11 resultados para Single spore isolation

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Among the most important diseases affecting Eucalyptus is Mycosphaerella Leaf Disease (MLD) caused by Mycosphaerella spp. and Teratosphaeria spp. MLD has led to significant losses in eucalypt plantations in the South and Southeast Region of Brazil, as well as in several countries such as Portugal, Spain, South Africa and Australia. Symptoms of MLD include localized necrotic spots, early defoliation in juvenile plants, stem cankers, early death of branches, and in some cases, atrophy and death. In the present study, single spore isolations from leaves of E. globulus from five locations in Brazil allowed the differentiation of species of Mycosphaerella and Teratosphaeria based on ascospore germination and growth in culture. These isolates were also subjected to sequence analysis of the ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer regions, which allowed their identification to species level. The results of this study showed that six species of Mycosphaerella and four species of Teratosphaeria were associated with leaves showing symptoms of MLD in E. globulus plantations in various locations of Brazil. © 2013 KNPV.


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Linear single-stage vibration isolation systems have a limitation on their performance, which can be overcome passively by using linear two-stage isolations systems. It has been demonstrated by several researchers that linear single-stage isolation systems can be improved upon by using nonlinear stiffness elements, especially for low-frequency vibrations. In this paper, an investigation is conducted into whether the same improvements can be made to a linear two-stage isolation system using the same methodology for both force and base excitation. The benefits of incorporating geometric stiffness nonlinearity in both upper and lower stages are studied. It is found that there are beneficial effects of using nonlinearity in the stiffness in both stages for both types of excitation. Further, it is found that this nonlinearity causes the transmissibility at the lower resonance frequency to bend to the right, but the transmissibility at the higher resonance frequency is not affected in the same way. Generally, it is found that a nonlinear two-stage system has superior isolation performance compared to that of a linear two-stage isolator.


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It has been proposed that the multiple-platform method (MP) for desynchronized sleep (DS) deprivation eliminates the stress induced by social isolation and by the restriction of locomotion in the single-platform (SP) method. MP, however, induces a higher increase in plasma corticosterone and ACTH levels than SP. Since deprivation is of heuristic value to identify the functional role of this state of sleep, the objective of the present study was to determine the behavioral differences exhibited by rats during sleep deprivation induced by these two methods. All behavioral patterns exhibited by a group of 7 albino male Wistar rats submitted to 4 days of sleep deprivation by the MP method (15 platforms, spaced 150 mm apart) and by 7 other rats submitted to sleep deprivation by the SP method were recorded in order to elaborate an ethogram. The behavioral patterns were quantitated in 10 replications by naive observers using other groups of 7 rats each submitted to the same deprivation schedule. Each quantification session lasted 35 min and the behavioral patterns presented by each rat over a period of 5 min were counted. The results obtained were: a) rats submitted to the MP method changed platforms at a mean rate of 2.62 ± 1.17 platforms h-1 animal-1; b) the number of episodes of noninteractive waking patterns for the MP animals was significantly higher than that for SP animals (1077 vs 768); c) additional episodes of waking patterns (26.9 ± 18.9 episodes/session) were promoted by social interaction in MP animals; d) the cumulative number of sleep episodes observed in the MP test (311) was significantly lower (chi-square test, 1 d.f., P<0.05) than that observed in the SP test (534); e) rats submitted to the MP test did not show the well-known increase in ambulatory activity observed after the end of the SP test; f) comparison of 6 MP and 6 SP rats showed a significantly shorter latency to the onset of DS in MP rats (7.8 ± 4.3 and 29.0 ± 25.0 min, respectively; Student t-test, P<0.05). We conclude that the social interaction occurring in the MP test generates additional stress since it increases the time of forced wakefulness and reduces the time of rest promoted by synchronized sleep.


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A, M. Soares, V, M, Rodrigues, M. I. Homsi-Brandeburgo, M. H. Toyama, F, R, Lombardi, K. Arni and J. R, Giglio. A rapid procedure for the isolation of the Lys-49 myotoxin II from Bothrops moojeni (caissaca) venom: Biochemical characterization, crystallization, myotoxic and edematogenic activity. Toxicon 36, 503-514, 1998.-Bothrops moojeni snake venom was fractionated on a CM-Sepharose column which was previously equilibrated with 0.05 M ammonium bicarbonate buffer at pH 8.0 and subsequently eluted with an ammonium bicarbonate concentration gradient from 0.05 to 0.5 M at constant pH (8.0) and temperature (25 degrees C). The fraction which eluted last (M-VI) showed, after direct lyophilization, a single band by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and SDS-PAGE, indicating an approximate M,. of 14 000 and 77 000, in the presence and absence of dithiothreitol, respectively. Its amino acid composition revealed a high level of hydrophobic and basic amino acids as well as 13 half-cystine residues. Its isoelectric point and extinction coefficient (E-1.0cm(1.0mg/ml) at 278 nm and pH 7.0) were 8.2 and 1.170, respectively. M-VI was devoid of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activity on egg yolk, as well as of hemorrhagic, anticoagulant and coagulant activities, but could induce drastic necrosis on skeletal muscle fibres as well as rapid and transient edema on the rat paw. Its N-terminal sequence: SLFELGKMILQETGKNPAKSYGVYGCNCGVGGRGKPKDATDRCCYVHKCCYK.... revealed high homology with other Lys 49 PLA(2)-like myotoxins from other bothropic venoms. Orthorhombic crystals of M-VI? which diffracted to a maximal resolution of 1.6 Angstrom. were obtained and indicated the presence of a dimer in the asymmetrical unit. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Drosophila serido is considered to be a superspecies consisting of two species: D. serido, from Brazil and D. koepferae from Argentina and Bolivia. However this probably does not express the entire evolutionary complexity of its populations. Isofemale lines A95F3 (from Brazil) and B20D2 (from Argentina), at present representing, respectively, the first and second species, were analyzed for fertility and fecundity in pair-mating intracrosses and intercrosses, as well as for development time, banding patterns and asynapsis of polytene chromosomes in the isofemale lines and their hybrids.Although variations in experimental conditions resulted in some variability in the results, in general A95F3 fertility and fecundity were lower than in B20D2. Intercrosses of A95F3 females and B20D2 males showed lower fertility and fecundity than the reciprocal crosses, following more closely characteristics of the mother strains. This is in contrast to the results obtained by Fontdevilla et al. (An. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 81: 380-385, 1988) and may be due to the different geographic origin of D. serido strains they used in crosses to B20D2. This difference and others cited in the literature relative to aedeagus morphology, karyotype characteristics, inversion polymorphisms and reproductive isolation strongly indicate that A95F3 and D. serido from the State of Bahia, Brazil are not a single evolutionary entity, reinforcing the idea of greater complexity of the superspecies D. serido than is known today.The reproductive isolation mechanisms found operating between A95F3 and B20D2 were prezygotic and postzygotic, the latter included mortality at the larvae stage in both directions of crosses and sterility of male hybrids in intercrosses involving B20D2 females and A95F3 males. The two isofemale lines differed in egg-adult development time, which was also differently affected by culture medium composition.A95F3 and B20D2 also showed differences in the banding patterns of proximal regions of polytene chromosomes 2, 3 and X, a fixed inversion in chromosome 3 (here named 3t), apparently not described previously, and a high degree of asynapsis in hybrids.These observations, especially those related to reproductive isolation and chromosomal differentiation (including the karyotype, previously described, and the differentiation of banding patterns, described in this paper), as well as the extensive asynapsis observed in hybrids reinforces the distinct species status of A95F3 and B20D2 isofemale lines.


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Acidic phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) isoforms in snake venoms, particularly those from Bothrops jararacussu, have not been characterized. This article reports the isolation and partial biochemical, functional and structural characterization of four acidic PLA(2)s (designated SIIISPIIA, SIIISPIIB, SIIISPIIIA and SIIISPIIIB) from this venom. The single chain purified proteins contained 122 amino acid residues and seven disulfide bonds with approximate molecular masses of 15 kDa and isoelectric points of 5.3. The respective N-terminal sequences were: SIIISPIIA-SLWQFGKMIDYVMGEEGAKS; SIIISPIIB-SLWQFGKMIFYTGKNEPVLS; SIIISPIIIA-SLWQFGKMILYVMGGEGVKQ and SIIISPIIIB-SLWQFGKMIFYEMTGEGVL. Crystals of the acidic protein SIIISPIIIB diffracted beyond 1.8 Angstrom resolution. These crystals are monoclinic with unit cell dimensions of a = 40.1 Angstrom, b = 54.2 Angstrom and c = 90.7 Angstrom. The crystal structure has been refined to a crystallographic residual of 16.1% (R-free = 22.9%). Specific catalytic activity (U/mg) of the isolated acidic PLA(2)s were SIIISPIIA = 290.3 U/mg; SIIISPIIB = 279.0 U/mg; SIIISPIIIA = 270.7 U/mg and SIIISPIIIB = 96.5 U/mg. Although their myotoxic activity was low, SIIISPIIA, SIIISPIIIB and SIIISPIIIA showed significant anticoagulant activity. However, there was no indirect hemolytic activity. SIIISPIIIB revealed no anticoagulant, but presented indirect hemolytic activity. With the exception of SIIISPIIIB, which inhibited platelet aggregation, all the others were capable of inducing time-independent edema. Chemical modification with 4-bromophenacyl bromide did not inhibit the induction of edema, but did suppress other activities. (C) 2003 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Aspergillus nidulans is a non-pathogenic fungus with well-developed genetics which provides an excellent model system for studying different aspects of drug resistance in filamentous fungi. As a preliminary step to characterizing genes that confer pleiotropic drug resistance in Aspergillus, we isolated cycloheximide-sensitive mutants of A. nidulans, which is normally resistant to this: drug. The rationale for this approach is to identify gents whose products are important for drug resistance by analysing mutations that alter the resistance/sensitivity status of the cell. Fifteen cycloheximide-sensitive (named scy for sensitive to cycloheximide) mutants of A, nidulans were isolated and genetically characterised. Each scy mutant was crossed with the wild-type strain and five of the crosses gave 50% cycloheximide-sensitive progeny suggesting that they carry a single mutation required for cycloheximide sensitivity. We examined ten sep mutants for resistance/sensitivity to other drugs or stress agents with different and/or the same mechanism of action, Sis of these mutants exhibited other altered resistance/sensitivity phenotypes which were linked to the cycloheximide sensitivity, These six mutants were analyzed by pairwise crosses and found to represent six linkage groups, named scyA-F. One of the mutants showed fragmentation of its vacuolar system and, in addition, its growth was osmotic, low-pi-II and oxidative-stress sensitive.


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This work presents the evaluation of different power electronic integrated converters suitable for photovoltaic applications, in order to reduce complexity and improve reliability. The rated voltages available in Photovoltaic (PV) modules have usually low values for applications such as regulated output voltages in stand-alone or grid-connected configurations. In these cases, a boost stage or a transformer will be necessary. Transformers have low efficiencies, heavy weights and have been used only when galvanic isolation is mandatory. Furthermore, high-frequency transformers increase the converter complexity. Therefore, the most usual topologies use a boost stage and one inverter stage cascaded. However, the complexity, size, weight, cost and lifetime might be improved considering the integration of both stages. In this context, some integrated converters are analyzed and compared in this paper in order to support future evaluations and trends for low power single-phase inverters for PV systems. Power decoupling, MPPT and Tri-State modulations are also considered. Finally, simulation and experimental results are presented and compared for the analyzed topologies. © 2011 IEEE.


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Trypanosoma cruzi comprises a pool of populations which are genetically diverse in terms of DNA content, growth and infectivity. Inter- and intra-strain karyotype heterogeneities have been reported, suggesting that chromosomal rearrangements occurred during the evolution of this parasite. Clone D11 is a single-cell-derived clone of the T. cruzi G strain selected by the minimal dilution method and by infecting Vero cells with metacyclic trypomastigotes. Here we report that the karyotype of clone D11 differs from that of the G strain in both number and size of chromosomal bands. Large chromosomal rearrangement was observed in the chromosomes carrying the tubulin loci. However, most of the chromosome length polymorphisms were of small amplitude, and the absence of one band in clone D11 in relation to its reference position in the G strain could be correlated to the presence of a novel band migrating above or below this position. Despite the presence of chromosomal polymorphism, large syntenic groups were conserved between the isolates. The appearance of new chromosomal bands in clone D11 could be explained by chromosome fusion followed by a chromosome break or interchromosomal exchange of large DNA segments. Our results also suggest that telomeric regions are involved in this process. The variant represented by clone D11 could have been induced by the stress of the cloning procedure or could, as has been suggested for Leishmania infantum, have emerged from a multiclonal, mosaic parasite population submitted to frequent DNA amplification/deletion events, leading to a 'mosaic' structure with different individuals having differently sized versions of the same chromosomes. If this is the case, the variant represented by clone D11 would be better adapted to survive the stress induced by cloning, which includes intracellular development in the mammalian cell. Karyotype polymorphism could be part of the T. cruzi arsenal for responding to environmental pressure. © 2013 Lima et al.


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We report the discovery of 13 synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within a fragment of HSC70 gene in Macrobrachium amazonicum. Polymorphisms were assessed using the reference sequence of the HSC70 gene in Macrobrachium rosenbergii to the primers design. The minor allele frequency ranged from 0.011 to 0.213. None of the SNPs deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. These SNPs will be useful to access the genetic variation of populations and to the study of their relations with characteristics of interest for aquaculture. Both cases, favoring the conservation of the natural stocks of Amazon river prawn. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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In this study, we investigated turkey reovirus (TReoV) in tissue samples from young birds, aged 15 days. RT-PCR for TReoV detected 3.3 % positive samples and TReoV was successfully isolated in Vero cells. Histological analysis of positive bursa of Fabricius (BF) revealed atrophied follicles and lymphocyte depletion. The number of CD8+, CD4+ and IgM+ cells was lower in infected BF. Phylogenetic analysis based on S3 gene showed that the Brazilian TReoV isolates clustered in a single group with 98-100 % similarity to TReoV strains circulating in the United States. This is the first indication that TReoV infection may be a contributing factor to immunosuppression in young birds.