29 resultados para Respiration rate

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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This trial was carried out under laboratory conditions, with three lots of Iguacu soybean seeds, to determine the respiration rate by the titulation method. A randomized complete block design was used, with four repetitions, each one of them with 50 seeds and a control without seeds for each lot. The seeds were placed in gerbox with 40 mi of KOH 0.1N, on distilled water wet blotting paper for fixing the CO2 produced by seeds respiration. The material was placed in germinator at constant 25 degrees C for 16, 24 and 48 hours. After these periods, the titulation of the fixative solution was performed with HCl 0.1N to check the respiration rate. The most deteriorated seeds were those that presented the highest respiration rates, which were measured in mg of CO2/g of dry matter, when compared with the most vigorous lots. The titulation method was suitable for the evaluation of soybean seed respiration rate because the final results separated the lots in three different quality levels that were compatible with the results obtained from the accelerated aging and emergence.


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Bioprocesses using filamentous fungi immobilized in inert supports present many advantages when compared to conventional free cell processes. However, assessment of the real advantages of the unconventional process demands a rigorous study of the limitations to diffusional mass transfer of the reagents, especially concerning oxygen. In this work, a comparative study was carried out on the cephalosporin C production process in defined medium containing glucose and sucrose as main carbon and energy sources, by free and immobilized cells of Cephalosporium acremonium ATCC 48272 in calcium alginate gel beads containing alumina. The effective diffusivity of oxygen through the gel beads and the effectiveness factors related to the respiration rate of the microorganism were determined experimentally. By applying Monod kinetics, the respiration kinetics parameters were experimentally determined in independent experiments in a complete production medium. The effectiveness factor experimental values presented good agreement with the theoretical values of the approximated zero-order effectiveness factor, considering the dead core model. Furthermore, experimental results obtained with immobilized cells in a 1.7-L tower bioreactor were compared with those obtained in 5-L conventional fermenter with free cells. It could be concluded that it is possible to attain rather high production rates working with relatively large diameter gel beads (ca. 2.5 mm) and sucrose consumption-based productivity was remarkably higher with immobilized cells, i.e., 0.33 gCPC/kg sucrose/h against 0.24 gCPC/kg sucrose/h in the aerated stirred tank bioreactor process. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Devido às mudanças climáticas do planeta, principalmente ao aquecimento global, as formas de utilização dos solos na agricultura têm atraído grande atenção de pesquisadores. Mudanças de manejo podem influenciar a respiração do solo e, por conseguinte, alterar drasticamente o sequestro de C. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar, em semeadura direta, a influência da calagem nas emissões de CO2 do solo e correlacioná-las aos atributos químicos deste após dois anos da calagem. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com seis repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram de quatro doses de calcário e uma testemunha. Decorridos dois anos da calagem, avaliou-se a emissão residual de CO2 do solo, coletaram-se amostras nas camadas de 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 e 20-30 cm de profundidade e determinaram-se os teores de P, Ca2+ e Mg2+ e valores de pH e de saturação por bases. A emissão residual de CO2 do solo, quando a dose recomendada foi aplicada, foi 24,1 % superior, quando comparada à do solo sem aplicação de calcário, e 47,4 % maior, quando se aplicou o dobro da dose recomendada. A calagem melhorou as condições químicas do solo, e a emissão de CO2 aumentou linearmente com o aumento das doses. A emissão de CO2 do solo apresentou correlações positivas com os teores de P, Ca2+ e Mg2+ e com os valores de pH e de saturação por bases e negativas com os teores de H + Al e Al3+. Maiores coeficientes de correlação entre as taxas de emissão de CO2 do solo e os atributos químicos deste ocorreram na camada de 10-20 cm.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade pós-colheita de jabuticabas submetidas a diferentes temperaturas de armazenamento refrigerado (AR). Após a colheita, os frutos fisiologicamente maduros foram acondicionados em bandejas de poliestireno expandido (EPS), revestidas por filme plástico de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) e armazenados sob refrigeração a 0; 3; 6; 9 e 12 ± 1ºC e U.R. 87 ± 2%, sendo avaliados a cada 5 dias. Os frutos foram avaliados quanto à perda de massa, atividade respiratória, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, ácido ascórbico, textura, pectina total e solúvel, atividade da enzima polifenoloxidase (PFO), compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante. Para frutos refrigerados a 9 e 12ºC, o pico respiratório atrasou em relação aos demais tratamentos, além de apresentarem as menores taxas respiratórias. O teor de sólidos solúveis aumentou com o tempo de armazenamento para todas as temperaturas, contudo, em 9 e 12ºC, esse aumento foi em menor proporção. A firmeza e o teor de ácido ascórbico também foram superiores nos frutos armazenados a 9 e 12ºC, enquanto os contéudos de pectina solúvel foram menores. Observou-se a diminuição da atividade da enzima PFO ao longo dos 30 dias do AR, independentemente da temperatura utilizada; entretanto, os menores valores foram encontrados nos frutos mantidos a 9 e 12ºC. Os frutos armazenados a 12ºC apresentaram os maiores conteúdos de compostos fenólicos totais e a maior atividade antioxidante ao final do experimento. Nesse sentido, a temperatura de 12ºC foi a mais efetiva na manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita das jabuticabas.


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos da irradiação ultravioleta (254nm, UV-C) na conservação de pêssegos cultivar Douradão, aos 5; 10; 15 e 20 dias de armazenamento com o uso da refrigeração (0ºc e 75-85% de uR). os tratamentos foram: controle (0 minuto de exposição - 0 kj. m -2); T1 (5 minutos -1,85 kj. m -2); T2 (10 minutos - 3,71 kj. m -2); (15 minutos - 5,55 kj. m -2), e T4 (20 minutos - 7,52 kj. m -2). o delineamento experimental foi um esquema inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tempos de armazenamento: (0; 5; 10; 15 e 20 dias), com 3 repetições e 2 frutos por unidade experimental. os parâmetros avaliados foram: sólidos solúveis (SS); acidez titulável (AT); relação SS/AT Ratio; pH; firmeza da polpa, respiração e vida útil. Os pêssegos não apresentaram alteração do pH e da At durante o tempo de armazenamento.os melhores valores de SS e firmeza da polpa foram obtidos com o tratamento T4. A taxa respiratória foi menor em T4. As alterações de SS, firmeza da polpa e respiração apresentadas pelos frutos do tratamento T4 foram menores que aquelas dos demais tratamentos, demonstrando a eficácia do uso da irradiação ultravioleta.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to develop statistical models to predict respiratory heat loss in dairy cattle using simple physiological and environmental measurements, 15 Holstein cows were observed under field conditions in a tropical environment, in which the air temperature reached up to 40 ° C. The measurements of latent and sensible heat loss from the respiratory tract of the animals were made by using a respiratory mask. The results showed that under air temperatures between 10 and 35 ° C sensible heat loss by convection decreased from 8.24 to 1.09 W m(-2), while the latent heat loss by evaporation increased from 1.03 to 56.51 W m(-2). The evaporation increased together with the air temperature in almost a linear fashion until 20 ° C, but it became increasingly high as the air temperature rose above 25 ° C. Convection was a mechanism of minor importance for respiratory heat transfer. In contrast, respiratory evaporation was an effective means of thermoregulation for Holsteins in a hot environment. Mathematical models were developed to predict both the sensible and latent heat loss from the respiratory tract in Holstein cows under field conditions, based on measurements of the ambient temperature, and other models were developed to predict respiration rate, tidal volume, mass flow rate and expired air temperature as functions of the ambient temperature and other variables.


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Carambola fruit ('Fwang Tung') were picked at two stages of maturity: mature-green (50% yellow) and mature (100% yellow). Fruit were washed with water, dipped in NaOCl solution (200 mg.L-1 for 5 minutes), and stored over night at 10°C. Fruit were sliced manually in to pieces of approximately 1 cm thickness. Slices were rinsed with NaOCl solution at 20 mg.L-1, drained for 3 minutes, and packaged in polyethylene tereftalate (PET) trays provided with a fit cover (Neoform® N94). Packages were stored at 6.5°C and 85% RH for 9 days, and samples taken every 3 days for physical, chemical and biochemical analysis, respiration, and internal atmosphere composition. Immediately after cutting, slices at both stages of maturity showed a wounding response with a 5-fold increase in respiration rate. Polygalacturonase (PG) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity did not differ between stages of maturity. Despite the less mature stage being less preferred at the sensory evaluation owing to its greenish peel, the best stage of maturity for carambola fresh-cut production was mature-green, due to a higher resistance to cutting, and presenting a better colour and appearance maintenance for up to 9 days.


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The respiratory and storage behavior of fresh cut 'Tommy Atkins' mango, naturally ripened (NR) or with use of ethylene (RE), were studied. Fruits were selected, washed and disinfected (200 mgCl.L-1) and stored for 12 hours at 10°C. After this period, they were processed under hygienic conditions at 10°C, packaged in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) trays or in styrofoam trays wrapped with stretchable polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film and stored for up to 15 days at 3°C. The products were evaluated regarding the evolution of internal atmosphere in the packing (O2 and CO 2), development of weight, appearance, shelf life and consumer acceptability. The respiratory rate was measured before and after processing every two hours. The yield of 'Tommy Atkins' mango to produce fresh cut product was 48.09±0.95%. Increase of the respiration rate of both mango samples was verified one hour after the preparation (NR = 17.75 mL CO 2.kg-1.h-1; RE = 28.29 mL CO 2.kg-1.h-1), followed by stabilization at 3.76 and 8.07 mL CO2/kg.h, respectively. The percentage of O2 in packages was stable in all treatments, 15-20% in PVC trays, 18-20% in PET tray. The percentage of CO2 was steady around 1.5-2.5%. The products lost fresh mass during the storage, from 0.06% to 0.30% for PET trays and from 0.15% to 1.61% for trays covered with PVC. The appearance was considered appropriate for commercialization until the 13th day, whereas product from mangoes ripened with application of ethylene was for 11 days, presenting browning in the external surface. The naturally ripened mango presented the best flavor and consumer preference in relation to the mango ripened with application of ethylene for 11 days of storage. The control of hygienic conditions during the production and storage was good and with safety for until 10 days.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)