152 resultados para Serology

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Despite the existence of highly sensitive tests, inconclusive serological results are frequent in chronic chagasic infection. This study aimed to define a diagnostic conduct for 30 individuals with inconclusive serology (G3) for chagasic infection assisted at the Outpatient Unit for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of the Botucatu School of Medicine. Twenty-one individuals with negative serology (G1) and 33 with positive serology (G2) were also studied. Serological methods ELISA, HAI, IFI and immunoblotting TESA-cruzi were used for G1, G2 and G3, and parasitological methods xenodiagnosis, hemoculture and PCR-LIT were used for G2 and G3 individuals. ELISA, HAI and IFI were performed in 5 different blood samples in G2 and G3. TESA-cruzi was carried out only once in G1, G2 and G3 and, since it is the most sensitive, it was utilized as standard. In G3, positivity for ELISA reached 86% in the fifth blood sample; the ELISA+HAI+IFI combination showed a maximum of 44.8% in the second sample; and TESA-cruzi, 76% in one single sample. Xenodiagnosis positivity was 9.4%; hemoculture showed 15.2%; and PCR-LIT exhibited 22% positivity in G2. Nevertheless, in G3, positivity percentage was 3.4% for xenodiagnosis, 6.7% for PCR-LIT, and no positive result was found for hemoculture. In G3, PCR-LIT resolved one case which was still inconclusive according to serology tests. In order to define inconclusive diagnoses, the results suggest the combined use of ELISA+HAI+IFI in 2 blood samples, decreasing the occurrence of false positive/negative results. If results remain inconclusive, the performance of TESA-cruzi and PCR-LIT, if necessary, is recommended.


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Avaliou-se a infecção por Brucella abortus em cavalos de carroça de Curitiba e São José dos Pinhais-PR. Um total de 123 amostras foi submetido ao teste do antígeno tamponado acidificado (ATA), soroaglutinação lenta em tubos (SAL) e prova do 2-mercaptoetanol (2-ME) para confirmação dos resultados. Oito (6,5%) equinos foram positivos para o ATA e um animal permaneceu positivo ao teste confirmatório. Existem evidências da presença de brucelose entre os cavalos de carroça.


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Untreated and previously treated patients with paracoccidioidomycosis were studied for: (i) serum levels of total IgG, IgM and IgA immunoglobulins, by radial immunodiffusion and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) antibodies, by indirect immunofluorescence; (ii) correlation between their levels with the clinical forms of the disease; (iii) correlation between the serum titres obtained by tube precipitin with those of anti-Pb IgG, IgM and IgA. In the untreated group, serum IgG levels were significantly increased in patients with the more systemic forms of the disease, especially the acute progressive form. Serum IgA levels were significantly increased in all patients with no statistical difference between clinical forms. Serum IgM levels were normal in all patients. Anti-Pb IgG, IgA and IgM were detected in 97·5%, 32·5% and 45·0% of all cases, respectively. There was a sharp tendency towards higher levels of anti-Pb IgG among those with the acute progressive form (83·4%) in relation to the chronic, more localized forms, mixed form (68·0%) and isolated organic form (55·5%). In the untreated and previously treated group sera, there was positive correlation between the level of anti-Pb IgG and positivity for the tube precipitin test, suggesting that the precipitin-type antibodies are of the IgG class. Broadly, the present data demonstrate a polyclonal activation of the humoral immune system in paracoccidioidomycosis, with a positive relationship between serological results and severity of the disease. © 1984.


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The purposes of the present work were: i) to study the positivity indices and compare titers obtained with the indirect immunofluorescence (II), tube precipitation (TP), complement fixation (CF) and double immunodiffusion on agar gel (ID) tests in the sera of 196 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis before treatment, and ii) to compare the initial titers of II with those obtained 1 year or more after treatment. II was the most sensitive serologic reaction (85.2%), and the positivity indices for CF, ID and TP were 67.7%, 66.0% and 50.0%, respectively. The sera tended to show parallel mean titers in II, CF and TP tests. One year after treatment there was a fall in titers of II in 66.2% of patients. The data, taken as a whole, demonstrate the usefulness of the indirect immunofluorescent test and the importance of using 2 or more serologic tests for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis. © 1985 Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk Publishers.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Understanding the possible methodologies for the rapid and inexpensive identification of fungal infections is essential for disease diagnosis, but there are some limitations. To help with this problem, serological methods that detect antigens or antibodies are widely used and are useful for the diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) through the detection of gp43, which is the main antigen employed for the immunodiagnosis of this disease caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. However, the use of gp43 has become restricted because it was recently found that this marker is not identified in the infections caused by Paracoccidioides lutzii. Therefore, it is necessary to identify new antigens in both species or antigens specific for P. lutzii to decrease the morbidity and/or mortality associated with PCM. This review provides a discussion of new diagnostic challenges after the recent discoveries regarding the taxonomy of the Paracoccidioides genus.


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Os cães possuem cinco grupos sangüíneos bem estabelecidos, compostos por sete determinantes antigênicos eritrocitários, os quais são denominados de dog erythrocyte antigen (DEA). O grupo DEA 1 (subgrupos 1.1, 1.2 e 1.3) tem sido considerado o mais importante no que se refere às transfusões de sangue. Isto ocorre porque esse grupo possui um alto potencial para estimulação antigênica e, dessa forma, pode estimular a produção de anticorpos se um receptor DEA 1 negativo receber uma transfusão de sangue DEA 1 positivo, levando a uma reação transfusional hemolítica em uma segunda transfusão com hemácias do tipo DEA 1. A freqüência de aparecimento do grupo DEA 1 é bem conhecida em outros países, porém, até então, não havia informações disponíveis sobre o referido grupo no Brasil. No presente estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a prevalência do grupo sangüíneo DEA 1 (subgrupos 1.1 e 1.2) em cães criados no Brasil. Para tanto, 150 cães de raças, sexos e idades diferentes, triados junto ao Hospital Veterinário da FCAV/UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, foram submetidos a tipagem sangüínea para o grupo DEA 1 (subgrupos 1.1 e 1.2) canino, utilizando-se reagentes adquiridos comercialmente junto ao Laboratório de Imunoematologia e Sorologia da Universidade de Michigan (EUA). Os resultados obtidos neste ensaio revelaram que a prevalência geral para o grupo DEA 1 é de 91,3%, consideradas as condições e características da população estudada, compreendendo 51,3% de cães do tipo DEA 1.1, 40% de cães do tipo DEA 1.2, e os 8,7% restantes sendo negativos para o referido grupo. A partir das prevalências encontradas, calculou-se que a probabilidade de um cão DEA 1 negativo receber sangue DEA 1.1, em uma primeira transfusão feita ao acaso, é de aproximadamente 4,5%. Sendo assim, este índice reflete um risco potencial para a sensibilização de um receptor DEA 1 negativo, o que deflagraria a produção de anticorpos. Posteriormente, se este mesmo paciente recebesse uma segunda transfusão de sangue, feita ao acaso, a probabilidade de receber hemácias do tipo DEA 1.1 seria de aproximadamente 2,3%, o que representaria o risco potencial de ocorrência de uma reação transfusional hemolítica aguda. Por outro lado, a probabilidade de este cão receber sangue do tipo DEA 1.2 seria cerca de 1,8%, o que levaria a uma reação transfusional menos grave, porém potencialmente prejudicial. No presente estudo, observou-se que o risco potencial para uma reação transfusional é mínimo, quando se trata de um cão mestiço.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo a avaliação de duas estratégias para erradicação de focos da doença de Aujeszky (DA) em suínos criados comercialmente no estado de São Paulo. Foram identificados dois focos da enfermidade, no município de Cerqueira César, um apresentando somente animais sororreagentes (Foco 1) e outro, casos clínicos da doença (Foco 2). Foram avaliadas duas estratégias de erradicação, uma por eliminação dos sororreagentes e outra por despovoamento gradual, com acompanhamento durante 12 meses. A erradicação por eliminação dos sororreagentes foi aplicada no Foco 1 e compreendeu na identificação por exame sorológico, isolamento e abate dos positivos; vacinação dos negativos e reposição no plantel com animais provenientes de propriedade livre. No início dos trabalhos, 68% do plantel era positivo e ao final 51%. No Foco 2 utilizou-se o despovoamento gradual, onde todos os animais foram enviados ao abate sanitário, realizado vazio sanitário nas instalações, seguido pelo repovoamento com animais livres. Esta última estratégia, nas condições desse trabalho, mostrou-se a mais eficaz, pois erradicou a DA.


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Near-infrared Raman spectroscopy (NIRS) is a particularly promising technique that is being used in recent years for many biomedical applications. Optical spectroscopy has gained increasing prominence as a tool for quantitative analysis of biological samples, clinical diagnostic, concentration measurements of blood metabolites and therapeutic drugs, and analysis of the chemical composition of human tissues. Toxoplasmosis is an important zoonosis in public health, and domestic cats are the most important transmitters of the disease. This disease can be detected by several serological tests, which usually have a high cost and require a long time. The goal of this work was to investigate a new method to diagnosis Toxoplasma gondii infections using NIRS. In order to confirm antibody detection, 24 cat blood scrum samples were analyzed by the Raman spectra, from which 23 presented positive serology to toxoplasmosis and one was a reference negative serum. Characteristic Raman peaks allowed differentiation between negative and positive sera, confirming the possibility of antibody detection by Raman spectroscopy. These results give the first evidence that this technique can be useful to quantify antibodies in cat sera.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)