31 resultados para Scientific publishing

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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This paper addresses the relationship of copyright and the right of universities on scientific production. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are causing many changes in the system of scientific communication, such as the creation of Institutional Repositories that aim to gather scientific production in digital format. The University needs quicker ways of spreading academic production and many questions are emerging due to contexts such as the Open Access movement. Thus, this paper questions the positioning of Universities, especially Public Universities, which despite having policies related to intellectual property to protect the transferring forms of research results to society; many times do not have a positioning or a mechanism that regulates the self-deposit of scientific production in these Institutional Repositories. In order to develop this paper, the following issues are addressed: lack of interest of the University in storing scientific production; reports on the relationship of the library with scientific publishing houses; the participation of faculty members and students in supporting the Free Access movement; and initiatives aimed at greater flexibility of copyright to the context of scientific production. In order to follow the development of these issues at international level, it was opted for qualitative research with non-participating direct observation to carry out the identification and description of copyright policy of important publishers from the ROMEO SHERPA site; therefore, it can be observed that there are changes regarding the publishers' flexibility before self-archiving of authors in open access institutional repositories in their universities. Given this scenario, we presente reflections and considerations that involve the progress and mainly the integration of the University and its faculty members; the institution should recommend and guide its faculty members not to transfer their copyrights, but to defend their right of copy to Institutional Repositories along with Publishing Houses.


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This paper addresses the relationship of copyright and the right of universities on scientific production. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are causing many changes in the system of scientific communication, such as the creation of Institutional Repositories that aim to gather scientific production in digital format. The University needs quicker ways of spreading academic production and many questions are emerging due to contexts such as the Open Access movement. Thus, this paper questions the positioning of Universities, especially Public Universities, which despite having policies related to intellectual property to protect the transferring forms of research results to society; many times do not have a positioning or a mechanism that regulates the self-deposit of scientific production in these Institutional Repositories. In order to develop this paper, the following issues are addressed: lack of interest of the University in storing scientific production; reports on the relationship of the library with scientific publishing houses; the participation of faculty members and students in supporting the Free Access movement; and initiatives aimed at greater flexibility of copyright to the context of scientific production. In order to follow the development of these issues at international level, it was opted for qualitative research with non-participating direct observation to carry out the identification and description of copyright policy of important publishers from the ROMEO SHERPA site; therefore, it can be observed that there are changes regarding the publishers' flexibility before self-archiving of authors in open access institutional repositories in their universities. Given this scenario, we presente reflections and considerations that involve the progress and mainly the integration of the University and its faculty members; the institution should recommend and guide its faculty members not to transfer their copyrights, but to defend their right of copy to Institutional Repositories along with Publishing Houses.


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The baryon coupling to its current (λB), in conventional QCD sum rule calculations (QCDSR), is shown to scale as the cubic power of the baryon mass, MB. Some theoretical justification for it comes from a simple light-cone model and also general scaling arguments for QCD. But more importantly, taken as a phenomenological ansatz for the present, this may find very good use in current explorations of possible applications of QCDSR to baryon physics both at temperature T = 0, T ≠ 0 and/or density ρ = 0, ρ ≠ 0. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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In the light-cone gauge choice for Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields, the vector boson propagator carries in it an additional spurious or unphysical pole intrinsic to the choice requiring a careful mathematical treatment. Research in this field over the years has shown us that mathematical consistency only is not enough to guarantee physically meaningful results. Whatever the prescription invoked to handle such an object, it has to preserve causality in the process. On the other hand, the covariantization technique is a well-suited one to tackle gauge-dependent poles in the Feynman integrals, dispensing the use of ad hoc prescriptions. In this work we show that the covariantization technique in the light-cone gauge is a direct consequence of the canonical quantization of the theory. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Recent experimental and theoretical advances in the creation and description of bright matter wave solitons are reviewed. Several aspects are taken into account, including the physics of soliton train formation as the nonlinear Fresnel diffraction, soliton-soliton interactions, and propagation in the presence of inhomogeneities. The generation of stable bright solitons by means of Feshbach resonance techniques is also discussed. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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In this paper, using the apparatus of the Clifford bundle formalism, we show how straightforwardly solve in Minkowski space-time the Dirac-Hestenes equation - which is an appropriate representative in the Clifford bundle of differential forms of the usual Dirac equation - by separation of variables for the case of a potential having spherical symmetry in the Cartesian and spherical gauges. We show that, contrary to what is expected at a first sight, the solution of the Dirac-Hestenes equation in both gauges has exactly the same mathematical difficulty. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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It is commonly assumed that the equivalence principle can coexist without conflict with quantum mechanics. We shall argue here that, contrary to popular belief, this principle does not hold in quantum mechanics. We illustrate this point by computing the second-order correction for the scattering of a massive scalar boson by a weak gravitational field, treated as an external field. The resulting cross-section turns out to be mass-dependent. A way out of this dilemma would be, perhaps, to consider gravitation without the equivalence principle. At first sight, this seems to be a too much drastic attitude toward general relativity. Fortunately, the teleparallel version of general relativity - a description of the gravitational interaction by a force similar to the Lorentz force of electromagnetism and that, of course, dispenses with the equivalence principle - is equivalent to general relativity, thus providing a consistent theory for gravitation in the absence of the aforementioned principle. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Since the very beginning of it, perhaps the subtlest of all gauges is the light-cone gauge, for its implementation leads to characteristic singularities that require some kind of special prescription to handle them in a. proper and consistent manner. The best known of these prescriptions is the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt one. In this work we revisit it showing that its status as a mere prescription is not appropriate but rather that its origin can be traced back to fundamental physical properties such as causality and covariantization methods. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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In this work we discuss the strength of the trilinear Higgs boson coupling in composite models in a model independent way. The coupling is determined as a function of a very general ansatz for the fermionic self-energy, and turns out to be equal or smaller than the one of the Standard Model Higgs boson depending on the dynamics of the theory. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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We study the Schwinger Model on the null-plane using the Dirac method for constrained systems. The fermion field is analyzed using the natural null-plane projections coming from the γ-algebra and it is shown that the fermionic sector of the Schwinger Model has only second class constraints. However, the first class constraints are exclusively of the bosonic sector. Finally, we establish the graded Lie algebra between the dynamical variables, via generalized Dirac bracket in the null-plane gauge, which is consistent with every constraint of the theory. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Many prokaryotic nucleoid proteins bend DNA and form extended helical protein-DNA fibers rather than condensed structures. On the other hand, it is known that such proteins (such as bacterial HU) strongly promote DNA condensation by macromolecular crowding. Using theoretical arguments, we show that this synergy is a simple consequence of the larger diameter and lower net charge density of the protein-DNA filaments as compared to naked DNA, and hence, should be quite general. To illustrate this generality, we use light-scattering to show that the 7kDa basic archaeal nucleoid protein Sso7d from Sulfolobus solfataricus (known to sharply bend DNA) likewise does not significantly condense DNA by itself. However, the resulting protein-DNA fibers are again highly susceptible to crowding-induced condensation. Clearly, if DNA-bending nucleoid proteins fail to condense DNA in dilute solution, this does not mean that they do not contribute to DNA condensation in the context of the crowded living cell. © 2007 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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We investigate the particle production in a toroidally compactified space-time due to the expansion of a Friedmann cosmological model in ℝ3 × S1 outside a U(1) local cosmic string. The case of a Friedmann space-time is also investigated where torsion is incorporated in the connection. We present a generalization to toroidal compactification of p extra dimensions, where the topology is given by ℝ3 × Tp. Some implications are presented and discussed. Besides the dynamics of space-time, we investigate in detail the physical consequences of the topological transformations. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Within a QCD-based eikonal model with a dynamical infrared gluon mass scale we discuss how the small x behavior of the gluon distribution function at moderate Q 2 is directly related to the rise of total hadronic cross-sections. In this model the rise of total cross-sections is driven by gluon-gluon semihard scattering processes, where the behavior of the small x gluon distribution function exhibits the power law xg(x, Q 2) = h(Q 2)x( -∈). Assuming that the Q 2 scale is proportional to the dynamical gluon mass one, we show that the values of h(Q 2) obtained in this model are compatible with an earlier result based on a specific nonperturbative Pomeron model. We discuss the implications of this picture for the behavior of input valence-like gluon distributions at low resolution scales. © 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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The gravitational properties of a straight cosmic string are studied in the linear approximation of higher-derivative gravity. These properties are shown to be very different from those found using linearized Einstein gravity: there exists a short range gravitational (anti-gravitational) force in the nonrelativistic limit; in addition, the deflection angle of a light ray moving in a plane orthogonal to the string depends on the impact parameter. © 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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The aim of this paper is to study the cropping system as complex one, applying methods from theory of dynamic systems and from the control theory to the mathematical modeling of the biological pest control. The complex system can be described by different mathematical models. Based on three models of the pest control, the various scenarios have been simulated in order to obtain the pest control strategy only through natural enemies' introduction. © 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company.