14 resultados para Spermatheca

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The presence of spermatozoa in vesicles in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells that constitute the spermathecal wall of Melipona bicolor queen (Meliponini) is discussed in relation to the organ structure. The epithelial wall is lined by an apparently continuous cuticle in the luminal surface that should be a non-transposable barrier to the luminal spermatozoa. However, some spermatozoa were seen crossing the cuticle through interruptions that was first interpreted as sectioning defects. Nevertheless, the sperm cells in well-structured cytoplasmic vesicles, bound by membranes and sometimes associated to multivesicular bodies, as well as cytoplasmic structures representative of intracellular digestion and the occurrence of the phenomenon in two of the three spermathecae studied, suggest a real spermiophagic hole in the spermathecal epithelial cells.


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The structure of the spermatheca was investigated in specimens of five termite families with the aid of light microscopy. In longitudinal section, the spermatheca of Zootermopsis nevadensis (Termopsidae) showed the shape of an umbrella with a secretory portion and duct. The other termite species, which belong to the families Kalotermitidae, Serritermitidae, Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae showed a spermatheca constituted only by the secretory portion. This structure was an elongate, fingerlike tube with a recurved and blind extremity. The spermatheca wall was composed of a single epithelium formed by class 3 secretory cells with a lumen lined by cuticle. The cuticle was thin and smooth or thick with digitiform projections in the species examined. All the termite females showed bundles of musculature outside of the spermatheca.


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The present work showed that the newly emerged queen weight, the number of ovarioles. and the spermatheca mass are not influenced by the sizes of the wax cups. The first two characters suffered time transference influence, and the best acceptances were obtained mainly, in wax cups with diameters of 7, 8, and 9 min.


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Chromosome evolution, in the Bidens genus, was by polyploidy mechanisms. The basic number to the genus is X = 12 chromosomes, as all the Fitchinae subtribe. The association of chromosome number and environment in these plants was made some time ago, concerning the cytotypes of the species. In this paper, the chromosome number of nine Bidens pilosa populations was studied. The chromosome numbers found were 2n = 48, 70 and 72. In six of the nine populations analysed the most frequent number was 2n = 72. The Ibiuna population had 2n = 70 chromosomes and two had the lowest chromosome number (2n = 48). Observations of the B. pilosa population suggests that ploidy levels were related to a geographical gradient establishing the environmental altitudes. The data showed that lower ploidy levels, that is 2n = 48, were found at lower altitudes, while the populations higher ploidy levels were found in several environments, over a wide distribution.


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Toward the end of the larval phase (pre-pupa), the reproductive systems of Melipona quadrifasciata and Frieseomelitta varia workers are anatomically similar. Scanning electron microscopy showed that during this developmental phase the right and left ovaries are fused and form a heart-shaped structure located above the midgut. Each ovary is connected to the genital chamber by a long and slender lateral oviduct. During pupal development, the lateral oviducts of workers from both species become extremely reduced due to a drastic process of cell death, as shown by transmission electron microscopy. During the lateral oviduct shortening, their simple columnar epithelial cells show some signs of apoptosis in addition to necrosis. Cell death was characterized by cytoplasmic vesiculation, peculiar accumulation of glycogen, and dilation of cytoplasmic organelles such as mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The nuclei, at first irregularly contoured, became swollen, with chromatin flocculation and various areas of condensed chromatin next to the nuclear envelope. At the end of the pupal phase, deep recesses marked the nuclei. At emergence, worker and queen reproductive systems showed marked differences, although reduction in the lateral oviducts was an event occurring in both castes. However, in queens the ovarioles increased in length and the spermatheca was larger than that of workers. At the external anatomical level, the reproductive system of workers and queens could be distinguished in the white- and pink-eyed pupal phase. The metamorphic function of the death of lateral oviduct cells, with consequent oviduct shortening, is discussed in terms of the anatomical reorganization of the reproductive system and of the ventrolateral positioning of adult worker bee ovaries. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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This paper describes the influence of the colony cycle on caste differences in Protonectarina sylveirae. Despite invariably keeping the main aspects of the conspicuous dimorphism between the castes, it is shown that: 1- queen-worker differences varied according to the progress of the colony cycle, 2- queens in pre-emergence colonies were smaller than those in male-producing ones, 3- workers were larger in pre-emergence than in other colony stages, 4- at particular steps of the colony cycle, non-inseminated ovary-developed queens and workers were detected. The size of the spermatheca differed between inseminated and non-inseminated queens with the highest values appearing in those bearing the most developed kind of ovary development. Differences between inseminated and non-inseminated queens were found in tergites III and IV, ovarian development and amount of fatty tissues. Because tergite size relates to gaster size, this character may be an important stimulus for selection of larger queens in the course of the colony cycle.


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This is a histological and histochemical analysis of the terminal portion of the female reproductive system and genital ducts of the blue land crab (Cardisoma guanhumi). Animals were collected in the Jaguaribe estuary (Ceará, Brazil) and dissected. Genital duct fragments were fixed and submitted to different staining techniques. The female reproductive system consists of a pair of ovaries and a pair of genital ducts. In the mid-posterior portion of each lobe, the ovaries communicate with the genital ducts, which are subdivided into oviduct, spermatheca, vagina, and gonopore. Histologically, the spermatheca of C. guanhumi is composed of columnar secretory epithelium and is divided into a dorsal zone and a ventral zone, the latter covered internally by a cuticle layer. Both zones are enveloped by a thin layer of loose connective tissue. Histological cross sections revealed the vagina to be concave, a pattern considered phylogenetically more advanced than the simple, tubular form. Our findings suggest fertilization is internal, favoring sperm from the most recent copulation. © 2012 The Authors. Acta Zoologica © 2012 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)