9 resultados para Sistema de información médica

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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In the context of university libraries, the optimization and streamlining of services and processes related to informational content indexing and retrieval are strongly influenced by the indexing policy adopted. This article is aimed at researching the indexing policy elements that are more suitable for medical university libraries. To achieve our objective, we applied three instruments: organizational culture analysis, individual verbal protocol and evaluation of indexing. Results emphasize the importance of developing an indexing policy to improve the processes and services offered by university libraries, as well as the retrieval of information by the user community. More studies are necessary in the medical area involvoving catalogers, experts, users and managers for the development of the indexing manual.


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The study aimed to obtain the land use of the watershed Stream São Caetano - Botucatu (SP), through the satellite image. The cartographic databases were: planialtimetric letter in digital format (IBGE) used in georeferencing, and satellite image. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) -IDRISI Selva was use to perform the image georeferencing and to do the final thematic map. In the software CAD - CartaLinx, it was performed the delimitation of the area under study (boundary, drainage network and areas of use and coverage). The land use of the watershed showed that pasture was the class which occupied most of the area, with 34.51% (1117,94 ha), the remainder of the area was urban (692,19ha), forests (809,79ha), cultures (599,96ha) and a very small part of reforestation (19,53ha). The use of remote sensing and geoprocessing were very satisfactory in the present work. Technologies must be increasingly used in agricultural and environmental studies, because technological tools, such as Geographic Information System (GIS), present speed, efficiency, reliable results, helping in increasing sustainability


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The primary objective of this study was to estimate the amount of gas not emitted into the air in areas cultivated with sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) that were mechanically harvested. Satellite images CBERS-2/CCD, from 08-13-2004, 08-14-2005, 08-15-2006 and 08-16-2007, of northwestern São Paulo State were processed using the Geographic Information System (GIS)-IDRISI 15.0. Areas of interest (the mechanically-harvested sugarcane fields) were identified and quantified based on the spectral response of the bands studied. Based on these data, the amount of gas that was not emitted was evaluated, according to the estimate equation proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The results of 396.65 km(2) (5.91% for 2004); 447.56 km(2) (6.67% for 2005); 511.54 km(2) (7.62% in 2006); and 474.60 km(2) (7.07% for 2007), calculated from a total area of 6,710.89 km(2) with sugarcane, showed a significant increase of mechanical harvesting in the study area and a reduction of gas emissions of more than 300,000 t yr(-1).


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Introduction: This paper presents preliminary results of the research project "Information access: actions and strategies of the Chamber of Deputies to meet 12.527/2011 Law”. Finally some considerations about the implementation of the Law within the Chamber of Deputies are presented. Objectives: Discuss the matter of public information access after the new Brazilian information access law and his relationship between the theories information policy, information regime and informational state. Methodology: Bibliographic research about several theoretical topics related to information access were raised, for example: the concept of information, information policy, informational state, information regime, electronic government and information asymmetry. Results: The preliminaries data shows a convergence of information policies from many countries, for example, Finland, Canada and South Africa, to a same point, which indicates an increase of transparency and a bigger active disclosure of information public. Conclusion: In Brazilian case, in the relationship between State and citizen, the new information access law means a materialization paradigm change or the concretization de other information regime. The sanction of this law can be interpreted as another step to increase the transparency and the affirmation of democratic relationship between State and society.


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The objective of the research was to define the classes of use capacity of 2403.25 ha in the basin of the Corriente del Lobo - Itatinga (SP), (22°03'56" to 22°59'12" of latitude S and 48°38'47" to 48°41'25" of longitude W Gr.). The soil use capacity was obtained by using the SIG IDRISI 32 crossing the documents of steepness and soils and the document of judgment of classes of soil use capacity and of the utilitarian rising of the physical milieu. The classes and subclasses areas of use capacity presented the following values: IIIa - 68.60 ha (2.85%), IIIe,s - 1919.15 ha (79.86%); IIIe - 210.60 ha (8.76%); IVe - 3.38ha (0.14%); IVe,s - 157.42 ha (6.55%) and VIe,s - 44.10 ha (1.84%). The lands of the basin were distributed in three classes (III, IV and VI) and six subclasses but the biggest extension (79.9%) belonged to the subclass IIIe,s. The modules of the IDRISI allowed to discriminate, mapping and to quantify quickly the soil use capacity of the areas of classes and subclasses in the basin.


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The increasing expansion of agricultural activities, without considering the potential and limitations of soils is a potential source of environmental degradation. Thus, the present study assessed the variation of use and occupation in 49 years, between 1962 and 2011 scenarios of watershed of São Caetano - Botucatu (SP). geoprocessing techniques were used in this study. In a Geographic Information System (GIS) - IDRISI – it was integrated information from IBGE digital cards, scale 1:50,000, plus aerial photographs (1962) and satellite images LANDSAT - 5 (2011). In the study area, we can view the progress of the urban area, which in 1962 was not present in the watershed. In 2011, the urban area occupied 21.37% of the total area. Even with this breakthrough occurring in the period of 49 years, there was an increase in the area of natural vegetation, which once occupied only 12.33% of the area (1962), and in 2011 represents 25% of the total area of the watershed, showing an increase in awareness on the importance of preserving nature. Thus, we can conclude that the analysis tools based on GIS enabled us to analyze variations in space and time and to propose alternatives to the correct use and occupation of land.


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This study aimed to map the classes of use and occupation and their conflicts in Areas of Permanent Preservation (APPs) in the basin of Ribeirão São Pedro - Botucatu (SP) with the use of remote sensing techniques - image obtained by satellite 2011 - and the use of GIS. For this, we used the GIS techniques, and the integration of information held in the Geographic Information System (GIS) - IDRISI, coupled with the use of digital maps, published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, scale 1: 50,000 and satellite images LANDSAT - 5 (2011) sensor TM (Thematic Mapper) with spatial resolution of 30 x 30 meters, provided by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) .The Geographic Information System (GIS) was used IDRISI Selva and software, CartaLinx. This work had as legal support environmental legislation, specifically, the Federal Law 12.651 / 12. Thus, the study of the watershed becomes an important tool to understand its dynamics in relation to the use and occupation of their area and to characterize their environmental problems and taking as legal counsel to the preservation and conservation of the land to support environmental legislation.


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The knowledge of the soil occupation as for his nature, location, occurrence form, changes happened in certain periods, they are valuable for the programming of activities that you seek to the development agricultural, economical and social of the area. This work aimed at to identify and to quantify the soil occupation of Stream Petiço Watershed - Botucatu (SP), through the Geographical Information System IDRISI and data of sensor Landsat 5 TM of 09/06/97 and 23/08/2013. For the analysis of the results it was verified that the eucalyptus culture, due to existence of great reforestation companies in the watershed, together with the native forests they are predominant in the study area, the remaining of the area is occupied by pastures and soil prepared for the planting of agricultural cultures.


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The study aimed to obtain the land use of the watershed Ribeirão Santo Antonio - São Manuel (SP), through the thematic map of the satellite image. The cartographic databases were planialtimetric letter in digital format used in georeferencing and the satellite image. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) -IDRISI Andes 15.0 was use to perform the image georeferencing and to do the thematic map obtained from the visual interpretation the satellite image. The map of land use showed that the culture of sugar cane occupies most of the area (81.00%), when analyzing the satellite image. This result show us the predominance of agricultural occupation in the region. The thematic map obtained by the classification screen, using GIS, allowed the mapping of land use, generating data that will assist in future planning area recovery. The results of the study showed the efficiency, speed and reliability of the tools used, these being very useful for future projects.