659 resultados para Smirnov

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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O estudo teve o propósito de verificar a influência da textura do recurso pedagógico no tempo despendido e no índice de retidão para execução de uma atividade de encaixe realizada por indivíduos com paralisia cerebral. Participaram do estudo 6 alunos com sequelas de paralisia cerebral do tipo espástica, com idade entre 7 anos e 8 meses e 28 anos e 1 mês. O participante deveria segurar o objeto e levá-lo a um ponto demarcado previamente para o encaixe e, após, retorná-lo à posição inicial. O objeto foi apresentado nas texturas lisa, intermediária e áspera, de forma aleatória. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizada filmagem para posterior leitura pelo programa Kavideo, que possibilitou cálculos para observar o tempo despendido na tarefa e o índice de retidão. Foi realizado o estudo da normalidade das distribuições, verificada por meio do teste de normalidade de Kolmogorov-Smirnov (Teste KS) e a comparação entre as texturas lisa, intermediária e áspera, no movimento de encaixe, por meio da análise de variância de medidas repetidas. Adotou-se para todos os testes nível de significância de 5% de probabilidade para a rejeição da hipótese de normalidade. O resultado do teste de análise de variância de medidas repetidas mostrou que não houve significância para as variáveis estudadas com o recurso apresentado nas três texturas. Porém, os dados da estatística descritiva mostraram que o encaixe do recurso com a textura lisa despendeu um menor tempo para execução da tarefa e, também, determinou um melhor desempenho com relação à trajetória do movimento.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We report results from a search for the decay B-s(0)->mu(+)mu(-) using 1.3 fb(-1) of p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We find two candidate events, consistent with the expected background of 1.24 +/- 0.99, and set an upper limit on the branching fraction of B(B-s(0)->mu(+)mu(-))< 1.2x10(-7) at the 95% C.L.


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We present measurements of the process p (P) over bar -> WZ + X -> l 'nu(l ')l (l) over bar at root s = 1:96 TeV,where l and l ' are electrons or muons. Using 1 fb(-1) of data from the D0 experiment, we observe 13 candidates with an expected background of 4.5 +/- 0.6 events and measure a cross section sigma(WZ) = 2.7(-1.3)(+1.7) pb. From the number of observed events and the Z boson transverse momentum distribution, we limit the trilinear WWZ gauge couplings to -0: 17 <= lambda(Z) <= 0.21 (Delta k(Z) <= 0.29(lambda(Z) = 0) at the 95% C.L. for a form factor scale Lambda = 2 TeV. Further, assuming that Delta g(1)(Z) = Delta k(Z), we find -0.12 <= Delta k(Z) <= 0.29(lambda(Z) = 0) at the 95% C. L. These are the most restrictive limits on the WWZ couplings available to date.


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This Letter presents the first strong evidence for the resolution of the excited B mesons B-1 and B-2(*) as two separate states in fully reconstructed decays to B+(*())pi(-). The mass of B-1 is measured to be 5720.6 +/- 2.4 +/- 1.4 MeV/c(2) and the mass difference Delta M between B-2* and B-1 is 26.2 +/- 3.1 +/- 0: 9 MeV/c(2), giving the mass of the B-2* as 5746.8 +/- 2.4 +/- 1.7 MeV/c(2). The production rate for B-1 and B-2* mesons is determined to be a fraction (13.9 +/- 1.9 +/- 3.2)% of the production rate of the B+ meson.


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We search for the production of single top quarks via flavor-changing-neutral-current couplings of a gluon to the top quark and a charm (c) or up (u) quark. We analyze 230 pb(-1) of lepton+jets data from p (p) over tilde collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We observe no significant deviation from standard model predictions, and hence set upper limits on the anomalous coupling parameters kappa(c)(g)/Lambda and kappa(u)(g)/Lambda, where kappa(g) define the strength of tcg and tug couplings, and Lambda defines the scale of new physics. The limits at 95% C.L. are kappa(c)(g)/Lambda < 0.15 TeV-1 and kappa(u)(g)/Lambda < 0.037 TeV-1.


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We present a measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV utilizing 425 pb(-1) of data collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We consider the final state of the top quark pair containing one high-p(T) electron or muon and at least four jets. We exploit specific kinematic features of t (t) over bar events to extract the cross section. For a top quark mass of 175 GeV, we measure sigma(t (t) over bar)=6.4(-1.2)(+1.3)(stat)+/- 0.7(syst)+/- 0.4(lum) pb, in good agreement with the standard model prediction.


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Long-lived, heavy particles are predicted in a number of models beyond the standard model of particle physics. We present the first direct search for such particles' decays, occurring up to 100 h after their production and not synchronized with an accelerator bunch crossing. We apply the analysis to the gluino (g), predicted in split supersymmetry, which after hadronization can become charged and lose enough momentum through ionization to come to rest in dense particle detectors. Approximately 410 pb(-1) of p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV collected with the D0 detector during Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider are analyzed in search of such stopped gluinos decaying into a gluon and a neutralino ((chi) over tilde (0)(1)). Limits are placed on the (gluino cross section) x (probability to stop) x [BR((g) over tilde -> g (chi) over tilde (0)(1))] as a function of the gluino and (chi) over tilde (0)(1) masses, for gluino lifetimes from 30 mu s-100 h.


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We combine the D0 measurement of the width difference between the light and heavy B-s(0) mass eigenstates and of the CP-violating mixing phase determined from the time-dependent angular distributions in the B-s(0)-> J/psi phi decays along with the charge asymmetry in semileptonic decays also measured with the D0 detector. With the additional constraint from the world average of the flavor-specific B-s(0) lifetime, we obtain Delta Gamma(s)equivalent to(Gamma(L)-Gamma(H))=0.13 +/- 0.09 ps(-1) and vertical bar phi(s)vertical bar=0.70(-0.47)(+0.39) or Delta Gamma(s)=-0.13 +/- 0.09 ps(-1) and vertical bar phi(s)vertical bar=2.44(-0.39)(+0.47). The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.1 fb(-1) accumulated with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider.


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We report a study of the decay B-s(0)->(DsDs(*))-D-(*) using a data sample corresponding to 1.3 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity collected by the D0 experiment in 2002-2006 during run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. One D-s((*)) meson was partially reconstructed in the decay D-s ->phi mu nu, and the other D-s((*)) meson was identified using the decay D-s ->phi pi where no attempt was made to distinguish D-s and D-s(*) states. For the branching fraction Br(B-s(0)->(DsDs(*))-D-(*)) we obtain a 90% C.L. range [0.002,0.080] and central value 0.039(-0.017)(+0.019)(stat)(-0.015)(+0.016)(syst). This was subsequently used to make the most precise estimate of the width difference Delta Gamma(CP)(s) in the B-s(0)-(B)over bar(s)(0) system: Delta Gamma(CP)(s)/Gamma(s)=0.079(-0.035)(+0.038)(stat)(-0.030)(+0.031)(syst).


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A measurement of the top quark mass using events with one charged lepton, missing transverse energy, and jets in the final state, collected by the D0 detector from p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron collider, is presented. A constrained fit is used to fully reconstruct the kinematics of the events. For every event a top quark mass likelihood is calculated taking into account all possible jet assignments and the probability that an event is signal or background. Lifetime-based identification of b jets is employed to enhance the separation between t (t) over bar signal and background from other physics processes and to improve the assignment of the observed jets to the quarks in the t (1) over bar hypothesis. We extract a multiplicative jet energy scale (JES) factor in situ, greatly reducing the systematic effect related to the jet energy measurement. In a data sample with an integrated luminosity of 425 pb(-1), we observe 230 candidate events, with an estimated background of 123 events, and measure m(t)=173.7 +/- 4.4(stat+JES)(-2.0)(+2.1)(syst) GeV. This result represents the first application of the ideogram technique to the measurement of the top quark mass in lepton+jets events.


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We report the first direct observation of the strange b baryon Xi(-)(b)(Xi) over bar (+)(b)). We reconstruct the decay Xi(-)(b)-->J/psi Xi(-), with J/psi-->mu(+)mu(-), and Xi(-)-->Lambda pi(-)-->p pi(-)pi(-) in p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV. Using 1.3 fb(-1) of data collected by the D0 detector, we observe 15.2 +/- 4.4(stat)(-0.4)(+1.9)(syst) Xi(-)(b) candidates at a mass of 5.774 +/- 0.011(stat) +/- 0.015(syst) GeV. The significance of the observed signal is 5.5 sigma, equivalent to a probability of 3.3 x 10(-8) of it arising from a background fluctuation. Normalizing to the decay Lambda(b)-->J/psi Lambda, we measure the relative rate sigma(Xi(-)(b))xB(Xi(-)(b)-->J/psi Xi)/ sigma(Lambda(b))xB(Lambda(b)-->J/psi Lambda) = 0.28 +/- 0.09(stat)(-0.08)(+0.09)(syst).


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We report a measurement of the Lambda(0)(b) lifetime using a sample corresponding to 1.3 fb(-1) of data collected by the D0 experiment in 2002-2006 during run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The Lambda(0)(b) baryon is reconstructed via the decay Lambda(0)(b)->mu(nu) over bar Lambda X-+(c). Using 4437 +/- 329 signal candidates, we measure the Lambda(0)(b) lifetime to be tau(Lambda(0)(b))=1.290(-0.110)(+0.119)(stat)(-0.091)(+0.087)(syst) ps, which is among the most precise measurements in semileptonic Lambda(0)(b) decays. This result is in good agreement with the world average value.


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We report on a search for charge-1/3 third-generation leptoquarks (LQ) produced in p (p) over bar collisions at root s =1.96 TeV using the D0 detector at Fermilab. Third-generation leptoquarks are assumed to be produced in pairs and to decay to a tau neutrino and a b quark with branching fraction B. We place upper limits on sigma(p (p) over bar -> LQ (LQ) over bar )B-2 as a function of the leptoquark mass M-LQ. Assuming B=1, we exclude at the 95% confidence level third-generation scalar leptoquarks with M-LQ < 229 GeV.


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We have measured the Lambda(b) lifetime using the exclusive decay Lambda(b)-> J/psi Lambda, based on 1.2 fb(-1) of data collected with the D0 detector during 2002-2006. From 171 reconstructed Lambda(b) decays, where the J/psi and Lambda are identified via the decays J/psi ->mu(+)mu(-) and Lambda -> p pi, we measured the Lambda(b) lifetime to be tau(Lambda(b))=1.218(-0.115)(+0.130)(stat)+/- 0.042(syst) ps. We also measured the B-0 lifetime in the decay B-0 -> J/psi(mu(+)mu(-))K-S(0)(pi(+)pi(-)) to be tau(B-0)=1.501(-0.074)(+0.078)(stat)+/- 0.050(syst) ps, yielding a lifetime ratio of tau(Lambda(b))/tau(B-0)=0.811(-0.087)(+0.096)(stat)+/- 0.034(syst).