em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Surgery on the head and neck region may be complicated by vascular trauma, caused by direct injury on the vascular wall. Lesions of the arteries are more dangerous than the venous one. The traumatic lesion may cause laceration of the artery wall, spasm, dissection, arteriovenous fistula, occlusion or pseudoaneurysm.We present a case of a child with a giant ICA pseudoaneurysm after tonsillectomy, manifested by pulsing mass and respiratory distress, which was treated by endovascular approach, occluding the lesion and the proximal artery with Histoacryl. We reinforce that the endovascular approach is the better way to treat most of the traumatic vascular lesions.
Surgery on the head and neck region may be complicated by vascular trauma, caused by direct injury on the vascular wall. Lesions of the arteries are more dangerous than the venous one. The traumatic lesion may cause laceration of the artery wall, spasm, dissection, arteriovenous fistula, occlusion or pseudoaneurysm. We present a case of a child with a giant ICA pseudoaneurysm after tonsillectomy, manifested by pulsing mass and respiratory distress, which was treated by endovascular approach, occluding the lesion and the proximal artery with Histoacryl. We reinforce that the endovascular approach is the better way to treat most of the traumatic vascular lesions.
Thirty-four consecutive adult patients with subdural traumatic hygroma were analysed for clinical evolution, serial computed tomography scan (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) over a period of several months. Five of the patients presented CT scan and MRI evolution data showing increasing density over a period of 11 days to 6 months post trauma. In these five patients, final clinical and CT scan data were benign, with complete spontaneous resolution. Descriptions in literature of evolving traumatic subdural hygroma have presented CT scan density modifications changing into chronic subdural hematoma. Our patients show another possibility, density transformation, which sometimes show as subdural hematoma in CT scan and MRI, but with final evolution where clinical condition and CT scan return to normal.
Background: Traumatic subdural hygroma (TSHy) is an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the subdural space after head injury. It appears to be relatively common, but its onset time and natural history are not well defined. Considered a benign epiphenomenon of trauma, the pathogenesis of TSHy is still unclear and many questions remain unanswered. This study adds to the information on TSHy, and proposes a classification based on pathogenesis.Methods: Thirty-four consecutive adult patients with TSHy were analyzed for clinical evolution and serial CT scan, during a period of several months. TSHy diagnosis was based on published CT scan criteria of hypodense subdural collection after trauma, without enhancement and neomembrane, with a minimum distance of 3 mm between the skull and brain. Ventricle size was analyzed by calculating the bicaudate index (BCI). For comparison, the BCI was measured from CT scan at three moments: admission, at time of TSHy diagnosis, and from last CT scan.Results: There were 34 patients, aged between 16 and 85 years (mean 40), half of them were below 40 years. Road traffic crashes were the main cause of head injury. The mean time for hygroma diagnosis was 9 days. Twenty-one patients (61.8%) underwent conservative treatment for TSHy and 13 (38.2%), surgical treatment. TSHy are early lesions and can be detected in the first 24 hours after trauma, usually as small subdural effusion (SSEff). Based on clinical and CT scan findings, we divided the 34 patients into 3 groups, (Ia and Ib) without evident mass effect and (II) with evident mass effect. Group Ia includes patients without ventricle dilation; Ib, patients with associated ventricle dilations.Conclusions: SSEff detected in the first 24 hours posttrauma in our series evolved into TSHy suggesting that this is an early lesion; all THSy were divided in three groups according to the pathophysiologic mechanism. These three groups probably represent a continuum of CSF absorption impairment. Group la represents what most authors consider a simple hygroma, with no impairment on CSF absorption. Group Ib represent the external hydrocephalus form with various degrees of CSF imbalance, and group II were the cases presenting marked mass effect.
Um gato de um ano de idade, macho, castrado, sem raça definida, foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário Escola para avaliação de retenção urinária associada à subluxação nas vértebras T12-T13, que foi causada por um acidente automobilístico. Realizou-se a denervação do esfíncter uretral, por transecção dos nervos pudendo e hipogástrico, para permitir o esvaziamento da bexiga, porém três meses após a cirurgia inicial o animal apresentou recorrência da retenção urinária. Esfincterotomia endoscópica uretral foi então realizada, resultando em incontinência urinária por quatro meses.
The aims of this study were to analyze the histomorphology of developing permanent teeth whose primary teeth had suffered traumatic intrusion, as well as to compare the influence of immediate extraction of the intruded tooth to passive re-eruption. Nine dogs from 45 to 50 days old were submitted to the intrusion of the maxillary central and lateral primary incisors using a force applicator adapted to the teeth incisal cuspids. The right side intruded teeth were kept in their sockets and the ones on the left side were extracted 30 min later. After a postoperatory periods of 30 and 60 days, four (group 1) and five (group 2) dogs, respectively, were killed by perfusion. The histological evaluations showed that, in group 1, alterations had occurred in the odontoblastic layer and deposition of the enamel matrix had taken place in some specimens while in group 2, a portion of non-mineralized matrix was observed. We concluded that the morphological changes were because of the immediate trauma of intrusion. No differences were found between the groups where the primary tooth was immediately extracted or left to passively re-erupt.
This study aimed at observing aspects of epidemiology in order to investigate the use of alcohol in patients older than 18 with severe and moderate traumatic brain injury, which were attended in the Clinics Hospital of the University of Uberlandia. Positive alcoholemy was found in 39.3% of the patients. of the 33 positive exams alcoholemy was found higher than 60 mg/dL in 28 (84.6%). There was not significant relation between alcoholemy levels and trauma severity. The major prevalence occurred on Saturdays nights. The most frequent types of external causes were transportation accidents (64.74) followed by accidental falls (17.27%) and physical aggression (16.55%). 93.9% of the patients with positive alcoholemy were men aged 20-29. 24.2% of the ones with positive alcoholemy died yet no significant difference was found in the study of the ones with negative alcoholemy (n=51) (p=0.93); RR= 0.9; IC95%=0.40-2.08.
A case of choledochal cyst associated with traumatic hemobilia is presented. The symptomatology appeared only because of bleeding into the biliary tract following an automobile accident. The cyst was resected and a choledochal cystoduodenum anastomosis performed. The early result (12 mth) was very good.
A 24-year-old male patient was the victim of a firearm wound that penetrated the thorax. He arrived at another hospital hemodynamically unstable and was submitted to exploratory surgery by means of bithoracotomy. A lesion of the left branch of the pulmonary artery was detected and successfully repaired. He was submitted for computer-aided tomography on the fifth postoperative day, and a lesion of the mid-thoracic aorta was detected, which formed a saccular image. Considering that the patient had already been submitted to a bithoracotomy and that a direct approach to repair would involve another thoracotomy within a short period of time, endovascular treatment was chosen in our hospital. The procedure was performed under fluoroscopy. A second computer-aided tomography indicated adequate treatment of the lesion, with no indication of an endoleak. He has undergone ambulatory follow-up for 36 months without any problem related to the procedure. While endovascular treatment of the aorta has developed enormously, multicenter studies are needed to better define the long-term results of this approach. © 2008 Published by European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.
Whilst genetic factors are thought to contribute to the development of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the role of environmental factors in OCD is only beginning to be understood. In this article, we review the influence of stress-related factors in OCD. Overall, studies indicate that: patients with OCD frequently report stressful and traumatic life events before illness onset, although these rates do not seem to be significantly different from those described in other disorders; the association between OCD and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) might result from symptom overlap, although cases of patients developing OCD after PTSD and showing obsessive-compulsive symptoms that were unrelated to trauma have been described fairly consistently; it is unclear whether patients with OCD and a history of stress-related factors (including stressful life events, traumatic life events or comorbid PTSD) may respond better or worse to the available treatments; and comorbid PTSD may modify the clinical expression of OCD-although controlled studies comparing pre-versus post-traumatic OCD patients are still unavailable. In conclusion, there is a growing evidence to suggest a role for stress-related factors in OCD. Although the available literature does not confirm the existence of a post-traumatic subtype of OCD, it does call for further systematic research into this topic. © 2011 Future Medicine Ltd.
We evaluated whether traumatic events are associated with a distinctive pattern of socio-demographic and clinical features of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). We compared socio-demographic and clinical features of 106 patients developing OCD after post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD; termed post-traumatic OCD), 41 patients developing OCD before PTSD (pre-traumatic OCD), and 810 OCD patients without any history of PTSD (non-traumatic OCD) using multinomial logistic regression analysis. A later age at onset of OCD, self-mutilation disorder, history of suicide plans, panic disorder with agoraphobia, and compulsive buying disorder were independently related to post-traumatic OCD. In contrast, earlier age at OCD onset, alcohol-related disorders, contamination-washing symptoms, and self-mutilation disorder were all independently associated with pre-traumatic OCD. In addition, patients with post-traumatic OCD without a previous history of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) showed lower educational levels, greater rates of contamination-washing symptoms, and more severe miscellaneous symptoms as compared to post-traumatic OCD patients with a history of OCS. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and types of traumatic dental injuries in situations of domestic violence. A coross-sectional study was conducted and data were collected from the police occurrence records to domestic physical aggression between 2001 and 2005. Of the 1,844 subjects who underwent medical evaluation, 15 had information pertaining to traumatic dental injuries. From the medical records, the forensic medical reports completed by the forensic medical experts who examined the victims after the aggression were reviewed and data of individuals with dental injuries (e.g., fractures, luxation and avulsion) were collected. In the selected sample, there was a predominance of individuals with injuries to the head and neck region (38.7%), and the frequency of traumatic dental injuries among all injuries to the head and neck region was 2.0%. The most frequently injured teeth were the maxillary incisors (31.8%), followed by the mandibular incisors (27.3%) and the maxillary canines (9.1%). In 31.8% of the injured teeth, the forensic experts did not specify the nomenclature. Of the dental trauma cases, 59.1% were fractures, 27.2% were luxations and 13.7% were avulsions. In conclusion, domestic violence was an important etiologic factor of traumatic dental injury. The aggression in all cases occurred in the form of punches and slaps. Fracture was the most common type of traumatic dental injury, and the most frequently injured teeth were the incisors.