103 resultados para Residências

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Many studies had described the morbi-mortality related to medicines. As for the strategies to reduce the possible risks for medicine therapy is very important to readvise the pharmaceutical activity, once the pharmacist has potential for constitute an essential part for the solution of problems related to the utilization of medicines. The purpose of this work was to demonstrate that the therapeutic subdosage and the microbiological contamination may be directly involved with the inappropriate manipulation of medicines stored in residences. Liquid dosage forms containing dipyrone market in Brazil and stored at homes in Araraquara (SP) were analyzed regarding quantitative and microbiological analysis. Only in 57% from 128 samples analyzed the drug quantity was in accordance. Moreover, 26.2% from 128 samples analyzed presented S. aureus, E. coli and Salmonella sp. These results demonstrated clear reduction in their quality, as well as the presence of molds and/or bacteria in some medicines that still agreed with the expirations dates, showing the importance of the pharmacist in advising the correct use and store of medicines.


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Due to the high value of the bill that the Brazilian has been paying, one of the most expensive in the world, is becoming increasingly attractive the option for renewable energy in form of distributed micro and minigeneration. In other words, the renewable energy sources are becoming attractive not only because of environmental concerns, but also due to economic issues. This has become even more relevant and concrete after approval of rules by National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL) on 4/17/2012 (Normative Resolution n ° 482/2012 of 04/17/2012) aimed at reducing barriers to installation of small distributed generation, including microgeneration, with up to 100 kW of power, and minigeneration, 100 kW to 1 MW. The Normative Resolution n ° 482/2012 creates the Energy Clearing System, which allows consumers to install small generators in its consumer unit and exchange energy with the local distributor. The rule applies to generators that use renewable sources of energy (hydro, solar, biomass, wind and cogeneration qualified). In this context, this paper presents a technical and economic analysis of installing a residential microgenerating plant composed of photovoltaic cells, solar panels and small wind turbines


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This work presents a study of the absorption refrigeration system and the modeling and evaluation of two cycles using the binary solutions water-lithium bromide and ammonia-water for an equipment to be used in small size plants like residences. The study and evaluation aims the complete understanding of all parts of the system and the influence of each one of them as well as the spread of the knowledge to raise the use of this type of equipment in all sizes in order to decrease the energetic consumption of plants of all scales and making viable the alternative sources. The study is done in each element of the cycle separately and in some auxiliary equipments required in the operation such as the main power source, the solar collector. The software used for modeling, with emphasis on thermal part, was the EES (Engineering Equation Solver), that permitted the thermal balance calculus and acquisition of the used fluids properties. The results obtained for the equipment shows the system is more complex than the widely used in business, however, it can be viable and represents an alternative to increase the energetic efficiency


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This work, based in a patent request at INPI, protocol no. 020110035974, presents a system development using solar panels to supply the electricity demand required by punctual loads, without a storage unit or utility grid synchronism, through a control circuit that allows parallel operation with the power grid during low sunlight incidence periods. A study about solar panel construction and topologies for Power generation was done, in a atempt to evalute impacts in project. This development was modular, providing the system the possibility of power capacity expansion and load diversity as well, in an attempt to reduce the total energy requirements from the residential sector drained from the power grid along the day


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In this paper we discussed the possibility of installing a photovoltaic panel in a house in order to reduce electrical consumption. Brazil is a country with a huge solar resource and photovoltaic technology allows transforming solar energy into electricity, helping to decentralize energy production. To enlarge the field of view, the study compares with the equivalent in a Spanish city, discussing how the law favors the initiative of using this type of energy. It will be seen that, with the encouragement of the government, the project can be done because the installation is amortized over a reasonable period of time, about eight years in Spain and three in Brazil


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Water scarcity is becoming an increasing problem and more evident worldwide, rainwater utilization is characterized for being one of the simplest and cheapest solutions to preserve drinking water and is a known alternative technology and used to promote sustainability in buildings and reducing pressure on surface waters, it would also reduce runoff and can minimize flooding. The rainwater, while not potable may be used in potable water usage activities, and may thus saving 30 to 40% of potable water. In this work one can see the importance of the capture and use of rainwater (CAAC), bringing economy, to reduce consumption of potable water, reducing the problem of water shortage, and which methods and materials needed to cause its implementation. The work also promoted the characterization of rainwater in the city of Guaratinguetá (SP) and studied its potential use in public housing, calculating the volume needed for implementation of the tank and the cost to implement all rainwater utilization system, but because it is a region with a median rainfall index and the popular houses present an area of small water capitation, the result was not satisfactory. The cost for implementation was high and the financial return was well above average. The government should encourage and support more CAAC, as not thinking about the financial side is advisable to be widespread throughout the country, the benefits it can bring


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This paper focus to apply, to discuss and to propose the Maximum Harvesting Method improvement, regarding the method application, for household rainwater harvesting systems. For this purpose, the rainwater was considered to supply the flush toilet demand in a household for 3, 4, and 5 inhabitants. The 80, 120 and 200m2 catchments areas and the 0, 1, 2 and 4mm first flushes discharges were also considered. Further, the improvement suggestions for cistern volume calculus and volume/level dynamics variation in a period were presented and the results were compared applying the Simulation Analyses Method. The results indicate that the Maximum Harvesting Method could be applied and that the improvement proposal can be used to determinate the cistern volume as well to analyze the dynamic behavior of volume/level, constituting by itself a single tool to assist rainwater harvesting systems designers.


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It is known that a high microbial count can compromise the stability of medicines, thus reducing their therapeutic efficacy. This work tried to demonstrate that the microbial contamination can be directly related to the inadequate handling of the medicines stored in homes, making it possible to draw strategies to reduce the possible risks of medical therapy offering correct information and advising. The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of the medicines containing paracetamol found in the residences of Américo Brasiliense-SP, using the microbial analysis of non-sterile method described in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia (1988). The medicine samples (30 samples) were obtained directly from the interviewed local residents, who had received new medicine bottles of the same product. An analysis of viable microorganisms (bacteria and fungus) was carried out to identify pathogens found in the collected samples. Although 90% of the analyzed samples have shown some microbial contamination, the results indicated the absence of pathogenic microorganisms, and the total count of viable microorganisms was below the maximum value for non-sterile (104 UFC/g or mL). It was also verified that the local residents stored the medicines in appropriate places, according to the orientations received when they bought the medicines in pharmacies and drugstores, showing the importance of information for the correct use and conservation of pharmaceuticals.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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No Brasil, vemos surgir, a partir da década de setenta, diversas propostas inovadoras no campo da atenção à saúde mental. A partir de então, multiplicam-se no país ambulatórios de psicologia e psiquiatria, hospitais-dia, residências terapêuticas e diversos núcleos/centros de atenção psicossocial. Transformados em política pública, os centros de atenção psicossocial espalham-se pelo país, preconizando um atendimento ambulatorial, interdisciplinar e de orientação territorial. Geralmente formado sob os auspícios de um grande hospital, o psiquiatra que se propõe a trabalhar, a partir da ótica psicossocial, imerso em uma pequena cidade, vê-se exposto às diversas contradições e ilogicidades do discurso psiquiátrico clássico. Os variados saberes locais são uma ameaça ao saber psiquiátrico medicamente constituído. Respostas, antes fáceis no interior do hospital, têm variadas implicações no território e adquirem uma complexidade para a qual o psiquiatra não se encontra preparado. Assim, este trabalho tenta demonstrar a dissonância entre essas duas espécies de psiquiatria: a clássica (afinada com a biologia, com a normatividade e com a instituição) e a psicossocial (que se volta para respostas localmente construídas e que se afina com o homem, em uma dimensão muito além do seu corpo).


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Comportamentos socialmente habilidosos promovem o desenvolvimento, ao passo que problemas de comportamento dificultam o acesso a novas contingências de reforçamento, facilitadoras da aquisição de repertórios de aprendizagem. Esta pesquisa investiga avaliações maternas de repertórios socialmente desejados e indesejados de crianças que, segundo o professor, apresentam problemas de comportamento. Participaram mães de 24 crianças indicadas pelo professor como tendo problemas de comportamento e mães de 24 crianças indicadas como tendo comportamentos socialmente desejados. O Questionário de Comportamentos Socialmente Desejados e a Escala Comportamental Infantil de Rutter foram aplicados nas residências das participantes. Os resultados indicaram mais problemas de comportamento externalizante no grupo previamente indicado como tendo problemas; os grupos não diferiram quanto a comportamentos desejados. em ambos os grupos, as crianças obtiveram altos escores de comportamentos socialmente desejados, apontando reservas comportamentais. Também em ambos foram identificadas crianças que poderiam ser beneficiadas com programas para a promoção de interações sociais mais equilibradas, prevenindo problemas de comportamento.


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Este texto busca evidenciar a relação trabalho e saúde em um lócus determinado: a produção calçadista em Franca, interior do estado de São Paulo. A discussão privilegia o processo sócio-histórico da referida atividade econômica em Franca, com ênfase na reestruturação produtiva que, a partir na década de 1990, disseminou parte da produção para as residências dos trabalhadores, constituindo as denominadas Bancas de Pespontos e de Corte em Calçados. Desse modo, a partir do conhecimento empírico, subsidiado pelas visitas a estes empreendimentos e de entrevistas com os trabalhadores e ainda com um relato de caso, enfatiza-se as relações sociais de trabalho que podem agredir à saúde. Todavia, diante da informalidade acabam não sendo consideradas na relação entre saúde e a atividade funcional exercida, ficando estes infortúnios distantes das negociações coletivas, fiscalizações, ou seja, de possíveis mudanças.


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Most of the water supplies in Brasil have a low Fluoride concentration, however there are some places where these concentrations are above the recommended as suitable for human consumption, causing chronicle intoxication, more specifically, dental Fluorosis. This study aimed to know the Fluoride content naturally present in water from 175 shallow wells located in the rural zone of Gabriel Monteiro city, in São Paulo state, in 2004, and to verify if these contents could prevent dental decay. Armed with a map of the city were located and visited all households in which a sample of water used was collected in a polyethylene bottle, then sent to NEPESCO (Collective Health Research Nucleus) laboratory of the Post-Graduation Program of Preventive and Social Dentistry of the Ara atuba Dental School-UNESP, The method used was the Fluoride ion-specific electrode (Orion 9609 BN), coupled to an ion-analyzer (Orion 710 A). The results showed that in 73.36% of the samples in the Fluoride concentrations was considered despicable (<0.10 ppm F). The Fluoride concentration in water sources do not exceed the values recommended by Brazilian legislation, however, considering the low concentrations of Fluoride found in the sources analyzed, it is important to recommend the use of Fluoride products, if used with proper care, aiming to promote oral health in this population.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)