26 resultados para Roof Fall Cave
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a biologia de Telenomus remus Nixon criado em ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) em diferentes temperaturas. Com base no desenvolvimento do ciclo (ovo-adulto), foram determinados as exigências térmicas e o número de gerações dos parasitóides em temperaturas constantes. Inicialmente, ovos de S. frugiperda, com 24 horas de idade, foram submetidos ao parasitismo por T. remus, durante cinco horas, sendo então transferidos para câmaras climatizadas reguladas para as temperaturas de 15, 20, 25, 28, 31 e 35°C. A duração do ciclo (ovo-adulto) foi influenciada pela temperatura variando de 8,3±0,01 a 47,2±0,01 dias para fêmeas e 8,1±0,01 a 46,8±0,01 dias para machos de T. remus nas temperaturas de 31 e 15°C, respectivamente. A porcentagem de emergência (viabilidade) de T. remus em ovos de S. frugiperda também foi influenciada pela variação da temperatura, apresentando redução significativa apenas nas temperaturas extremas. Foi observada redução na viabilidade a 15°C e não houve desenvolvimento biológico do parasitóide a 35°C. A razão sexual de T. remus não sofreu influência da temperatura. em relação às exigências térmicas, a constante térmica (K) e temperatura base (Tb) foram maiores para as fêmeas de T. remus (158,88 graus dias e 12,52°C) quando comparadas aos machos (154,12 graus dias e 12,59°C). A estimativa do número de gerações anuais para T. remus para machos e fêmeas em condições de laboratório foi respectivamente 5,6 e 5,6; 16,9 e 17,3; 28,3 e 29,0; 35,1 e 36,0; 39,6 e 40,7 nas temperaturas de 15, 20, 25, 28 e 31°C.
São escassas as informações sobre cultivares melhoradas e técnicas culturais adequadas à cultura do painço. Este experimento objetivou avaliar o efeito da aplicação de níveis de nitrogênio (N) em cobertura no desenvolvimento e nos atributos bioquímicos de duas cultivares de painço. Para tanto, instalou-se um experimento em Botucatu (SP), em caixas de cimento amianto, mantidas em túnel plástico. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2x6, com dois cultivares de painço (AL Mogi e AL Tibagi) e seis níveis de adubação nitrogenada (0, 40, 80, 120, 160 e 200 mg L-1), aplicada em cobertura, no início do perfilhamento. Os dois cultivares utilizados tiveram comportamento semelhante em relação às variáveis avaliadas, em resposta à aplicação de N em cobertura. A aplicação de doses de N na cultura do painço proporcionou incrementos nos teores relativos de clorofila, aminoácidos totais, nitrogênio total e altura das plantas, e redução dos teores de açúcares na matéria seca, até o intervalo entre 120 e 160 mg de N L-1. O perfilhamento e produção de grãos tiveram aumento linear com a aplicação de N. A adubação nitrogenada não afetou a produção de matéria seca.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Santana Cave is located at the Upper Ribeira Touristic State Park (PETAR-Parque Estadual Turistico do Alto Ribeira) in southern São Paulo State, Brazil. This paper describes Pb-210 activity concentration data in soda straw stalactites samples collected at Salao das Flores in Santana Cave that is a fossil tributary of the cave river. Non-expensive alpha counting following some analytical steps for extracting and depositing Pb-210 were used for providing the Pb-210 data. In the analyzed samples, Pb-210 values of increasingly older samples fitted an exponential curve, thus suggesting that the production of Pb-210 has been constant with time. Also, the near-ideal fit indicated that the growth was uniform and there was no break in the continuous growth. The soda straw growth rates were determined from the best fit to the exponential curve through the Pb-210 activity concentration. The results of the measurements allowed estimate a longitudinal rate corresponding to 1.3 mm/yr and a lateral rate of 0.01 mm/yr, which permitted calculate times of 70 years and 317-498 years for their formation, respectively. The lateral growth rate is compatible with values from studies of chemical weathering rates held under laboratory and natural conditions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is considered to be the main pest of maize crops in Brazil. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) may be used to control this pest and exhibit different, unique abilities to search for their hosts. The movement of EPN in relation to S. frugiperda was evaluated. To test for horizontal movement, a styrofoam enclosure filled with sand was divided into segments, nematodes were placed at the entrance to the enclosure and a larva was placed at the end of each division. The same approach was used to evaluate vertical movement; however, PVC pipes were used in this case. In general, the mortality was inversely proportional to the initial distance between host and nematodes. In the vertical displacement test, both nematodes were able to kill the larvae up to a distance of 25 cm. Therefore, the infective juveniles of H. amazonensis and S. arenarium can search out, infect and kill larvae of S. frugiperda at distances of up to 60 cm and 25 cm of horizontal and vertical displacement, respectively.
Litter production was measured for two years (november 1986 to october 1988) in a 29 year -old Pinus elliottii var. elliottii stand in differents resin treatments. Needle production comprised 9 to 93% of total litter fall, while the other categories (branches, barks, seeds and cones) were not significant. Maximum litterfall occurred in march to may 1987 (autumn) and the minimum was in august 1988 (winter) for all treatments and the control. No relationship appeared between annual litterfall and environmental factors, although there was a tendence to exhibit two periods of production: one in summer and other in winter. The results showed that in two years of resin extraction was not sufficient in interfering the litter fall and consequently the productivity.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A cave bat community from a semiarid region in eastern Brazil was studied during the dry season. A high diversity was observed, with thirteen species recorded. Except for Micronycteris minuta and Lionycteris spurrelli, these bats were also found in other Brazilian karstic areas. The commonest species were the hematophague Desmodus rotundus, the omnivore Carollia perspicillata, and the insectivore Natalus stramineus. The bats formed itinerant colonies, moving frequently inside the cave. L. spurrelli was previously known from Amazonia, usually associated with evergreen forests. The present record extends its range 1600 km to the south. A disjunct distribution explains some morphological differentiation between Amazonia and Olhos d'Agua cave populations. The latter may be a relict of former continuous forest vegetation, which has been fragmented after the climatic optimum. Dispersion through the Cerrado forest gallery is also possible.
Incentives for using wind power and the increasing price of energy might generate in a relatively short time a scenario where low voltage customers opt to install roof-top wind turbines. This paper focuses on evaluating the effects of such situation in terms of energy consumption, loss reduction, reverse power flow and voltage profiles. Various commercially-available roof-top wind turbines are installed in two secondary distribution circuits considering real-life wind speed data and seasonal load demand. Results are presented and discussed. © 2006 IEEE.
This paper proposes a method for the automatic extraction of building roof contours from a LiDAR-derived digital surface model (DSM). The method is based on two steps. First, to detect aboveground objects (buildings, trees, etc.), the DSM is segmented through a recursive splitting technique followed by a region merging process. Vectorization and polygonization are used to obtain polyline representations of the detected aboveground objects. Second, building roof contours are identified from among the aboveground objects by optimizing a Markov-random-field-based energy function that embodies roof contour attributes and spatial constraints. Preliminary results have shown that the proposed methodology works properly.
The ideal time is more important than amount of insecticidal spraying to adequate the control of Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in corn. This study aimed to evaluate lufenuron sequential sprayings effect and its rotation with other active ingredients on the population, damage caused by S. frugiperda and the impact on corn yield. The experiment was carried out in the field with six treatments: (1) one lufenuron spraying, (2) two lufenuron sprayings, (3) three lufenuron sprayings (4) four lufenuron sprayings, (5) sprayings with spinosad, lufenuron, thiamethoxam+lambdacyhalothrin and deltamethrin (in sequence, at ten days intervals) (6) control treatment. Sprayings started twenty days after the seedling had emerged and then every ten days for a maximum of four sprays. Both caterpillar population (20.9-21.7 larvae/plot) and index of damage (1.2-1.7) observed in corn plants were significantly lower in treated plots compared to control (untreated) (31.7 larvae/plot and index of damage 2.7), regardless of spraying amount. The results showed that multiple insecticide applications to control S. frugiperda do not guarantee higher yields in corn, ranging from 6375.2 to 7650.1 kg ha -1. Only one spraying of lufenuron was enough to prevent significant reduction in corn yield (6749.9 kg ha -1). © 2012 Asian Network for Scientific Information.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this paper a photogrammetric method is proposed for refining 3D building roof contours extracted from airborne laser scanning data. It is assumed that laser-derived planar faces of roofs are potentially accurate, while laser-derived building roof contours are not well defined. First, polygons representing building roof contours are extracted from a high-resolution aerial image. In the sequence, straight-line segments delimitating each building roof polygon are projected onto the corresponding laser-derived roof planes by using a new line-based photogrammetric model. Finally, refined 3D building roof contours are reconstructed by connecting every pair of photogrammetrically- projected adjacent straight lines. The obtained results showed that the proposed approach worked properly, meaning that the integration of image data and laser scanning data allows better results to be obtained, when compared to the results generated by using only laser scanning data. © 2013 IEEE.