10 resultados para Southern cerrado

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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This study was accomplished in existing Cerrado's relicts at State Park Guartelá, Tibagi, PR (24°39'10S and 50°15'25W), which represent one of the last extreme-meridional remanescents of this type of formation. Fifty plots with dimensions of 5x5m were allocated for phyto-sociological analysis, including in the sample individuals with height ≥ 1 m, divided into two samples to evaluate the following strata: a) upper-plants with DAS ≥ 3 cm, and b) intermediate - plants with DAS <3cm. Moreover, in each plot, there were established sub-plots with dimensions of 1x1m for sampling the lower stratum, comprised by individuals with height <1m and >10cm. The complete survey found 1340 individuals distributed in 28 families, 66 genera and 115 species. The diversity index was higher for the mean component (H'=3.30), followed by the superior component (H'=3.09) and the inferior (H'=2.91). The frequent occurrence of bushes is a remarkable characteristic of the physiognomy of the areas inside the park and 82 % of the populations studied are distributed in aggregated standard. Because it is a marginal region of occurrence of cerrado vegetation, now under the influence of a subtropical climate, more humid and cold, compared to the core area of this biome, it is noted that these areas are characterized by a decrease in stature, richness and diversity of its flora. Nevertheless, they preserve typical species of the Brazilian Savannah; but, due to their distribution in relicts and been, in part, devastated, some are included in the red list of endangered plants in Parana state, which evidences the importance of conservation and management of these areas.


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Savanna woody plant communities are widespread in Brazil, where this vegetation type can be divided into core-central and marginal areas within its range of distribution. The study of diversity patterns of plant communities can provide insights into the distribution, biogeography, and diversity of plant species in widespread biomes. The objectives of this study were to measure standard and phylogenetic indices of diversity in woody plant communities of the savanna vegetation of Brazil (Cerrado) throughout its extensive range. Based on a metaanalysis, the diversity indexes were compared using traditional statistical methods, a phylogenetic approach, and by mapping. Similar patterns were found for phylogenetic and traditional indexes of diversity in core and marginal areas, suggesting that both lower and higher diversity sites can occur within the Cerrado geographical area. The only difference was found in low diversity, disjunct savanna sites within the Amazon basin, which are isolated by the Amazon River from the more continuous central-southern Cerrado area.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar se fragmentos de cerrado influenciam na composição da acarofauna de seringais. Foram estabelecidos cinco transectos, distantes 50 m entre si, em duas áreas de cultivo no sul do Mato Grosso, sendo o primeiro na borda com o limite das áreas nativas e o último a 200 m no interior do seringal. em cada transecto foram marcadas cinco plantas, sendo coletadas sete folhas de cada planta. Durante um ano foram realizadas 25 coletas quantitativas em dois cultivos de seringueiras. O menor número de fitófagos foi registrado no transecto próximo da vegetação nativa e o maior no mais distante. A maior diversidade também foi observada no transecto mais próximo da vegetação nativa. Dez espécies de ácaros predadores também foram registradas nas áreas nativas vizinhas. Os dados sugerem o deslocamento dos ácaros predadores das áreas naturais para o monocultivo. Essas áreas naturais podem fornecer alimento alternativo e hábitat para inimigos naturais de fitófagos no período de escassez de alimento no seringal. A presença de áreas nativas próximo a áreas de cultivo deve ser considerada na elaboração de programas de manejo ecológico de pragas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Based on the results of a phytosociological survey in a ''cerrado'' area located within the municipality of Botucatu, state of São Paulo Brazil, a comparative analysis of the 58 sampled tree species' is here presented using the data of other available floristics works for the ''cerrados in the same state. With a binary matrix of presence/absence of shared common species with the studied plot, a clustering analysis was performed thus obtaining a dendrogram which groups northern and southern areas with the same vegetation in the state of São Paulo previously treated as floristicaly differentiated. These results are discussed under the assumption that Isolated areas of ''cerrados'' are to be taken as targets for immediate conservation.


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Sponge spicules are siliceous microfossils that are especially useful for analysis of sandy fluvio-lacustrine sediments. Sponge spicules in a long sediment core (~550 cm below surface), consisting of fine sand, sandy silt, and organic-rich mud, recovered from the floodplain of the Nabileque River, southern Pantanal, Brazil (S20°16′38. 3″/W57°33′00. 0″), form the basis of a novel paleoenvironmental interpretation for this region. Optically stimulated luminescence dates constrain the timing of deposition to the middle-late Holocene and all spicules identified are typical of the Brazilian cerrado biome. The base of the section is dominated by Oncosclera navicella Carter 1881, Metaniaspinata Carter 1881, and Corvospongilla seckti Bonetto and Ezcurra de Drago 1966, which indicate a lotic to semi-lotic environment strongly influenced by an actively meandering river channel at ~6. 7-5. 7 ka BP. The appearance of Heterorotula fistula Volkmer-Ribeiro and Motta 1995, Dosilia pydanieli Volkmer-Ribeiro 1992 and Radiospongilla amazonensis Volkmer-Ribeiro and Maciel 1983 at ~340 cm downcore suggests a reduction in flowing water and a more stable lentic environment, consistent with deposition in an oxbow lake. This oxbow lake environment existed during an interval of regional aridity between ~4. 5 and 3. 9 ka BP. Spicules, as well as phytoliths and diatoms, are highly variable moving up-section, with species from both lotic and lentic ecosystems present. Above ~193 cm, the total abundance of spicules declines, consistent with wetter climate conditions and development of an underfit river similar to the modern floodplain. Results support hypotheses related to migration of the Paraguay River inferred from geomorphological studies and add a key southern-region dataset to the emerging Holocene database of paleoenvironmental records from the Pantanal wetlands. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Como alternativa para aumento da produtividade dos sistemas de produção agrícola, surgiu o Sistema de Integração Lavoura-Pecuária. Desta maneira, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar para o consórcio milho/Brachiaria submetido a doses de N em cobertura, em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico do sul do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul nas condições de integração lavoura/pecuária, o seguinte: 1) os teores nutricionais e as leituras do índice de clorofila foliar (ICF) em folhas de milho, assim como os respectivos componentes da produção e a produtividade de grãos, objetivando caracterizar a melhor dose de N para o consórcio, e 2) em relação às espécies de Brachiaria, após o consórcio, com o objetivo de nortear a manutenção do SPD pesquisado, efetuaram-se avaliações da produtividade de fitomassa, dos teores nutricionais, da composição bromatológica e da taxa de decomposição da palhada, durante os anos agrícolas 2008/2009 e 2009/2010, na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, da Faculdade de Engenharia - Unesp, Campus de Ilha Solteira, com histórico de oito anos sob SPD. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 2 x 5, sendo duas espécies de Brachiaria (brizantha e ruziziensis) e cinco doses de N (uréia) em cobertura (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 kg ha-1). A Brachiaria brizantha, no consórcio com o milho, foi a espécie menos competitiva. A adubação nitrogenada utilizada nessa consorciação, até a dose de 200 kg ha-1 de N, incrementou a nutrição, o crescimento, os componentes da produção e a produtividade de grãos do milho. Dessa forma, a adubação nitrogenada deve ser recomendada para o consórcio, e não isoladamente para as culturas. Embora tenha havido uma maior produtividade de massa seca da B. brizantha, a B. ruziziensis apresentou melhor composição bromatológica e...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)