significantly differ between HR and C mice. Females had significantly higher baseline and postrestraint CORT concentrations and significantly larger adrenal glands than males in both HR and C lines. Replicate lines showed significant variation in body mass, length, baseline CORT concentrations, and postrestraint CORT concentrations in one or both sexes. Among lines, both body mass and length were significantly negatively correlated with baseline CORT concentrations, suggesting that CORT suppresses growth. Our results suggest that selection for increased locomotor activity has caused correlated changes in the HPA axis, resulting in higher baseline CORT concentrations and, possibly, reduced stress responsiveness and a lower growth rate. © 2007 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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To examine the evolution of endurance-exercise behaviour, we have selectively bred four replicate lines of laboratory mice (Mus domesticus) for high voluntary wheel running ('high runner' or HR lines), while also maintaining four non-selected control (C) lines. By generation 16, HR mice ran ∼2.7-fold more than C mice, mainly by running faster (especially in females), a differential maintained through subsequent generations, suggesting an evolutionary limit of unknown origin. We hypothesized that HR mice would have higher glycogen levels before nightly running, show greater depletion of those depots during their more intense wheel running, and have increased glycogen synthase activity and GLUT-4 protein in skeletal muscle. We sampled females from generation 35 at three times (photophase 07:00 h-19:00 h) during days 5-6 of wheel access, as in the routine selection protocol: Group 1, day 5, 16:00 h-17:30 h, wheels blocked from 13:00 h; Group 2, day 6, 02:00 h-03:30 h (immediately after peak running); and Group 3, day 6, 07:00 h-08:30 h. An additional Group 4, sampled 16:00 h-17:30 h, never had wheels. HR individuals with the mini-muscle phenotype (50% reduced hindlimb muscle mass) were distinguished for statistical analyses comparing C, HR normal, and HR mini. HR mini ran more than HR normal, and at higher speeds, which might explain why they have been favored by the selective-breeding protocol. Plasma glucose was higher in Group 1 than in Group 4, indicating a training effect (phenotypic plasticity). Without wheels, no differences in gastrocnemius GLUT-4 were observed. After 5 days with wheels, all mice showed elevated GLUT-4, but HR normal and mini were 2.5-fold higher than C. At all times and irrespective of wheel access, HR mini showed approximately three-fold higher [glycogen] in gastrocnemius and altered glycogen synthase activity. HR mini also showed elevated glycogen in soleus when sampled during peak running. All mice showed some glycogen depletion during nightly wheel running, in muscles and/or liver, but the magnitude of this depletion was not large and hence does not seem to be limiting to the evolution of even-higher wheel running.


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Locomotion is central to behavior and intrinsic to many fitnesscritical activities (e.g., migration, foraging), and it competes with other life-history components for energy. However, detailed analyses of how changes in locomotor activity and running behavior affect energy budgets are scarce. We quantified these effects in four replicate lines of house mice that have been selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running (S lines) and in their four nonselected control lines (C lines). We monitored wheel speeds and oxygen consumption for 24-48 h to determine daily energy expenditure (DEE), resting metabolic rate (RMR), locomotor costs, and running behavior (bout characteristics). Daily running distances increased roughly 50%-90% in S lines in response to selection. After we controlled for body mass effects, selection resulted in a 23% increase in DEE in males and a 6% increase in females. Total activity costs (DEE - RMR) accounted for 50%-60% of DEE in both S and C lines and were 29% higher in S males and 5% higher in S females compared with their C counterparts. Energetic costs of increased daily running distances differed between sexes because S females evolved higher running distances by running faster with little change in time spent running, while S males also spent 40% more time running than C males. This increase in time spent running impinged on high energy costs because the majority of running costs stemmed from postural costs (the difference between RMR and the zero-speed intercept of the speed vs. metabolic rate relationship). No statistical differences in these traits were detected between S and C females, suggesting that large changes in locomotor behavior do not necessarily effect overall energy budgets. Running behavior also differed between sexes: within S lines, males ran with more but shorter bouts than females. Our results indicate that selection effects on energy budgets can differ dramatically between sexes and that energetic constraints in S males might partly explain the apparent selection limit for wheel running observed for over 15 generations. © 2009 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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Many neuropsychiatric conditions have a common set of neurological substrates associated with the integration of sensorimotor processing. The teneurins are a recently described family of proteins that play a significant role in visual and auditory development. Encoded on the terminal exon of the teneurin genes is a family of bioactive peptides, termed teneurin C-terminal associated peptides (TCAP), which regulate mood-disorder associated behaviors. Thus, the teneurin-TCAP system could represent a novel neurological system underlying the origins of a number of complex neuropsychiatric conditions. However, it is not known if TCAP-1 exerts its effects as part of a direct teneurin function, whereby TCAP represents a functional region of the larger teneurin protein, or if it has an independent role, either as a splice variant or post-translational proteolytic cleavage product of teneurin. In this study, we show that TCAP-1 can be transcribed as a smaller mRNA transcript. After translation, further processing yields a smaller 15. kDa protein containing the TCAP-1 region. In the mouse hippocampus, immunoreactive (ir) TCAP-1 is exclusively localized to the pyramidal layers of the CA1, CA2 and CA3 regions. Although the localization of TCAP and teneurin in hippocampal regions is similar, they are distinct within the cell as most ir-teneurin is found at the plasma membrane, whereas ir-TCAP-1 is predominantly found in the cytosol. Moreover, in mouse embryonic hippocampal cell culture, FITC-labeled TCAP-1 binds to the plasma membrane and is taken up into the cytosol via dynamin-dependent caveolae-mediated endocytosis. Our data provides novel evidence that TCAP-1 is structurally and functionally distinct from the larger teneurins. © 2012.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)