155 resultados para Spinal canal

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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BACKGROUND: We investigated, with magnetic resonance imaging, the distance of the dura mater to the spinal cord in patients without spinal or medullar disease at the 2nd, 5th, and 10th thoracic segments.METHODS: Fifty patients in the supine position underwent magnetic resonance imaging. Medial sagittal slices of the 2nd, 5th, and 10th thoracic segments were measured for the relative distances using the 1.5-T superconducting system (Gyroscan Intera, Philips Medical Systems, Best, the Netherlands). In 10 patients, the angles relative to the tangent at the insertion point on the skin were measured.RESULTS: The posterior dural-spinal cord distance is significantly greater at the midthoracic region (5th thoracic = 5.8 +/- 0.8 mm) than at the upper (2nd thoracic = 3.9 +/- 0.8 mm) and lower thoracic levels (10th thoracic = 4.1 +/- 1.0 mm) (P < 0.015). There were no differences between interspaces T2 and 110. There was no correlation between age and the measured distance between the dura mater and the spinal cord. The entry angle of the needle at T2 was 9.0 degrees +/- 2.5 degrees; at T5, 45.0 degrees +/- 7.4 degrees; and at T10, 9.50 degrees +/- 4.2 degrees.CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that there is greater depth of the posterior subarachnoid space at the T2, T5, and T10 levels. The greater distance was found at T5. (Anesth Analg 2010;110:1494-5)


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Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST) involving spinal nerve roots are uncommon in dogs. A nine-year old, intact, mixed-breed dog, demonstrated clinical signs of incoordination in the pelvic limbs and micturition for approximately one week. Clinical examination revealed proprioceptive deficits and bilateral patellar hyperreflexia. During exploratory celiotomy a mass was observed adhered to the lumbar vertebral segments. Medical therapy was initiated, but neurological signs were progressive, and the owner opted for euthanasia. Gross examination showed that the mass in the abdominal cavity was attached to the lumbar segments L3 and L4, causing bone lysis in L3, but showed no tumor invasion into the spinal canal. Microscopic features were characterized by prominent proliferation of ovoid and fusiform cells with poorly defined cytoplasm arranged in interlacing bundles and concentric whorls. The cells were embedded in a delicate to moderate collagenous stroma and moderate anisokariose and high mitotic activity were noted. The immunohistochemical assay showed positive staining for GFAP, S-100 protein and vimentin, and negative staining for factor VIII, α-actin and citokeratine. The definitive diagnosis of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor was made on the basis of the histological and immunohistochemical findings.


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Hereditary or acquired cerebellar hypoplasia (CH) is commonly diagnosed in Holstein, Guernsey, Shorthorn and Jersey cattle. Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) has been associated to acquired CH due to viral infection during the second trimester of pregnancy. Stricken calf usually shows ataxia, hypermetria, opisthotonus, intentional tremor and wide-based stance when in standing position. Three newborn calves were referred to the FCAV/Unesp Veterinary Teaching Hospital because of neurological distress. The clinical presentation, similar in all cases, indicated CH. Two weeks later, clinical signs did not improve and euthanasia was performed. Macroscopic examination revealed a gelatinous serosanguineous fluid over the brain surface and within the cervical spinal canal. Histologically the cerebellum had disorganization of the internal granular layer and moderate disappearance of Purkinje cells. The observed clinical signs and nervous tissue lesions were consistent with congenital cerebellar syndrome, possibly associated to viral infection during fetal development. Despite CH has been assumed to be related to BVD, blue tongue and Akabane viruses, only the BVD etiology has been already identified in Brazil.


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Neoplasms originating in the spinal canal are uncommon in small animal veterinary clinic, but when present can cause significant neurological signs. Anatomically, these neoplasms can be classified as extradural, intradural-extramedullary and medullary. Extradural neoplasms are located outside the dura mater, but they can cause compression of the spinal cord. The chondromas are benign neoplasms characterized by the formation of cartilage and is rarely located in the spinal canal in both human and veterinary medicine. We describe a case of lumbar extradural chondroma in a dog that surgical decompression and removal of the mass allowed the resolution of clinical signs of paralysis with return of function of the hind limbs of the patient.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Caudal Cervical Spondylomyelopathy, also known as “Wobbler syndrome” is a neurological disorder that affects mainly breeds of large and giant size, especially Doberman pinsher and Great danes. Its aetiology is multifactorial and leads to a narrowing of the spinal canal by morphological and positional caudal cervical vertebrae (C5, C6 and C7), causing compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots. The clinical signs presented by the affected animals are progressive ataxia of hindlimbs and, later, the forelimbs, sometimes progressing to tetraparesis. Neck pain may be present. The diagnosis is made through the association of clinical signs and diagnostic imaging such as radiography, myelography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. According to the classification of the lesion obtained by imaging examinations, the conservative or surgical treatment is established and the prognosis is variable in accordance with the degree of affection of the spinal cord


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Nowadays, in any area that acts within the veterinary medicine, we talk a lot of specialists. Specialists in neurology, cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, finally, more specialized in a subject, better is the veterinarian. However, on one hand to deepen the knowledge helped in the discovery of new diagnostics and treatments, secondly, a bit lost sight of the patient as a whole. Traditional Chinese medicine, one of whose branches is acupuncture, is aimed at exactly this approach to be fully alive, where all body is interconnected and the disease is not seen as the imbalance of one system, but, as the imbalance between our being and the environment external. Acupuncture is an alternative in the treatment of many diseases, among them Cauda Equina Syndrome, and consists of stimulating specific points on the body surface, which help the body return to its natural harmony. A Cauda Equina Syndrome is a frame subsequent to a neuromuscular spinal cord at the level of the spinal canal of the lower lumbar spine and sacral, whose treatment is almost always surgical. This study aims to show the relevance of acupuncture treatment in this condition and report the importance of the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine nowadays, even when their arms are not in the treatment of choice


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Traumatic injuries to the vertebral column, spinal cord, and cauda equina nerve roots occur frequently in human and veterinary medicine and lead to devastating consequences. Complications include partial or complete loss of motor, sensory, and visceral functions, which are among the main causes of euthanasia in dogs. The present case report describes neurological functional recovery in two dogs that were treated surgically for severe spinal fracture and vertebral luxation. In the first case, a stray, mixed breed puppy was diagnosed with thoracolumbar syndrome and Schiff-Scherrington posture, as well as a T13 caudal epiphyseal fracture with 100% luxation between vertebrae T13 and L1; despite these injuries, the animal did show deep pain sensation in the pelvic limbs. Decompression through hemilaminectomy and spinal stabilization with vertebral body pins and bone cement were performed, and the treatment was supplemented with physiotherapy and acupuncture. In the second case, a mixed breed dog was diagnosed with a vertebral fracture and severe luxation between L6 and L7 after a vehicular trauma, but maintained nociception and perineal reflex. Surgical stabilization of the spine was performed using a modified dorsal segmental fixation technique Both patients showed significant recovery of neurological function. Complete luxation of the spinal canal observed radiographically does not mean a poor prognosis, and in some cases, motor, sensory, and visceral functions all have the potential for recovery. In the first case the determining factor for good prognosis was the presence of deep pain perception, and in the second case the prognosis was determined by the presence of sensitivity and anal sphincter tone during the initial neurological examination.


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This study was designed to present the feasibility of an in vivo image-guided percutaneous cryoablation of the porcine vertebral body. Methods The institutional animal care committee approved this study. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)-guided vertebral cryoablations (n = 22) were performed in eight pigs with short, 2-min, single or double-freezing protocols. Protective measures to nerves included dioxide carbon (CO2) epidural injections and spinal canal temperature monitoring. Clinical, radiological, and pathological data with light (n = 20) or transmission electron (n = 2) microscopic analyses were evaluated after 6 days of clinical follow-up and euthanasia. Results CBCT/fluoroscopic-guided transpedicular vertebral body cryoprobe positioning and CO2 epidural injection were successful in all procedures. No major complications were observed in seven animals (87.5 %, n = 8). A minor complication was observed in one pig (12.5 %, n = 1). Logistic regression model analysis showed the cryoprobe-spinal canal (Cp-Sc) distance as the most efficient parameter to categorize spinal canal temperatures lower than 19 °C (p<0.004), with a significant Pearson’s correlation test (p < 0.041) between the Cp-Sc distance and the lowest spinal canal temperatures. Ablation zones encompassed pedicles and the posterior wall of the vertebral bodies with an inflammatory rim, although no inflammatory infiltrate was depicted in the surrounding neural structures at light microscopy. Ultrastructural analyses evidenced myelin sheath disruption in some large nerve fibers, although neurological deficits were not observed. Conclusions CBCT-guided vertebral cryoablation of the porcine spine is feasible under a combination of a short freezing protocol and protective measures to the surrounding nerves. Ultrastructural analyses may be helpful assess the early modifications of the nerve fibers.


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This inedited morphometric study has been developed from healthy canine spinal cord neuron cytoplasm and nucleus, and white matter axonal myelin sheath, from cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions. For the morphometric study, the parameters were area, perimeter, maximum and minimum diameters and roundness for neurons and myelin thickness for axon. For each parameter, 300 neurons were analysed. The results revealed that lumbar neurons had the highest mean values for the analysed parameters, indicating the presence of large neurons in this region, with large axons as a result of myelin thickness, which is proportional to axon calibre. We conclude that these morphometric results can contribute for the establishment of normal patterns, for canine spinal cord cervical, thoracic and lumbar segments.


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Background. This double-blind study was undertaken to determine whether alizapride inhibits spinal morphine-induced pruritus.Methods. Eighty-four patients undergoing Caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia (100 mg of hyperbaric lidocaine 5% plus morphine 0.2 mg) were randomly allocated to one of two groups. just after birth, alizapride-50 mg (alizapride group) or metoclopramide 10 mg (metoclopramide group) were injected i.v. Patients were assessed after surgery for pruritus (absent, mild, moderate or severe) or other untoward symptoms.Results. In the metoclopramide group, pruritus was absent in 5 (12%) patients, mild in 23 (55%), moderate in 11 (26%), and severe in 3 (7%), while in the alizapride group, these incidences were, respectively, 5 (12%), 33 (79%), 4 (10%), and 0 (P=0.045, chi(2)-test). There was no difference in the incidence of side-effects, which were all minor.Conclusions. Alizapride reduced the severity of morphine-induced pruritus.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar possíveis alterações clínicas e histológicas determinadas pela administração da betametasona no espaço subaracnóideo de cães. MÉTODOS: Vinte e um cães foram incluídos no estudo de forma aleatória e encoberta. Depois de anestesiados, os cães foram submetidos a punção subaracóidea com injeção de 1 ml da solução sorteada. Os animais receberam solução salina 0,9% em G1, betametasona na dose de 1,75 mg em G2 e betametasona na dose de 3,5 mg em G3. Todos os animais foram mantidos em observação clínica por 21 dias, sendo posteriormente sacrificados. Porções da medula espinhal e sacral foram removidas para análise histológica por microscopia óptica. RESULTADOS: Não foram detectadas alterações clínicas em quaisquer dos animais incluídos no estudo. da mesma forma, nenhum animal do G1 apresentou alterações histológicas. Infiltração inflamatória foi observada em dois cães, um do G2 e outro e G3. No cão do G2 onde a infiltração inflamatória foi observada ocorreu, conjuntamente, hemorragia e necrose. em dois cães, um de G2 e outro de G3, observou-se discreta fibrose e espessamento da aracnóide, sendo focal em um e difusa no outro. CONCLUSÃO: A administração subaracnóidea de betametasona determinou alterações histológicas em medula e meninges de alguns dos cães envolvidos no estudo.


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Hipotermia inadvertida no perioperatório é freqüente durante anestesia subaracnóidea e após a administração de midazolam. O objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos do aquecimento da pele no intra-operatório, associado ou não ao aquecimento da pele durante o período de 45 minutos no pré-operatório, na prevenção de hipotermia intra- e pós-operatória determinada pela anestesia subaracnóidea em pacientes com medicação pré-anestésica com midazolam. TIPO DE ETUDO E LOCAL: Estudo prospectivo e aleatório, realizado no Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Botucatu, SP. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado em 30 pacientes com estado físico ASA (da Sociedade Norte-americana de Anestesiologistas) I e II submetidos à cirurgia eletiva do abdômen. Como medicação pré-anestésica, utilizou-se o midazolam, 7,5 mg via intramuscular (IM) e anestesia subaracnóidea padrão. em 10 pacientes (Gcontrole) utilizou-se isolamento térmico passivo; 10 pacientes (Gpré+intra) foram submetidos a aquecimento ativo no pré- e intra-operatório; e 10 pacientes (Gintra) foram aquecidos ativamente somente no intra-operatório. RESULTADOS: Após 45 minutos de aquecimento no pré-operatório, os pacientes do Gpré+intra apresentaram temperatura central mais elevada em relação aos dos grupos não aquecidos antes da anestesia (p < 0,05) mas não no início da cirurgia (p > 0,05). Os pacientes que receberam aquecimento no intra-operatório apresentaram temperatura central mais elevada no final da cirurgia em relação aos de Gcontrole (p < 0,05). Todos os pacientes estavam hipotérmicos na admissão da sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (temperatura central < 36º C). CONCLUSÕES: 45 minutos de aquecimento no pré-operatório combinado com aquecimento no intra- operatório não evita, mas minimiza a ocorrência de hipotermia determinada pela anestesia subaracnóidea em pacientes que receberam midazolam como medicação pré-anestésica.


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BACKGROUND: The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist ketamine and its active enantiomer, S(+)-ketamine, have been injected in the epidural and subarachnoid spaces to treat acute postoperative pain and relieve neuropathic pain syndrome. In this study we evaluated the effects of a single dose of preservative-free S(+)-ketamine, in doses usually used in clinical practice, in the spinal cord and meninges of dogs.METHODS: Under anesthesia (IV etomidate (2 mg/kg) and fentanyl (0.005 mg/kg), 16 dogs (6 to 15 kg) were randomized to receive a lumbar intrathecal injection (L5/6) of saline solution of 0.9% (control group) or S(+)-ketamine 1 mg/kg(-1) (ketamine group). All doses were administered in a volume of 1 mL over a 10-second interval. Accordingly, injection solution ranged from 0.6% to 1.5%. After 21 days of clinical observation, the animals were killed; spinal cord, cauda equine root, and meninges were removed for histological examination with light microscopy. Tissues were examined for demyelination (Masson trichrome), neuronal death (hematoxylin and eosin) and astrocyte activation (glial fibrillary acidic protein).RESULTS: No clinical or histological alterations of spinal tissue or meninges were found in animals from either control or ketamine groups.CONCLUSION: A single intrathecal injection of preservative-free S(+)-ketamine, at 1 mg/kg-1 dosage, over a concentration range of 6 to 15 mg/mL injected in the subarachnoid space in a single puncture, did not produce histological alterations in this experimental model. (Anesth Analg 2012;114:450-55)