126 resultados para Revista «Afinidades»

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Este trabalho pretende mostrar as ligações entre um texto verbal, o conto “A terceira renúncia”, de Gabriel Garcia Márquez e os textos visuais: “Unicórnios”, “Pássaros”, “A fita de Moebius II” e “Um outro mundo II”, de Maurits Cornelis-Escher. Palavras-chave: Fratura; figuralidade; estesia; figuratividade.


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In this paper, we analyze Goethe's Elective Affinities novel under the perspective of relations between intelligibility and hermeneutics, a kind of conflict explored by the author to establish a critical position in relation to the hermeneutic activity.


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O artigo discute algumas questões relativas ao procedimento de revisão por pares na avaliação de originais submetidos a um periódico. Essa avaliação é aceita como necessária para assegurar a qualidade científica de artigos publicados, já que a integridade da literatura especializada é considerada essencial para o desenvolvimento da ciência. Entretanto, há críticas à revisão por pares, incluindo o longo tempo decorrido entre a entrega dos originais e a publicação, o tempo e a energia despendidos pelos autores e revisores, a subjetividade na avaliação e outros problemas que podem introduzir vieses na área. A Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial, que adota a avaliação cega por pares, tem-se mostrado relativamente versátil. O tempo médio entre o recebimento dos originais e o aceite final, depois de passar pela revisão por pares e conseqüente ajuste por parte dos autores, é de cerca de cinco meses e meio. Na literatura especializada, encontram-se sugestões como a eliminação de avaliação e publicação de todos os textos submetidos, em meios eletrônicos, menos onerosos e mais versáteis, deixando que os próprios leitores façam a sua avaliação. A análise procedida conclui que a revisão por pares é necessária. Aponta a necessidade de se realizarem discussões sobre a própria avaliação, para que se desenvolvam procedimentos mais eficientes de controle de qualidade das publicações. Sugere que a avaliação efetiva é feita pela própria comunidade acadêmica, após a publicação, mediante reconhecimento coletivo do valor científico da publicação, na forma de impacto que pode causar sobre novas investigações e construção do conhecimento na área.


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The occurrence of brachiopods in Cenozoic rocks of the Pelotas Basin is known since 1862. In spite of that, detailed systematic and taphonomic studies are still missing. Investigations made a half century ago, have suggested that these brachiopods could belong to Bouchardia cf. zitteli, a species found in the San Julian Formation, Late Oligocene, Argentina. Our data suggest that those brachiopods may resemble Bouchardia transplatina. In the Uruguayan portion of the Pelotas Basin B. transplatina is known in rocks of the Camacho Formation, Miocene. In addition, small recrystallized shells of brachiopods were also recovered from three Petrobras boreholes (2PJ-1-RS, 2PN-1-RS, and 2GA-1-RS) from the Pelotas Basin. Brachiopods come from the interval of 130 to 150 meters within the Miocene Henryhowella evax Zone. Despite the degree of taphonomic modiication of those brachiopod shells they indubitably belong to Bouchardia sp. This is noteworthy for various reasons: 1- Bouchardia is a brachiopod with warm water afinities. Presently, extant members of this genus are unknown in latitudes up to 34[degree]S, with the main records at 23[degree]S. 2- Although occurring in depths down to 200 meters, the living member (Bouchardia rosea) of this genus is most abundant in shallow platformal, nutrient-rich waters. 3- The occurrence of Bouchardia in the Miocene of the Pelotas Basin indicates that, at least to the interval of Henryhowella evax Zone, warm waters of the Brazilian currents prevail. This interpretation is in strong accordance with other paleoeoceanographic and paleoclimatic data offered by various groups of co-occurring microfossils, such as ostracodes and foraminifers.


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Em suas obras, os filósofos da teoria crítica desenvolveram reflexões muito importantes acerca da sociedade capitalista do pós-guerra, apresentando um potencial pedagógico intrínseco, especialmente por meio dos conceitos adornianos de semicultura e indústria cultural. Este trabalho pretende utilizar tais conceitos para analisar criticamente o conteúdo editorial da revista Nova Escola, da editora Abril. Como esse é um periódico de grande circulação nas escolas públicas brasileiras, essa análise poderá esclarecer a intersecção entre educação e indústria cultural, reflexão que se faz urgente quando consideramos que essa relação atualmente é condicionada pelos imperativos do Estado mínimo neoliberal.


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The article discusses the relationship between media, politics and advertising in the magazine Caros Amigos between 1997 and 2006. It studies on the weight of the Partido dos Trabalhadores in the funding of the publication and the charges made against the magazine's publishers due to this fact. © 2011 by Unisinos.


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The aim of this research is to make a bibliometric analysis of the journal Scire: Representación y Organización del Conocimiento, edited in Spain, in order to evidence the most productive institutions and countries, as well as to build a cooperation network and calculate the density indicators, centrality degree and betweenness. The 292 articles of the period 1996 to 2010 were analyzed. It was found out that, of the institutions participating in the articles, 25 institutions have been clearly the most productive. Almost all of them are Spanish, except four Brazilian ones and three more from three different countries. The institutional network showed a low density, but several cooperative sub-networks were identified, which suggest the existence of an international dialogue among researchers on the discipline.


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Considering knowledge organization and representation as a theoretical line used by Information Science to face the subject approach to information, in a dialogical relation with subject cataloguing, indexing and analyse documentaire, this article carries out a domain-analysis of Scire journal (1995-2010) in order to identify the scientific production in the mentionned theoretical lines as well as their relationships. Scire constitutes an environment where members of the different paradigms have found an space to relate each other.


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The expansion of citizen participation in the public sphere depends directly of access information on the performance of elected representatives, especially with regard to their voting decisions during their terms. The Information Science can assist in this process, proposing and evaluating models of access to such information that may be obtained from data to be provided by the official websites from legislative, in levels federal, state and municipal. It is proposed in this paper to analyze the process of collecting and using of data about votes of senators in order to promote the use of this model in other spheres. From analyzed data a affinity matrix was developed to identifying the relationship between each of the parliamentary with others, based on the similarities of the decisions taken in all the open votes. It was also analyzed the development of initial visualizations and the extension of the scope of the search through the application of data obtained in all the affinities between parliamentarians and to obtain an average affinity between parties, enabling new dimensions of analysis to the data collected. The preparation of the full matrix of relations of affinity among parliamentarians can provide a new horizon of possibilities for developing new forms of visualization and analysis, increasing the visibility of parliamentary actions with society.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)