26 resultados para Salt mines and mining

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Male Holtzman rats weighting 200-250 g were anesthetized with zoletil 50 mg/Kg (tiletamine chloridrate 125,0 mg and zolazepan chloridrate 125,0 mg) into quadriceps muscle and submitted an electrolytic lesion of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and a stainless steel cannula was implanted into their median preoptic nucleus (MnPO). We investigated the effects of the injection into the (MnPO) of FK 409 (20 mug/0.5 mul), a nitric oxide (NO) donor, and N-W-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) 40 mug/0.5 mul, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (NOSI), on the water and sodium appetite and the natriuretic, diuretic and cardiovascular effects induced by injection of L-NAME and FK 409 injected into MnPO in rats with LH lesions. Controls were injected with a similar volume of 0.15 M NaCl. L-NAME injected into MnPO produced an increase in water and sodium intake and in sodium and urine excretion and increase de mean arterial pressure (MAP). FK 409 injected into MnPO did not produce any change in the hydro electrolytic and cardiovascular parameters in LH-sham and lesioned rats. FK 409 injected before L-NAME attenuated its effects. These data show that electrolytic lesion of the LH reduces fluid and sodium intake as well as sodium and urine excretion, and the pressor effect induced by L-NAME. LH involvement with NO of the MnPO excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms related to water and sodium intake, sodium excretion and cardiovascular control is suggested. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the influence of ibotenic acid lesions of the medial hypothalamus (MH) on salt appetite and arterial blood pressure responses induced by angiotensinergic and adrenergic stimulation of the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) of rats. Previous injection of the adrenergic agonists norepinephrine, clonidine, phenylephrine, and isoproterenol into the MnPO of sham MH-lesioned rats caused no change in the sodium intake induced by ANG II. ANG II injected into the MnPO of MH-lesioned rats increased sodium intake compared with sham-lesioned rats. Previous injection of clonidine and isoproterenol increased, whereas phenylephrine abolished the salt intake induced by ANG II into the MnPO of MH-lesioned rats. Previous injection of norepinephrine and clonidine into the MnPO of sham MH-lesioned rats caused no change in the mean arterial pressure (MAP) induced by ANG II. Under the same conditions, previous injection of phenylephrine increased, whereas isoproterenol reversed the increase in MAP induced by angiotensin II (ANG II). ANG II injected into the MnPO of MH-lesioned rats induce a decrease in MAP compared with sham-lesioned rats. Previous injection of phenylephrine or norepinephrine into the MnPO of MH-lesioned rats induced a negative MAP, whereas pretreatment with clonidine or isoproterenol increased the MAP produced by ANG II injected into the MnPO of sham- or MH-lesioned rats. These data show that ibotenic acid lesion of the MH increases the sodium intake and presser responses induced by the concomitant angiotensinergic, alpha(2) and beta adrenergic activation of the MnPO, whereas alpha(1) activation may have opposite effects. MH involvement in excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms related to sodium intake and MAP control is suggested.


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In this-study we investigated the influence of electrolytic lesion of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) on the water and salt appetite, and the natriuretic, diuretic and cardiovascular effects induced by angiotensinergic, cholinergic and noradrenergic stimulation of the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) in rats. Male Holtzman rats were implanted with a cannula into the MnPO. Other groups of sham- and LH-lesioned rats received a stainless steel cannula implanted into the MnPO. ANGII injection into the MnPO induced water and sodium intake, and natriuretic, diuretic, presser and tachycardic responses. Carbachol induced water intake, and natriuretic, presser and bradycardic responses, whereas noradrenaline increased urine, sodium excretion and blood pressure, and induced bradycardia. In rats submitted to LH-lesion only, water and sodium intake was reduced compared with sham rats. LH lesion also reduced the sodium ingestion induced by ANGII (12 ng) into the MnPO. In LH-lesioned rats, the dipsogenic, diuretic and presser responses induced by ANGII (12 ng), carbachol (2 nmol) and noradrenaline (20 nmol) injection into the MnPO were reduced. The same occurred with sodium excretion when carbachol (2 nmol) and noradrenaline (20 nmol) were injected into the MnPO of LH-lesioned rats, whereas ANGII(12 ng) induced an increase in sodium excretion. These data show that electrolytic lesion of the LH reduces fluid and sodium intake, and presser responses to angiotensinergic, cholinergic and noradrenergic activation of the MnPO. LH involvement with MnPO excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms related to water and sodium intake, sodium excretion and cardiovascular control is suggested.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Water and sodium chloride intake was studied in male Holtzman rats weighing 250-300 g that had been subjected to electrolytic and chemical lesions of the septal area (SA). Water intake increased in animals with electrolytic lesion of the SA bilaterally from 169.37 +/- 8.55 (sham) to 214.87 +/- 23.10 ml/5 days (lesioned). Water intake decreased after ibotenic acid lesion of the SA from 229.33 +/- 27.60 to 127.33 +/- 22.84 ml/5 days. Sodium chloride intake (1.5%) increased in animals with electrolytic lesion of the SA from 10.0 +/- 1.73 to 15.5 +/- 1.95 ml/5 days after lesion. Also sodium chloride (1.5%) intake increased after ibotenic acid injection into the SA to a greater extent (from 7.83 +/- 1.25 to 14.33 +/- 1.87 ml/5 days). The results indicate that the water intake response may be due to lesions that involve cell bodies and fibers of passage and that the sodium intake response can also be induced by lesions which involve only cell bodies. Finally, these results led us to conclude that the SA uses its cell bodies and afferent bodies and fibers for processing inputs mediating water intake and salt appetite and that the cells bodies of the SA are implicated in increased water intake. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V.


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The inflation of an intravascular balloon positioned at the superior vena cava and right atrial junction (SVC-RAJ) reduces sodium or water intake induced by various experimental procedures (e.g. sodium depletion; hypovolaemia). In the present study we investigated if the stretch induced by a balloon at this site inhibits a rapid onset salt appetite, and if this procedure modifies the pattern of immunohistochemical labelling for Fos protein (Fos-ir) in the brain. Male Sprague-Dawley rats with SVC-RAJ balloons received a combined treatment of furosemide (Furo; 10 mg (kg bw)(-1)) plus a low dose of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (Cap; 5 mg (kg bw)(-1)). Balloon inflation greatly decreased the intake of 0.3 M NaCl for as long as the balloon was inflated. Balloon inflation over a 3 h period following Furo-Cap treatment decreased Fos-ir in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis and the subfornical organ and increased Fos-ir in the lateral parabrachial nucleus and caudal ventrolateral medulla. The effect of balloon inflation was specific for sodium intake because it did not affect the drinking of diluted sweetened condensed milk. Balloon inflation and deflation also did not acutely change mean arterial pressure. These results suggest that activity in forebrain circumventricular organs and in hindbrain putative body fluid/cardiovascular regulatory regions is affected by loading low pressure mechanoreceptors at the SVC-RAJ, a manipulation that also attenuates salt appetite.


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The metabolic switch From C-3-photosynthesis to crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM),and the antioxidative response of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. plants cultured under severe salt stress and high light intensities, and a combination of booth stress conditions, were studied. High light conditions led to a more rapid CAM induction than salinity. The induction time was still shortened when both stress factors were combined. A main pattern observed in CAM plants was a decrease in mitochondrial Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity during the day. The activities of the chloroplastic Fe-SOD and cytosolic CuZn-SOD were increased due to salt treatment after a lag phase, while catalase activity was decreased. Combination of salt and light stress did not lead to a higher SOD activity as found after application of one stress factor alone, indicating that there is a threshold level of the oxidative stress response. The fact that salt-stressed plants grown under high light conditions showed permanent photoinhibition and lost the ability for nocturnal malate storage after 9 d of treatment indicate serious malfunction of metabolism, leading to accelerated senescence. Comparison of CuZn-SOD activity with CuZn-SOD protein amount, which was determined immunologically, indicates that the activity of the enzyme is at least partially post-translationally regulated.


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The legacy of mining activities has typically been land 'returned to wildlife', or, at some sites, degraded to such an extent that it is unsuitable for any alternate use. Progress towards sustainability is made when value is added in terms of the ecological, social and economic well-being of the community. In keeping with the principles of sustainable development, the innovative use of flooded open pits and tailings impoundments as commercial, recreational or ornamental fish farms should be considered in some locations, as it could make a significant contribution to the social equity, economic vitality and environmental integrity of mining communities. This article highlights the growing significance of aquaculture and explores the benefits and barriers to transforming flooded pits and impoundments into aquaculture operations. Among other benefits, aquaculture may provide a much-needed source of revenue, employment and, in some cases, food to communities impacted by mine closure. Further, aquaculture in a controlled closed environment may be more acceptable to critics of fish farming who are concerned about fish escapes and viral transmissions to wild populations. Despite the potential benefits, aquaculture in flooded pits and impoundments is not without its complications - it requires a site-specific design approach that must consider issues ranging from metals uptake by fish, to the long-term viability of the aquatic system as fish habitat, to the overall contribution of aquaculture to sustainability. © 2004 United Nations. Published by Blackwell Publishing.


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The knowledge of the physiology of Eucalyptus spp. germination may contribute significantly to the development of management and choice of suitability of the deployment areas. The aim was to evaluate the effects of water and salt stress on seed germination of Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. citriodora, E. grandis, E. robusta and E. urophylla. The seeding was done with four replicates of 0.05 g of seeds in paper moistened with solutions at potentials of 0.0, -0.2, -0.4, and -0.8 MPa, induced with polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) and NaCl. The germination test was in 25 degrees C in the presence of light. Were evaluated the first test score seven days after sowing, and weekly germination (normal seedlings) until 28 days. Were also calculated the germination speed index. Water stress causes a greater reduction in the rate of germination and accumulated germination of E. camaldulensis and E. citriodora seeds than salt stress, and the seeds of E. robusta are more adapted to germinate under salt stress moderate, between -0.2 and -0.4 MPa. Regardless of the substance used to induce stress, the threshold for germination was -0.8 MPa. The E. camaldulensis is the most sensitive specie to water stress and E. urophylla most sensitive to salt stress.


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Foi avaliado o efeito do processo de defumação a quente (45-90ºC/5 horas) e a frio (27-45ºC/10 horas) nas propriedades organolépticas, no rendimento e na composição dos filés de matrinxã (Brycon cephalus). Não houve diferença significativa no rendimento de filés defumados e não-defumados. As perdas no processo de defumação foram significativamente maiores para defumação a quente (19,37%) em comparação à defumação a frio (17,08%). O processo de defumação reduziu a umidade (in natura = 72,91%; defumado a quente = 58,51%; e defumado a frio = 59,68%) e aumentou os teores de proteína bruta, lipídios e cinzas. Houve diferença significativa somente nos teores de proteína no defumado a quente (28,07%) e defumado a frio (27,14%). O processo a frio resultou em melhor aparência e cor de filé, enquanto o processo a quente melhorou o sabor, o teor de sal e a aparência geral. O aroma e a textura não diferiram significativamente entre os processos. O processo de defumação a quente melhora as propriedades organolépticas e os níveis de proteína do filé de matrinxã.


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The enzyme pectin methylesterase (PME) is present in acerola fruit and was partially purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. The results of gel filtration showed different PME isoforms. The total PME (precipitated by 70% salt saturation) and one of these isoforms (fraction from Sephadex G-100 elution) that showed a molecular mass of 15.5 +/- 1.0 kDa were studied. The optimum pH values of both forms were 9.0. The total and the partially purified PME showed that PME specific activity increases with temperature, the total acerola PME retained 13.5% of its specific activity after 90 min of incubation at 98 degreesC. The partially purified acerola (PME isoform) showed 125.5% of its specific activity after 90 min of incubation at 98 degreesC. The K-m values of the total PME and the partially purified PME isoform were 0.081 and 0.12 mg/mL, respectively. The V-max values of the total PME and the partially purified PME were 2.92 and 6.21 mumol/min/mL/mg of protein, respectively.


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The adaptive capacity of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) calluses (cultivars IAC-carioca, JALO EEP-558, BAT-93 and IAPAR-14) to salt stress (0-80 mM) was verified to determine the existence of biochemical markers such as organic and inorganic compounds, and metabolism of polyamines. The results obtained demonstrate that salt (NaCl) interfered with all the parameters analyzed and its intensity ranged due to the salt concentration and the cultivars used.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Among various physiological responses to salt stress, the synthesis of a lectin-related protein of 14.5 kDa was observed in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) under the treatment of 170 mmol/L NaCl. In order to better understand the role of the SALT protein in the physiological processes involving salinity, it was immunolocalized in mesophilic cells of leaf sheath and blade of a rice variety IAC-4440 following monoclonal antibodies produced by hybridome culture technique. This variety turned out to be an excellent model for that purpose, since it accumulates SALT protein even in absence of salt treatment and it has been classified as moderately sensitive to salinity and a superior grain producer. This feature was relevant for this work since it allowed the use of plants without the deleterious effects caused by salinity. Immunocytochemistry assays revealed that the SALT protein is located in the stroma of chloroplasts under non-stressing condition. Since the chloroplast is the main target affected by salinity and considering that the SALT protein does not present any apparent signal peptide for organelle localization, its lectin-like activity seems to play an important role in the establishment of stable complexes, either to other proteins or to oligosaccharides that are translocated to the chloroplast. © 2011 China National Rice Research Institute.


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Thermal-oxidative degradation behaviours of raw natural rubber (NR) have been investigated by using thermogravimetry analysis in inert and oxidative atmospheres and the plasticity retention index (PRI). The activation energy E a, was calculated using Horowitz-Metzger and Coats-Redfern methods and compared with PRI. The E a values obtained by each method were in good agreement with each other. The June samples are the least stable rubbers among the studied ones, whereas February samples exhibited the highest values of activation energy, therefore in agreement with the PRI behaviour, which indicates that the thermo-oxidative stability of the June samples are the poorest during the thermo-oxidative degradation reaction. Natural rubber is a product of biological origin, and thus these variations in the values of thermal behaviour and PRI might be related to the genetic differences and alterations of climatic conditions that act directly on the synthesis of non-rubber constituents, which are generally reflected in latex and rubber properties. © 2013 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.