116 resultados para Ruminal incubation

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The objective of this study was to use 15N to label microbial cells to allow development of equations for estimating the microbial contamination in ruminal in situ incubation residues of forage produced under tropical conditions. A total of 24 tropical forages were ruminal incubated in 3 steers at 3 separate times. To determine microbial contamination of the incubated residues, ruminal bacteria were labeled with 15N by continuous intraruminal infusion 60 h before the first incubation and continued until the last day of incubation. Ruminal digesta was collected for the isolation of bacteria before the first infusion of 15N on adaptation period and after the infusion of 15N on collection period. To determine the microbial contamination of CP fractions, restricted models were compared with the full model using the model identity test. A value of the corrected fraction A was estimated from the corresponding noncorrected fraction by this equation: Corrected A fraction (ACPC) = 1.99286 + 0.98256 × A fraction without correction (ACPWC). The corrected fraction B was estimated from the corresponding noncorrected fraction and from CP, NDF, neutral detergent insoluble protein (NDIP), and indigestible NDF (iNDF) using the equation corrected B fraction (BCPC) = -17.2181 - 0.0344 × fraction B without correction (BCPWC) + 0.65433 × CP + 1.03787 × NDF + 2.66010 × NDIP - 0.85979 × iNDF. The corrected degradation rate of B fraction (kd)was estimated using the equation corrected degradation rate of B fraction (kdCPC) = 0.04667 + 0.35139 × degradation rate of B fraction without correction (kdCPWC) + 0.0020 × CP - 0.00055839 × NDF - 0.00336 × NDIP + 0.00075089 × iNDF. This equation was obtained to estimate the contamination using CP of the feeds: %C = 79.21 × (1 - e-0.0555t) × e-0.0874CP. It was concluded that A and B fractions and kd of CP could be highly biased by microbial CP contamination, and therefore these corrected values could be obtained mathematically, replacing the use of microbial markers. The percentage of contamination and the corrected apparent degradability of CP could be obtained from values of CP and time of incubation for each feed, which could reduce cost and labor involved when using 15N. © 2013 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.


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Determinaram-se a degradabilidade potencial (DP) e a digestibilidade intestinal da proteína não degradada no rúmen (DIPNDR) do capim-elefante em diferentes idades de rebrote (30, 45 e 60 dias) e comparou-se a técnica do saco de náilon móvel (in situ) com o método de três estádios (in vitro). Para tanto, utilizaram-se seis novilhos mestiços canulados no rúmen e duodeno alimentados exclusivamente com capim-elefante picado. O ensaio de degradabilidade foi realizado com amostras do capim incubadas no rúmen por 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120h. A digestibilidade intestinal foi determinada utilizando-se os resíduos de incubação por 24 horas. Na técnica in situ os resíduos em sacos de náilon foram colocados no duodeno e recuperados nas fezes. No método in vitro, os resíduos foram submetidos à digestão com HCl-pepsina-pancreatina. em amostras de capim com idades de 30, 45 e 60 dias foram observados valores de DP da proteína de 87,5; 87,8 e 83,8%, respectivamente. A DIPNDR variou com a idade do capim e foi semelhante entre os métodos in situ e in vitro somente para o capim com 60 dias. O método in situ apresentou estimativa de digestibilidade intestinal mais coerente com as mudanças na composição química do capim-elefante decorrentes do envelhecimento.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar o efeito das silagens de três híbridos de sorgo: granífero (Conti-Silo, de porte baixo), duplo propósito (Conti-Silo-03, de porte médio) e forrageiro (547-F, de porte alto) e de três épocas distintas (aos 105, 112 e 119 dias após a semeadura) sobre a degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca (MS) e da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN). Foram utilizados três bovinos adultos mestiços fistulados no rúmem, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental em parcelas subdivididas, com três tempos de incubação (6, 24, 96 horas). Houve diferença (P<0,05) nas frações de desaparecimento da MS e de FDN após 6, 24 e 96 horas de incubação ruminal entre as diferentes silagens. Quanto à época de colheita, a diferença na degradação de MS foi observada após 96 horas de incubação, destacando-se a variedade de duplo propósito, superior nos três diferentes cortes. Com a maturação, observou-se tendência de aumento na fração degradável da MS, porém esse efeito foi menos evidente nas silagens de sorgo forrageiro. Para a FDN não houve diferença (P<0,05) entre silagens em nenhum dos tempos de incubação.


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O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da idade sobre o potencial de degradação dos diferentes tecidos da lâmina foliar e do colmo de capim-braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens), capim-gordura (Melinis minutiflora) e capim-tifton 85 (Cynodon sp). Foram amostradas a 7ª (capim-braquiária e capim-gordura) e a 11ª (capim-tifton 85) lâminas foliares, no dia da exposição da lígula e 20 dias após. Por meio de observações ao microscópio foram estimadas a extensão da digestão in vitro dos tecidos da lâmina e do colmo e a redução na espessura da parede de células do esclerênquima do colmo. Lâminas foliares e segmentos de colmos jovens apresentaram maiores áreas digeridas. Permaneceram intactos os tecidos com células de parede espessada e lignificada, a bainha parenquimática dos feixes, o esclerênquima, o xilema e a epiderme do colmo. Tecidos com células de parede delgada, normalmente não-lignificada, o mesofilo, o floema e o parênquima, desapareceram completamente. O avanço na idade reduziu a digestão do mesofilo, em lâminas de capim-braquiária e capim-gordura, e do parênquima em colmos, principalmente de capim-gordura. A epiderme na lâmina foliar foi parcialmente digerida, independentemente da idade e da espécie. Embora aparentemente intactas, células esclerenquimáticas do colmo sofreram redução da espessura da parede com a incubação em líquido ruminal. A porcentagem de redução variou de 7 a 37% e a taxa de redução da espessura de 0,007 a 0,018 µm/h.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a degradabilidade ruminal da matéria seca, da fibra em detergente neutro, da fibra em detergente ácido e da proteína bruta da alfafa (Medicago sativa), aveia-preta (Avena strigosa), leucena (Leucaena leucocephala) e guandu (Cajanus cajan). Amostras de 3 g das forragens foram incubadas no rúmen de três novilhos por períodos de 0, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 e 72 horas. As degradabilidades efetivas da matéria seca da alfafa e da aveia, para a taxa de passagem de 5% por hora, foram elevadas (acima de 60%). A leucena e o guandu apresentaram valores inferiores, 50,9 e 56,0%, respectivamente. A partir de 24 horas de incubação, a aveia se destacou com maior desaparecimento da fibra em detergente neutro e da fibra em detergente ácido, e ainda apresentou as mais elevadas taxas de degradação efetiva destas frações. A aveia foi a forragem que apresentou maior degradabilidade da matéria seca, da fibra em detergente neutro, da fibra em detergente ácido e da proteína bruta no rúmen. O guandu, entretanto, foi a forragem com as piores taxas de degradação.


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Foram utilizados quatro cavalos castrados sem raça definida pelo delineamento em blocos casualizados. Objetivou-se viabilizar os indicadores internos indigestíveis, FDNi e FDAi, obtidas pelas técnicas in situ nos bovinos e in vivo nos equinos por meio do saco de náilon móvel (SNM). Os tratamentos consistiram de digestibilidade determinada por método direto com a coleta total de fezes (CT) e indireto pelo uso de FDNi e FDAi obtidos pelas técnicas in situ (IS) na cavidade ruminal de bovinos e in vivo (IV) nos equinos por meio do SNM. As FDNi-IV e FDAi-IV promoveram a melhor taxa de recuperação (TR) do indicador, igualando-se ao grupo CT, em 91,50%, enquanto a técnica in situ resultou nas piores taxas, na média 86,50%, para ambos os indicadores indigestíveis (p < 0,05). As estimativas dos CD dos nutrientes foram adequadamente preditos pela FDAi-IV, para equinos alimentados com feno, no qual os valores observados foram de 46,41; 48,16; 47,92 e 45,51% para MS, MO, FDN e EB, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que o SNM em equinos pode ser usado para obter a FDAi em equinos alimentados exclusivamente com feno de coast-cross e para cavalos consumindo dieta mista, as FDNi e FDAi foram eleitas para predizer CD de nutrientes.


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This research was carried out to evaluate the ruminal degradation of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of silages of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) cutting in 70; 90 and 110 days after regrowth with inclusion of 0; 5; 10 and 15% of mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) meal, based on natural matter in a completely randomized design, in split plot arrangement. Samples of silages were incubated in the rumen of two Jersey cows for 3; 6; 12; 24; 48; 72 and 96 h, and the bags at time "zero" were only washed with water to determine the soluble fraction. There was not interaction (P> 0.05) incubation time x inclusion of mesquite pods x cutting age of the grass for DM degradability, there was only interaction (P <0.05) between these factors for CP and NDF degradability. The most effective DM degradability (42.54%) was observed for 15% inclusion of mesquite pods. The effective CP degradability was higher (69.04%) for elephant grass silage with 70 days after regrowth with 15% of mesquite pods. The inclusion of mesquite pods in elephant grass silages improve DM, CP and NDF degradability, while increment of the age after regrowth result in reduction of this parameters.


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Four Bos indicus (Nellore) ruminally-fistulated animals, averaging 36 months of age and 520 kg, were used in a randomized block design to study the ruminal degradability of starch in corn silage, soybean meal, and sorghum grain. The experimental diets consisted of two levels of concentrate (18 and 39%) plus corn silage. The concentrate ingredients used were soybean meal, cottonseed meal, corn grain, and sorghum grain. The degradation rate of sorghum grain increased 40.2% in diet 2 . The potential degradability of starch (PDS) was similar in the two diets. There was no difference between the two diets in the effective degradability of starch (EDS) in corn silage. There was a significant increase of 26.5% in the EDS of starch in sorghum grain with the increase of level of concentrate in the diet, and considering the lag time in the calculation. The starch level estimated in this study was lower than the values cited in the literature, probably due to different laboratory methods for determining the starch content in feedstuffs. Previous studies suggested using a minimum of 6 incubation intervals between 2 and 24 hours.


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This work aimed to determine ruminal parameters of dry mater (DM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and protein synthesis in the rumen of animals fed diets based on sorghum with different tannin levels. In situ degradation was evaluated by rumen incubation of level 1 (L1) and level 2 (L2) sorghum silages during 0, 6, 24, 48 and 96 hours. A duplicated 4 × 4 Latin Square was used. Potential degradability (PD) of DM was similar among silages, whereas the effective degradability (ED) decreased when the diets were supplemented with concentrate. Microbial nitrogen flux and microbial synthesis efficiency were not affected by roughage source. The synthesis efficiency, expressed in organic matter and crude protein digested in rumen, was higher in L1 tannin diets supplemented with concentrate. There was not relationship between the presence of tannins and the parameters of ruminal degradation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective this work was to evaluate the degradation, fermentation and kinetics of passage rumen fluid en sheep fed diets containing different carbohydrate associated with the oil. Four rumen cannulated sheep were allotted in 4 x 4 latin square. The treatments consisted of diets with high neutral detergent soluble fiber and diets with high starch associated or not with 4,2% of oil. Incubation times were 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours and ruminal fluid was collected at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 24 hours after feeding. Diets high neutral detergent fiber soluble resulted in greater degradation of dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber soluble and starch, and higher pH values, butyric acid production, dilution rate and ruminal recycling compared with diets high starch content. The inclusion of 4,2% oil the different carbohydrate sources had no influence on the fermentation kinetics and degradation of the fiber. High content of neutral detergent soluble fiber in the diet favors the ruminal fermentation compared to the high starch content.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of the present study was to determine feed intake and average weight gain and to evaluate the ruminal morphologic characteristics of Saanen kids slaughtered at 30, 45 and 60 days of age, according to a completely randomized design. Thirty-six non-castrated male Saanen kids were fed ground total ration, pelleted total ration, or extruded total ration. Feed intake and refusals were controlled daily and the animals were weighed at birth and then once a week. Newborn kids received a milk replacer and were weaned at 45 days. Immediately after slaughter, the animals were eviscerated, the entire digestive apparatus was removed from the carcass. The reticulo-rumen was separated, emptied, washed and weighed. Samples were collected from the dorsal sac, pillar area and ventral sac of the rumen, fixed for about 24h in Bouin's solution, dehydrated, embedded in Histosec and cut into 5 mu m sections. Results showed that dry matter intake (DMI) at weaning and post-weaning and weight gain were higher (P < 0.05) in animals that received the pelleted total ration. The weight of the reticulo-rumen accompanied body development and was heavier in these animals. Histologically, after weaning ruminal papillae were more developed in animals that received pelleted total ration. Length of papillae increased with increase of age. The ratio of papillary height to papillary width increased with age in the ventral sac and until weaning (P > 0.05). We conclude that the pelleting process of the total ration favored increased intake, with a 46.7% increase in weight gain and increase in rumen weight and papillae length, suggesting that best results are obtained with this processing. In general, no difference was observed between the results obtained with extruded and ground total ration, although animals fed extruded total ration showed an increase in rumen weight and papillae width. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Incubation temperature (IT) was changed to evaluate if 6-wk-old birds become more tolerant to heat stress. After 13 d of incubation, 470 eggs were submitted to low (36.8degreesC), normal (37.8degreesC) and high (38.8degreesC) temperatures. At day 7 post-hatching, 144 birds were allocated to three rearing temperatures (48 birds/treatment): control/thermoneutral (35-24degreesC), high (33-30degreesC) or low (27-18degreesC) according to the age of the birds. Hsp70 levels in tissues of birds (1 d and 42 d), stress response (42 d) and performance were evaluated. High IT decreased brain (P < 0.01) and liver (P < 0.01) Hsp70 levels, whereas low IT decreased brain (P < 0.01) but increased heart (P < 0.01) Hsp70 levels in 1-d-old chicks. Birds incubated at a low temperature had higher (P < 0.05) feed intake (1-42d). High rearing temperature decreased feed intake (P<0.01) and liveweight (P<0.01). Colonic temperature was lower in birds incubated at a low temperature (P < 0.05) and higher in birds reared in a high temperature (P < 0.05) before heat stress. Birds reared in low temperature had higher increase in colonic temperature after heat stress (P < 0.05). Tissue Hsp70 levels were differently affected by rearing temperature, which affected broiler performance more than IT. Lower IT seemed to increase the sensitivity of birds to heat stress at market age.


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Utilizaram-se vacas Holandesas com produção superior a 20 kg de leite/dia, de primeira e segunda lactações, com 19±6 dias em lactação, para avaliar o efeito da suplementação com 8,4 g/dia de metionina protegida (MPDR) ou 8,4 g/dia de metionina não-protegida da degradação ruminal (MNPDR) sobre a produção e composição do leite, comparativamente a vacas controle, durante 90 dias. As vacas foram alimentadas com ração completa constituída por silagem de milho e concentrado. Produção de leite, teor de proteína do leite e produção de proteína não foram afetados pela suplementação com MPDR. As produções médias de leite foram 27,70; 27,09 e 27,61 kg/dia; os teores médios de proteína, 2,83; 2,85 e 2,77%; e as produções de proteína do leite, 0,77; 0,76 e 0,79 kg/dia, respectivamente, para vacas controle, suplementadas com MPDR e MNPDR. O teor de gordura do leite foi de 2,39; 2,12 e 1,89% paras vacas suplementadas com MPDR, MNPDR e controle, respectivamente. A produção diária de gordura foi 0,57; 0,58 e 0,58 kg/dia e a produção diária de leite corrigido para gordura (3,5%), 21,25; 21,19 e 21,35 kg/dia, para os respectivos tratamentos controle, MPDR e MNPDR. A suplementação com MPDR não alterou a produção de leite, porém melhorou a sua composição no início da lactação.