12 resultados para Silage Quality
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Our objective was to investigate the effects of rehydration with acid whey or water at three moisture levels, as well as the effects of bacterial inoculation, on the fermentation, chemical composition and aerobic stability of corn grain silages. The trial was conducted in a completely randomized design with four replicates in a factorial arrangement as follows: 3 (rehydration with three different moisture levels: 300,350 and 400 mL/kg of corn grain)x 2 (silage inoculated with bacteria or not inoculated (control))x 2 (liquid used in the rehydration: acid whey or water). Overall, corn grain silages rehydrated with acid whey produced more lactic acid than the silages rehydrated with water (13.8 vs. 12.6 g/kg of dry matter (DM), respectively). In addition, increases in the rehydration of corn grain silages promoted decreases (linear) in lactic acid concentration as well as in production of total acids. Although inoculated silages had higher pH as consequence of the rehydration using water at the three levels, these treatments presented high DM recovery. In general, neutral detergent fiber (aNDFom) decreased if inoculant was applied in corn grain silages rehydrated with acid whey. After silos opening, silages rehydrated with 350 or 400 mL/kg (independent of the liquid) had lower aerobic stability than silages rehydrated with 300 mL/kg. Overall, we found that the inoculant did not promote significant changes in the composition of the corn grain silage. In contrast, the potential of the use of acid whey in ensiling corn grain is high, as its addition leads to improvements in the fermentation process and aerobic stability of the silages. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Visando estabelecer a contribuição dos parâmetros físicos na qualidade final da silagem de grãos úmidos de milho, foi conduzido experimento, no interior de câmara climatizada, simulando cinco condições de temperatura ambiente (5ºC 24h-1 por dia; 25ºC 24h-1 por dia; 40ºC 24h-1 por dia; 20ºC 16h-1 por dia + 5ºC 8h-1 por dia; 30ºC 16h-1 por dia + 20ºC 8h-1 por dia) e duas condições de pressão no interior dos tambores de armazenagem (com e sem pressão interna). Para se determinar os efeitos sobre o grau de disponibilidade do amido na silagem pronta, procedeu-se a análises para avaliar a qualidade final da silagem (teor de umidade, pH, ácidos orgânicos, amido total e granulometria). O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o inteiramente ao acaso, num fatorial 5 x 2, com três repetições. Os resultados obtidos indicaram influência significativa tanto da temperatura quanto da pressão, sendo os efeitos mais benéficos verificados nos tratamentos '30ºC 16h-1 por dia + 20ºC 8h-1 por dia', '25ºC 24h-1 por dia' e 'ausência de pressão'.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes técnicas de redução de umidade sobre a composição química, digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) e degradação ruminal da matéria seca da silagem de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) cv. Taiwan A-148. Os tratamentos (A, Controle; B, 20,0; C, 30,0; D, 40,0% de sabugo de milho; E, emurchecimento por 12 horas; F, emurchecimento por 24 horas; e G, esmagamento + emurchecimento por 24 horas) foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições. Os tratamentos da silagem B e E não foram eficientes em reduzir a umidade excessiva da forragem. O emurchecimento por 24 horas aumentou o teor de MS, sem influir no teor de PB e na DIVMS. Os tratamentos C e D favoreceram o desenvolvimento da população de clostrídeos, aumentaram a concentração de N-NH3 e reduziram a concentração de ácido lático e a DIVMS das silagens. O tratamento G aumentou o teor de MS e reduziu a concentração de N-NH3 e DIVMS. A adiçao de sabugo de milho (tratamentos B, C e D) reduziu a degradação ruminal da MS das silagens. O sabugo de milho reduziu a umidade, mas apresentou efeitos negativos na qualidade da silagem, enquanto o esmagamento e/ou emurchecimento foram procedimentos que mostraram bons resultados em relação à conservação do material ensilado.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of maturity on the production, stalk/leaf/ear relationship, chemical composition, and quality of corn silage (Zen mays, L.). Four harvests were made from the early milk (23.49% DM) to the semi-hard dough stage. (30.70%DM). After these evaluations, the corn was ensiled in 200 liter metal drums. After six months of storage, the quality of the silages was determined. The corn dry matter production was higher at the dough and semi-hard dough stages (9866 and 9896 t/ha, respectively) than in the early milk stage (7460 t/ha). The ears with the maturity showed a increase in dry matter (20.93 to 43.51%), acid detergent fiber decrease (32.46 to 18.62%), and maintainance of the crude protein content (average = 8.27%). The stalks and leaves decreased from 33.31 to 27.18% and from 34.17 to 23.66%, respectively, while the ears increased from 32.52 to 49.16% from the early milk to the semi-hard dough stages. All experimental silages attained good quality, independent of corn development stages. The corn can be ensiled from the early milk and soft dough stages without a decrease in silage quality, but the restricting factor under those conditions was a lower dry matter content (24.35 and 28.65%, respectively).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
The aim was to evaluate agronomic, bromatologic and economical characteristics harvest heights for ensiling of corn. The trial was conducted in randomized block design and treatments corresponded to harvest heights of 20; 50; 80 and 110 cm from the soil surface. The agronomic evaluations were conducted 114 days after planting. The percentage of dry matter (DM) and productivity of stem, grain and participation of potassium remaining in the stem increased linearly with increasing cutting height (p<0.05). Therefore, the mass used at ensiling decreased proportionally with increasing cutting height (p<0.05). The silage quality was improved because of the increase in the cutting height. We observed higher crude protein (CP) content and energetic value in the silage harvested at 110 cm from the soil surface, while there was lower fiber content. However, silages produced with plants harvested at 110 cm from the soil surface showed the highest production cost (4.47 times greater than cycling through K in the remainder of the stem). The agronomic and bromatologic characteristics of corn silage improves with increasing cutting height, but the increase cutting height unfeasible economically the practice silage when the generation of final products is not computed. Thus, it is recommended that the cutting height of the corn plant is at most 50 cm.
This study aimed at evaluating the effect of total replacement of dry corn by wet grain corn silage (WGCS) in the feed of label broilers older than 28 days of age on performance, mortality, carcass, parts, breast meat and thighs meat yields, and meat quality. A mixed-sex flock of 448 ISA S 757-N (naked-neck ISA JA Label) day-old chicks was randomly distributed in to randomized block experimental design with four treatments (T1 - with no WGCS; T2 - WGCS between 28 and 83 days; T3 - WGCS between 42 and 83 days; and T4 - WGCS between 63 and 83 days) and four replicates of 28 birds each. Birds were raised under the same management and feeding conditions until 28 days of age, when they started to have free access to paddock with pasture (at least 3m²/bird) and to be fed the experimental diets. Feed and water were offered ad libitum throughout the rearing period, which was divided in three stages: starter (1 to 28 days), grower (29 to 63 days), and finisher (64 to 83 days) according to the feeding schedule. During the short periods of WGCS use (group T2 during grower stage and T4 during the finisher stage), performance and mortality results were similar as to those of the control group (T1). At the end of the experiment, it was observed that the extended use of WGCS (T2 and T3) determined a negative effect on feed conversion ratio. However, the best results of breast meat yield were observed with birds fed WGCS since 28 days (T2). It was concluded that WGCS can replace dry corn grain for short periods during the grower and finisher stages with no impairment of meat quality and yield in slow growth broilers.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Growth performance and meat quality of heifers receiving different forms of soybean oil in the rumen
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)