77 resultados para Radio de campus

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar/quantificar a produtividade científica dos docentes pertencentes à Universidade de Estadual Paulista (UNESP), campus de Marília/SP. Para cada professor, analisamos o número total de artigos na plataforma Lattes, no ISI Web of Science e no SCOPUS. Além disso, verificamos o total de livros publicados, capítulos de livros publicados e orientações em Programas de Pós-Graduação (PPG). A análise dos nove departamentos da Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências (FFC) mostrou que o Departamento de Ciências Políticas e Econômicas possui uma média elevada (21,42) de artigos na Plataforma Lattes, quando comparado aos outros departamentos. Entretanto, o Departamento de Fonoaudiologia apresentou médias mais altas em artigos indexados pelo ISI (2,61) e SCOPUS (4,39), bem como o índice-h, nessas plataformas. em relação aos programas de pós-graduação, o Departamento de Administração e Supervisão Escolar foi o que apresentou a maior média de orientações em andamento e/ou concluídas. O desempenho mais baixo, em relação aos artigos publicados pelo ISI e SCOPUS, pelos departamentos na área de Humanas/Humanidades pode estar associado às características do campo da concentração e da cobertura limitada do banco de dados ISI e SCOPUS, indicando que o índice-h é muito sensível ao campo de concentração.


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This investigation was carried out within the Parana sedimentary basin and involved the sampling of 78 pumped tubular wells for evaluating the hydrochemistry and radioactivity due to the nuclides (238)U, (234)U, (222)Ra, (226)Ra, and (228)Ra in the Brazilian part of Guarani aquifer. Several significant correlations were found involving the geostatic pressure, for instance, specific flow rate, CO(3)(2-), SO(4)(2-) temperature, dissolved O(2), free CO(2), pH, redox potential Eh, conductivity, Na, HCO(3)-, CO(3)(2-) , SI(calcite), Cl(-), F(-), SO(4)(2-), and B. Carbonates precipitation was evidenced by inverse correlation between CO(3)(2-) and Ca, Mg, Sr, and Ba, whereas Na exhibited an opposite trend, dissolving rather than precipitating with increasing CO(3)(2-) concentration. An inverse correlation between 3 and K was found, possibly related to the increasing tendency of K to recombine with the thickness of the clayey layers. HCO(3)-played an important role on Na, Ca, Mg, and Sr dissolution. The dissolved U content and (234)U/(238)U activity ratio data were plotted on a two-dimensional diagram that was successfully utilized on identifying an unreported zone of U accumulation, though not necessarily of economic size and grade. The variability in chemical and radionuclides data indicated an important influence of the underlying Paleozoic sediments in the composition of waters from Guarani aquifer. The available data allowed estimate the groundwater residence time by two U-isotopes disequilibrium methods. Values of 45-61 ka were initially calculated, depending on the adopted porosity (15-20%), but a longer residence time (- 640 ka) was also estimated, which is more compatible with the hydraulic conductivity data in Guarani aquifer and groundwater flow velocity occurring at Milk River aquifer, Alberta, Canada. Such time range agrees with previously reported (14)C ages exceeding 30 ka BP at the more central parts of the Parana sedimentary basin. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Radioluminescence (RL) emissions were obtained for the BaZrO3 self-assembled nanocrystals under decaoctahedral shape, if produced via microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. Trapped F centers created within the band gap are the result of order-disorder effects, which act as key factors supporting significant RL emission through a detrapping process. The influences of size and morphology on RL properties are take into account. No radiation damage or loss of emission intensity was observed. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O estudo foi desenvolvido no Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), localizado na Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul, no bioma Pampa. Aqui uma listagem de mamíferos é apresentada e são discutidas a ocupação espacial e estratégias de conservação da mastofauna local. Entre novembro de 2001 e outubro de 2002 foram registradas 26 espécies nativas e duas espécies exóticas (Lepus europaeus e Mus musculus) de mamíferos, distribuídas em 14 famílias. A maioria das espécies registradas apresenta ampla distribuição, é comumente associada a áreas abertas e apresenta tolerância a distúrbios antrópicos. Entretanto, também foram registradas espécies consideradas raras ou ameaçadas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Lontra longicaudis, Monodelphis dimidiata e Nyctinomops laticaudatus), para as quais são sugeridas estratégias de conservação. A baixa diversidade de espécies registrada no Campus pode estar relacionada à forte pressão de modificações antrópicas, à pequena extensão da área estudada ou a fatores históricos, já que a área de estudo é originalmente campestre (Pampa), tipo de ambiente que abriga menor diversidade de mamíferos que áreas de florestas nativas.


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O Planejamento Paisagístico do Campus da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) em Botucatu - SP, foi elaborado a partir de um Plano Diretor já existente e considerado o comportamento da paisagem, com edificações e circulações já estabelecidas, dando ênfase ao projeto de ajardinamento do entorno da Central de Salas de Aulas. Os objetivos principais do planejamento visam a proteção do solo, arborização adequada e ajardinamento do encontro dos prédios principais. O traçado proposto é simples, com a finalidade de dar uma escala humana ao Campus, considerando a necessidade dos usuários e de favorecer a utilização de máquinas para manutenção e tratos culturais, em face da pequena disponibilidade de mão-de-obra, sendo mais elaborado somente nos entornos dos prédios principais. A estrutura vegetal é formada de árvores, arbustos, gramados e outras forrações que foram selecionadas por sua rusticidade, resistência, aclimatação ao local e disponibilidade nos Viveiros Experimentais da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas-UNESP. Procurou-se utilizar, sempre que possível, espécies nativas


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This article reports on a series of experiments with polyethylene terepthalate (PET) treated in a radio frequency plasma reactor using argon and oxygen as a gas fuel, for treatment times equal to 5 s, 20 s, 30 s, and 100 s. The mechanical strength modification of PET fibers, evaluated by tensile tests on monofilaments, showed that oxygen and argon plasma treatment resulted in a decrease in the average tensile strength compared with the untreated fibers. This reduction in tensile strength is more significant for argon plasma and is very sensitive to the treatment time for oxygen plasma. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) used to analyze the effects of cold plasma treatment on fiber surfaces indicates differences in roughness profiles depending on the type of treatments, which were associated with variations in mechanical strength. Differences in the roughness profile, surveyed through an image analysis method, provided the distance of roughness interval, D-ri. This parameter represents the number of peaks contained in a unit length and was introduced to correlate fiber surface condition, before and after cold plasma treatments, and average tensile strength. Statistical analysis of experimental data, using Weibull cumulative distribution and linear representation, was performed to explain influences of treatment time and environmental effects on mechanical properties. The shape parameter, alpha, and density parameter, beta, from the Weibull distribution function were used to indicate the experimental data range and to confirm the mechanical performance obtained experimentally.


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Long-term monitoring of reintroduced individuals is a central component of many endangered species reintroduction programs. Radio-telemetry techniques are rarely used to monitor reintroduced captive-bred Cracids and few data exist regarding possible adverse effects of radio-tagging Cracids. In this study, we identify an appropriate radio transmitter design and develop a suitable attachment method that minimizes anthropogenic influence and enables long-term, post-release monitoring (2-3 years) of reintroduced captive-bred Red-billed Curassows in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. We also review studies about the effects of different VHF radio transmitter models on survival, reproduction, behavior, and physiology of Galliformes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this paper, a thermoeconomic analysis method based on the First and the Second Law of Thermodynamics and applied to analyse the replacement of an equipment of a cogeneration system is presented. The cogeneration system consists of a gas turbine linked to a waste boiler. The electrical demand of the campus is approximately 9 MW but the cogen system generates approximately one third of the university requirement as well as 1.764 kg/s of saturated steam (at 0.861 MPa), approximately, from a single fuel source. The energy-economic study showed that the best system, based on pay-back period and based on the maximum savings (in 10 years), was the system that used the gas turbine M1T-06 of Kawasaki Heavy Industries and the system that used the gas turbine CCS7 of Hitachi Zosen, respectively. The exergy-economic study showed that the best system, which has the lowest EMC, was the system that used the gas turbine ASE50 of Allied Signal. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The auto-radiography is a photographic method to registrate in sensitive emulsion the spatial distribution a rays emitted by radioisotopes of a sample or an object. The auto-radiography was applied to detect the presence of radioactive minerals in some samples of schists and gneisses from the Ticunzal Formation, Northeast Goiás State, aiming to implement the use of this technique in LABIDRO - Hydrochemistry and Isotopes Laboratory of the Department of Petrology and Metallogenesis, State University of São Paulo/Campus of Rio Claro.


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The plant-parasitic nematodes are responsible for serious injuries in roots and shoots of ornamental plants, reducing its beauty and consequently its economic value. This study aimed to ascertain the occurrence and distribution of plantparasitic nematodes through the analysis of the roots of ornamental and flowering plants at UNESP FCAV's landscape. The roots were collected from fifteen different species as follows: Anthurium andreannum, Rhododendron simsii, Impatiens walleriana, Calathea stromata, Cordyline terminalis, Dieffenbachia picta, Dracaena marginata, Ficus benjamina, Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation', Spathiphyllum wallisi 'American Beauty' and 'Mini', Odontonema strictum, Portulaca grandiflora, Strelitzia reginae, Tradescantia zebrina and Tradescantia pallida. Samples of roots were processed. The plant-parasitic nematodes identified in the samples were: Meloidogyne sp. (Anthurium andreannum, Calathea stromata, Dieffenbachia picta, Ficus benjamina, Impatiens walleriana, Odontonema strictum, Portulaca grandiflora, Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation'), Helicotylenchus dihystera (Calathea stromata, Dracaena marginata, Portulaca grandiflora, Spathiphyllum ortgiessi 'Sensation', Tradescantia pallida, Tradescantia zebrina), Tylenchus sp. (Anthurium andreannum, Calathea stromata, Cordyline terminalis, Dieffenbachia picta, Ficus benjamina, Rhododendron simsii), Aphelenchoides sp. (Dieffenbachia picta, Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation', S. wallisi 'American Beauty'), Rotylenchulus reniformis (Cordyline terminalis, Dracaena marginata, Odontonema strictum), Pratylenchus sp. (Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation', Spathiphyllum wallisi 'Mini'), Ditylenchus sp. (Spathiphyllum wallisi 'Mini'), Pratylenchus brachyurus (Tradescantia zebrina). The plant-parasitic nematodes weren't found in the roots of Strelitzia reginae.


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This study analyzes the particularities of Brazilian radio networks that adopt the all-news format and briefly presents the main national and international experiences for the implementation of the model and its conceptualization. Besides the bibliographic review, we use the multiple-case study, analyzing as the empirical objects CBN and BandNews FM networks. Also, we apply methodological procedures of systematic non-participant observation, supplemented by interviews and surveys. We conclude that the different all-news programming models and network organizations influence the processes of production, information structure, broadcasting language, and therefore the stations' profile. © 2011 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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This paper presents an evaluation of the curriculum subjects of the Biological Sciences course in the University of the State of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Nova Xavantina campus, Brazil. The research was carried out by means of a self-assessment instrument, aimed at searching learners' and educators' points of view. The questionnaires were given in the first, third and seventh semesters, in which students were asked to assess pedagogical aspects regarding professors and their didacticism, as well as the subject matters being taught; in addition, they were invited to evaluate themselves as learners. The data was analyzed using statistical parameters, in order to measure teaching performance, and, subsequently, professors were given the opportunity to express their concepts about the students' assessment. The average value of the overall Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.923±0.001, a significant value considering that alpha varies between 0 and 1, which proves the questionnaire to be reliable. The hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) does not permit teaching performance to be associated with professors' qualification or workload.