12 resultados para Strelitzia nicolai

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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This work was based to study the influence of the storage temperature (cold and room temperature) in the quality of inflorescences strelitzia. The scapes were selected, labeled and there were zero problems concerning mechanical damage, disease and/or plagues. Subsequently this period, the scapes were moved randomly to recipients with water, in which two postharvest trials were conducted. In experiment 1, the flower scapes were placed in buckets with water from public supply and sanitation department and taken to a cold room at temperature of 7.5 degrees C and RH of 90%, for a twelve day period. For the experiment 2, were kept under the same conditions but at room temperature for a period of six days. In both experiments, the visual analysis: color, gloss, stains (by assigning notes), opening and drop florets (count) were evaluated at intervals of four days in cold and every 48 hours at ambient temperature conditions. In both experiments, the visual analysis: color, gloss, stains (by assigning notes), opening and drop florets (count) were evaluated at intervals of four days in cold and every 48 hours at ambient temperature conditions. The sepal is the organ that showed greater loss in coloration. The variable gloss showed the same pattern for the two experiments. Incidences of stains on the inflorescences occurred in patches at room temperature. The scapes increased number of florets open in cold. This tendency did not occur at room temperature. No were observed differences in the fall of florets. Conclude that the storage temperature does not contribute to postharvest quality of strelitzia.


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This review aimed to show the importance of Strelitzia in Floriculture. The genus named after the duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, birthplace of Queen Charlotte of United Kingdom. A commom name of the genus is bird of paradise flower, because of a supposed resemblance of its flowers to the bird of paradise. In this context, it is currently a growing interest in exotic cultures, with tropical characteristics, such as species of the family Strelitziaceae. Thus, it was observed that the production of agricultural activity, Strelitzia is one of increasing social and economic importance in the world.


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A incidência de hastes ocas em brócolis (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck) depende de vários fatores que afetam a absorção e o transporte de B, elemento responsável pelo aparecimento dessa desordem fisiológica. O trabalho avaliou os efeitos de quatro níveis de nitrogênio e dois níveis de boro e da interação entre eles na incidência de hastes ocas e na produção de brócolis. As doses de N (100, 150, 200 e 250 kg ha-1) foram divididas em quatro aplicações iguais aos 15, 30, 45 e 60 dias após o transplante. O boro (0, 4 e 8 kg ha-1) foi aplicado metade no plantio e a outra metade em cobertura aos 45 dias após o transplante. A massa média das inflorescências e a produção total foram diminuídas com a aplicação de B em função do crescimento mais lento das plantas provocado pela toxicidade desse elemento. Contudo, nas áreas não adubadas com B, a porcentagem de plantas com hastes ocas foi, em média, de 44,14%, sendo que a incidência dessa anomalia sofreu drástica redução com a aplicação de B, onde a maior dose (8 kg ha-1) resultou em apenas 4,52% de inflorescências afetadas. Doses de N superiores a 215,4 kg ha-1 aumentaram o número de plantas com hastes ocas somente nas áreas que não receberam B.


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in the city of Limeira, southeastern Brazil, an important exposure of Permian sediments of the Parana basin was revealed by an open pit mine that exploits limestone for production of soil correction compounds and raw materials for the ceramic industry. The radioactivity of these sediments was investigated in some detail and the results provided a general view of the vertical distributions of uranium, thorium and potassium concentrations and of the element ratios U/K, U/Th and Th/K. In general, the concentrations of the main natural radioactive elements are low, with uranium being enriched in some limestone and shale levels. In addition the results showed that the U-238 series is in radioactive disequilibrium in many of the analyzed samples. Although the origin of the observed disequilibrium has not been investigated, the results suggest that it is due to weathering processes and water interaction with the rock matrix. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The plant-parasitic nematodes are responsible for serious injuries in roots and shoots of ornamental plants, reducing its beauty and consequently its economic value. This study aimed to ascertain the occurrence and distribution of plantparasitic nematodes through the analysis of the roots of ornamental and flowering plants at UNESP FCAV's landscape. The roots were collected from fifteen different species as follows: Anthurium andreannum, Rhododendron simsii, Impatiens walleriana, Calathea stromata, Cordyline terminalis, Dieffenbachia picta, Dracaena marginata, Ficus benjamina, Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation', Spathiphyllum wallisi 'American Beauty' and 'Mini', Odontonema strictum, Portulaca grandiflora, Strelitzia reginae, Tradescantia zebrina and Tradescantia pallida. Samples of roots were processed. The plant-parasitic nematodes identified in the samples were: Meloidogyne sp. (Anthurium andreannum, Calathea stromata, Dieffenbachia picta, Ficus benjamina, Impatiens walleriana, Odontonema strictum, Portulaca grandiflora, Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation'), Helicotylenchus dihystera (Calathea stromata, Dracaena marginata, Portulaca grandiflora, Spathiphyllum ortgiessi 'Sensation', Tradescantia pallida, Tradescantia zebrina), Tylenchus sp. (Anthurium andreannum, Calathea stromata, Cordyline terminalis, Dieffenbachia picta, Ficus benjamina, Rhododendron simsii), Aphelenchoides sp. (Dieffenbachia picta, Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation', S. wallisi 'American Beauty'), Rotylenchulus reniformis (Cordyline terminalis, Dracaena marginata, Odontonema strictum), Pratylenchus sp. (Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation', Spathiphyllum wallisi 'Mini'), Ditylenchus sp. (Spathiphyllum wallisi 'Mini'), Pratylenchus brachyurus (Tradescantia zebrina). The plant-parasitic nematodes weren't found in the roots of Strelitzia reginae.


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A cross observational study was achieved about hypertensive patients from the Basic Health Unit in Betel, Paulinia - S.P. assessing blood pressure levels, anthropometric data, biosocial variables, responses to questionaires about physical activity (Ipaq), and quality of life (Whoqol), as well as estimates of cardiovascular risk by Framingham score. With descriptive purposes, absolute and relative frequencies distributions are presented. From originally 95 people in the study, 18 were eliminated, and the remaining 77 were predominately composed by women, averaged 55.87 years old (standard deviation 11.88); white ethnic; basic schooling education, and income of 3 minimum salaries. Although clinical criteria verified altered values, it was the physical evaluation that indicated more clearly risks of contracting cardiovascular diseases, thus showing how different complementary evaluations can better predict risk. These results demonstrated that other professionals should be an asset as an integral part of the health team. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora. Todos os direitos reservados.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)