29 resultados para TROPICAL LAKES
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The consequences of introducing Cichla cf. monoculus Spix & Agassiz, Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz) and Pygocentrus nattereri Kner into lakes in the River Doce basin, Brazil, on richness, diversity and efficiency of aquatic macrophytes as natural refugia to native fishes was investigated. Samples were taken from lakes with and without alien fishes in areas with and without aquatic macrophytes. The presence of alien fishes reduced richness and diversity of the native fish community. The refugia function, which could be attributed to the clustering of aquatic macrophytes, does not exist in these lakes probably because the alien fishes exploit such habitats for reproduction. Since introductions threaten the native fish diversity of the region, studies on regional dispersion and factors that minimise the spread of alien fishes are needed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The thermal structure, heat content and stability were studied in Lakes Dom Helvécio and Carioca during an annual cycle. It was found that the maximum heat content, stability and work of the wind in Lake Dom Helvécio correspond to two, four and four times, respectively, the values for the Lake Carioca. These difference can be attributed to morphometric differences in the lakes. A long-term record of heat content and stability for lake Carioca is also presented. Diel variations were studied in summer and winter. The tropicality of the lakes is discussed and compared with other lacustrine systems. © 1989 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The present study shows the distribution of alien fish species in tropical lakes in the middle Doce river basin, southeastern Brazil, obtained from a rapid assessment program. The causes for their introductions were sport-fishing improvement in some specific lakes and aquaculture in the studied basin. Presently, these species have a wide distribution occurring in 41 of the 54 lakes studied, representing an actual threat to regional native fish community. The natural connection among lakes and streams during the rainy season and the dispersal mediated by local people are the main invasion agents for alien fishes. The success of these invaders is probably due to absence of pre-existing effective competitors or top-predators in the invaded communities. We consider that the eradication of alien fishes by means of the available management tools may be very difficult due to the large number of lakes invaded and to the wide spectrum of lake conditions and resources exploited by these alien species. We recommend the use of environmental education as a tool to stop the human-mediated dispersion of aliens and to improve conservation of native fish community in lakes where these alien species are not present yet. © 2004 Instituto de Ciências Biológicas - UFMG.
A descriptive analysis of the responses of plankton from lakes lateral to a river in its mouth zone into a tropical reservoir to water level variations is presented. Three situations were reported: 1) a comparison of species richness and diversity and of algae population abundance in prolonged drought and in periods of connection of lakes to the river, 2) the spatial distribution of abundance and richness of Rotifera species in four isolated water bodies formed by fragmentation of a lateral lake during a period of prolonged drought and in the same areas during a period of integrity as an ecosystem, 3) the variability of total zooplankton and Cladocera densities at the end of the isolation period of a lateral lake and after the recovery of connection with the river and in a year of continuous connection with the lotic ecosystem. Various idiosyncrasies were observed in connected lateral lakes, like the surface hydrologic connectivity, a primary factor in species richness modifcations and a secondary controlling factor of plankton abundance. Underground hydrologic connectivity, through the river[forward arrow] lake water fux during the high-water period and lake [forward arrow] river during drought period, appears to have an important role in richness and abundance variations of planktonic populations in the lake isolated from the river.
Changes to the structure of the phytoplankton community and to the physical and chemical variables of the water were investigated in oxbow lakes with different levels of connection to a tropical river and subject to annual hydrological pulse variations. The selected lentic environments are located at the mouth region of the main tributary in a reservoir built for water storage and electric power generation. The temporal variation of phytoplankton in the studied lentic environments can be attributed mainly to the hydrological level of the river. A similar variation pattern of the ecological attributes was observed in the structure of the phytoplankton community in the connected lakes and Paranapanema River, evidencing the high degree of association that the lacustrine systems maintain with the river. The highest values of richness and diversity for connected environments were observed at the end of the emptying period and in the drought. However, considering the isolated lake, the highest values of these attributes were recorded during the flooding period. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Bioassays were carried out seasonally to evaluate individual growth and reproduction of cladocerans, from a marginal lake, with the addition of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and both N and P to natural seston; Methods: Cohorts originated from cultivated females were submitted to the following treatments: 1) lake seston, 2) lake seston + P, 3) lake seston + N, and 4) lake seston + NP; Results: The sestonic C:P and C:N molar ratios were always high and limiting, according to threshold ratios estimated for temperate lakes. P addition to seston enhanced the growth rates of one species, D. birgei. A significant higher growth rate of B. longirostris was found in the seston enriched with N compared to natural seston, as well as a higher fecundity of M. minuta. The fecundity of D. birgei was significantly higher in the seston enriched with both N and P. C, N, and P body content of cladocerans was similar to that of temperate counterparts; Conclusion: Energy limitation related to carbon content or food quality seems to be most important in controlling cladocerans' populations in the lake than food mineral content.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to characterize the LenYois Maranhenses ponds (Maranhao State, Brazil) with respect to morphometry and physical and chemical aspects of the water body, in particular, the planktonic community. LenYois Maranhenses is a tropical coastal region with sand dunes and numerous interdunal ponds, most of them temporary. Ten ponds were studied, and a nictemeral variation was carried out. They have similar physical and chemical characteristics (high temperature - 27.5 to 32.0 [degree]C, acid pH - 4.9 to 6.2, low values of dissolved nutrients, chloride - 0.75 to 1.00 mg.L[long dash]1, and electric conductivity - 18.8 to 33.2 [mu]S.cm[long dash]1, and light penetration up to the sediment). With respect to the plankton, it is likely that the different histories of colonization, the formation of the ponds, and the initial organisms, affect the species richness, density and dominance observed. The lakes were classified as polymitic and oligotrophic.
The present status of large reservoir fisheries and their management in large reservoirs in South America are reviewed. There is a brief discussion about reservoir typology, and how most of it is inappropriate to fish. Fish in reservoirs and their introduction from other habitats are described, together with comparative yields. The main impacts due to damming are described, including social aspects. Four case studies are presented for the largest reservoirs in South America: Sobradinho, Tucuruí and Itaipu in Brazil, and El Guri in Venezuela.
To address daily fluctuations in electricity demands, the quantities of water passing through the turbines of hydropower plants can vary significantly (up to fourfold) during a 24-h cycle. This study evaluates the effects of hourly variations in water discharges on the limnological conditions observed in two below-dam river stretches. The study reservoirs, Capivara and Taquaruçu, are the 9th and 10th reservoirs in a cascade of dams in the Paranapanema River in south-east Brazil. The reservoirs exhibit different trophic conditions, water retention times, thermal regimes and spillway positions. Capivara Reservoir is deeper, meso-eutrophic, with a high water retention time and hypolimnetic discharges (32 m) varying between 500 and 1400 m3 s-1. In contrast, Taquaruçu Reservoir is relatively shallow, oligo-mesotrophic, and has a low retention time, with water discharges varying between 500 and 2000 m3 s-1. Its turbine water intake zone also is more superficial (7 m). For two periods of the year, winter and summer, profiles of limnological measurements were developed in the lacustrine (above-dam site) zones of the reservoirs, as well as in the downstream river stretches (below-dam site). In both cases, the sampling was carried out at 4-h intervals over a complete nictemeral cycle. The results demonstrated that the reservoir operating regime (water discharge variations) promoted significant differences in the conditions of the river below the dams, especially for water velocity, turbidity, and nutrient and suspended solids concentrations. The reservoir physical characteristics, including depth, thermal stratification and outlet structure, are also key factors influencing the limnology and water quality at the below-dam sampling sites. In the case of Capivara Reservoir, for example, the low dissolved oxygen concentration (<5.0 mg L-1) in its bottom water layer was transferred to the downstream river stretches during the summer. These study results demonstrated that it is important to continue such investigations as a means of verifying whether or not these high-amplitude/low-frequency variations could negatively affect the downstream river biota. © 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
In the contemporary landscaping, among the gardening styles, the Japanese Garden plays very important rule and influence. The Japanese Garden has originated in China-the cradle of gardening culture; and Korea. Their vegetable elements, architectural features and fauna are characteristic, due to use of stones, water, bridges, stoned lamp, bonsai, carps and bamboo (Prunus serrulata, Camellia japonica, Ophiopogon japonicas) and many others. In Brazil, the Japanese Garden has massive influence, the presence of native elements typically tropical is very noticeable. This influence can be observed both in architecture, vegetation and fauna. Thus, this study aimed to identify and analyze the tropical elements in Japanese Gardens in cities such as São Paulo. Japanese Gardens in Brazil were chosen from the following cities: Sao Paulo State, Garça, Jaboticabal and Ribeirão Preto. It was observed, mostly in the presence of different palms species, plants of the Zingiberales order, Alpinia purpurata and styled architectural elements such as lakes. Some elements were able to apply the philosophy of the Japanese Garden, other not.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)