36 resultados para Suspect

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Visceral leishmaniasis (VL), also known as kala-azar, is a disseminated protozoan infection caused by Leishmania donovani complex. Traditionally the definite diagnosis is made by amastigote detection in the tissue. The aim this study was to evaluate the PCR technique in stained slides of bone marrow and lymph nodes aspirates with suspect diagnosis for leishmaniasis. Slides were selected totaling 62 suspect cases (33 bone marrow samples and 29 lymph node samples) and 17 positive cases (8 bone marrow and 9 lymph node). From 62 suspect cases, 39 (62.90%) were confirmed to be positive being 17 (n = 29) lymph node aspirates and 22 (n = 33) bone marrow. This finding is in agreement with the higher sensitivity of the PCR assay compared to direct microscopic observation. In conclusion, the findings of this study supports the use of PCR on archive cytological preparation stained slides for the diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis, emphasizing the higher sensitivity of this technique when compared to direct microscopic examination and mostly the use of the suspect status for the cytology samples that presents the previously mentioned particularities with focus on detecting the oligosymptomatic or assymptomatic dogs in endemic areas functioning as potential reservoirs for this disease. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper aimed to verify the presence of black-fly of citrus in the state of Pernambuco in Brazil and wordwide. The material with symptoms were collected in the metropolitan area of Recife/PE and subsequently led to the identification in the Insect Biology Laboratory of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco - UFRPE on February 4, 2011. The samples collected from the branches of citrus and bilocular, found the presence of eggs, nymphs, "pupae" and adults of Aleurocanthus woglumi, confirming its occurrence in the state of Pernambuco. The presence of blackfly of citrus had been detected in the city in the state of Pernambuco as Timbauba, Bom Jardim, Macaparana, Axes, Orobo, Sao Vincent Farrer and Itambe in citrus plants. Before that had a suspect in the Valley Siriji/PE, now it is in the metropolitan area of Recife, therefore we can confirm that the material collected and identified in the metropolitan area of Pernambuco is A. woglumi.


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Uma cadela da raça Yorkshire Terrier apresentou hematêmese, distensão abdominal, poliúria e polidipsia. Após o exame clínico do paciente, estabeleceu-se a suspeita clínica de nefropatia. Os resultados dos exames laboratoriais revelaram anemia normocítica normocrômica e concentrações séricas de uréia (306mg/dl) e de creatinina (3,6mg/dl) acima dos valores de referência. Ao ultra-som bidimensional observaram-se áreas císticas hipoecóicas e anecóicas, padrão renal hipercogênico e perda da relação corticomedular. À necropsia, a região medular apresentou grande quantidade de cistos pequenos em meio a tecido conjuntivo fibroso. A lesão tubulointersticial cortical foi a responsável pela insuficiência renal resultante. Firmou-se diagnóstico de nefrite tubulointersticial.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar os padrões clínicos, radiológicos e histopatológicos da biópsia transbrônquica (BTB) utilizados para a confirmação diagnóstica em pacientes com suspeita clinica de doença pulmonar intersticial (DPI) atendidos em um hospital universitário de nível terciário. MÉTODOS: Os prontuários, laudos radiológicos e de biópsias transbrônquicas de todos os pacientes com suspeita de DPI submetidos a BTB entre janeiro de 1999 e dezembro de 2006 no Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu, localizado na cidade de Botucatu (SP), foram revisados. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 56 pacientes. Desses, 11 (19,6%) apresentaram o diagnóstico definitivo de fibrose pulmonar idiopática (FPI), que foi significativamente maior nos casos nos quais DPI era uma possibilidade diagnóstica em comparação com aqueles nos quais DPI era a principal suspeita (p = 0,011), demonstrando a contribuição da BTB para a definição diagnóstica dessas doenças. O exame histopatológico dessas biópsias revelou que 27,3% dos pacientes com FPI apresentavam o padrão de pneumonia organizante, o que pode sugerir doença mais avançada. O padrão histológico indeterminado foi o mais frequente, refletindo a característica periférica da FPI. Entretanto, o padrão fibrose apresentou alta especificidade e alto valor preditivo negativo. Para os padrões sugestivos de FPI em TC, a curva ROC indicou que a melhor relação entre sensibilidade e especificidade ocorreu com a presença de cinco alterações radiológicas, sendo o aspecto de favo de mel fortemente sugestivo de FPI (p = 0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Nas DPIs, a TC de tórax deve ser sempre realizada e a BTB usada em situações individualizadas, conforme a suspeita e distribuição das lesões.


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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a clinical-pathological syndrome that encompasses a wide spectrum of morphologic alterations, ranging from simple hepatic steatosis to a more severe stage, known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The purpose of this clinical report was to contribute to the understanding of mitochondrial alterations in NAFLD. The child (13-month-old) underwent initial biopsy in the year 2000 and was diagnosed with diffuse macro and microvesicular steatosis. Two additional biopsies were performed in 2001 and 2004. A high percentage of microvesicular steatosis was observed in the biopsies performed in 2000 and 2001. Mitochondrial size was slightly increased in the biopsy performed in the year 2000, significantly increased in 2001 and decreased in 2004. The presence of "mitochondrial hypertrophy" in the hepatocytes of an asymptomatic pediatric patient whose disease presentation was typical of NAFLD, excluding other pathological processes, allowed us to suspect that such a defect was considered the primary mitochondrial disorder.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Apresenta-se um caso de bullosis diabeticorum, doença rara associada ao diabetes mellitus crônico e complicações como a neuropatia ou nefropatia. As bolhas são tensas e grandes, com pouca inflamação circundante e localização acral, regredindo espontaneamente em cerca de três semanas. O exame histopatológico é inespecífico, e o diagnóstico diferencial deve ser feito com a epidermólise bolhosa, os pênfigos, o penfigóide bolhoso, queimaduras e erisipelas bolhosas.


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Dentre as pesquisas empreendidas no campo da epidemiologia, um grupo específico aborda patologias de etiologia desconhecida ou não totalmente compreendidas. É dentro deste grupo que estão situadas as desordens temporomandibulares (DTM). Três estratégias observacionais básicas têm sido utilizadas para abordar o papel etiológico da má oclusão no desenvolvimento das DTM, dentro do repertório epidemiológico. São elas: estudos do tipo transversal, estudos de caso controle e estudos de coorte. Alguns experimentos clínicos são realizados com base na remoção do fator etiológico suspeito. Com base em uma revisão estruturada da literatura, a partir da metodologia empregada nos estudos selecionados, podemos concluir que a definição dos possíveis fatores etiológicos relacionados a subgrupos específicos de DTM é fundamental para que o papel das más oclusões no desenvolvimento destas desordens, embora pareça pequeno quando baseado nas evidências disponíveis, não seja subestimado. Pode ser útil a caracterização de uma oclusão normal como aquela associada como o menor risco para o desenvolvimento de problemas de DTM, mas é provavelmente inapropriada a aplicação destes parâmetros para reverter um problema intra-capsular já estabelecido. O conceito de uma oclusão de baixo fator de risco implicaria em um pequeno desvio entre RC e MIH, pequeno transpasse horizontal, transpasse vertical positivo e ausência de mordida cruzada posterior. Este conceito é compatível com o conceito de oclusão normal defendido por décadas, embora uma variação do normal ao invés de um critério absoluto deva ser permitida. Embora provavelmente seja prudente estabelecer metas morfológicas terapêuticas que busquem o que é observado em oclusões não tratadas julgadas normais ou ideais, o estabelecimento de uma oclusão que alcance todos os critérios gnatológicos, por meio de tratamento ortodôntico, talvez seja impossível e provavelmente desnecessário.


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The occurrence of serum antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi in professionals in close contact with wild animals was determined. Seventy eight technicians workers coming from two São Paulo public institutions housing wild animals had their blood collected (serum samples). All samples were submitted to ELISA for IgM and IgG antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi. The results showed five positive (6.4%), two suspect (2.6%) and 71 negatives (91%) samples. Based on positive results it is concluded that the infection level is higher to that detected in the general population and similar to values of endemic areas, concluding that this assessed population could be considered at risk for Lyme disease.


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The most popular handgun in Brazil is the single round-barrel caliber 0.38 revolver. In recent years, however, owing to the modernization of police arms and their availability on the legal and illicit markets, pistols have become increasingly popular and currently represent about 20% of police seizures. In a previous paper we presented a novel collection method for gunshot residues (GSR) using a sampling procedure based on ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution as a complexing agent on moistened swabs with subsequent detection using sector field-high resolution-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (SF-HR-ICP-MS). In the present paper, we discuss the capability of this methodology to identify antimony (Sb), barium (Ba) and lead (Pb) on the hands of volunteers after shot tests with 9 mm and 0.40 in. caliber pistols. Two types of munitions were tested: 9 mm Taurus and clean range. The use of a technique with high sensitivity, such as SF-HR-ICP-MS, permits the identification of low concentrations (less than 1 mu g/L) of metals in firearm residue and constitutes a powerful tool in forensic science. We also discuss the importance of the sampling procedure, including collection from a different body part than the gun hand of the suspect. Comparison of the analytical data obtained allows clear discrimination between samples from the hands of shooters and non-shooters. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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We report on 2 brothers, born to consanguineous parents presenting thin/long face, small ears, blepharophimosis, malar hypoplasia, long neck, pectus excavatum, brachy-camptodactyly, and sacral dimple. We suspect that these patients represent a previously undescribed autosomal recessive syndrome. (C) 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Hemoglobin variants originate mainly by simple amino acid substitutions, the result of nucleotide sequence changes. Recently, the number of known abnormal hemoglobins has increased due to improvement in analysis methodologies; however, many laboratories are not prepared to correctly identify mutants. Hb S is a very well-characterized hemoglobin variant that varies in prevalence in different regions of Brazil. However, there is a type of Hb that presents electrophoretic migration in alkaline pH similar to Hb S, named S-like Hb, which can be incorrectly diagnosed; therefore, its frequency is underestimated. We obtained reference ranges for Hb S by HPLC, and we examined the electrophoretic and chromatographic profiles of S-like Hb. Hb Hasharon, Hb D-Los Angeles, Hb Korle-Bu, Hb Lepore, Hb D-Iran, Hb G-like, Hb Queens, Hb Montgomery, and Hb Q-India were found. Cases of association between two beta chain mutants were also found. Electrophoresis in alkaline and acid pH was utilized to initially screen these Hb variants, and globin chain electrophoresis at both high and low pH was performed to identify the globin chain mutant. Chromatographic analysis permitted the identification of the hemoglobin variant and also facilitated the quantification of these variants. Therefore, an association of classical laboratory diagnostic methodologies is fundamental for the correct identification of suspect Hb variants. The S and S-like hemoglobin profiles determined in this study will help in the diagnosis of these variants in health care services.


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One of the characteristics of diabetes mellitus is the exaggerated inflammatory response. The present report shows the reaction from the use of a rapid maxillary expander in a diabetic patient. A 9-year-old child presented an uncommon reaction to the treatment with a rapid maxillary expander, and on follow-up examination, it was discovered that the patient had diabetes mellitus. After controlling the disease, the proposed treatment was used without further incidents. The case calls attention to the presence of uncommon responses to treatment and the need for the orthodontist to suspect a patient's systemic compromise. (Angle Orthod. 2011;81:546-550.)


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Staphylococcus aureus are involved in a wide range of clinical problems to swine industry as son in humans. Epidemiological researchs prove his potential to acquire resistantence to antibiotics. Nowadays, methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) are responsabilized for nosocomial infections and many studies are done because MRSA are spread to extra hospitalar enrivonment and frequentely isolated from domestic animals including pigs. The aim of this study was to determine the presence o S. aureus at swine farms and identify the mecA, icaA and icaD genes and the resistant proflife to antibiotics. Overal, 458 swabs were taked from five pigeris and two slautherhouses. All the samples were placed on Braid - Parker and blood agar follow by biochemical analyses. The suspect colonies were submitted to PCR to confirm the S. aureus species, by the detection of the coa gene, mecA to avaible meticillin-resistant as son to the virulence gens icaA and icaD that can determine slime production. Antibiogram were done to evaluate the response to 11 antibiotics. All pigeris and slautherhouse were positive and 81 (79%) samples were S. aureus positive including four isolates from pigs employeers. The mecA gene was not detected. The icaD gene was most frequent and 41% were positive to both genes. The antibiogram show a lot of samples penicillin and tetraciclin resistant. Most of the samples were multirestant.


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A pilomyxoid astrocytoma is a recently described tumor that occurs predominantly in the hypothalamic-chiasmatic region and is rarely found elsewhere. It has similar features as pilocytic astrocytomas, but has distinct histological characteristics and a poorer prognosis. A pilomyxoid astrocytoma is an aggressive tumor, and increased awareness is necessary with a suspect case. We present the first case of a pilomyxoid astrocytoma of the brainstem described after the newest World Health Organization classification of central nervous system tumors. © F.O. Pereira et al., 2013. Licensee PAGEPress, Italy.