77 resultados para Spike trains
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
We employ a time- dependent mean- field- hydrodynamic model to study the generation of bright solitons in a degenerate fermion - fermion mixture in a cigar- shaped geometry using variational and numerical methods. Due to a strong Pauli- blocking repulsion among identical spin- polarized fermions at short distances there cannot be bright solitons for repulsive interspecies interactions. Employing a linear stability analysis we demonstrate the formation of stable solitons due to modulational instability of a constant-amplitude solution of the model equations for a sufficiently attractive interspecies interaction. We perform a numerical stability analysis of these solitons and also demonstrate the formation of soliton trains by jumping the effective interspecies interaction from repulsive to attractive. These fermionic solitons can be formed and studied in laboratory with present technology.
The problem of generation of atomic soliton trains in elongated Bose-Einstein condensates is considered in framework of Whitham theory of modulations of nonlinear waves. Complete analytical solution is presented for the case when the initial density distribution has sharp enough boundaries. In this case the process of soliton train formation can be viewed as a nonlinear Fresnel diffraction of matter waves. Theoretical predictions are compared with results of numerical simulations of one- and three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation and with experimental data on formation of Bose-Einstein bright solitons in cigar-shaped traps. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We use a time-dependent dynamical mean-field-hydrodynamic model to predict and study bright solitons in a degenerate fermion-fermion mixture in a quasi-one-dimensional cigar-shaped geometry using variational and numerical methods. Due to a strong Pauli-blocking repulsion among identical spin-polarized fermions at short distances there cannot be bright solitons for repulsive interspecies fermion-fermion interactions. However, stable bright solitons can be formed for a sufficiently attractive interspecies interaction. We perform a numerical stability analysis of these solitons and also demonstrate the formation of soliton trains. These fermionic solitons can be formed and studied in laboratory with present technology.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Comparou-se a produção de sementes de grama-batatais em Latossol vermelho Escuro com ou sem adição de sulfato de amônio (4g de N/m²), superfosfato simples (50g de P2O5/m²), cloreto de potássio (15g de K2O/m²), esterco de equino (10 litros/m²) e calcário dolomítico (220 g/m²). As produções foram avaliadas através de número de espigas por área, peso total de sementes, peso de sementes puras, relação entre peso de sementes puras e peso total de sementes, peso de 1000 sementes puras, peso total de sementes por espiga, peso de sementes puras por espiga, porcentagem de germinação das sementes e velocidade de emergência das plântulas. Foram determinados os teores de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, enxofre, boro, cobre, ferro, manganês e zinco na matéria seca de folhas e sementes. Verificou-se que a produção de sementes, tanto em quantidade como em qualidade, foi influenciada pela nutrição mineral. As porcentagens mais elevadas de carbono no solo estiveram associadas a maior quantidade e melhor qualidade das sementes produzidas. As melhores produções de sementes correspondem aos níveis mais baixos de fósforo, potássio, cálcio e zinco nas folhas. Verificou-se serem importantes nas características avaliadas as seguintes relações entre teores de nutrientes nas folhas ou nas sementes: N/P, P/Ca, P/Mg, P/S, P/Zn, K/Ca, K/Mg, K/B, Ca/Mg, Ca/B, Fe/Mn, Zn/Cu, Zn/Fe e Zn/Mn. Nas maiores produções, as sementes apresentaram concentrações menores de nitrogênio, boro e cobre, e mais elevadas de cálcio. As sementes de melhor qualidade apresentaram maiores concentrações de zinco e menores de boro. A aplicação de adubos ou calcário dolomítico não melhorou significativamente a produção de sementes.
In maize (Zea mays L.), the inadequate nitrogen supply and planting density are considered limiting factors to the grain yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different nitrogen levels and plant densities to the maize yield components and productivity. The experiment was carried out in the Cerrado region, located in the southern of the Maranhao State, Brazil, in a clay Oxisol (Ustox), cropped under the no-tillage system for six years. The randomized completed blocks experimental design with four replications was used, with treatments arrangement in a 5 x 4 factorial. The treatments were a combination of five doses of nitrogen as urea (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha(-1)) and four plant densities (25,000; 50,000; 75,000 and 100,000 plants he). The grain number and mass per spike and grain mass per plant were improved by increased N and decreased plant density. Higher incomes of grains were obtained with adding concomitantly in N doses and in plants density. The maximum grain yield (11,9 Mg ha(-1)) was obtained with 120 kg ha(-1) of N and 83,000 plants ha(-1).
The nitrogen in wheat is essential for obtaining high yields, not only the dose but also the time and the way of application are critical, reducing potential leaching and the cost of production. The objective is evaluating leaf and sidedressing nitrogen application on wheat crop in years of 2006 and 2007. A randomized blocks design in a factorial scheme 5x3x2 was used. The treatments consisted of five doses of nitrogen in the solution (0; 2.5; 5.0; 7.5 and 10%), three application times (at tillering: 30 days after plant emergency (DAE), at full flowering (50 DAE) + in the beginning of grain formation (70 DAE) and at tillering + in the beginning of grain formation), with and without sidedressing nitrogen applied at 40 DAE, using urea as source. They were evaluated: chlorophyll and nitrogen content in leaf, number of spikelets per ear, number of grains per ear, mass of grains per ear, number of grains per spikelet, mass hectolitric, mass of 100 grains and productivity of grains. The application of nitrogen topdressing in both years, influenced the yield characteristics of wheat. The times of leaf nitrogen only affected the leaf N content. The leaf nitrogen concentrations increased linearly the number of grains per spikelets, grains per spike, chlorophyll content, grain weight per ear and grain yield, and reduced mean weight per hectoliter, only in 2007.
In 2010, an accident occurred in Americana-SP, Brazil, involving two trains and one bus on a Grade Crossing, when 10 people died and 17 were injured including workers. This paper aims to analyze the accident using the Model of Analysis and Prevention of Work Accidents (MAPA). The method provides observation of work, interviews and analysis of documents to understand precedents of the event in the following stages: to understand the usual work from the involved people, the changes occurred in the system, the operation of barriers, managerial and organizational aspects. By the end, measures are suggested to avoid new occurrences. The accident took place at night in a site with insufficient lighting. The working conditions of bus drivers, train operators and watchmen are inadequate. There were only symbolic barriers (visual and acoustic signals) triggered manually by watchman upon train operator radio communication. The fragility of the barrier system associated to poor lighting and short time to trigger the signaling seem to play a critical role in the event. Contrary to the official report which resulted in guilt of the bus driver, the conclusion of the paper emphasizes the fragility of the safety system and the need of level crossing reproject.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Among the decapods, the caridean Exhippolysmata oplophoroides has been described as a simultaneous protandric hermaphrodite, seeing that it presents a male initial stage followed by a hermaphrodite one in which it can function as male and as female. This work had the aims of characterizing the microscopical morphology of the male portion of the ovotestes gonads from E. oplophoroides, at the different development stages, identifying each cell from the germ lines during spermatogenesis, as well as describing the ultramorphology of spermatozoans in the terminal region of the vasa deferentia. Shrimps were collected in Ubatuba, north coast of São Paulo, and their male gonads and the ampoule were removed, fixed and processed according to histological routine and for scanning electron microscopy. The testicular portion is divided in lobes, inside which cells at the same stage of the spermatogenic cycle are observed, with prevalence of spermatogonia and spermatocytes at stages I, II and V of gonad development, whereas spermatids and spermatozoans are found at stages III and IV, respectively. Ultramorphology of the terminal portion of the vasa deferentia exhibits mature aflagellated spike-shaped spermatozoans, encased in secretion and between membrane foldings that will constitute the spermatophores. Despite presenting reproductive characteristics common to other decapods. E. oplophoroides shows spermatozoans as well as spermatophore with typical morphology, which is important for its identification and taxonomy. Further, this species showed polysaccharide secretions where the spermatozoa are immerse as far as the testicular portion, which could have a roe in their transport and nutrition as well as spermatophore constitution and/or fixation; differently, other caridean species begin spermatophore formation during the passage of the gametes through the vasa deferentia. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Asymptotic soliton trains arising from a 'large and smooth' enough initial pulse are investigated by the use of the quasiclassical quantization method for the case of Kaup-Boussinesq shallow water equations. The parameter varying along the soliton train is determined by the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule which generalizes the usual rule to the case of 'two potentials' h(0)(x) and u(0)(x) representing initial distributions of height and velocity, respectively. The influence of the initial velocity u(0)(x) on the asymptotic stage of the evolution is determined. Excellent agreement of numerical solutions of the Kaup-Boussinesq equations with predictions of the asymptotic theory is found. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.