8 resultados para Semejanzas

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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O presente artigo aborda as aproximações do teatro do oprimido na modalidade do arco-íris do desejo, método de terapia e teatro criado por Augusto Boal com a Psicologia, em especial com o psicodrama. O teatro do oprimido é frequentemente comparado e até mesmo confundido com o psicodrama, daí a necessidade de apontarmos algumas semelhanças e diferenças entre os dois métodos, as teorias que inspiraram seus criadores, bem como os objetivos que procuravam alcançar. Procuraremos problematizar o uso das técnicas do arco-íris do desejo considerando a função e a preparação do curinga para aplicá-las, seu manejo, bem como o lugar de autoridade que lhe é conferido. As técnicas boalianas devem ser utilizadas com o devido cuidado, pois é necessário não perder de vista as possíveis consequências que o seu uso indevido pode provocar nos participantes, posto que são técnicas mobilizadoras de fortes conteúdos emocionais.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: The literature about the work with the voice of actors in the theater focuses the research on organic issues involved in the vocal process as “misuse” or “vocal abuse”. To a lesser amount, there are studies that highlight issues of interpretation and expressive resources, as well as others that highlight the linguistic resources of interpretation. This work shows a linguistic feature – the pause – and its collaboration for the theatrical interpretation. Objective: to verify the extent to which similarities and differences occur between the points judged as occurrence of pauses in interpretations of a theatrical text. Method: Subjects of this study were four theater actors, who played individually a same theatrical text. Later, a group of ten judges judged the points where pauses occurred. Based on a criterion of 70% agreement between judges, were searched similarities and differences between the points judged as pause of each recording. Results: the four subjects showed different amounts of pause in the stretch in common that they interpreted: S1= ten occurrences; S2= 14 occurrences; S3= 6 occurrences; and S4= 9 occurrences. In this inter-subject variation, five points of pause in common were detected. Conclusion: we have seen, then, that this variability (featuring subjectivity in interpretation) is built inside given possibilities, with lesser or greater flexibility, by the structure of the theatrical text.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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In the contemporary literature on Foreign Language Teaching (LE/L2), is evidence of a trend in education given priority from the sub-focus on socio-cultural competence (HYMES, 1972), mainly with the aim of developing the intercultural competence, that is, the power to know the differences between the culture of the new language and the language in concrete situations and to develop strategies to deal comprehensively with the customs of another culture (Rozenfeld & Vianna, 2011). This process seeks to bring people to a critical analysis of their own language and culture, the concept of otherness and the similarities and differences between nations (MOTTA ROTH, 2003). Under the didactic-pedagogical approach multiculturalism, there is the need to develop new educational proposals and to include studies and researches about this subject in the curricula of teacher education courses. Politically, the proposals of the "Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs)" in Brazil emphasize as targets to be established for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE), on average, target content and teaching strategies to develop, in addition to communicative competence, competition also "inter (multi) culture" (BRASIL, 2000). Thus, this paper analyzes the reports of pre-service teachers in the course of Teaching Practice of Spanish Language, the presence of cultural and intercultural approach, verifying didactic-pedagogical treatment that is being expressed in projects and materialized in practices of ELE classroom, in the interior of São Paulo / Brazil.


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In the contemporary literature on Foreign Language Teaching (LE/L2), is evidence of a trend in education given priority from the sub-focus on socio-cultural competence (HYMES, 1972), mainly with the aim of developing the intercultural competence, that is, the power to know the differences between the culture of the new language and the language in concrete situations and to develop strategies to deal comprehensively with the customs of another culture (Rozenfeld & Vianna, 2011). This process seeks to bring people to a critical analysis of their own language and culture, the concept of otherness and the similarities and differences between nations (MOTTA ROTH, 2003). Under the didactic-pedagogical approach multiculturalism, there is the need to develop new educational proposals and to include studies and researches about this subject in the curricula of teacher education courses. Politically, the proposals of the "Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs)" in Brazil emphasize as targets to be established for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE), on average, target content and teaching strategies to develop, in addition to communicative competence, competition also "inter (multi) culture" (BRASIL, 2000). Thus, this paper analyzes the reports of pre-service teachers in the course of Teaching Practice of Spanish Language, the presence of cultural and intercultural approach, verifying didactic-pedagogical treatment that is being expressed in projects and materialized in practices of ELE classroom, in the interior of São Paulo / Brazil.


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Tras la publicación de una serie de novelas caracterizadas por la experimentación formal y la innovación linguística, el valenciano Alfons Cervera (1947- ) inició un proyecto literario de rememoración de la posguerra española, centrado en una trilogía de novelas: El color del crepúsculo, (1995), Maquis (1997), La noche inmóvil (1999). La trilogía reconstruye la memoria del cotidiano de los habitantes de Los Yesares, nombre fictício atribuído al pueblo de Gestalgar, tierra natal del escritor, en Valencia. Las narrativas presentan semejanzas temáticas y estruturales, así como tienen personajes en común. En El color del crepúsculo, la protagonista Sunta, por medio de un relato rememorativo, intenta recuperar el tiempo perdido, el entorno seguro de la infancia y de la adolescencia. Maquis, segunda novela de la trilogía, por medio de una narrativa fragmentada, relata la historia del cotidiano de los habitantes del mismo pueblo, marcado por la represión y el miedo, y la vida de los guerrilleros, los maquis, que sobreviven en las montañas. Félix, el abuelo de Sunta, es el protagonista de La noche inmóvil que está a la espera de la muerte, atormentado por el recuerdo de su hijo muerto y por las voces de los amigos que ya se fueron. Memoria y ficción construyen un imaginario ambivalente en las novelas, borrando los límites entre la memoria personal, la memoria colectiva y la histórica.