33 resultados para Sulfadiazine 1-per Cent

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The present work aimed to evaluate, through ten different studies, the therapeutic efficacy of a new pour-on formulation, containing 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin, against parasites of cattle. Results obtained on trials against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus showed that the pour-on combination of 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin obtained superior efficacy indexes against this ectoparasite, when compared with formulations containing 0.5 per cent ivermectin, 1 per cent ivermectin and the combination of 1 per cent abamectin +20 per cent levamisole. The results of efficacy of the ivermectin+abamectin and the 0.5 per cent ivermectin against Haematobia irritans were similar. Against Cochliomyia hominivorax larvae, all pour-on formulations tested (1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin, 0.5 per cent ivermectin and 0.5 per cent abamectin), as well as 1 per cent doramectin administered subcutaneously, were considered ineffective. Cattle medicated with 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin, pour-on, remained free from parasitism by Dermatobia hominis larvae during 42 days (96 per cent efficacy), while values superior to 90 per cent were obtained by 0.5 per cent ivermectin (92 per cent) and 0.5 per cent abamectin (93 per cent) until the 42nd and 35th days post treatment, respectively. Against Haemonchus placei and Oesophagostomum radiatum, the pour-on of ivermectin+abamectin showed better efficacy than the 0.5 per cent ivermectin and 0.5 per cent abamectin. As to Cooperia punctata, there was no difference regarding efficacy results obtained by the avermectins combination and abamectin. The pour-on combination of 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin obtained high efficacy against R. (B.) microplus, D. hominis and some species of cattle gastrointestinal helminths when compared with formulations of 0.5 per cent ivermectin and 0.5 per cent abamectin administered through the same route.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of isolated soy glycinin (11S) on lipid metabolism in animals subjected to a hypercholesterolemic diet. Design/methodology/approach: Male Wistar rats were kept in individual cages under appropriate conditions. The animals were divided into three groups (n=9): normal diet (STD) given a diet containing casein as protein source, recommended in AIN-93M; hypercholesterolemic (HC) fed a normal diet with 1 per cent cholesterol and 0.5 per cent cholic acid; and hypercholesterolemic+glycinin (HC+11S), fed a hypercholesterolemic diet, plus 11S soy protein (300 mg/kg/day), dissolved in saline and administered by gavage. After 28 days, the animals were sacrificed and blood and liver removed for biochemical analysis of total cholesterol (TC), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) and triglycerides (TG) in the plasma, hepatic TC and TG. Findings: A single daily dose of glycinin given to the hypercholesterolemic group demonstrated its functional role, particularly in raising HDL-C and reducing triglycerides in the liver. Originality/value: This study demonstrates the action of the 11S globulin in soybean as a serum lipid lowering agent, in addition to its nutritional properties, especially in raising the HDL-C. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose – This paper aims to determine the effects of 11S globulin isolated from Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) on lipid metabolism in animals subjected to a hypercholesterolemic and hyperlipidemic diet and compared to the drug simvastatin. Design/methodology/approach – Thirty-six male Wistar rats, kept in individual cages and under appropriate conditions, were separated into groups that were fed a normal diet (STD) containing casein as protein source and according to AIN-93G; a high-cholesterol diet (HC), normal diet plus 1 per cent cholesterol and 0.5 per cent cholic acid and 20 per cent coconut oil; HC diet plus the isolated 11S globulin (300 mg/kg/day); and HC diet plus the simvastatin (50 mg/kg/day), both dissolved in saline and administered by gavage for 28 days. After this time, the animals were killed. Findings – The results indicated that the addition of 1 per cent cholesterol and 0.5 per cent cholic acid induced hypercholesterolemia in the animals without interfering with their weight gain. Analyses of total cholesterol (TC), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) and triglycerides (TG) in the plasma, and TC and TG in the liver were made. The results show that the protein isolated from chickpea, and given as a single daily dose, did not affect the levels of plasma TC and its fractions, although decreasing the TG levels. Unlike the simvastatin, the chickpea protein significantly reduced TC and TG in the liver relative to HC group. Originality/value – A single daily dose of 11S globulin from chickpea contributed as only as additional 2.8 per cent of dietary protein intake. These findings demonstrate that 11S chickpea protein acts as a functional agent in the lipid metabolism in addition to its nutritional properties.


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Two regions common to all UsnRNP core polypeptides have been described: Sm motif 1 and Sm motif 2. Rabbits were immunized with a 22 amino-acid peptide containing one segment of Sm motif 1 (YRGTLVSTDNYFNLQL-NEAEEF, corresponding to residues 11-32) from yeast F protein. After immunization, the rabbit sera contained antibodies that not only reacted specifically with the peptide from yeast F protein but also cross-reacted with Sm polypeptides from mammals; that is, with purified human U1snRNPs. The results suggest that the peptide used and human Sm polypeptides contain a common feature recognized by the polyclonal antibodies. A large collection of human systemic lupus erythematosus sera was assayed using the yeast peptide as an antigen source. Seventy per cent of systemic lupus erythematosus sera contain an antibody specificity that cross-reacts with the yeast peptide.


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This work was carried out in five counties of Amazon State, Brazil, along the Solimoes/Amazonas and Negro Rivers. The objective was to identify the several forms of natural and induced propagation with medicinal plants, natives and exotics. The peoples were interviewed, with visit and recollection of botanical materials to herborization and reproduction. The greatest parts of plants propagate by seeds (65,8 per cent) and cutting (23,5 per cent). It was showed several species that reproduce by other strategies, like bulbs, rhizomes or brotations. The Amazonian species, in general, propagate by seeds, with some exceptions.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Halothane depresses cardiorespiratory function and activates the pituitary-adrenal axis, increasing beta endorphin. In horses, beta endorphin may enhance the anaesthetic-associated cardiorespiratory depression and mortality risk. The authors studied endogenous opioid effects on cardiorespiratory function and pituitary-adrenal activity in halothane-anaesthetised ponies by investigating opioid antagonism by naloxone. Six ponies were anaesthetised three times (crossover design). Anaesthesia was induced with thiopentone and maintained with 1.2 per cent halothane for 2 hours. Immediately after induction, naloxone was administered either intra venously (0.5 mg kg(-1) bolus then 0.25 mg kg(-1) hour(-1) for 2 hours) or intrathecally (0.5 mg) or was replaced by saline as control. Pulse and respiratory rates, arterial blood gases, cardiac output and plasma cortisol and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) concentrations were measured. All groups developed cardiorespiratory depression (40 per cent decrease in cardiac output) and plasma cortisol increased. Plasma ACTH concentration was higher in ponies treated with intrathecal naloxone. Endogenous opioids may inhibit ACTH Secretion, attenuating the stress response to halothane anaesthesia in equidae. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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Background Venous ulcer is the most serious consequence of chronic venous insufficiency and is responsible for almost 70% of chronic leg ulcers. The main purpose of this research was to describe social, demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with venous ulcers and to identify some professional repercussions of this pathology.Subjects and methods We evaluated patients with a clinical picture compatible with venous ulcer. The sociodemographic characteristics of the patients, and the clinical characteristics and professional repercussions of the pathology were studied. We used the ankle-brachial index to identify associated arterial disease. The body mass index (BMI) was used for the classification of the nutritional condition of the patients.Results A total of 120 patients were included in the study (90 females and 30 males; 80.8% White; 44.2% > 60 years old). Ninety-one per cent of the patients had been in education for less than 4 years, and 89.7% were on the poverty line. Thirty-five per cent were retired, 2.5% were receiving government help due to disease and 4.2% were unemployed. About 16% of patients were out of work due to the disease, and 49.2% presented some degree of disability in terms of work tasks. The ulcer area was less than 30 cm(2) in 69.1% of patients. The first ulcer episode occurred in 13.4 years on average, and 64.2% of patients had recurrent episodes. Females presented on average 5.65 pregnancies, and 75.4% of patients were overweight.Conclusion Venous ulcer occurred mainly in the low-income population, who presented with little formal education. Generally, the ulcers were present for a long time and were recurrent, with repercussions for the capabilities of patients to work.


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A brucelose é uma zoonose crônica de importância para a Saúde Pública. Considerando o pequeno número de dados brasileiros sobre a sua presença em leite cru e derivados não-pasteurizados, estudamos a presença de brucelas em leite de animais sorologicamente positivos. A soroaglutinação rápida (SAR), a soroaglutinação lenta (SAL) e a soroaglutinação lenta com tratamento do soro com 2-mercaptoetanol foram utilizados para identificar os animais positivos nas propriedades estudadas. Amostras diárias de 300 ml de leite foram colhidas por três dias de todos os quartos mamários produtivos (75 ml/teto). As amostras eram misturadas e centrifugadas. Parte do sedimento e do sobrenadante foi inoculada em meios de Farrel e Brodie-Sinton (BS) suplementados com agentes antimicrobianos. As placas e tubos foram cultivados por sete dias a 37ºC, em microaerofilia. As colônias suspeitas no meio BS foram imediatamente repicadas para ágar-Brucella, e cultivadas sob a mesma condição. Os microrganismos isolados foram submetidos a procedimentos de identificação, incluindo a coloração de Gram, requerimento de CO2, produção de H2S, atividade da urease e crescimento na presença de tionina e fucsina. Das 49 amostras examinadas, isolou-se Brucella abortus de 15 (30,61%). Os biótipos isolados foram: biótipo 1 em uma amostra (2,04%), biótipo 2 em oito (16,32%) e biótipo 3 em seis amostras (12,25%)


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In order to evaluate the relationship between the morphology of the upper lip and muscle activity in a sample of 38 subjects (17 males and 21 females) with Angle Class II division 1 malocclusions, cephalometric and electromyographic analyses were conducted. The sample was subdivided into either predominantly nose or mouth breathers. The individuals were evaluated at two different periods, with a 2 year interval. At the first observation, the subjects were 11 years to 14 years 11 months of age and at the second observation, 13 years 4 months to 16 years 6 months of age. Height and thickness of the upper lip were measured on lateral cephalograms with the aid of a digital pachymeter. For each individual, electromyographic records were obtained of the orbicularis oris superior muscle at rest and in a series of 12 movements. The electromyographic data were normalized as a function of amplitude, for achievement of the percentage value of each movement. Pearson and Spearman correlation tests were applied.The results showed some correlation between morphology and muscle function (at a confidence level of 95 per cent). However, as the values of the correlation coefficient (r) were too low to establish associations between variables, it was concluded that the dimensions of the upper lip are not correlated with muscle activity.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Three drainage basins belonging to different drainage systems, but in close proximity, were evaluated to compare the distribution of macroalgal communities in the northwest region of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. Monthly samplings were carried out from September 1992 through September 1993 in three sites along the main river of each basin. 10 m length cross segments were evaluated for species per cent cover and richness, on both the population and community levels. Selected stream variables were measured: specific conductance, temperature, turbidity, mean cross-sectional area of the reach, current velocity, pH, and oxygen saturation (%). Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCO), chi-square good-of-fitness, and Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficient were applied to evaluate the distribution of the macroalgal species. The survey resulted in 36 taxa of macroalgae, of which Cyanophyta was the dominant group (17 taxa or 41.7% of the total), followed by Chlorophyta (15 taxa or 41.7%), Rhodophyta (3 taxa or 8.3%) and Chrysophyta (1 taxon or 2.8%). Stigeoclonium helveticum, 'Chantransia' stage of Batrachospermum spp., and B. delicatulum were the most widespread and frequent macroalgae throughout the basins. The analyses showed that conductance and current velocity were the factors most closely related to the distribution of the macroalgal species. Positive correlation between richness and percent cover was determined, which reinforces the patchiness of stream macroalgal distribution.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as condições periodontais e necessidades de tratamento em crianças e adolescentes, com idades entre 7 e 19 anos, matriculados em Escolas Públicas de Araraquara, SP, Brasil, em 1995, com o propósito de se obter um banco de dados-base inicial para o monitoramento das mudanças no estado periodontal. Uma amostra de 1956 crianças e adolescentes foi examinada por duas examinadoras, previamente calibradas, usando o CPITN. Os resultados mostraram que o sangramento gengival foi a condição periodontal mais frequentemente observada em todas as idades, com média de 3,0 sextantes afetados na idade de 15 anos. A presença de cálculo dental aumentou com a idade. No grupo etário de 15-19 anos, o cálculo dental e as bolsas periodontais rasas (3,5-5,5 mm) foram observados em 39,8% e 1,6% dos adolescentes, respectivamente. Com o propósito de alcançar a meta da OMS de não mais do que um sextante com escores 1 (sangramento) ou 2 (presença de cálculo dental) do CPITN na idade de 15 anos, prioridade deve ser dada aos programas de prevenção primária para que a saúde periodontal da maioria seja beneficiada.