47 resultados para Southwestern Guizhou Province

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Rapakivi granites and associated mafic and ultramafic rocks in the Rondonia Tin Province, southwestern Amazonian craton, Brazil were emplaced during six discrete episodes of magmatism between ca 1600 and 970 Ma. The seven rapakivi granite suites emplaced at this time were the Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite (U-Pb ages between 1606 and 1532 Ma); Santo Antonio Intrusive Suite(U-Pb age 1406 Ma), Teotonio Intrusive Suite (U-Pb age 1387 Ma); Alto Candeias Intrusive Suite (U-Pb ages between 1346 and 1338 Ma); Sao Lourenco-Caripunas Intrusive Suite (U-Pb ages between 1314 and 1309 Ma); Santa Clara Intrusive Suite (U-Pb ages between 1082 and 1074 Ma); and Younger Granites of Rondonia (U-Pb ages between 998 and 974 Ma). The Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite intruded the Paleoproterozoic (1.80 to 1.70 Ga) Rio Negro-Juruena crust whereas the other suites were emplaced into the 1.50 to 1.30 Ga Rondonia-San Ignacio crust. Their intrusion was contemporaneous with orogenic activity in other parts of the southwestern Amazonian craton, except for the oldest, Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite. Orogenic events coeval with emplacement of the Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite are not clearly recognized in the region. The Santo Antonio, Teotonio, Alto Candeias and Sao Lourenco-Caripunas Intrusive Suites are interpreted to represent extensional anorogenic magmatism associated with the terminal stages of the Rondonian-San Ignacio orogeny. At least the Sao Lourenco-Caripunas rapakivi granites and coeval intra-continental rift sedimentary rocks may, in contrast, represent the products of extensional tectonics and rifting preceding the Sunsas/Aguapei orogeny (1.25 to 1.0 Ga). The two youngest rapakivi suites, the Santa Clara Intrusive Suite and Younger Granites of Rondonia, seemingly represent inboard magmatism in the Rondonian-San Ignacio Province during a younger episode of reworking in the Rio Negro-Juruena Province during the waning stages of the collisional 1.1 to 1.0 Ga Sunsas/Aguapei orogeny. The six intra-plate rapakivi granite episodes in the southwestern part of the Amazonian craton form three broad periods of anorogenic magmatism that have age-correlative events composed of similar rocks and geologic environments in eastern Laurentia and Baltica, although the exact timing of magmatism appears slightly different. Recognition of lithologic and chronological correlations between various cratons provide important constraints to models explaining the interplay between rapakivi granite magmatism and deep crustal evolution of an early Mesoproterozoic supercontinent. They are, furthermore, important to plate tectonic models for the assembly, dispersal and reassembly of Amazonia, Laurentia and Baltica in the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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On the basis of geologic, petrologic, and U-Pb geochronologic data the basement rocks in the east-central part of the Rondonia Tin Province (RTP, southwestern Amazonian craton) are grouped into five lithologic associations: (1) tonalitic gneiss (1.75 Ga); (2) enderbitic granulite (1.73 Ga); (3) paragneiss; (4) granitic and charnockitic augen gneisses (1.57-1.53 Ga); and (5) fine-grained granitic gneiss and charnockitic granulite (1.43-1.42 Ga). The first three are related to development of the Paleoproterozoic Rio Negro-Juruena Province and represent the oldest crust in the region. The tonalitic gneisses and enderbitic granulites show calc-alkaline affinities and Nd isotopic compositions (initial epsilon(Nd) = +0-1 to -1.5; T-DM of 2.2-2.1 Ga) that suggest a continental arc margin setting for the original magmas. The paragneisses yield T-DM values of 2.2-2.1 Ga suggesting that source material was primarily derived from the Ventuari-Tapajos and Rio Negro-Juruena crusts, but detrital zircon ages and an intrusive granitoid bracket deposition between 1.67 and 1.57 Ga. The granitic and charnockitic augen gneisses show predominantly A-type and within-plate granite affinities, but also some volcanic arc granite characteristics. The initial epsilon(Nd) values (+0.6 to +2.0) indicate mixing of magmas derived from depleted mantle and older crustal sources. These rocks are correlated to the 1.60-1.53 Ga Serra da Providencia intrusive suite that reflects inboard magmatism coeval with the Cachoeirinha orogen located to the southeast. The fine-grained granitic gneiss and charnockitic granulites represent the first record of widespread magmatism at 1.43-1.42 Ga in northern Rondonia. Their geochemical signatures and the slightly positive initial epsilon(Nd) values (+0.7 to +1.2) are very similar to those of the most evolved granites of the calc-alkaline Santa Helena batholith farther southeast. U-Pb monazite and Sm-Nd whole-rock-garnet ages demonstrate that a high-grade tectonometa-morphic episode occurred in this region at 1.33-1.30 Ga. This episode attained upper-amphibolite conditions and is interpreted as the peak of the Rondonian-San Ignacio orogeny. The U-Pb and Sm-Nd data presented here and data published on rapakivi granites elsewhere indicate that the east-central part of the RTP is a poly-orogenic region characterized by successive episodes of magmatism, metamorphism, and deformation between 1.75 and 0.97 Ga. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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O primeiro registro para o Atlântico Sul ocidental de uma espécie do gênero Malacoraja Stehmann, 1970 é feita com base na descrição de Malacoraja obscura, espécie nova, proveniente do talude continental do Sudeste brasileiro dos estados do Espírito Santo e Rio de Janeiro em profundidades de 808-1105 m. A espécie nova é conhecida através de cinco exemplares e é distinta de seus congêneres pela sua coloração dorsal composta por numerosas manchas esbranquiçadas e pequenas na região do disco e nadadeiras pélvicas, por apresentar uma fileira irregular de espinhos ao longo da superfície dorsal mediana da cauda a qual persiste em espécimes maiores (desde a base da cauda até dois-terços do seu comprimento numa fêmea de 680 mm de comprimento total, CT) e uma região pequena desprovida de dentículos na base ventral da cauda (estendendo somente até a margem distal da nadadeira pélvica). Outros caracteres diagnósticos em combinação incluem a ausência de espinhos escapulares em indivíduos maiores, número elevado de fileiras dentárias (64/62 fileiras num macho subadulto de 505 mm de CT e 76/74 numa fêmea de 680 mm de CT) e de vértebras (27-28 Vtr, 68-75 Vprd), coloração ventral do disco uniformemente castanha escura, duas fenestras pós-ventrais na cintura escapular, fenestra pós-ventral posterior grande, forame magno circular e dois forames para a carótida interna na placa basal ventral do neurocrânio. Machos adultos não são conhecidos, porém uma descrição anatômica de M. obscura, sp. nov., é fornecida. Comparações são realizadas com todo o material conhecido de M. kreffti, com a literatura sobre M. senta e com material abundante de M. spinacidermis da África do Sul; M. obscura, sp. nov., assemelha-se mais a M. spinacidermis do Atlântico Sul oriental em esqueleto dérmico, coloração e tamanho. Malacoraja é monofilético devido à sua espinulação e apêndices rostrais conspícuos e é aparentemente composta por dois grupos de espécies, um para M. obscura e M. spinacidermis e outro para M. kreffti e M. senta, porém a elucidação das relações filogenéticas entre as espécies necessita de mais informações anatômicas, principalmente das duas últimas espécies.


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Diet composition of the blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, from the southwestern equatorial Atlantic Ocean was analyzed between October 2004 and November 2005. In the 226 stomachs of fish ranging between 100 and 311 cm lower jaw -fork length (LJFL), 44 items were identified, including 31 fishes and 13 cephalopods. Seventy stomachs were empty (23.6 %). M. nigricans fed preferentially on heavy and muscular scombrid fishes especially upon the skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758), probably to sustain their high metabolism, and on a variety of other items composed mainly by epipelagic species of fish and cephalopods.


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The taxonomic identity of specimens of the genus Hippolyte Leach, 1814 of Laguna de Términos was considered including the colour and the presence-absence of tufts of plumose setae on the dorsal surface of the carapace and abdomen as secondary characteristics to morphological features of taxonomic value. Two groups were formed based on appearance: one transparent with setae and another green without setae. The analysis of five morphological characteristics in adult females of the two groups made it possible to identify only H. zostericola (Smith, 1873). Fecundity and fertility were similar (0.5>p>0.2) in both groups. The first zoea of both groups were also morphologically similar. Considering these results, it is concluded that the only species collected was H. zoslericola and that it has two phenotypical types. It is recomended that the morphological analysis of all larval stages be carried out.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fishes of the family Scorpaenidae are responsible for severe injuries and occasionally deaths in humans around the world. The more venomous fishes on the Brazilian coast and in the Southwestern Atlantic region are classified in the genus Scorpaena (family Scorpaenidae). However, there are few studies on the venomous apparatus, the effects of the venom, or clinical aspects of human envenoming provoked by Atlantic scorpionfishes.In this communication, the authors present 23 accidents caused by scorpionfishes of the genus Scorpaena among fishermen, and report the species that provoked the injuries, the circumstances of contacts, the clinical aspects observed and the therapeutic measures utilized for control of the symptoms of the victims. The intense pain and the systemic findings observed in the patients were very frequent and we think that the injuries provoked by scorpionfishes should be considered the most important manifestations caused by venomous fishes of the East Atlantic Ocean. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The larval development of the spider crab Epialtus bituberculatus H. Milne Edwards which Lives on rocky shores with algae such as Sargassum and Hypneia, is described. Larvae were obtained from ovigerous females collected in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Rearing was carried out at 24 +/- 1 degreesC, with an average salinity of 35 parts per thousand. Larval development consists of two zoeal stages and one megalopa. Zoeal development was completed in 9.5 days. Analysis indicated that zoeae of E. bituberculatus are very similar to those of E. brasiliensis Dana and Acanthonyx scutiformis (Dana). Differences noted between these species pertain to the setation of the carapace, maxillule and second maxilliped. The main morphological features useful for identification are presented together with a summary of features that characterize larvae of majid subfamilies in Brazil. A key for the identification of southwestern Atlantic majid zoeae to the family level is provided.


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The upper portion of the Rio Guaratuba, located in the Serra do Mar coastal range of Southeastern Brazil, shows biological and geological evidences of being captured and diverted away from its original course in the direction of the Parana River Basin to become a coastal river due to the Quaternary activity of NW-trending faults. Despite draining directly to the Atlantic Ocean, the upper portion of the Guaratuba still maintains an ichthyofauna that is typical of the adjoining Parana River Basin rather than the characteristic fish fauna of the Brazilian coastal drainages. The fish fauna of the upper Guaratuba is an evident testimony of the tectonic process that allowed the faunal interchange between the upland basins and the coastal drainages that probably has been taking place in Southeastern Brazil throughout the long geological history of the passive Brazilian continental margin.


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White-nosed bearded sakis (Chiropotes albinasus) are endemic to the Madeira-Xingu interfluvium in southern Amazonia, though recent fieldwork has produced conflicting data on the southwestern limits of the species's geographic range. We reevaluated the distribution of bearded sakis on the basis of surveys from 34 sites throughout the Brazilian state of Rondonia. Chiropotes albinasus occurred at seven sites in the eastern part of the state, including two west of the Jiparana-Pimenta Bueno river system in the extreme south, but there is no record of their presence further north and west in the Jiparana-Guapore interfluvium and they were absent from the Jiparana-Mamore interfluvium. The data suggest that ecological, rather than geographic barriers restrict the distribution of Chiropotes albinasus in southern Rondonia, but are contradictory with regard to the possible determining factors. Chiropotes albinasus appears able to thrive in transitional, savanna-like ecosystems in southern Rondonia, but is unexpectedly absent from adjacent areas of terra firme forest. Syntopy with the only other pitheciine found in the state (Pithecia irrorata) appears to have a negative effect on the abundance of Chiropotes albinasus which implies that interspecific competition may reinforce a complex of limiting factors, such as the availability of key plant species. Despite showing that Chiropotes albinasus is widespread in southern Rondonia, we also confirm its absence from the western two thirds of the state, a significant reduction in the known range of the species.


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Habitat of juvenile Caribbean reef sharks, Carcharhinus perezi (Carcharhinidae), was identified using fishing surveys and capture of immature specimens at two Brazilian insular sites in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, Fernando de Noronha Archipelago and Atol das Rocas. Standardized sampling at Fernando de Noronha indicated that parturition occurred from February to April and that a wide depth-range (at least 5-30 m) along the insular shelf was used by immature sharks throughout the year. The catch-per-unit effort of C. perezi was significantly higher inside than outside a marine protected area at this location, suggesting that these sharks are more common in pans of the reef least disturbed by human activities. More limited sampling at Atol das Rocas suggested that juvenile C. perezi occurred at similar depths and utilized similar substrate as sharks at Fernando de Noronha. These findings suggest that successful conservation and management of this economically important, protected species will need to include conservation of habitat around insular reef systems. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)