5 resultados para SUBPLACENTA

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Rock cavies are rodents found in the semi-arid caatinga of Brazil. We studied the structure of the rock cavy placenta by light and transmission electron microscopy. The exchange area of the labyrinth was organized in lobes separated by interlobular areas. The interhaemal barrier was syncytial haemomonochorial. The syncytiotrophoblast had recesses in the basal membrane and some invaginations of the apical membrane, but transtrophoblastic channels could not be found. The interlobular regions comprised syncytiotrophoblast, enclosing maternal venous blood channels, and cytotrophoblast. There was a prominent subplacenta composed of cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast. Microvilli projected into spaces between the cytotrophoblasts and into lacunae within the syncytiotrophoblast. The yolk sac epithelium exhibited coated pits, endocytotic vesicles and larger vacuoles, consistent with a role in protein uptake from the uterine lumen. Tight junctions between these cells provided a barrier to diffusion by the intercellular route. The reproductive biology of the rock cavy differs from other members of the family, including the guinea pig, but the architecture of the placenta remains remarkably constant. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The placental vasculature of five hystricomorph rodents was examined by latex injection of the blood vessels, immunohistochemistry and scanning electron microscopy of vessel casts. The pattern of branching of the vessels is described at the level of fine structure. The placenta is divided into lobes separated by interlobular trophoblast. Fetal arteries course through the interlobular areas and give rise to capillaries from which blood drains into veins at the centre of the lobes. Maternal blood reaches the placenta through spiral arteries that pass around the perimeter of the subplacenta. They supply large maternal blood sinuses, lined by trophoblast, which run through the interlobular areas and into the centre of the lobes. Here they supply fine channels that run parallel to the fetal capillaries, so that maternal blood flows from the centre of the lobe to the periphery. This arrangement provides the morphological basis for countercurrent exchange. The maternal channels of the labyrinth drain into spaces formed by the latticework of the interlobular trophoblast and thence through venous lacunae to a basal venous lacunar ring. The subplacenta is supplied by a single fetal artery. The vessels within the subplacenta pursue a tortuous course with dilatations and constrictions as in an endocrine gland. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Placentae of three hystricimorph rodents-capybara, agouti and paca-were examined by conventional histology, immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin and vimentin, and TUNEL staining. The placentae were divided into lobules of labyrinthine syncytium separated by interlobular and marginal trophoblast. The subplacenta comprised cytotrophoblasts, supported on lamellae of allantoic mesoderm, and syncytiotrophoblast. The central excavation was still apparent in the definitive placenta of capybara. In agouti and paca, the decidua of the junctional zone formed a mesoplacenta comprising a capsule and a pedicle. Towards term the pedicle formed a tenuous attachment between placenta and uterine wall comprising a few maternal vessels surrounded by degraded tissue. In paca placenta, it was shown by TUNEL staining that breakdown of this tissue occurred by apoptosis. The visceral yolk sac was highly villous and, in agouti, the yolk sac villi were extremely long. Lateral to its attachment to the placenta, the fetal surface was covered with non-vascular yolk sac endoderm. A layer of spongiotrophoblast cells was interposed between the endoderm and the marginal trophoblast. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: the paca is a South American rodent with potential as a commercial food animal. We examined paca placenta as part of a wider effort to understand the reproductive biology of this species.Methods: Thirteen specimens between midgestation and term of pregnancy were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy.Results: the placenta is divided into several lobes separated by interlobular trophoblast. Maternal arterial channels and fetal veins are found at the centre of each lobe. In the labyrinth, maternal blood flows through trophoblast-lined lacunae in close proximity to the fetal capillaries. The interhaemal barrier is of the haemomonochorial type with a single layer of syncytiotrophoblast. Caveolae occur in the apical membrane of the syncytiotrophoblast and recesses in the basal membrane, but there is no evidence of transtrophoblastic channels. The interlobular areas consist of cords of syncytiotrophoblast defining maternal blood channels that drain the labyrinth. Yolk sac endoderm covers much of the fetal surface of the placenta. The subplacenta comprises cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast. There are dilated intercellular spaces between the cytotrophoblasts and lacunae lined by syncytiotrophoblast. In the junctional zone between subplacenta and decidua, there are nests of multinucleated giant cells with vacuolated cytoplasm. The entire placenta rests on a pedicle of maternal tissue. An inverted yolk sac placenta is also present. The presence of small vesicles and tubules in the apical membrane of the yolk sac endoderm and larger vesicles in the supranuclear region suggest that the yolk sac placenta participates in maternal-fetal transfer of protein.Conclusion: the paca placenta closely resembles that of other hystricomorph rodents. The lobulated structure allows for a larger exchange area and the development of precocial young.